{ expect } = require './lib/chai-config' { Network } = require '../src/compose/network' describe 'compose/network', -> describe 'compose config -> internal config', -> it 'should convert a compose configuration to an internal representation', -> network = Network.fromComposeObject('test', 123, { 'driver': 'bridge', 'ipam': { 'driver': 'default', 'config': [ { 'subnet': '', 'gateway': '' } ] } }, { logger: null, docker: null }) expect(network.config).to.deep.equal({ driver: 'bridge' ipam: { driver: 'default' config: [ subnet: '' gateway: '' ] options: {} } enableIPv6: false, internal: false, labels: {} options: {} }) it 'should handle an incomplete ipam configuration', -> network = Network.fromComposeObject('test', 123, { ipam: { config: [ { subnet: '', gateway: '' } ] } }, { logger: null, docker: null }) expect(network.config).to.deep.equal({ driver: 'bridge', enableIPv6: false, internal: false, labels: {} options: {} ipam: { driver: 'default', options: {}, config: [ { subnet: '', gateway: '' } ] } }) describe 'internal config -> docker config', -> it 'should convert an internal representation to a docker representation', -> network = Network.fromComposeObject('test', 123, { 'driver': 'bridge', 'ipam': { 'driver': 'default', 'config': [ { 'subnet': '', 'gateway': '' } ] } }, { logger: null, docker: null }) expect(network.toDockerConfig()).to.deep.equal({ Name: '123_test', Driver: 'bridge', CheckDuplicate: true, IPAM: { Driver: 'default', Config: [{ Subnet: '' Gateway: '' }] Options: {} } EnableIPv6: false, Internal: false, Labels: { 'io.balena.supervised': 'true' } })