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synced 2025-02-14 23:12:10 +00:00
204 lines
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204 lines
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Docker = require 'dockerode'
Promise = require 'bluebird'
config = require './config'
JSONStream = require 'JSONStream'
es = require 'event-stream'
_ = require 'lodash'
knex = require './db'
request = require './request'
docker = Promise.promisifyAll(new Docker(socketPath: config.dockerSocket))
# Hack dockerode to promisify internal classes' prototypes
exports.docker = docker
do ->
# Keep track of the images being fetched, so we don't clean them up whilst fetching.
imagesBeingFetched = 0
exports.fetchImage = (image) ->
docker.createImageAsync(fromImage: image)
.then (stream) ->
return new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
if stream.headers['content-type'] is 'application/json'
stream.pipe es.wait (error, text) ->
if error
stream.on('end', resolve)
.finally ->
# Pull docker image returning a stream that reports progress
# This is less safe than fetchImage and shouldnt be used for supervisor updates
exports.fetchImageWithProgress = (image, progressUpdates) ->
docker.createImageAsync(fromImage: image)
.then (stream) ->
return new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
stream.on('error', reject)
.on('error', reject)
.pipe es.mapSync (data) ->
if data.error?
else if data.totalProgress?
.on('end', resolve)
.finally ->
exports.cleanupContainersAndImages = ->
.map (app) ->
app.imageId + ':latest'
.then (apps) ->
# Cleanup containers first, so that they don't block image removal.
supervisorImages = [ "#{config.localImage}:latest", "#{config.remoteImage}:latest" ]
docker.listContainersAsync(all: true)
.filter (containerInfo) ->
isUserApp = _.contains(apps, containerInfo.Image)
isSupervisor = _.contains(supervisorImages, containerInfo.Image)
isRunning = !!containerInfo.Status
not (isUserApp or (isSupervisor and isRunning))
.map (containerInfo) ->
.then ->
console.log('Deleted container:', containerInfo.Id, containerInfo.Image)
.catch (err) ->
console.log('Error deleting container:', containerInfo.Id, containerInfo.Image, err)
.then ->
# And then clean up the images, as long as we aren't currently trying to fetch any.
return if imagesBeingFetched > 0
.filter (image) ->
!_.any image.RepoTags, (imageId) ->
_.contains(apps, imageId)
.map (image) ->
.then ->
console.log('Deleted image:', image.Id, image.RepoTags)
.catch (err) ->
console.log('Error deleting image:', image.Id, image.RepoTags, err)
# Return true if an image exists in the local docker repository, false otherwise.
exports.imageExists = imageExists = (imageId) ->
image = docker.getImage(imageId)
image.inspectAsync().then ->
return true
.catch (e) ->
return false
# Get the id of an image on a given registry and tag.
exports.getImageId = getImageId = (registry, imageName, tag='latest') ->
.spread (res, data) ->
if res.statusCode == 404
throw new Error("No such image #{imageName} on registry #{registry}")
if res.statusCode >= 400
throw new Error("Failed to get image tags of #{imageName} from #{registry}. Status code: #{res.statusCode}")
tags = JSON.parse(data)
return tags[tag]
# Return the ids of the layers of an image.
exports.getImageHistory = getImageHistory = (registry, imageId) ->
.spread (res, data) ->
if res.statusCode >= 400
throw new Error("Failed to get image ancestry of #{imageId} from #{registry}. Status code: #{res.statusCode}")
history = JSON.parse(data)
return history
# Return the number of bytes docker has to download to pull this image (or layer).
# If the image is already downloaded, then 0 is returned.
exports.getImageDownloadSize = getImageDownloadSize = (registry, imageId) ->
.then (exists) ->
if exists
return 0
.spread (res, data) ->
if res.statusCode >= 400
throw new Error("Failed to get image download size of #{imageId} from #{registry}. Status code: #{res.statusCode}")
return parseInt(res.headers['x-docker-size'])
# Get download size of the layers of an image.
# The object returned has layer ids as keys and their download size as values.
# Download size is the size that docker will download if the image will be pulled now.
# If some layer is already downloaded, it will return 0 size for that layer.
exports.getLayerDownloadSizes = getLayerDownloadSizes = (image, tag='latest') ->
{registry, imageName} = getRegistryAndName(image)
imageSizes = {}
getImageId(registry, imageName, tag)
.then (imageId) ->
getImageHistory(registry, imageId)
.map (layerId) ->
getImageDownloadSize(registry, layerId).then (size) ->
imageSizes[layerId] = size
# Return percentage from current completed/total, handling edge cases.
# Null total is considered an unknown total and 0 percentage is returned.
calculatePercentage = (completed, total) ->
if not total?
percentage = 0 # report 0% if unknown total size
else if total is 0
percentage = 100 # report 100% if 0 total size
percentage = (100 * completed) // total
return percentage
# Separate string containing registry and image name into its parts.
# Example: registry.staging.resin.io/resin/rpi
# { registry: "registry.staging.resin.io", imageName: "resin/rpi" }
getRegistryAndName = (image) ->
[ m, registry, imageName ] = image.match(/(.+[:.].+)\/(.+\/.+)/)
if not registry
throw new Error("Expected image name to include registry domain name")
if not imageName
throw new Error("Invalid image name, expected domain.tld/repo/image format.")
return {registry, imageName}
# Create a stream that transforms docker pull output
# to include total progress metrics.
# The docker pull output should be piped to this stream as separate javascript objects.
# Stream:
# { status: "status", progressDetail: { current } }
# =>
# { status: "status", progressDetail: { current }, totalProgress: { downloadedSize, totalSize, percentage } }
pullProgressStream = (image) ->
totalSize = 0
completedSize = 0
currentSize = 0
sizePromise = getLayerDownloadSizes(image).tap (layerSizes) ->
totalSize = _.reduce(layerSizes, ((t,x) -> t+x), 0)
es.map (pull, callback) ->
sizePromise.then (layerSizes) ->
if pull.status == 'Downloading'
currentSize = pull.progressDetail.current
else if pull.status == 'Download complete'
shortId = pull.id
longId = _.find(_.keys(layerSizes), (id) -> id.indexOf(shortId) is 0)
if longId?
completedSize += layerSizes[longId]
currentSize = 0
layerSizes[longId] = 0 # make sure we don't count this layer again
console.log 'Progress error: Unknown layer ' + id + ' downloaded by docker. Progress not correct.'
totalSize = null
downloadedSize = completedSize + currentSize
percentage = calculatePercentage(downloadedSize, totalSize)
pull.totalProgress = { downloadedSize, totalSize, percentage }
callback(null, pull)
.catch (e) ->
callback(null, { error: e.message })