Felipe Lalanne 6ee606806d Fix docker utils tests for docker v25
From docker 25, the engine will validate IPAM config. This would cause
the docker utils test to fail since the network/subnet configuration was

Change-type: patch
2024-01-25 15:05:12 -03:00

169 lines
4.4 KiB

import { expect } from 'chai';
import { stub } from 'sinon';
import * as dockerUtils from '~/lib/docker-utils';
import { createDockerImage, cleanupDocker } from '~/test-lib/docker-helper';
import * as Docker from 'dockerode';
describe('lib/docker-utils', () => {
const docker = new Docker();
describe('getNetworkGateway', async () => {
before(async () => {
// Remove network if it already exists
await cleanupDocker(docker);
await docker.createNetwork({
Name: 'supervisor0',
Options: {
'': 'supervisor0',
Driver: 'default',
Config: [
Gateway: '',
Subnet: '',
after(async () => {
await cleanupDocker(docker);
// test using existing data...
it('should return the correct gateway address for supervisor0', async () => {
const gateway = await dockerUtils.getNetworkGateway('supervisor0');
it('should return the correct gateway address for host', async () => {
const gateway = await dockerUtils.getNetworkGateway('host');
describe('getImageEnv', () => {
before(async () => {
await createDockerImage('test-image', ['io.balena.testing=1'], docker, [
'ENV TEST_VAR_1=1234',
'ENV TEST_VAR_2=5678',
after(async () => {
await docker.pruneImages({ filters: { dangling: { false: true } } });
// test using existing data...
it('should return the correct image environment', async () => {
const obj = await dockerUtils.getImageEnv('test-image');
describe('isV2DeltaImage', () => {
it('should correctly detect a V2 delta', async () => {
// INFO: we still use the stub here. V2 deltas should eventually go away and there is no
// really easy way to create a real image that simulates a v2 delta.
const imageStub = stub(dockerUtils.docker, 'getImage').returns({
inspect: () => {
return Promise.resolve({
Id: 'sha256:34ec91fe6e08cb0f867bbc069c5f499d39297eb8e874bb8ce9707537d983bcbc',
RepoTags: [],
RepoDigests: [],
Parent: '',
Comment: '',
Created: '2019-12-05T10:20:51.516Z',
Container: '',
ContainerConfig: {
Hostname: '',
Domainname: '',
User: '',
AttachStdin: false,
AttachStdout: false,
AttachStderr: false,
Tty: false,
OpenStdin: false,
StdinOnce: false,
Env: null,
Cmd: null,
Image: '',
Volumes: null,
WorkingDir: '',
Entrypoint: null,
OnBuild: null,
Labels: null,
DockerVersion: '',
Author: '',
Config: {
Hostname: '7675a23f4fdc',
Domainname: '',
User: '',
AttachStdin: false,
AttachStdout: false,
AttachStderr: false,
Tty: false,
OpenStdin: false,
StdinOnce: false,
Env: [
Cmd: [
"while true; do echo 'hello'; sleep 10; done;",
ArgsEscaped: true,
Volumes: {
'/sys/fs/cgroup': {},
WorkingDir: '',
Entrypoint: ['/usr/bin/'],
OnBuild: [],
Labels: {
'io.resin.architecture': 'amd64',
'io.resin.device-type': 'intel-nuc',
StopSignal: '37',
Architecture: '',
Os: 'linux',
Size: 17,
VirtualSize: 17,
GraphDriver: {
Data: null,
Name: 'aufs',
RootFS: {
Type: 'layers',
Layers: [
Metadata: {
LastTagTime: '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z',
} as any);
expect(await dockerUtils.isV2DeltaImage('test'));