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synced 2025-01-22 04:18:10 +00:00
i.e. if we're not provisioned or if the target state is empty (of apps), then we read apps.json to preload. We then mark that the target state has been set to avoid trying to preload again if we ever get an empty target state from the API. Change-type: patch Signed-off-by: Pablo Carranza Velez <pablo@balena.io>
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import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird';
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import { Transaction } from 'knex';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import { generateUniqueKey } from 'resin-register-device';
import ConfigJsonConfigBackend from './config/configJson';
import { ConfigProviderFunctions, createProviderFunctions } from './config/functions';
import * as constants from './lib/constants';
import { ConfigMap, ConfigSchema, ConfigValue } from './lib/types';
import DB = require('./db');
interface ConfigOpts {
db: DB;
configPath: string;
class Config extends EventEmitter {
private db: DB;
private configJsonBackend: ConfigJsonConfigBackend;
private providerFunctions: ConfigProviderFunctions;
public schema: ConfigSchema = {
apiEndpoint: { source: 'config.json' },
apiTimeout: { source: 'config.json', default: 15 * 60 * 1000 },
listenPort: { source: 'config.json', default: 48484 },
deltaEndpoint: { source: 'config.json', default: 'https://delta.resin.io' },
uuid: { source: 'config.json', mutable: true },
apiKey: { source: 'config.json', mutable: true, removeIfNull: true },
deviceApiKey: { source: 'config.json', mutable: true },
deviceType: { source: 'config.json', default: 'raspberry-pi' },
username: { source: 'config.json' },
userId: { source: 'config.json' },
deviceId: { source: 'config.json', mutable: true },
registered_at: { source: 'config.json', mutable: true },
applicationId: { source: 'config.json' },
appUpdatePollInterval: { source: 'config.json', mutable: true, default: 60000 },
mixpanelToken: { source: 'config.json', default: constants.defaultMixpanelToken },
bootstrapRetryDelay: { source: 'config.json', default: 30000 },
supervisorOfflineMode: { source: 'config.json', default: false },
hostname: { source: 'config.json', mutable: true },
persistentLogging: { source: 'config.json', default: false, mutable: true },
version: { source: 'func' },
currentApiKey: { source: 'func' },
offlineMode: { source: 'func' },
provisioned: { source: 'func' },
osVersion: { source: 'func' },
osVariant: { source: 'func' },
provisioningOptions: { source: 'func' },
mixpanelHost: { source: 'func' },
extendedEnvOptions: { source: 'func' },
fetchOptions: { source: 'func' },
// NOTE: all 'db' values are stored and loaded as *strings*,
apiSecret: { source: 'db', mutable: true },
name: { source: 'db', mutable: true },
initialConfigReported: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: 'false' },
initialConfigSaved: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: 'false' },
containersNormalised: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: 'false' },
localMode: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: 'false' },
loggingEnabled: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: 'true' },
connectivityCheckEnabled: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: 'true' },
delta: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: 'false' },
deltaRequestTimeout: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: '30000' },
deltaApplyTimeout: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: '' },
deltaRetryCount: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: '30' },
deltaRetryInterval: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: '10000' },
deltaVersion: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: '2' },
lockOverride: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: 'false' },
legacyAppsPresent: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: 'false' },
// a JSON value, which is either null, or { app: number, commit: string }
pinDevice: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: 'null' },
currentCommit: { source: 'db', mutable: true },
targetStateSet: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: 'false' },
public constructor({ db, configPath }: ConfigOpts) {
this.db = db;
this.configJsonBackend = new ConfigJsonConfigBackend(this.schema, configPath);
this.providerFunctions = createProviderFunctions(this);
