import { SinonStub, stub } from 'sinon'; import { promises as fs } from 'fs'; import { resolve } from 'path'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import Log from '../src/lib/supervisor-console'; import { Odmdata } from '../src/config/backends/odmdata'; describe('ODMDATA Configuration', () => { const backend = new Odmdata(); let logWarningStub: SinonStub; let logErrorStub: SinonStub; // @ts-ignore accessing private vluae const previousConfigPath = Odmdata.bootConfigPath; const testConfigPath = resolve(__dirname, 'data/boot0.img'); before(() => { // @ts-ignore setting value of private variable Odmdata.bootConfigPath = testConfigPath; }); after(() => { // @ts-ignore setting value of private variable Odmdata.bootConfigPath = previousConfigPath; }); beforeEach(() => { logWarningStub = stub(Log, 'warn'); logErrorStub = stub(Log, 'error'); }); afterEach(() => { logWarningStub.restore(); logErrorStub.restore(); }); it('only matches supported devices', async () => { for (const { deviceType, match } of MATCH_TESTS) { await expect(backend.matches(deviceType)).to.eventually.equal(match); } }); it('logs error when unable to open boot config file', async () => { const logs = [ { error: { code: 'ENOENT' }, message: `File not found at: ${testConfigPath}`, }, { error: { code: 'EACCES' }, message: `Permission denied when opening '${testConfigPath}'`, }, { error: { code: 'UNKNOWN ISSUE' }, // not a real code message: `Unknown error when opening '${testConfigPath}'`, }, ]; const openFileStub = stub(fs, 'open'); for (const log of logs) { // Stub openFileStub with specific error openFileStub.rejects(log.error); try { // @ts-ignore accessing private value await backend.getFileHandle(testConfigPath); } catch (e) { // noop } // Check that correct message was logged expect(logErrorStub.lastCall?.args[0]).to.equal(log.message); } openFileStub.restore(); }); it('should parse configuration options from bootConfigPath', async () => { // Restore openFile so test actually uses testConfigPath await expect(backend.getBootConfig()).to.eventually.deep.equal({ configuration: '2', }); }); it('correctly parses configuration mode', async () => { for (const config of CONFIG_MODES) { // @ts-ignore accessing private value expect(backend.parseOptions(config.buffer)).to.deep.equal({ configuration: config.mode, }); } }); it('logs error for malformed configuration mode', async () => { // Logs when configuration mode is unknown try { // @ts-ignore accessing private value backend.parseOptions(Buffer.from([0x9, 0x9, 0x9])); } catch (e) { // noop } // Check that correct message was logged expect(logErrorStub.lastCall?.lastArg).to.equal( 'ODMDATA is set with an unsupported byte: 0x9', ); // Logs when bytes don't match try { // @ts-ignore accessing private value backend.parseOptions(Buffer.from([0x1, 0x0, 0x0])); } catch (e) { // noop } // Check that correct message was logged expect(logErrorStub.lastCall?.lastArg).to.equal( 'Unable to parse ODMDATA configuration. Data at offsets do not match.', ); }); it('unlock/lock bootConfigPath RO access', async () => { const writeSpy = stub().resolves(); // @ts-ignore accessing private value const handleStub = stub(backend, 'getFileHandle').resolves({ write: writeSpy, close: async (): Promise<void> => { // noop }, }); // @ts-ignore accessing private value await backend.setReadOnly(false); // Try to unlock expect(writeSpy)'0'); // @ts-ignore accessing private value await backend.setReadOnly(true); // Try to lock expect(writeSpy)'1'); handleStub.restore(); }); it('sets new config values', async () => { // @ts-ignore accessing private value const setROStub = stub(backend, 'setReadOnly'); setROStub.resolves(); // Get current config const originalConfig = await backend.getBootConfig(); try { // Sets a new configuration await backend.setBootConfig({ configuration: '4', }); // Check that new configuration was set correctly await expect(backend.getBootConfig()).to.eventually.deep.equal({ configuration: '4', }); } finally { // Restore previous value await backend.setBootConfig(originalConfig); setROStub.restore(); } }); it('only allows supported configuration modes', () => { [ { configName: 'configuration', supported: true }, { configName: 'mode', supported: false }, { configName: '', supported: false }, ].forEach(({ configName, supported }) => expect(backend.isSupportedConfig(configName)).to.equal(supported), ); }); it('correctly detects boot config variables', () => { [ { config: 'HOST_ODMDATA_configuration', valid: true }, { config: 'ODMDATA_configuration', valid: false }, { config: 'HOST_CONFIG_odmdata_configuration', valid: false }, { config: 'HOST_EXTLINUX_rootwait', valid: false }, { config: '', valid: false }, ].forEach(({ config, valid }) => expect(backend.isBootConfigVar(config)).to.equal(valid), ); }); it('converts variable to backend formatted name', () => { [ { input: 'HOST_ODMDATA_configuration', output: 'configuration' }, { input: 'HOST_ODMDATA_', output: null }, { input: 'value', output: null }, ].forEach(({ input, output }) => expect(backend.processConfigVarName(input)).to.equal(output), ); }); it('normalizes variable value', () => { [ { input: { key: 'key', value: 'value' }, output: 'value' }, ].forEach(({ input, output }) => expect(backend.processConfigVarValue(input.key, input.value)).to.equal( output, ), ); }); it('returns the environment name for config variable', () => { [ { input: 'configuration', output: 'HOST_ODMDATA_configuration' }, { input: '', output: null }, ].forEach(({ input, output }) => expect(backend.createConfigVarName(input)).to.equal(output), ); }); }); const CONFIG_MODES = [ { mode: '1', buffer: Buffer.from([0x0, 0x0, 0x0]), }, { mode: '2', buffer: Buffer.from([0x1, 0x1, 0x1]), }, { mode: '3', buffer: Buffer.from([0x6, 0x6, 0x6]), }, { mode: '4', buffer: Buffer.from([0x7, 0x7, 0x7]), }, { mode: '5', buffer: Buffer.from([0x2, 0x2, 0x2]), }, { mode: '6', buffer: Buffer.from([0x3, 0x3, 0x3]), }, ]; const MATCH_TESTS = [ { deviceType: 'blackboard-tx2', match: true, }, { deviceType: 'jetson-tx2', match: true, }, { deviceType: 'n510-tx2', match: true, }, { deviceType: 'orbitty-tx2', match: true, }, { deviceType: 'spacely-tx2', match: true, }, { deviceType: 'srd3-tx2', match: true, }, { deviceType: 'raspberry-pi', match: false, }, { deviceType: 'up-board', match: false, }, { deviceType: '', match: false, }, ];