import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import { stub, spy, useFakeTimers, SinonStub, SinonSpy, SinonFakeTimers, } from 'sinon'; import * as supertest from 'supertest'; import * as appMock from './lib/application-state-mock'; import * as mockedDockerode from './lib/mocked-dockerode'; import mockedAPI = require('./lib/mocked-device-api'); import sampleResponses = require('./data/device-api-responses.json'); import * as config from '../src/config'; import * as logger from '../src/logger'; import SupervisorAPI from '../src/supervisor-api'; import * as apiBinder from '../src/api-binder'; import * as deviceState from '../src/device-state'; import * as apiKeys from '../src/lib/api-keys'; import * as dbus from '../src//lib/dbus'; import * as updateLock from '../src/lib/update-lock'; import * as TargetState from '../src/device-state/target-state'; import * as targetStateCache from '../src/device-state/target-state-cache'; import blink = require('../src/lib/blink'); import { UpdatesLockedError } from '../src/lib/errors'; describe('SupervisorAPI [V1 Endpoints]', () => { let api: SupervisorAPI; let healthCheckStubs: SinonStub[]; let targetStateCacheMock: SinonStub; const request = supertest( `${mockedAPI.mockedOptions.listenPort}`, ); const services = [ { appId: 2, serviceId: 640681, serviceName: 'one' }, { appId: 2, serviceId: 640682, serviceName: 'two' }, { appId: 2, serviceId: 640683, serviceName: 'three' }, ]; const containers = => mockedAPI.mockService(service)); const images = => mockedAPI.mockImage(service)); let loggerStub: SinonStub; beforeEach(() => { // Mock a 3 container release appMock.mockManagers(containers, [], []); appMock.mockImages([], false, images); appMock.mockSupervisorNetwork(true); targetStateCacheMock.resolves({ appId: 2, commit: 'abcdef2', name: 'test-app2', source: '', releaseId: 1232, services: JSON.stringify(services), networks: '{}', volumes: '{}', }); }); afterEach(() => { // Clear Dockerode actions recorded for each test mockedDockerode.resetHistory(); }); before(async () => { await apiBinder.initialized; await deviceState.initialized; await targetStateCache.initialized; // Stub health checks so we can modify them whenever needed healthCheckStubs = [ stub(apiBinder, 'healthcheck'), stub(deviceState, 'healthcheck'), ]; // The mockedAPI contains stubs that might create unexpected results // See the module to know what has been stubbed api = await mockedAPI.create(); // Start test API await api.listen( mockedAPI.mockedOptions.listenPort, mockedAPI.mockedOptions.timeout, ); // Mock target state cache targetStateCacheMock = stub(targetStateCache, 'getTargetApp'); // Create a scoped key await apiKeys.initialized; await apiKeys.generateCloudKey(); // Stub logs for all API methods loggerStub = stub(logger, 'attach'); loggerStub.resolves(); }); after(async () => { try { await api.stop(); } catch (e) { if (e.message !== 'Server is not running.') { throw e; } } // Restore healthcheck stubs healthCheckStubs.forEach((hc) => hc.restore); // Remove any test data generated await mockedAPI.cleanUp(); appMock.unmockAll(); targetStateCacheMock.restore(); loggerStub.restore(); }); describe('POST /v1/restart', () => { it('restarts all containers in release', async () => { // Perform the test with our mocked release await mockedDockerode.testWithData({ containers, images }, async () => { // Perform test await request .post('/v1/restart') .send({ appId: 2 }) .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiKeys.cloudApiKey}`) .expect(sampleResponses.V1.POST['/restart'].statusCode) .then((response) => { expect(response.body).to.deep.equal( sampleResponses.V1.POST['/restart'].body, ); expect(response.text).to.deep.equal( sampleResponses.V1.POST['/restart'].text, ); }); // Check that mockedDockerode contains 3 stop and start actions const removeSteps = _(mockedDockerode.actions) .pickBy({ name: 'stop' }) .map() .value(); expect(removeSteps).to.have.lengthOf(3); const startSteps = _(mockedDockerode.actions) .pickBy({ name: 'start' }) .map() .value(); expect(startSteps).to.have.lengthOf(3); }); }); it('validates request body parameters', async () => { await request .post('/v1/restart') .send({ thing: '' }) .