import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as path from 'path'; import { promises as fs } from 'fs'; import { SinonSpy, spy, stub } from 'sinon'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import { testfs, TestFs } from 'mocha-pod'; import * as hostUtils from '~/lib/host-utils'; import constants = require('~/lib/constants'); import { fnSchema } from '~/src/config/functions'; describe('config poop', () => { const configJsonPath = path.join( constants.rootMountPoint, constants.bootMountPoint, 'config.json', ); const deviceTypeJsonPath = path.join( constants.rootMountPoint, constants.bootMountPoint, 'device-type.json', ); const readConfigJson = () => fs.readFile(configJsonPath, 'utf8').then((data) => JSON.parse(data)); const readDeviceTypeJson = () => fs.readFile(deviceTypeJsonPath, 'utf8').then((data) => JSON.parse(data)); let testFs: TestFs.Enabled; beforeEach(async () => { testFs = await testfs({ [configJsonPath]: testfs.from('test/data/testconfig.json'), [deviceTypeJsonPath]: testfs.from('test/data/mnt/boot/device-type.json'), }).enable(); }); afterEach(async () => { await testFs.restore(); delete require.cache[require.resolve('~/src/config')]; }); it('reads and exposes values from config.json', async () => { const config = await import('~/src/config'); await config.initialized(); const configJson = await readConfigJson(); const id = await config.get('applicationId'); return expect(id).to.equal(configJson.applicationId); }); it('allows reading several values in one getMany call', async () => { const config = await import('~/src/config'); await config.initialized(); const configJson = await readConfigJson(); return expect( await config.getMany(['applicationId', 'apiEndpoint']), ).to.deep.equal({ applicationId: configJson.applicationId, apiEndpoint: configJson.apiEndpoint, }); }); it('generates a uuid and stores it in config.json', async () => { const config = await import('~/src/config'); await config.initialized(); const configJson = await readConfigJson(); const uuid = await config.get('uuid'); expect(uuid)'string'); expect(uuid).to.have.lengthOf(32); expect(uuid).to.equal(configJson.uuid); }); it('does not allow setting an immutable field', async () => { const config = await import('~/src/config'); await config.initialized(); return expect(config.set({ deviceType: 'a different device type' })) .rejected; }); it('allows setting both config.json and database fields transparently', async () => { const config = await import('~/src/config'); await config.initialized(); await config.set({ appUpdatePollInterval: 30000, name: 'a new device name', }); const values = await config.getMany(['appUpdatePollInterval', 'name']); return expect(values).to.deep.equal({ appUpdatePollInterval: 30000, name: 'a new device name', }); }); it('allows deleting a config.json key and returns a default value if none is set', async () => { const config = await import('~/src/config'); await config.initialized(); await config.remove('appUpdatePollInterval'); const poll = await config.get('appUpdatePollInterval'); return expect(poll).to.equal(900000); }); it('allows deleting a config.json key if it is null', async () => { const config = await import('~/src/config'); await config.initialized(); await config.set({ apiKey: null }); const key = await config.get('apiKey'); expect(key); // config.json should have been modified as well const configJson = await readConfigJson(); expect(configJson.apiKey); }); it('does not allow modifying or removing a function value', async () => { const config = await import('~/src/config'); await config.initialized(); // We have to cast to any below, as the type system will // not allow removing a function value await expect(config.remove('version' as any)); await expect(config.set({ version: '2.0' })); }); it('throws when asked for an unknown key', async () => { const config = await import('~/src/config'); await config.initialized(); await expect(config.get('unknownInvalidValue' as any)); }); it('emits a change event when values change', async () => { const config = await import('~/src/config'); await config.initialized(); const listener = stub(); config.on('change', listener); config.set({ name: 'someValue' }); await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); expect(listener).to.have.been.calledWith({ name: 'someValue' }); }); // FIXME: