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import { expect } from 'chai';
import * as path from 'path';
import { promises as fs } from 'fs';
import { testfs } from 'mocha-pod';
import type { TestFs } from 'mocha-pod';
import { setTimeout } from 'timers/promises';
import { watch } from 'chokidar';
import * as updateLock from '~/lib/update-lock';
import { UpdatesLockedError } from '~/lib/errors';
import * as config from '~/src/config';
import * as lockfile from '~/lib/lockfile';
import { pathOnRoot, pathOnState } from '~/lib/host-utils';
import { mkdirp } from '~/lib/fs-utils';
import { takeGlobalLockRW } from '~/lib/process-lock';
describe('lib/update-lock', () => {
before(async () => {
await config.initialized();
beforeEach(async () => {
await config.set({ lockOverride: false });
describe('abortIfHUPInProgress', () => {
const breadcrumbFiles = [
const breadcrumbsDir = pathOnState();
const createBreadcrumb = (breadcrumb: string) =>
[path.join(breadcrumbsDir, breadcrumb)]: '',
before(async () => {
// Ensure the directory exists for all tests
await fs.mkdir(breadcrumbsDir, { recursive: true });
it('should throw if any breadcrumbs exist on host', async () => {
for (const bc of breadcrumbFiles) {
const testFs = await createBreadcrumb(bc);
await expect(updateLock.abortIfHUPInProgress({ force: false }))
.to.eventually.be.rejectedWith('Waiting for Host OS update to finish')
await testFs.restore();
it('should resolve to false if no breadcrumbs on host', async () => {
// check that there are no breadcrumbs already on the directory
expect(await fs.readdir(breadcrumbsDir)).to.have.lengthOf(0);
await expect(
updateLock.abortIfHUPInProgress({ force: false }),
it('should resolve to true if breadcrumbs are on host but force is passed', async () => {
for (const bc of breadcrumbFiles) {
const testFs = await createBreadcrumb(bc);
await expect(
updateLock.abortIfHUPInProgress({ force: true }),
await testFs.restore();
describe('Lock/dispose functionality', () => {
const testAppId = 1234567;
const testServiceName = 'test';
const supportedLockfiles = ['resin-updates.lock', 'updates.lock'];
const takeLocks = () =>
supportedLockfiles.map((lf) =>
path.join(lockdir(testAppId, testServiceName), lf),
const releaseLocks = async () => {
await Promise.all(
(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).map((lock) => lockfile.unlock(lock)),
// Remove any other lockfiles created for the testAppId
await Promise.all(
supportedLockfiles.map((lf) =>
lockfile.unlock(path.join(lockdir(testAppId, testServiceName), lf)),
const lockdir = (appId: number, serviceName: string): string =>
pathOnRoot(updateLock.lockPath(appId, serviceName));
const expectLocks = async (
exists: boolean,
msg?: string,
appId = testAppId,
serviceName = testServiceName,
) =>
fs.readdir(lockdir(appId, serviceName)),
).to.eventually.deep.equal(exists ? supportedLockfiles : []);
before(async () => {
// Ensure the directory is available for all tests
await fs.mkdir(lockdir(testAppId, testServiceName), {
recursive: true,
afterEach(async () => {
// Cleanup all locks between tests
await releaseLocks();
it('should take the lock, run the function, then dispose of locks', async () => {
await expectLocks(
'locks should not exist before the lock is taken',
await expect(
updateLock.lock(testAppId, { force: false }, () =>
// At this point the locks should be taken and not removed
// until this function has been resolved
expectLocks(true, 'lockfiles should exist while the lock is active'),
await expectLocks(
'locks should not exist after the lock is released',
it('should throw UpdatesLockedError if lockfiles exists', async () => {
// Take the locks before testing
await takeLocks();
await expectLocks(true, 'locks should exist before the lock is taken');
await updateLock
.lock(testAppId, { force: false }, () =>
'the lock function should not invoke the callback if locks are taken',
.catch((err) => expect(err).to.be.instanceOf(UpdatesLockedError));
// Since the lock-taking with `nobody` uid failed, there should be no locks to dispose of
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.have.length(0);
// Restore the locks that were taken at the beginning of the test
await releaseLocks();
it('should dispose of taken locks on any other errors', async () => {
await expectLocks(false, 'locks should not exist before lock is called');
await expect(
{ force: false },
// At this point 2 lockfiles have been written, so this is testing
// that even if the function rejects, lockfiles will be disposed of
() =>
'locks should be owned by the calling function',
).then(() => Promise.reject('Test error')),
).to.be.rejectedWith('Test error');
await expectLocks(
