import { expect } from 'chai'; import * as path from 'path'; import { promises as fs } from 'fs'; import { testfs } from 'mocha-pod'; import type { TestFs } from 'mocha-pod'; import { setTimeout } from 'timers/promises'; import * as updateLock from '~/lib/update-lock'; import { UpdatesLockedError } from '~/lib/errors'; import * as config from '~/src/config'; import * as lockfile from '~/lib/lockfile'; import { pathOnRoot, pathOnState } from '~/lib/host-utils'; import { mkdirp } from '~/lib/fs-utils'; import { takeGlobalLockRW } from '~/lib/process-lock'; describe('lib/update-lock', () => { describe('abortIfHUPInProgress', () => { const breadcrumbFiles = [ 'rollback-health-breadcrumb', 'rollback-altboot-breadcrumb', ]; const breadcrumbsDir = pathOnState(); const createBreadcrumb = (breadcrumb: string) => testfs({ [path.join(breadcrumbsDir, breadcrumb)]: '', }).enable(); before(async () => { // Ensure the directory exists for all tests await fs.mkdir(breadcrumbsDir, { recursive: true }); }); it('should throw if any breadcrumbs exist on host', async () => { for (const bc of breadcrumbFiles) { const testFs = await createBreadcrumb(bc); await expect(updateLock.abortIfHUPInProgress({ force: false }))'Waiting for Host OS update to finish'); await testFs.restore(); } }); it('should resolve to false if no breadcrumbs on host', async () => { // check that there are no breadcrumbs already on the directory expect(await fs.readdir(breadcrumbsDir)).to.have.lengthOf(0); await expect( updateLock.abortIfHUPInProgress({ force: false }), ).to.eventually.equal(false); }); it('should resolve to true if breadcrumbs are on host but force is passed', async () => { for (const bc of breadcrumbFiles) { const testFs = await createBreadcrumb(bc); await expect( updateLock.abortIfHUPInProgress({ force: true }), ).to.eventually.equal(true); await testFs.restore(); } }); }); describe('Lock/dispose functionality', () => { const testAppId = 1234567; const testServiceName = 'test'; const supportedLockfiles = ['resin-updates.lock', 'updates.lock']; const takeLocks = () => Promise.all( => lockfile.lock(path.join(lockdir(testAppId, testServiceName), lf)), ), ); const releaseLocks = async () => { await Promise.all( lockfile.getLocksTaken().map((lock) => lockfile.unlock(lock)), ); // Remove any other lockfiles created for the testAppId await Promise.all( => lockfile.unlock(path.join(lockdir(testAppId, testServiceName), lf)), ), ); }; const lockdir = (appId: number, serviceName: string): string => pathOnRoot(updateLock.lockPath(appId, serviceName)); const expectLocks = async ( exists: boolean, msg?: string, appId = testAppId, serviceName = testServiceName, ) => expect( fs.readdir(lockdir(appId, serviceName)), msg, ).to.eventually.deep.equal(exists ? supportedLockfiles : []); before(async () => { await config.initialized(); await config.set({ lockOverride: false }); // Ensure the directory is available for all tests await fs.mkdir(lockdir(testAppId, testServiceName), { recursive: true, }); }); afterEach(async () => { // Cleanup all locks between tests await releaseLocks(); }); it('should take the lock, run the function, then dispose of locks', async () => { await expectLocks( false, 'locks should not exist before the lock is taken', ); await expect( updateLock.lock(testAppId, { force: false }, () => // At this point the locks should be taken and not removed // until this function has been resolved expectLocks(true, 'lockfiles should exist while the lock is active'), ), ); await expectLocks( false, 'locks should not exist after the lock is released', ); }); it('should throw UpdatesLockedError if lockfiles exists', async () => { // Take the locks before testing await takeLocks(); await expectLocks(true, 'locks should exist before the lock is taken'); await updateLock .lock(testAppId, { force: false }, () => Promise.reject( 'the lock function should not invoke the callback if locks are taken', ), ) .catch((err) => expect(err); // Since the lock-taking failed, there should be no locks to dispose of expect(lockfile.getLocksTaken()).to.have.length(0); // Restore