* Add endpoints for docker-compose up and down [Pablo] # v1.11.6 * Fixed deltas for older docker daemon versions [petrosagg] # v1.11.5 * Fix entry.sh when DOCKER_ROOT isn't set [Page] # v1.11.4 * Cleanup docker images if delta failed [petrosagg] * Make the data path configurable [Pablo] # v1.11.3 * Add listener for container events and reattach on restart [Pablo] * fix deltas by not using the supervisor as source [Pablo] # v1.11.2 * fix delta error handling by listening for the 'error' event [petrosagg] # v1.11.1 * Use sh for postinstall as alpine has no bash [Pablo] * update docker-delta to 0.0.8 [petrosagg] * symlink docker root to default path if not already there [petrosagg] # v1.11.0 * Add restart policies and change default to auto-restart [Aleksis] # v1.10.1 * Switch to docker-delta library to use deltas v2 [petrosagg] * Correctly compare container image name on cleanup [Pablo] * Log useful supervisor info to stdout/stderr [Kostas] # v1.10.0 * Fix progress bars on docker version 1.10 [Aleksis] # v1.9.0 * Fix reporting of supervisor version for alpine supervisor [Pablo] * Use rwlock to block when pulling images [Pablo] * Increase API timeout to 15 minutes, and make it configurable [Pablo] * Add endpoint to load images from a docker save tar [Pablo] * Add alpine supervisor build information [Trong] * Add endpoints to manage images and containers locally [Pablo] * Only use bodyParser for endpoints that need it [Pablo] * Add RESIN_APP_ID variable [Pablo] * Increase delta request timeout to 15 minutes [Pablo] # v1.8.0 * Add endpoints to start, stop and get app [Pablo, Kostas] * Removed a bunch ofobsolete code for the old terminal, reducing the supervisor size considerably. [Page] # v1.7.0 * Add RESIN_HOST_LOG_TO_DISPLAY variable [Pablo] * Add system logs for special actions and host config [Pablo] * Fix setting config.txt for RPi 3 [Pablo] * Fix saving config vars to DB before reboot [Pablo] * Bind mount host /var/lib/connman to application /host_var/lib/connman [Aleksis] * Add RESIN_SUPERVISOR_DELTA to special list so that app is not restarted when it changes [Pablo] # v1.6.1 * Reduce noise in logs [Kostas] # v1.6.0 * Add endpoint to get device state [Pablo] * Check for valid strings or ints in all config values [Pablo] * Remove quotes in OS version [Pablo] # v1.5.0 * Add support for delta image download [petrosagg and Pablo] # v1.4.0 * Report Host OS version to the API [Pablo] * Use _.defaults instead of _.extend to ensure internal env vars are not overwritten [Pablo] * Expose resin API key to apps [Pablo] * On download start, set download_progress to 0. On finish, set state to Idle [Pablo] * Set GOARM separately for each architecture [Pablo] * Add armv5 (armel) build [Trong] * Add OOM protection for the supervisor container, openvpn and connmand [Praneeth] # v1.3.2 * Do not report the tun addresses to API [Praneeth] # v1.3.1 * Only save the app if starting the container was successful [Pablo] # v1.3.0 * Remove volumes when removing a container [Pablo] * Refactor the still undocumented special env vars into RESIN_SUPERVISOR_ [Pablo] * Implement several update strategies (kill before download, 0-downtime) [Pablo] * Fix the error that comes up when no ip addresses are returned by gosuper [Praneeth] * Switched to docker-progress for pull progress. [Page] * Fix semver versioning in tcp-ping endpoint. [Praneeth] # v1.2.1 * Use random name for PubNub channel and report to API [Pablo] # v1.2.0 * Don't bind mount (the sometimes non-existent) docker.sock [Pablo] * Expose a RESIN_SUPERVISOR_VERSION env var to app [Pablo] # v1.1.1 * Prevent non-fatal errors from causing the supervisor to exit [Lorenzo] * Use buildtime env vars as the default Pubnub and Mixpanel keys [Pablo] # v1.1.0 * Switch back to using arch-based node images [Pablo] * Don't allow bootstrap to delete apiSecret from DB [Pablo] * Add API endpoint to expire and create new API key [Pablo] * Enable