'locks should be removed if an error happens within the lock callback',
it('locks all applications before resolving input function', async () => {
const appIds = [111, 222, 333];
// Set up necessary lock directories
await Promise.all(
appIds.map((id) =>
fs.mkdir(lockdir(id, testServiceName), { recursive: true }),
await expect(
updateLock.lock(appIds, { force: false }, () =>
// At this point the locks should be taken and not removed
// until this function has been resolved
// Both `updates.lock` and `resin-updates.lock` should have been taken
appIds.map((appId) =>
`locks for app(${appId}) should exist`,
// Everything that was locked should have been unlocked after function resolves
await Promise.all(
appIds.map((appId) =>
`locks for app(${appId}) should have been released`,
).finally(() =>
// In case the above fails, we need to make sure to cleanup the lockdir
.map((appId) =>
supportedLockfiles.map((lf) =>
lockfile.unlock(path.join(lockdir(appId, testServiceName), lf)),
it('resolves input function without locking when appId is null', async () => {
await takeLocks();
await expect(
updateLock.lock(null as any, { force: false }, () => Promise.resolve()),
await expectLocks(
'locks should not be touched by an unrelated lock() call',
await releaseLocks();
it('unlocks lockfile to resolve function if force option specified', async () => {
await takeLocks();
await expect(
updateLock.lock(testAppId, { force: true }, () =>
'locks should be deleted and taken again by the lock() call',
await expectLocks(
'using force gave lock ownership to the callback, so they should now be deleted',
it('unlocks lockfile to resolve function if lockOverride option specified', async () => {
await takeLocks();
// Change the configuration
await config.set({ lockOverride: true });
await expect(
updateLock.lock(testAppId, { force: false }, () =>
'locks should be deleted and taken again by the lock() call because of the override',
await expectLocks(
'using lockOverride gave lock ownership to the callback, so they should now be deleted',
describe('getLocksTaken', () => {
const lockdir = pathOnRoot(updateLock.BASE_LOCK_DIR);
before(async () => {
await testfs({
[lockdir]: {},
// TODO: enable mocha-pod to work with empty directories
await fs.mkdir(`${lockdir}/123/main`, { recursive: true });
await fs.mkdir(`${lockdir}/123/aux`, { recursive: true });
await fs.mkdir(`${lockdir}/123/invalid`, { recursive: true });
after(async () => {
await fs.rm(`${lockdir}/123`, { recursive: true });
await testfs.restore();
it('resolves with all locks taken with the Supervisor lockfile UID', async () => {
// Set up valid lockfiles including some directories
await Promise.all(
['resin-updates.lock', 'updates.lock'].map((lf) => {
const p = `${lockdir}/123/main/${lf}`;
return fs
.then(() =>
fs.chown(p, updateLock.LOCKFILE_UID, updateLock.LOCKFILE_UID),
await Promise.all([
// Set up invalid lockfiles with root UID
await Promise.all(
['resin-updates.lock', 'updates.lock'].map((lf) =>
const locksTaken = await updateLock.getLocksTaken();
describe('getServicesLockedByAppId', () => {
const lockdir = pathOnRoot(updateLock.BASE_LOCK_DIR);
const validDirs = [
const validPaths = ['resin-updates.lock', 'updates.lock']
.map((lf) => validDirs.map((d) => path.join(d, lf)))
const invalidPaths = [
// No appId
// No service
// No appId or service
// One of (resin-)updates.lock is missing
let tFs: TestFs.Enabled;
beforeEach(async () => {
tFs = await testfs({
[lockdir]: {},
// TODO: mocha-pod should support empty directories
await Promise.all(
.map((p) => fs.mkdir(path.dirname(p), { recursive: true })),
afterEach(async () => {
await Promise.all(
.map((p) => fs.rm(path.dirname(p), { recursive: true })),
await tFs.restore();
it('should return locks taken by appId', async () => {
// Set up lockfiles
await Promise.all(
validPaths.map((p) => lockfile.lock(p, updateLock.LOCKFILE_UID)),
const locksTakenMap = await updateLock.getServicesLockedByAppId();
123, 456, 789,
// Should register as locked if only `updates.lock` is present
// Should register as locked if only `resin-updates.lock` is present
// Cleanup lockfiles
await Promise.all(validPaths.map((p) => lockfile.unlock(p)));
it('should ignore invalid lockfile locations', async () => {
// Set up lockfiles
await Promise.all(
invalidPaths.map((p) => lockfile.lock(p, updateLock.LOCKFILE_UID)),
// Take another lock with an invalid UID but with everything else
// (appId, service, both lockfiles present) correct
await Promise.all(
['resin-updates.lock', 'updates.lock'].map((lf) =>
lockfile.lock(path.join(`${lockdir}/789/main`, lf)),
expect((await updateLock.getServicesLockedByAppId()).size).to.equal(0);
// Cleanup lockfiles
await Promise.all(invalidPaths.map((p) => lockfile.unlock(p)));
