Promise = require 'bluebird'
_ = require 'lodash'
m = require 'mochainon'
{ stub } = m.sinon
{ expect } = m.chai

prepare = require './lib/prepare'
DeviceState = require '../src/device-state'
{ DB } = require('../src/db')
{ Config } = require('../src/config')
{ RPiConfigBackend } = require('../src/config/backend')

{ Service } = require '../src/compose/service'

mockedInitialConfig = {

testTarget1 = {
	local: {
		name: 'aDevice'
		config: {
			'HOST_CONFIG_gpu_mem': '256'
			'SUPERVISOR_DELTA': 'false'
		apps: {
			'1234': {
				appId: 1234
				name: 'superapp'
				commit: 'abcdef'
				releaseId: 1
				services: [
						appId: 1234
						serviceId: 23
						imageId: 12345
						serviceName: 'someservice'
						releaseId: 1
						image: ''
						labels: {
							'io.resin.something': 'bar'
				volumes: {}
				networks: {}
	dependent: { apps: [], devices: [] }

testTarget2 = {
	local: {
		name: 'aDeviceWithDifferentName'
		config: {
			'RESIN_HOST_CONFIG_gpu_mem': '512'
		apps: {
			'1234': {
				name: 'superapp'
				commit: 'afafafa'
				releaseId: 2
				services: {
					'23': {
						serviceName: 'aservice'
						imageId: 12345
						image: ''
						environment: {
							'FOO': 'bar'
						labels: {}
					'24': {
						serviceName: 'anotherService'
						imageId: 12346
						image: ''
						environment: {
							'FOO': 'bro'
						labels: {}
	dependent: { apps: [], devices: [] }
testTargetWithDefaults2 = {
	local: {
		name: 'aDeviceWithDifferentName'
		config: {
			'HOST_CONFIG_gpu_mem': '512'
			'SUPERVISOR_DELTA': 'false'
		apps: {
			'1234': {
				appId: 1234
				name: 'superapp'
				commit: 'afafafa'
				releaseId: 2
				services: [
					_.merge({ appId: 1234, serviceId: 23, releaseId: 2 }, _.clone(testTarget2.local.apps['1234'].services['23'])),
					_.merge({ appId: 1234, serviceId: 24, releaseId: 2 }, _.clone(testTarget2.local.apps['1234'].services['24']))
				volumes: {}
				networks: {}
	dependent: { apps: [], devices: [] }

testTargetInvalid = {
	local: {
		name: 'aDeviceWithDifferentName'
		config: {
			'RESIN_HOST_CONFIG_gpu_mem': '512'
		apps: [
				appId: '1234'
				name: 'superapp'
				commit: 'afafafa'
				releaseId: '2'
				config: {}
				services: [
						serviceId: '23'
						serviceName: 'aservice'
						imageId: '12345'
						image: ''
						config: {}
						environment: {
							' FOO': 'bar'
						labels: {}
						serviceId: '24'
						serviceName: 'anotherService'
						imageId: '12346'
						image: ''
						config: {}
						environment: {
							'FOO': 'bro'
						labels: {}
	dependent: { apps: [], devices: [] }

describe 'deviceState', ->
	before ->
		@db = new DB()
		@config = new Config({ @db })
		@logger = {
			clearOutOfDateDBLogs: ->
		eventTracker = {
			track: console.log
		stub(Service, 'extendEnvVars').callsFake (env) ->
			env['ADDITIONAL_ENV_VAR'] = 'foo'
			return env
		@deviceState = new DeviceState({ @db, @config, eventTracker, @logger })
		stub(@deviceState.applications.docker, 'getNetworkGateway').returns(Promise.resolve(''))
		stub(@deviceState.applications.images, 'inspectByName').callsFake ->
			Promise.try ->
				err = new Error()
				err.statusCode = 404
				throw err
		@deviceState.deviceConfig.configBackend = new RPiConfigBackend()
		.then =>

	after ->

	it 'loads a target state from an apps.json file and saves it as target state, then returns it', ->
		stub(@deviceState.applications.images, 'save').returns(Promise.resolve())
		stub(@deviceState.deviceConfig, 'getCurrent').returns(Promise.resolve(mockedInitialConfig))
		@deviceState.loadTargetFromFile(process.env.ROOT_MOUNTPOINT + '/apps.json')
		.then =>
		.then (targetState) ->
			testTarget = _.cloneDeep(testTarget1)
			testTarget.local.apps['1234'].services = testTarget.local.apps['1234'].services, (s) ->
				s.imageName = s.image
				return Service.fromComposeObject(s, { appName: 'superapp' })
			# We serialize and parse JSON to avoid checking fields that are functions or undefined
		.finally =>

	it 'stores info for pinning a device after loading an apps.json with a pinDevice field', ->
		stub(@deviceState.applications.images, 'save').returns(Promise.resolve())
		stub(@deviceState.deviceConfig, 'getCurrent').returns(Promise.resolve(mockedInitialConfig))
		@deviceState.loadTargetFromFile(process.env.ROOT_MOUNTPOINT + '/apps-pin.json')
		.then =>

			@config.get('pinDevice').then (pinned) ->

	it 'emits a change event when a new state is reported', ->
		@deviceState.reportCurrentState({ someStateDiff: 'someValue' })

	it 'returns the current state'

	it 'writes the target state to the db with some extra defaults', ->
		testTarget = _.cloneDeep(testTargetWithDefaults2) testTarget.local.apps['1234'].services, (s) =>
			.then (imageName) ->
				s.image = imageName
				s.imageName = imageName
				Service.fromComposeObject(s, { appName: 'supertest' })
		.then (services) =>
			testTarget.local.apps['1234'].services = services
		.then =>
		.then (target) ->

	it 'does not allow setting an invalid target state', ->
		promise = @deviceState.setTarget(testTargetInvalid)

	it 'allows triggering applying the target state', (done) ->
		stub(@deviceState, 'applyTarget').returns(Promise.resolve())
		@deviceState.triggerApplyTarget({ force: true })
		setTimeout =>
			expect(@deviceState.applyTarget){ force: true, initial: false })
		, 5

	it 'applies the target state for device config'

	it 'applies the target state for applications'