public init(): Bluebird<void> {
return this.configJsonBackend.init()
.then(() => {
return this.generateRequiredFields();
public get(key: string, trx?: Transaction): Bluebird<ConfigValue> {
const db = trx || this.db.models.bind(this.db);
return Bluebird.try(() => {
if (this.schema[key] == null) {
throw new Error(`Unknown config value ${key}`);
switch(this.schema[key].source) {
case 'func':
return this.providerFunctions[key].get()
.catch((e) => {
console.error(`Error getting config value for ${key}`, e, e.stack);
return null;
case 'config.json':
return this.configJsonBackend.get(key);
case 'db':
return db('config').select('value').where({ key })
.then(([ conf ]: [{ value: string }]) => {
if (conf != null) {
return conf.value;
.then((value) => {
const schemaEntry = this.schema[key];
if (value == null && schemaEntry != null && schemaEntry.default != null) {
return schemaEntry.default;
return value;
public getMany(keys: string[], trx?: Transaction): Bluebird<ConfigMap> {
return Bluebird.map(keys, (key: string) => this.get(key, trx))
.then((values) => {
return _.zipObject(keys, values);
public set(keyValues: ConfigMap, trx?: Transaction): Bluebird<void> {
return Bluebird.try(() => {
// Split the values based on which storage backend they use
type SplitConfigBackend = { configJsonVals: ConfigMap, dbVals: ConfigMap, fnVals: ConfigMap };
const { configJsonVals, dbVals, fnVals }: SplitConfigBackend = _.reduce(keyValues, (acc: SplitConfigBackend, val, key) => {
if (this.schema[key] == null || !this.schema[key].mutable) {
throw new Error(`Config field ${key} not found or is immutable in config.set`);
if (this.schema[key].source === 'config.json') {
acc.configJsonVals[key] = val;
} else if (this.schema[key].source === 'db') {
acc.dbVals[key] = val;
} else if (this.schema[key].source === 'func') {
acc.fnVals[key] = val;
} else {
throw new Error(`Unknown config backend for key: ${key}, backend: ${this.schema[key].source}`);
return acc;
}, { configJsonVals: { }, dbVals: { }, fnVals: { } });
// Set these values, taking into account the knex transaction
const setValuesInTransaction = (tx: Transaction): Bluebird<void> => {
const dbKeys = _.keys(dbVals);
return this.getMany(dbKeys, tx)
.then((oldValues) => {
return Bluebird.map(dbKeys, (key: string) => {
const value = dbVals[key];
if (oldValues[key] !== value) {
return this.db.upsertModel('config', { key, value }, { key }, tx);
.then(() => {
return Bluebird.map(_.toPairs(fnVals), ([key, value]) => {
const fn = this.providerFunctions[key];
if (fn.set == null) {
throw new Error(`Attempting to set provider function without set() method implemented - key: ${key}`);
return fn.set(value, tx);
.then(() => {
if (!_.isEmpty(configJsonVals)) {
return this.configJsonBackend.set(configJsonVals);
if (trx != null) {
return setValuesInTransaction(trx).return();
} else {
return this.db.transaction((tx) => {
return setValuesInTransaction(tx);
.then(() => {
return setImmediate(() => {
this.emit('change', keyValues);
public remove(key: string): Bluebird<void> {
return Bluebird.try(() => {
if (this.schema[key] == null || !this.schema[key].mutable) {
throw new Error(`Attempt to delete non-existent or immutable key ${key}`);
if (this.schema[key].source === 'config.json') {
return this.configJsonBackend.remove(key);
} else if (this.schema[key].source === 'db') {
return this.db.models('config').del().where({ key });
} else if (this.schema[key].source === 'func') {
const mutFn = this.providerFunctions[key];
if (mutFn == null) {
throw new Error(`Could not find provider function for config ${key}!`);
if (mutFn.remove == null) {
throw new Error(`Could not find removal provider function for config ${key}`);
return mutFn.remove();
} else {
throw new Error(`Unknown or unsupported config backend: ${this.schema[key].source}`);
public regenerateRegistrationFields(): Bluebird<void> {
return this.set({
uuid: this.newUniqueKey(),
deviceApiKey: this.newUniqueKey(),
private newUniqueKey(): string {
return generateUniqueKey();
private generateRequiredFields() {
return this.getMany([
.then(({ uuid, deviceApiKey, apiSecret, offlineMode }) => {
// These fields need to be set regardless
if (uuid == null || apiSecret == null) {
uuid = uuid || this.newUniqueKey();
apiSecret = apiSecret || this.newUniqueKey();
return this.set({ uuid, apiSecret })
.then(() => {
if (offlineMode) {
if (deviceApiKey == null) {
return this.set({ deviceApiKey: this.newUniqueKey() });
export = Config;