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiKeys.cloudApiKey}`) .expect(sampleResponses.V1.POST['/restart [Invalid Body]'].statusCode) .then((response) => { expect(response.body).to.deep.equal( sampleResponses.V1.POST['/restart [Invalid Body]'].body, ); expect(response.text).to.deep.equal( sampleResponses.V1.POST['/restart [Invalid Body]'].text, ); }); }); }); describe('GET /v1/healthy', () => { it('returns OK because all checks pass', async () => { // Make all healthChecks pass healthCheckStubs.forEach((hc) => hc.resolves(true)); await request .get('/v1/healthy') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiKeys.cloudApiKey}`) .expect(sampleResponses.V1.GET['/healthy'].statusCode) .then((response) => { expect(response.body).to.deep.equal( sampleResponses.V1.GET['/healthy'].body, ); expect(response.text).to.deep.equal( sampleResponses.V1.GET['/healthy'].text, ); }); }); it('Fails because some checks did not pass', async () => { healthCheckStubs.forEach((hc) => hc.resolves(false)); await request .get('/v1/healthy') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .expect(sampleResponses.V1.GET['/healthy [2]'].statusCode) .then((response) => { expect(response.body).to.deep.equal( sampleResponses.V1.GET['/healthy [2]'].body, ); expect(response.text).to.deep.equal( sampleResponses.V1.GET['/healthy [2]'].text, ); }); }); }); describe('GET /v1/apps/:appId', () => { it('does not return information for an application when there is more than 1 container', async () => { // Every test case in this suite has a 3 service release mocked so just make the request await request .get('/v1/apps/2') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiKeys.cloudApiKey}`) .expect( sampleResponses.V1.GET['/apps/2 [Multiple containers running]'] .statusCode, ); }); it('returns information about a specific application', async () => { // Setup single container application const container = mockedAPI.mockService({ containerId: 'abc123', appId: 2, releaseId: 77777, }); const image = mockedAPI.mockImage({ appId: 2, }); appMock.mockManagers([container], [], []); appMock.mockImages([], false, [image]); // Make request await request .get('/v1/apps/2') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiKeys.cloudApiKey}`) .expect(sampleResponses.V1.GET['/apps/2'].statusCode) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .then((response) => { expect(response.body).to.deep.equal( sampleResponses.V1.GET['/apps/2'].body, ); }); }); }); describe('POST /v1/apps/:appId/stop', () => { it('does not allow stopping an application when there is more than 1 container', async () => { // Every test case in this suite has a 3 service release mocked so just make the request await request .post('/v1/apps/2/stop') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiKeys.cloudApiKey}`) .expect( sampleResponses.V1.GET['/apps/2/stop [Multiple containers running]'] .statusCode, ); }); it('stops a SPECIFIC application and returns a containerId', async () => { // Setup single container application const container = mockedAPI.mockService({ containerId: 'abc123', appId: 2, }); const image = mockedAPI.mockImage({ appId: 2, }); appMock.mockManagers([container], [], []); appMock.mockImages([], false, [image]); // Perform the test with our mocked release await mockedDockerode.testWithData( { containers: [container], images: [image] }, async () => { await request .post('/v1/apps/2/stop') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiKeys.cloudApiKey}`) .expect(sampleResponses.V1.GET['/apps/2/stop'].statusCode) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .then((response) => { expect(response.body).to.deep.equal( sampleResponses.V1.GET['/apps/2/stop'].body, ); }); }, ); }); }); describe('POST /v1/apps/:appId/start', () => { it('does not allow starting an application when there is more than 1 container', async () => { // Every test case in this suite has a 3 service release mocked so just make the request await request .post('/v1/apps/2/start') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiKeys.cloudApiKey}`) .expect(400); }); it('starts a SPECIFIC application and returns a containerId', async () => { const service = { serviceName: 'main', containerId: 'abc123', appId: 2, serviceId: 640681, }; // Setup single container application const container = mockedAPI.mockService(service); const image = mockedAPI.mockImage(service); appMock.mockManagers([container], [], []); appMock.mockImages([], false, [image]); // Target state returns single service targetStateCacheMock.resolves({ appId: 2, commit: 'abcdef2', name: 'test-app2', source: '', releaseId: 1232, services: JSON.stringify([service]), volumes: '{}', networks: '{}', }); // Perform the test with our mocked release await mockedDockerode.testWithData( { containers: [container], images: [image] }, async () => { await request .post('/v1/apps/2/start') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiKeys.cloudApiKey}`) .expect(200) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .then((response) => { expect(response.body).to.deep.equal({ containerId: 'abc123' }); }); }, ); }); }); describe('GET /v1/device', () => { it('returns MAC address', async () => { const response = await