control of API poll interval through Device Variables [Praneeth] * Allow control of VPN + TCP check + Pub nub logs with Device Environment variables [Praneeth] * Add GO api for openvpn control [Praneeth] # v1.0.2 * Fix getting API key from DB by returning its .value [Pablo] # v1.0.1 * Pass supervisor API key to app, don't regenerate the key, and authenticate ALL requests [Pablo] * Use raspberrypi2 base image for armv7hf [Pablo] * Bugfix: wrap all errors from update as Error objects - prevents image cleanup on download failures [Pablo] * Wait 10 seconds after sending SIGTERM and before sending SIGKILL when stopping a container [petrosagg] # v1.0.0 * Expose supervisor API to app by allowing all requests from and passing address and port as env vars [Pablo] * Only apply special actions / boot config on change, and always persist to DB [Pablo] # v0.0.18 * Fix preloaded apps so that they have the complete environment [Pablo] # v0.0.17 * Updated bases image to board-specific, and all node versions to 0.10.40-slim [Pablo] * Allow changing RPi config.txt with environment variables [Pablo] * Allow special env vars with a callback which don't cause an app restart [Pablo and Praneeth] * Remove unused config.supervisorContainer in config.coffee [Praneeth] * Implement and use golang endpoint for getting IPs of the device, also fixes duplicate IP reporting in the JS implementation [Praneeth] * Refactor bootstrapping to run in background [Pablo] * Run preloaded app images [Pablo] * Add API endpoints for device reboot and shutdown [Pablo] * Add /restart endpoint to restart container [Pablo] * Add additional mount point for the host dbus on host_run/dbus [Praneeth] * Switch to golang 1.5.1 for compiling [Praneeth] * Allow /purge to be called with appId as string or number [Pablo] * Fetch containerId from DB within lock [Pablo] * Change update cycle to map by appId [Pablo] * Allow updates to be forced via an env var or an API call [Pablo] * Use lockfile to lock updates per app [Pablo] # v0.0.16 * Disabled the TCP ping whilst the VPN is connected. [Praneeth] * Added TCP ping enable/disable endpoints. [Praneeth] * Added initial go supervisor, using it to purge the /data directory of apps. [Pablo] * Mounted /lib/firmware into the user container. [Pablo] * Fixed spaces in env vars for web terminal. [Petros] * Added missing return when no app id specified. [Pablo] * Try to populate the docker cache before building. [Page] # v0.0.15 * Make resolv.conf writable from a user container. [Praneeth] * Updated pubnub (3.7.13 doesn't seem to have the heartbeat unnecessarily) * Fixed an issue where an image would not be cleaned up if it was tagged in multiple repos. [Page] * Use JOBS=MAX for npm install. [Page] * Updated pinejs-client so that valid ssl certificates are enforced by default. [Page] * Write the `registered_at` time to config.json as well, in case there is a failure between writing to config.json and writing to knex [Page] # v0.0.14 * Clean up tmp files left behind by npm [Page] * Fix an error where mixpanel events would have the wrong uuid set on first provision. [Page] * Update knexjs to ~0.8.3, which uses lodash 3 and means it will be deduplicated (reducing image size and runtime memory usage) [Page] * Stop caching config.json, avoids a race that could cause getting stuck repeatedly trying to register [Page] # v0.0.13 * Bind mount /etc/resolv.conf as ro for application containers and supervisor [Praneeth] # v0.0.12 * Stopped displaying an error message when trying to start a container that is already started. * Improved error messages reported to the user in the case of finding an empty string. * Switched to using the dockerode pull progress mechanism. * Fixed trying to delete supervisor container when it reports an alternate tag instead of the primary tag. * Switched to using the i386-node image as a base for the i386-supervisor * Fixed reporting error objects to mixpanel.