#!/usr/bin/env node if (!process.argv[2] || ['help', '-h', '--help'].includes(process.argv[2])) { console.log(` Sync changes in the javascript code to a running supervisor on a device in the local network Usage: ./sync.js <device IP> The script will first build a non-optimized version of the js code and sync the resulting app.js onto the supervisor container at the specified IP. It will also restart the supervisor container. The device must be a development variant of balenaOS and the supervisor must be running. `) process.exit(1) } const childProcess = require('child_process'); const webpack = require('webpack'); const webpackConfig = require('./webpack.config'); const compiler = webpack(webpackConfig({ noOptimize: true })); const doSync = require('balena-sync').sync('local-balena-os-device').sync; const syncOpts = { deviceIp: process.argv[2], baseDir: __dirname + '/dist', destination: '/usr/src/app/dist', appName: 'resin_supervisor', skipGitignore: true, }; childProcess.execSync('npm install', { stdio: 'inherit' }); compiler.watch({ ignored: /node_modules/, }, (err, stats) => { if (err) { console.error(err); return; } console.log(stats.toString({ colors: true })); if (stats.hasErrors()) { console.error('Skipping sync due to errors'); return; } doSync(syncOpts); });