request .get('/v1/device') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiKeys.cloudApiKey}`) .expect(200); expect(response.body)'mac_address'); }); }); describe('POST /v1/reboot', () => { let rebootMock: SinonStub; before(() => { rebootMock = stub(dbus, 'reboot').resolves((() => void 0) as any); }); after(() => { rebootMock.restore(); }); afterEach(() => { rebootMock.resetHistory(); }); it('should return 202 and reboot if no locks are set', async () => { // Setup single container application const container = mockedAPI.mockService({ containerId: 'abc123', appId: 2, releaseId: 77777, }); const image = mockedAPI.mockImage({ appId: 2, }); appMock.mockManagers([container], [], []); appMock.mockImages([], false, [image]); const response = await request .post('/v1/reboot') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiKeys.cloudApiKey}`) .expect(202); expect(response.body)'Data'); expect(rebootMock).to.have.been.calledOnce; }); it('should return 423 and reject the reboot if no locks are set', async () => { stub(updateLock, 'lock').callsFake((__, opts, fn) => { if (opts.force) { return Bluebird.resolve(fn()); } throw new UpdatesLockedError('Updates locked'); }); // Setup single container application const container = mockedAPI.mockService({ containerId: 'abc123', appId: 2, releaseId: 77777, }); const image = mockedAPI.mockImage({ appId: 2, }); appMock.mockManagers([container], [], []); appMock.mockImages([], false, [image]); const response = await request .post('/v1/reboot') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiKeys.cloudApiKey}`) .expect(423); expect(updateLock.lock); expect(response.body)'Error'); expect(rebootMock).to.not.have.been.called; (updateLock.lock as SinonStub).restore(); }); it('should return 202 and reboot if force is set to true', async () => { stub(updateLock, 'lock').callsFake((__, opts, fn) => { if (opts.force) { return Bluebird.resolve(fn()); } throw new UpdatesLockedError('Updates locked'); }); // Setup single container application const container = mockedAPI.mockService({ containerId: 'abc123', appId: 2, releaseId: 77777, }); const image = mockedAPI.mockImage({ appId: 2, }); appMock.mockManagers([container], [], []); appMock.mockImages([], false, [image]); const response = await request .post('/v1/reboot') .send({ force: true }) .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiKeys.cloudApiKey}`) .expect(202); expect(updateLock.lock); expect(response.body)'Data'); expect(rebootMock).to.have.been.calledOnce; (updateLock.lock as SinonStub).restore(); }); }); describe('POST /v1/shutdown', () => { let shutdownMock: SinonStub; before(() => { shutdownMock = stub(dbus, 'shutdown').resolves((() => void 0) as any); }); after(async () => { shutdownMock.restore(); }); it('should return 202 and shutdown if no locks are set', async () => { // Setup single container application const container = mockedAPI.mockService({ containerId: 'abc123', appId: 2, releaseId: 77777, }); const image = mockedAPI.mockImage({ appId: 2, }); appMock.mockManagers([container], [], []); appMock.mockImages([], false, [image]); const response = await request .post('/v1/shutdown') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiKeys.cloudApiKey}`) .expect(202); expect(response.body)'Data'); expect(shutdownMock).to.have.been.calledOnce; shutdownMock.resetHistory(); }); it('should return 423 and reject the reboot if no locks are set', async () => { stub(updateLock, 'lock').callsFake((__, opts, fn) => { if (opts.force) { return Bluebird.resolve(fn()); } throw new UpdatesLockedError('Updates locked'); }); // Setup single container application const container = mockedAPI.mockService({ containerId: 'abc123', appId: 2, releaseId: 77777, }); const image = mockedAPI.mockImage({ appId: 2, }); appMock.mockManagers([container], [], []); appMock.mockImages([], false, [image]); const response = await request .post('/v1/shutdown') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiKeys.cloudApiKey}`) .expect(423); expect(updateLock.lock); expect(response.body)'Error'); expect(shutdownMock).to.not.have.been.called; (updateLock.lock as SinonStub).restore(); }); it('should return 202 and shutdown if force is set to true', async () => { stub(updateLock, 'lock').callsFake((__, opts, fn) => { if (opts.force) { return Bluebird.resolve(fn()); } throw new UpdatesLockedError('Updates locked'); }); // Setup single container application const container = mockedAPI.mockService({ containerId: 'abc123', appId: 2, releaseId: 77777, }); const image = mockedAPI.mockImage({ appId: 2, }); appMock.mockManagers([container], [], []); appMock.mockImages([], false, [image]); const response = await request .post('/v1/shutdown') .send({ force: true }) .