describe('composition step actions', () => {
const lockdir = pathOnRoot(updateLock.BASE_LOCK_DIR);
const serviceLockPaths = {
1: [
2: [
describe('takeLock', () => {
let testFs: TestFs.Enabled;
beforeEach(async () => {
testFs = await testfs(
{ cleanup: [path.join(lockdir, '*', '*', '**.lock')] },
// TODO: Update mocha-pod to work with creating empty directories
await mkdirp(path.join(lockdir, '1', 'server'));
await mkdirp(path.join(lockdir, '1', 'client'));
await mkdirp(path.join(lockdir, '2', 'main'));
afterEach(async () => {
await testFs.restore();
await fs.rm(path.join(lockdir, '1'), { recursive: true });
await fs.rm(path.join(lockdir, '2'), { recursive: true });
it('takes locks for a list of services for an appId', async () => {
// Take locks for appId 1
await updateLock.takeLock(1, ['server', 'client']);
// Locks should have been taken
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.deep.include.members(
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.have.length(4);
await fs.readdir(path.join(lockdir, '1', 'server')),
).to.include.members(['updates.lock', 'resin-updates.lock']);
await fs.readdir(path.join(lockdir, '1', 'client')),
).to.include.members(['updates.lock', 'resin-updates.lock']);
// Take locks for appId 2
await updateLock.takeLock(2, ['main']);
// Locks should have been taken for appid 1 & 2
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.deep.include.members([
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.have.length(6);
await fs.readdir(path.join(lockdir, '2', 'main')),
// Clean up the lockfiles
for (const lockPath of serviceLockPaths[1].concat(
)) {
await lockfile.unlock(lockPath);
it('creates lock directory recursively if it does not exist', async () => {
// Take locks for app with nonexistent service directories
await updateLock.takeLock(3, ['api']);
// Locks should have been taken
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.deep.include(
path.join(lockdir, '3', 'api', 'updates.lock'),
path.join(lockdir, '3', 'api', 'resin-updates.lock'),
// Directories should have been created
expect(await fs.readdir(path.join(lockdir))).to.deep.include.members([
await fs.readdir(path.join(lockdir, '3')),
// Clean up the lockfiles & created directories
await lockfile.unlock(path.join(lockdir, '3', 'api', 'updates.lock'));
await lockfile.unlock(
path.join(lockdir, '3', 'api', 'resin-updates.lock'),
await fs.rm(path.join(lockdir, '3'), { recursive: true });
it('should not take lock for services where Supervisor-taken lock already exists', async () => {
// Take locks for one service of appId 1
await lockfile.lock(serviceLockPaths[1][0], updateLock.LOCKFILE_UID);
await lockfile.lock(serviceLockPaths[1][1], updateLock.LOCKFILE_UID);
// Sanity check that locks are taken & tracked by Supervisor
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.deep.include(
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.have.length(2);
// Take locks using takeLock, should only lock service which doesn't
// already have locks
await expect(
updateLock.takeLock(1, ['server', 'client']),
// Check that locks are taken
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.deep.include.members(
// Clean up lockfiles
for (const lockPath of serviceLockPaths[1]) {
await lockfile.unlock(lockPath);
it('should error if service has a non-Supervisor-taken lock', async () => {
// Simulate a user service taking the lock for services with appId 1
for (const lockPath of serviceLockPaths[1]) {
await fs.writeFile(lockPath, '');
// Take locks using takeLock, should error
await expect(
updateLock.takeLock(1, ['server', 'client']),
// No Supervisor locks should have been taken
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.have.length(0);
// Clean up user-created lockfiles
for (const lockPath of serviceLockPaths[1]) {
await fs.rm(lockPath);
// Take locks using takeLock, should not error
await expect(
updateLock.takeLock(1, ['server', 'client']),
// Check that locks are taken
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.deep.include.members(
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.have.length(4);
// Clean up lockfiles
for (const lockPath of serviceLockPaths[1]) {
await lockfile.unlock(lockPath);
it('should take locks if service has non-Supervisor-taken lock and force is true', async () => {
// Simulate a user service taking the lock for services with appId 1
for (const lockPath of serviceLockPaths[1]) {
await fs.writeFile(lockPath, '');
// Take locks using takeLock & force, should not error
await updateLock.takeLock(1, ['server', 'client'], true);
// Check that locks are taken
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.deep.include(
// Clean up lockfiles
