import * as dbus from 'dbus'; import { DBusError, DBusInterface } from 'dbus'; import { stub } from 'sinon'; stub(dbus, 'getBus').returns({ getInterface: ( _serviceName: string, _objectPath: string, _interfaceName: string, interfaceCb: (err: null | DBusError, iface: DBusInterface) => void, ) => { interfaceCb(null, { Get: ( _unitName: string, _property: string, getCb: (err: null | Error, value: unknown) => void, ) => { getCb(null, 'this is the value'); }, GetUnit: ( _unitName: string, getUnitCb: (err: null | Error, unitPath: string) => void, ) => { getUnitCb(null, 'this is the unit path'); }, } as any); }, } as any);