ARG ARCH=amd64 ARG NPM_VERSION=6.9.0 # The node version here should match the version of the runtime image which is # specified in the base-image subdirectory in the project FROM balenalib/raspberry-pi-node:10-run as rpi-base FROM balenalib/armv7hf-node:10-run as armv7hf-base FROM balenalib/aarch64-node:10-run as aarch64-base RUN [ "cross-build-start" ] RUN sed -i '/ jessie/d' /etc/apt/sources.list RUN [ "cross-build-end" ] FROM balenalib/amd64-node:10-run as amd64-base RUN echo '#!/bin/sh\nexit 0' > /usr/bin/cross-build-start && chmod +x /usr/bin/cross-build-start \ && echo '#!/bin/sh\nexit 0' > /usr/bin/cross-build-end && chmod +x /usr/bin/cross-build-end FROM balenalib/i386-node:10-run as i386-base RUN echo '#!/bin/sh\nexit 0' > /usr/bin/cross-build-start && chmod +x /usr/bin/cross-build-start \ && echo '#!/bin/sh\nexit 0' > /usr/bin/cross-build-end && chmod +x /usr/bin/cross-build-end FROM balenalib/i386-nlp-node:6-jessie as i386-nlp-base RUN echo '#!/bin/sh\nexit 0' > /usr/bin/cross-build-start && chmod +x /usr/bin/cross-build-start \ && echo '#!/bin/sh\nexit 0' > /usr/bin/cross-build-end && chmod +x /usr/bin/cross-build-end # A little hack to make this work with the makefile FROM $ARCH-base AS node-build FROM $ARCH-base AS node-deps ARG ARCH ARG VERSION=master ARG DEFAULT_MIXPANEL_TOKEN=bananasbananas RUN [ "cross-build-start" ] WORKDIR /usr/src/app RUN apt-get update && apt-get install ca-certificates \ iptables libnss-mdns nodejs rsync git python make curl g++ \ kmod vim COPY package*.json ./ # We first ensure that every architecture has an npm version # which can do an npm ci, then we perform the ci using this # temporary version RUN curl -LOJ && \ # This is required to avoid a bug in uid-number # npm config set unsafe-perm true && \ npm_install="${NPM_VERSION}" npm_config_prefix=/tmp sh ./ && \ JOBS=MAX /tmp/bin/npm ci --no-optional --unsafe-perm COPY src src/ COPY typings typings/ COPY tsconfig.json tsconfig.release.json hardcode-migrations.js fix-jsonstream.js ./ RUN npm run build:debug RUN mkdir -p dist && echo "require('../build/app.js')" > dist/app.js COPY . RUN mkdir -p rootfs-overlay && \ (([ ! -d rootfs-overlay/lib64 ] && ln -s /lib rootfs-overlay/lib64) || true) ENV CONFIG_MOUNT_POINT=/boot/config.json \ LED_FILE=/dev/null \ SUPERVISOR_IMAGE=resin/$ARCH-supervisor \ VERSION=$VERSION \ DEFAULT_MIXPANEL_TOKEN=$DEFAULT_MIXPANEL_TOKEN COPY avahi-daemon.conf /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf VOLUME /data HEALTHCHECK --interval=5m --start-period=1m --timeout=30s --retries=3 \ CMD wget -qO-${LISTEN_PORT:-48484}/v1/healthy || exit 1 RUN [ "cross-build-end" ] CMD DEBUG=1 ./ || while true; do echo 'Supervisor runtime exited - waiting for changes'; sleep 100; done;