for (const lockPath of serviceLockPaths[1]) {
await lockfile.unlock(lockPath);
it('waits to take locks until resource write lock is taken', async () => {
// Take the write lock for appId 1
const release = await takeGlobalLockRW(1);
// Queue takeLock, won't resolve until the write lock is released
const takeLockPromise = updateLock.takeLock(1, ['server', 'client']);
// Locks should have not been taken even after waiting
await setTimeout(500);
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.have.length(0);
// Release the write lock
// Locks should be taken
await takeLockPromise;
// Locks should have been taken
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.deep.include.members(
it('should release locks when takeLock step errors to return services to unlocked state', async () => {
const svcs = ['server', 'client'];
// Take lock for second service of two services
await lockfile.lock(`${lockdir}/1/${svcs[1]}/updates.lock`);
expect(await lockfile.getLocksTaken(lockdir)).to.deep.include.members([
// Watch for added files, as Supervisor-taken locks should be added
// then removed within updateLock.takeLock
const addedFiles: string[] = [];
const watcher = watch(lockdir).on('add', (p) => addedFiles.push(p));
// updateLock.takeLock should error
await expect(updateLock.takeLock(1, svcs, false)).to.be.rejectedWith(
// Service without user lock should have been locked by Supervisor..
// ..but upon error, Supervisor-taken locks should have been cleaned up
await lockfile.getLocksTaken(lockdir),
// User lock should be left behind
expect(await lockfile.getLocksTaken(lockdir)).to.deep.include.members([
// Clean up watcher
await watcher.close();
describe('releaseLock', () => {
let testFs: TestFs.Enabled;
beforeEach(async () => {
testFs = await testfs(
{ cleanup: [path.join(lockdir, '*', '*', '**.lock')] },
// TODO: Update mocha-pod to work with creating empty directories
await mkdirp(`${lockdir}/1/server`);
await mkdirp(`${lockdir}/1/client`);
await mkdirp(`${lockdir}/2/main`);
afterEach(async () => {
await testFs.restore();
await fs.rm(`${lockdir}/1`, { recursive: true });
await fs.rm(`${lockdir}/2`, { recursive: true });
it('releases locks for an appId', async () => {
// Lock services for appId 1
for (const lockPath of serviceLockPaths[1]) {
await lockfile.lock(lockPath, updateLock.LOCKFILE_UID);
// Sanity check that locks are taken & tracked by Supervisor
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.deep.include.members(
// Release locks for appId 1
await updateLock.releaseLock(1);
// Locks should have been released
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.have.length(0);
// Double check that the lockfiles are removed
expect(await fs.readdir(`${lockdir}/1/server`)).to.have.length(0);
expect(await fs.readdir(`${lockdir}/1/client`)).to.have.length(0);
it('does not error if there are no locks to release', async () => {
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.have.length(0);
// Should not error
await updateLock.releaseLock(1);
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.have.length(0);
it('ignores locks outside of appId scope', async () => {
const lockPath = `${lockdir}/2/main/updates.lock`;
// Lock services outside of appId scope
await lockfile.lock(lockPath, updateLock.LOCKFILE_UID);
// Sanity check that locks are taken & tracked by Supervisor
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.deep.include.members([
// Release locks for appId 1
await updateLock.releaseLock(1);
// Locks for appId 2 should not have been released
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.deep.include.members([
// Double check that the lockfile is still there
expect(await fs.readdir(`${lockdir}/2/main`)).to.have.length(1);
// Clean up the lockfile
await lockfile.unlock(lockPath);
it('waits to release locks until resource write lock is taken', async () => {
// Lock services for appId 1
for (const lockPath of serviceLockPaths[1]) {
await lockfile.lock(lockPath, updateLock.LOCKFILE_UID);
// Sanity check that locks are taken & tracked by Supervisor
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.deep.include.members(
// Take the write lock for appId 1
const release = await takeGlobalLockRW(1);
// Queue releaseLock, won't resolve until the write lock is released
const releaseLockPromise = updateLock.releaseLock(1);
// Locks should have not been released even after waiting
await setTimeout(500);
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.deep.include.members(
// Release the write lock
// Release locks for appId 1 should resolve
await releaseLockPromise;
// Locks should have been released
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.have.length(0);