Promise = require 'bluebird' _ = require 'lodash' EventEmitter = require 'events' express = require 'express' bodyParser = require 'body-parser' fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs')) path = require 'path' constants = require './lib/constants' Docker = require './lib/docker-utils' updateLock = require './lib/update-lock' { checkTruthy, checkInt, checkString } = require './lib/validation' { NotFoundError } = require './lib/errors' ServiceManager = require './compose/service-manager' Service = require './compose/service' Images = require './compose/images' Networks = require './compose/networks' Volumes = require './compose/volumes' Proxyvisor = require './proxyvisor' serviceAction = (action, serviceId, current, target, options = {}) -> return { action, serviceId, current, target, options } # TODO: move this to an Image class? imageForService = (service) -> return { name: service.imageName appId: service.appId serviceId: service.serviceId serviceName: service.serviceName imageId: service.imageId releaseId: service.releaseId dependent: 0 } fetchAction = (service) -> return { action: 'fetch' image: imageForService(service) serviceId: service.serviceId } pathExistsOnHost = (p) -> fs.statAsync(path.join(constants.rootMountPoint, p)) .return(true) .catchReturn(false) appNotFoundMsg = "App not found: an app needs to be installed for this endpoint to work. If you've recently moved this device from another app, please push an app and wait for it to be installed first." # TODO: implement additional v2 endpoints # Some v1 endpoins only work for single-container apps as they assume the app has a single service. createApplicationManagerRouter = (applications) -> { eventTracker, deviceState, _lockingIfNecessary, logger } = applications router = express.Router() router.use(bodyParser.urlencoded(extended: true)) router.use(bodyParser.json()) doRestart = (appId, force) -> _lockingIfNecessary appId, { force }, -> deviceState.getCurrentForComparison() .then (currentState) -> app = currentState.local.apps[appId] imageIds =, 'imageId') applications.clearTargetVolatileForServices(imageIds) stoppedApp = _.cloneDeep(app) = [] currentState.local.apps[appId] = stoppedApp deviceState.pausingApply -> deviceState.applyIntermediateTarget(currentState, { skipLock: true }) .then -> currentState.local.apps[appId] = app deviceState.applyIntermediateTarget(currentState, { skipLock: true }) .finally -> deviceState.triggerApplyTarget() doPurge = (appId, force) -> logger.logSystemMessage("Purging data for app #{appId}", { appId }, 'Purge data') _lockingIfNecessary appId, { force }, -> deviceState.getCurrentForComparison() .then (currentState) -> app = currentState.local.apps[appId] if !app? throw new Error(appNotFoundMsg) purgedApp = _.cloneDeep(app) = [] purgedApp.volumes = {} currentState.local.apps[appId] = purgedApp deviceState.pausingApply -> deviceState.applyIntermediateTarget(currentState, { skipLock: true }) .then -> currentState.local.apps[appId] = app deviceState.applyIntermediateTarget(currentState, { skipLock: true }) .finally -> deviceState.triggerApplyTarget() .tap -> logger.logSystemMessage('Purged data', { appId }, 'Purge data success') .tapCatch (err) -> logger.logSystemMessage("Error purging data: #{err}", { appId, error: err }, 'Purge data error') '/v1/restart', (req, res) -> appId = checkInt(req.body.appId) force = checkTruthy(req.body.force) eventTracker.track('Restart container (v1)', { appId }) if !appId? return res.status(400).send('Missing app id') doRestart(appId, force) .then -> res.status(200).send('OK') .catch (err) -> res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error') v1StopOrStart = (req, res, action) -> appId = checkInt(req.params.appId) force = checkTruthy(req.body.force) if !appId? return res.status(400).send('Missing app id') applications.getCurrentApp(appId) .then (app) -> service = app?.services?[0] if !service? return res.status(400).send('App not found') if > 1 return res.status(400).send('Some v1 endpoints are only allowed on single-container apps') applications.setTargetVolatileForService(service.imageId, running: action != 'stop') applications.executeStepAction(serviceAction(action, service.serviceId, service, service), { force }) .then -> if action == 'stop' return service # We refresh the container id in case we were starting an app with no container yet applications.getCurrentApp(appId) .then (app) -> service = app?.services?