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiKeys.cloudApiKey}`) .expect(202); expect(updateLock.lock); expect(response.body)'Data'); expect(shutdownMock).to.have.been.calledOnce; (updateLock.lock as SinonStub).restore(); }); }); describe('POST /v1/update', () => { let configStub: SinonStub; let targetUpdateSpy: SinonSpy; before(() => { configStub = stub(config, 'get'); targetUpdateSpy = spy(TargetState, 'update'); }); afterEach(() => { targetUpdateSpy.resetHistory(); }); after(() => { configStub.restore(); targetUpdateSpy.restore(); }); it('returns 204 with no parameters', async () => { // Stub response for getting instantUpdates configStub.resolves(true); // Make request await request .post('/v1/update') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiKeys.cloudApiKey}`) .expect(sampleResponses.V1.POST['/update [204 Response]'].statusCode); // Check that TargetState.update was called expect(targetUpdateSpy); expect(targetUpdateSpy), true); }); it('returns 204 with force: true in body', async () => { // Stub response for getting instantUpdates configStub.resolves(true); // Make request with force: true in the body await request .post('/v1/update') .send({ force: true }) .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiKeys.cloudApiKey}`) .expect(sampleResponses.V1.POST['/update [204 Response]'].statusCode); // Check that TargetState.update was called expect(targetUpdateSpy); expect(targetUpdateSpy), true); }); it('returns 202 when instantUpdates are disabled', async () => { // Stub response for getting instantUpdates configStub.resolves(false); // Make request await request .post('/v1/update') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiKeys.cloudApiKey}`) .expect(sampleResponses.V1.POST['/update [202 Response]'].statusCode); // Check that TargetState.update was not called expect(targetUpdateSpy); }); }); describe('POST /v1/blink', () => { // Further blink function-specific testing located in 07-blink.spec.ts it('responds with code 200 and empty body', async () => { await request .post('/v1/blink') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiKeys.cloudApiKey}`) .expect(sampleResponses.V1.POST['/blink'].statusCode) .then((response) => { expect(response.body).to.deep.equal( sampleResponses.V1.POST['/blink'].body, ); expect(response.text).to.deep.equal( sampleResponses.V1.POST['/blink'].text, ); }); }); it('directs device to blink for 15000ms (hardcoded length)', async () => { const blinkStartSpy: SinonSpy = spy(blink.pattern, 'start'); const blinkStopSpy: SinonSpy = spy(blink.pattern, 'stop'); const clock: SinonFakeTimers = useFakeTimers(); await request .post('/v1/blink') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiKeys.cloudApiKey}`) .then(() => { expect(blinkStartSpy.callCount).to.equal(1); clock.tick(15000); expect(blinkStopSpy.callCount).to.equal(1); }); blinkStartSpy.restore(); blinkStopSpy.restore(); clock.restore(); }); }); describe('POST /v1/regenerate-api-key', () => { it('returns a valid new API key', async () => { const refreshKeySpy: SinonSpy = spy(apiKeys, 'refreshKey'); let newKey: string = ''; await request .post('/v1/regenerate-api-key') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiKeys.cloudApiKey}`) .expect(sampleResponses.V1.POST['/regenerate-api-key'].statusCode) .then((response) => { expect(response.body).to.deep.equal( sampleResponses.V1.POST['/regenerate-api-key'].body, ); expect(response.text).to.equal(apiKeys.cloudApiKey); newKey = response.text; expect(refreshKeySpy.callCount).to.equal(1); }); // Ensure persistence with future calls await request .post('/v1/blink') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${newKey}`) .expect(sampleResponses.V1.POST['/blink'].statusCode); refreshKeySpy.restore(); }); it('expires old API key after generating new key', async () => { const oldKey: string = apiKeys.cloudApiKey; await request .post('/v1/regenerate-api-key') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${oldKey}`) .expect(sampleResponses.V1.POST['/regenerate-api-key'].statusCode); await request .post('/v1/restart') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${oldKey}`) .expect(401); }); it('communicates the new API key to balena API', async () => { const reportStateSpy: SinonSpy = spy(deviceState, 'reportCurrentState'); await request .post('/v1/regenerate-api-key') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiKeys.cloudApiKey}`) .then(() => { expect(reportStateSpy.callCount).to.equal(1); // Further reportCurrentState tests should be in 05-device-state.spec.ts, // but its test case seems to currently be skipped until interface redesign }); reportStateSpy.restore(); }); }); // TODO: add tests for V1 endpoints });