this test illustrates the issue with the singleton approach and the // "load config as you go" approach. // The `osVariant` comes from a function in `src/config/functions` and that function // memoizes the contents of `/etc/os-variant`. // Since previous invocations have already memoized that value, there is no good way // to force the config module to reload the file. // The config module instead could read all static data on initialization and // forget about memoization // this is being skipped until the config module can be refactored it.skip('deduces OS variant from developmentMode if not set', async () => { const tFs = await testfs({ '/mnt/root/etc/os-release': testfs.from( 'test/data/etc/os-release-novariant', ), }).enable(); const config = await import('~/src/config'); await config.initialized(); await config.set({ developmentMode: false }); const osVariant = await config.get('osVariant'); expect(osVariant).to.equal('prod'); await tFs.restore(); }); it('reads and exposes MAC addresses', async () => { const config = await import('~/src/config'); await config.initialized(); const macAddress = await config.get('macAddress'); expect(macAddress).to.have.length.greaterThan(0); }); describe('Function config providers', () => { it('should throw if a non-mutable function provider is set', async () => { const config = await import('~/src/config'); await config.initialized(); await expect(config.set({ version: 'some-version' })); }); it('should throw if a non-mutable function provider is removed', async () => { const config = await import('~/src/config'); await config.initialized(); await expect(config.remove('version' as any)); }); }); describe('Config data sources', () => { afterEach(() => { // Clean up memoized values fnSchema.deviceArch.clear(); fnSchema.deviceType.clear(); }); it('should obtain deviceArch from device-type.json', async () => { const dtJson = await readDeviceTypeJson(); const config = await import('~/src/config'); await config.initialized(); const deviceArch = await config.get('deviceArch'); expect(deviceArch).to.equal(dtJson.arch); }); it('should obtain deviceType from device-type.json', async () => { const dtJson = await readDeviceTypeJson(); const config = await import('~/src/config'); await config.initialized(); const deviceArch = await config.get('deviceType'); expect(deviceArch).to.equal(dtJson.slug); }); it('should memoize values from device-type.json', async () => { const config = await import('~/src/config'); await config.initialized(); const dtJson = await readDeviceTypeJson(); spy(hostUtils, 'readFromBoot'); // Make a first call to get the value to be memoized await config.get('deviceType'); await config.get('deviceArch'); expect(hostUtils.readFromBoot); (hostUtils.readFromBoot as SinonSpy).resetHistory(); const deviceArch = await config.get('deviceArch'); expect(deviceArch).to.equal(dtJson.arch); // The result should still be memoized from the previous call expect(hostUtils.readFromBoot); const deviceType = await config.get('deviceType'); expect(deviceType).to.equal(dtJson.slug); // The result should still be memoized from the previous call expect(hostUtils.readFromBoot); (hostUtils.readFromBoot as SinonSpy).restore(); }); it('should not memoize errors when reading deviceArch', async () => { const config = await import('~/src/config'); await config.initialized(); const tfs = await testfs({}, { keep: [deviceTypeJsonPath] }).enable(); // Remove the file before the test await fs.unlink(deviceTypeJsonPath).catch(() => { /* noop */ }); await expect(config.get('deviceArch')).to.eventually.equal('unknown'); // Restore the file before trying again await tfs.restore(); const dtJson = await readDeviceTypeJson(); await expect(config.get('deviceArch')).to.eventually.equal(dtJson.arch); }); it('should not memoize errors when reading deviceType', async () => { const config = await import('~/src/config'); await config.initialized(); const tfs = await testfs({}, { keep: [deviceTypeJsonPath] }).enable(); // Remove the file before the test await fs.unlink(deviceTypeJsonPath).catch(() => { /* noop */ }); await expect(config.get('deviceType')).to.eventually.equal('unknown'); // Restore the file before trying again await tfs.restore(); const dtJson = await readDeviceTypeJson(); await expect(config.get('deviceType')).to.eventually.equal(dtJson.slug); }); }); });