the locks that were taken at the beginning of the test await releaseLocks(); }); it('should dispose of taken locks on any other errors', async () => { await expectLocks(false, 'locks should not exist before lock is called'); await expect( updateLock.lock( testAppId, { force: false }, // At this point 2 lockfiles have been written, so this is testing // that even if the function rejects, lockfiles will be disposed of () => expectLocks( true, 'locks should be owned by the calling function', ).then(() => Promise.reject('Test error')), ), )'Test error'); await expectLocks( false, 'locks should be removed if an error happens within the lock callback', ); }); it('locks all applications before resolving input function', async () => { const appIds = [111, 222, 333]; // Set up necessary lock directories await Promise.all( => fs.mkdir(lockdir(id, testServiceName), { recursive: true }), ), ); await expect( updateLock.lock(appIds, { force: false }, () => // At this point the locks should be taken and not removed // until this function has been resolved // Both `updates.lock` and `resin-updates.lock` should have been taken Promise.all( => expectLocks( true, `locks for app(${appId}) should exist`, appId, testServiceName, ), ), ), ), ); // Everything that was locked should have been unlocked after function resolves await Promise.all( => expectLocks( false, `locks for app(${appId}) should have been released`, appId, testServiceName, ), ), ).finally(() => // In case the above fails, we need to make sure to cleanup the lockdir Promise.all( appIds .map((appId) => => lockfile.unlock(path.join(lockdir(appId, testServiceName), lf)), ), ) .flat(), ), ); }); it('resolves input function without locking when appId is null', async () => { await takeLocks(); await expect( updateLock.lock(null as any, { force: false }, () => Promise.resolve()), ); await expectLocks( true, 'locks should not be touched by an unrelated lock() call', ); await releaseLocks(); }); it('unlocks lockfile to resolve function if force option specified', async () => { await takeLocks(); await expect( updateLock.lock(testAppId, { force: true }, () => expectLocks( true, 'locks should be deleted and taken again by the lock() call', ), ), ); await expectLocks( false, 'using force gave lock ownership to the callback, so they should now be deleted', ); }); it('unlocks lockfile to resolve function if lockOverride option specified', async () => { await takeLocks(); // Change the configuration await config.set({ lockOverride: true }); await expect( updateLock.lock(testAppId, { force: false }, () => expectLocks( true, 'locks should be deleted and taken again by the lock() call because of the override', ), ), ); await expectLocks( false, 'using lockOverride gave lock ownership to the callback, so they should now be deleted', ); }); }); describe('getServicesLockedByAppId', () => { const validPaths = [ '/tmp/123/one/updates.lock', '/tmp/123/two/updates.lock', '/tmp/123/three/updates.lock', '/tmp/balena-supervisor/services/456/server/updates.lock', '/tmp/balena-supervisor/services/456/client/updates.lock', '/tmp/balena-supervisor/services/789/main/resin-updates.lock', ]; const invalidPaths = [ '/tmp/balena-supervisor/services/456/updates.lock', '/tmp/balena-supervisor/services/server/updates.lock', '/tmp/test/updates.lock', ]; let tFs: TestFs.Enabled; beforeEach(async () => { tFs = await testfs({ '/tmp': {} }).enable(); // TODO: mocha-pod should support empty directories await Promise.all( validPaths .concat(invalidPaths) .map((p) => fs.mkdir(path.dirname(p), { recursive: true })), ); }); afterEach(async () => { await Promise.all( validPaths .concat(invalidPaths) .map((p) => fs.rm(path.dirname(p), { recursive: true })), ); await tFs.restore(); }); it('should return locks taken by appId', async () => { // Set up lockfiles await Promise.all( => lockfile.lock(p, updateLock.LOCKFILE_UID)), ); const locksTakenMap = updateLock.getServicesLockedByAppId(); expect([...locksTakenMap.keys()]).to.deep.include.members([ 123, 456, 789, ]); // Should