import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { expect } from './lib/chai-config'; import * as validation from '../src/lib/validation'; const almostTooLongText = _.times(255, () => 'a').join(''); describe('validation', () => { describe('checkTruthy', () => { it('returns true for a truthy value', () => { expect(validation.checkTruthy(true)).to.equal(true); expect(validation.checkTruthy('true')).to.equal(true); expect(validation.checkTruthy('1')).to.equal(true); expect(validation.checkTruthy(1)).to.equal(true); expect(validation.checkTruthy('on')).to.equal(true); }); it('returns false for a falsy value', () => { expect(validation.checkTruthy(false)).to.equal(false); expect(validation.checkTruthy('false')).to.equal(false); expect(validation.checkTruthy('0')).to.equal(false); expect(validation.checkTruthy(0)).to.equal(false); expect(validation.checkTruthy('off')).to.equal(false); }); it('returns undefined for invalid values', () => { expect(validation.checkTruthy({})); expect(validation.checkTruthy(10)); expect(validation.checkTruthy('on1')); expect(validation.checkTruthy('foo')); expect(validation.checkTruthy(undefined)); expect(validation.checkTruthy(null)); expect(validation.checkTruthy('')); }); }); describe('checkString', () => { it('validates a string', () => { expect(validation.checkString('foo')).to.equal('foo'); expect(validation.checkString('bar')).to.equal('bar'); }); it('returns undefined for empty strings or strings that equal null or undefined', () => { expect(validation.checkString('')); expect(validation.checkString('null')); expect(validation.checkString('undefined')); }); it('returns undefined for things that are not strings', () => { expect(validation.checkString({})); expect(validation.checkString([])); expect(validation.checkString(123)); expect(validation.checkString(0)); expect(validation.checkString(null)); expect(validation.checkString(undefined)); }); }); describe('checkInt', () => { it('returns an integer for a string that can be parsed as one', () => { expect(validation.checkInt('200')).to.equal(200); expect(validation.checkInt('0')).to.equal(0); expect(validation.checkInt('-3')).to.equal(-3); }); it('returns the same integer when passed an integer', () => { expect(validation.checkInt(345)).to.equal(345); return expect(validation.checkInt(-345)).to.equal(-345); }); it("returns undefined when passed something that can't be parsed as int", () => { expect(validation.checkInt({})); expect(validation.checkInt([])); expect(validation.checkInt('foo')); expect(validation.checkInt(null)); return expect(validation.checkInt(undefined)); }); it('returns undefined when passed a negative or zero value and the positive option is set', () => { expect(validation.checkInt('-3', { positive: true })); expect(validation.checkInt('0', { positive: true })); }); }); describe('isValidShortText', () => { it('returns true for a short text', () => { expect(validation.isValidShortText('foo')).to.equal(true); expect(validation.isValidShortText('')).to.equal(true); expect(validation.isValidShortText(almostTooLongText)).to.equal(true); }); it('returns false for a text longer than 255 characters', () => expect(validation.isValidShortText(almostTooLongText + 'a')).to.equal( false, )); it('returns false when passed a non-string', () => { expect(validation.isValidShortText({})).to.equal(false); expect(validation.isValidShortText(1)).to.equal(false); expect(validation.isValidShortText(null)).to.equal(false); expect(validation.isValidShortText(undefined)).to.equal(false); }); }); describe('isValidAppsObject', () => { it('returns true for a valid object', () => { const apps = { '1234': { name: 'something', releaseId: 123, commit: 'bar', services: { '45': { serviceName: 'bazbaz', imageId: 34, image: 'foo', environment: {}, labels: {}, }, }, }, }; expect(validation.isValidAppsObject(apps)).to.equal(true); }); it('returns false with an invalid environment', () => { const apps = { '1234': { name: 'something', releaseId: 123, commit: 'bar', services: { '45': { serviceName: 'bazbaz', imageId: 34, image: 'foo', environment: { ' baz': 'bat' }, labels: {}, }, }, }, }; expect(validation.isValidAppsObject(apps)).to.equal(false); }); it('returns false with an invalid appId', () => { const apps = { boo: { name: 'something', releaseId: 123, commit: 'bar', services: { '45': { serviceName: 'bazbaz', imageId: 34, image: 'foo', environment: {}, labels: {}, }, }, }, }; expect(validation.isValidAppsObject(apps)).to.equal(false); }); it('returns true with a missing releaseId', () => { const apps = { '1234': { name: 'something', services: { '45': { serviceName: 'bazbaz', imageId: 34, image: 'foo', environment: {}, labels: {}, }, }, }, }; expect(validation.isValidAppsObject(apps)).to.equal(true); }); it('returns false with an invalid releaseId', () => { const apps = { '1234': { name: 'something', releaseId: '123a', services: { '45': { serviceName: 'bazbaz', imageId: 34, image: 'foo', environment: {}, labels: {}, }, }, }, }; expect(validation.isValidAppsObject(apps)).to.equal(true); }); }); describe('isValidDependentDevicesObject', () => { it('returns true for a valid object', () => { const devices: Dictionary<any> = {}; devices[almostTooLongText] = { name: 'foo', apps: { '234': { config: { bar: 'baz' }, environment: { dead: 'beef' }, }, }, }; expect(validation.isValidDependentDevicesObject(devices)).to.equal(true); }); it('returns false with a missing apps object', () => { const devices = { abcd1234: { name: 'foo', }, }; expect(validation.isValidDependentDevicesObject(devices)).to.equal(false); }); it('returns false with an invalid environment', () => { const devices = { abcd1234: { name: 'foo', apps: { '234': { config: { bar: 'baz' }, environment: { dead: 1 }, }, }, }, }; expect(validation.isValidDependentDevicesObject(devices)).to.equal(false); }); it('returns false if the uuid is too long', () => { const devices: Dictionary<any> = {}; devices[almostTooLongText + 'a'] = { name: 'foo', apps: { '234': { config: { bar: 'baz' }, environment: { dead: 'beef' }, }, }, }; return expect(validation.isValidDependentDevicesObject(devices)).to.equal( false, ); }); }); });