register as locked if only `updates.lock` is present expect(locksTakenMap.getServices(123)).to.deep.include.members([ 'one', 'two', 'three', ]); expect(locksTakenMap.getServices(456)).to.deep.include.members([ 'server', 'client', ]); // Should register as locked if only `resin-updates.lock` is present expect(locksTakenMap.getServices(789)).to.deep.include.members(['main']); // Cleanup lockfiles await Promise.all( => lockfile.unlock(p))); }); it('should ignore invalid lockfile locations', async () => { // Set up lockfiles await Promise.all( => lockfile.lock(p))); expect(updateLock.getServicesLockedByAppId().size).to.equal(0); // Cleanup lockfiles await Promise.all( => lockfile.unlock(p))); }); }); describe('composition step actions', () => { const lockdir = pathOnRoot(updateLock.BASE_LOCK_DIR); const serviceLockPaths = { 1: [ `${lockdir}/1/server/updates.lock`, `${lockdir}/1/server/resin-updates.lock`, `${lockdir}/1/client/updates.lock`, `${lockdir}/1/client/resin-updates.lock`, ], 2: [ `${lockdir}/2/main/updates.lock`, `${lockdir}/2/main/resin-updates.lock`, ], }; describe('takeLock', () => { // TODO }); describe('releaseLock', () => { let testFs: TestFs.Enabled; beforeEach(async () => { testFs = await testfs( {}, { cleanup: [path.join(lockdir, '*', '*', '**.lock')] }, ).enable(); // TODO: Update mocha-pod to work with creating empty directories await mkdirp(`${lockdir}/1/server`); await mkdirp(`${lockdir}/1/client`); await mkdirp(`${lockdir}/2/main`); }); afterEach(async () => { await testFs.restore(); await fs.rm(`${lockdir}/1`, { recursive: true }); await fs.rm(`${lockdir}/2`, { recursive: true }); }); it('releases locks for an appId', async () => { // Lock services for appId 1 for (const lockPath of serviceLockPaths[1]) { await lockfile.lock(lockPath); } // Sanity check that locks are taken & tracked by Supervisor expect(lockfile.getLocksTaken()).to.deep.include.members( serviceLockPaths[1], ); // Release locks for appId 1 await updateLock.releaseLock(1); // Locks should have been released expect(lockfile.getLocksTaken()).to.have.length(0); // Double check that the lockfiles are removed expect(await fs.readdir(`${lockdir}/1/server`)).to.have.length(0); expect(await fs.readdir(`${lockdir}/1/client`)).to.have.length(0); }); it('does not error if there are no locks to release', async () => { expect(lockfile.getLocksTaken()).to.have.length(0); // Should not error await updateLock.releaseLock(1); expect(lockfile.getLocksTaken()).to.have.length(0); }); it('ignores locks outside of appId scope', async () => { const lockPath = `${lockdir}/2/main/updates.lock`; // Lock services outside of appId scope await lockfile.lock(lockPath); // Sanity check that locks are taken & tracked by Supervisor expect(lockfile.getLocksTaken()).to.deep.include.members([lockPath]); // Release locks for appId 1 await updateLock.releaseLock(1); // Locks for appId 2 should not have been released expect(lockfile.getLocksTaken()).to.deep.include.members([lockPath]); // Double check that the lockfile is still there expect(await fs.readdir(`${lockdir}/2/main`)).to.have.length(1); // Clean up the lockfile await lockfile.unlock(lockPath); }); it('waits to release locks until resource write lock is taken', async () => { // Lock services for appId 1 for (const lockPath of serviceLockPaths[1]) { await lockfile.lock(lockPath); } // Sanity check that locks are taken & tracked by Supervisor expect(lockfile.getLocksTaken()).to.deep.include.members( serviceLockPaths[1], ); // Take the write lock for appId 1 const release = await takeGlobalLockRW(1); // Queue releaseLock, won't resolve until the write lock is released const releaseLockPromise = updateLock.releaseLock(1); // Locks should have not been released even after waiting await setTimeout(500); expect(lockfile.getLocksTaken()).to.deep.include.members( serviceLockPaths[1], ); // Release the write lock release(); // Release locks for appId 1 should resolve await releaseLockPromise; // Locks should have been released expect(lockfile.getLocksTaken()).to.have.length(0); }); }); }); });