[0] if !service? throw new Error('App not found after running action') return service .then (service) -> res.status(200).json({ containerId: service.containerId }) .catch (err) -> res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error') '/v1/apps/:appId/stop', (req, res) -> v1StopOrStart(req, res, 'stop') '/v1/apps/:appId/start', (req, res) -> v1StopOrStart(req, res, 'start') router.get '/v1/apps/:appId', (req, res) -> appId = checkInt(req.params.appId) eventTracker.track('GET app (v1)', { appId }) if !appId? return res.status(400).send('Missing app id') Promise.join( applications.getCurrentApp(appId) applications.getStatus() (app, status) -> service = app?.services?[0] if !service? return res.status(400).send('App not found') if > 1 return res.status(400).send('Some v1 endpoints are only allowed on single-container apps') # Don't return data that will be of no use to the user appToSend = { appId containerId: service.containerId env: _.omit(service.environment, constants.privateAppEnvVars) releaseId: service.releaseId imageId: service.image } if status.commit? appToSend.commit = status.commit res.json(appToSend) ) .catch (err) -> res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error') '/v1/purge', (req, res) -> appId = checkInt(req.body.appId) force = checkTruthy(req.body.force) if !appId? errMsg = 'Invalid or missing appId' return res.status(400).send(errMsg) doPurge(appId, force) .then -> res.status(200).json(Data: 'OK', Error: '') .catch (err) -> res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error') '/v2/applications/:appId/purge', (req, res) -> { force } = req.body { appId } = req.params doPurge(appId, force) .then -> res.status(200).send('OK') .catch (err) -> res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error') handleServiceAction = (req, res, action) -> { imageId, force } = req.body { appId } = req.params _lockingIfNecessary appId, { force }, -> applications.getCurrentApp(appId) .then (app) -> if !app? return res.status(404).send(appNotFoundMsg) service = _.find(, { imageId }) if !service? errMsg = 'Service not found, a container must exist for this endpoint to work.' return res.status(404).send(errMsg) applications.setTargetVolatileForService(service.imageId, running: action != 'stop') applications.executeStepAction(serviceAction(action, service.serviceId, service, service, { wait: true }), { skipLock: true }) .then -> res.status(200).send('OK') .catch (err) -> res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error') '/v2/applications/:appId/restart-service', (req, res) -> handleServiceAction(req, res, 'restart') '/v2/applications/:appId/stop-service', (req, res) -> handleServiceAction(req, res, 'stop') '/v2/applications/:appId/start-service', (req, res) -> handleServiceAction(req, res, 'start') '/v2/applications/:appId/restart', (req, res) -> { force } = req.body { appId } = req.params doRestart(appId, force) .then -> res.status(200).send('OK') .catch (err) -> res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error') router.use(applications.proxyvisor.router) return router module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter constructor: ({ @logger, @config, @db, @eventTracker, @deviceState }) -> @docker = new Docker() @images = new Images({ @docker, @logger, @db }) @services = new ServiceManager({ @docker, @logger, @images, @config }) @networks = new Networks({ @docker, @logger }) @volumes = new Volumes({ @docker, @logger }) @proxyvisor = new Proxyvisor({ @config, @logger, @db, @docker, @images, applications: this }) @timeSpentFetching = 0 @fetchesInProgress = 0 @_targetVolatilePerImageId = {} @_containerStarted = {} @actionExecutors = { stop: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) => @_lockingIfNecessary step.current.appId, { force, skipLock: skipLock or step.options?.skipLock }, => wait = step.options?.wait ? false @services.kill(step.current, { removeContainer: false, wait }) .then => delete @_containerStarted[step.current.containerId] kill: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) => @_lockingIfNecessary step.current.appId, { force, skipLock: skipLock or step.options?.skipLock }, => @services.kill(step.current) .then => delete @_containerStarted[step.current.containerId] if step.options?.removeImage @images.removeByDockerId(step.current.image) updateMetadata: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) => @_lockingIfNecessary step.current.appId, { force, skipLock: skipLock or step.options?.skipLock }, => @services.updateMetadata(step.current, restart: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) => @_lockingIfNecessary step.current.appId, { force, skipLock: skipLock or step.options?.skipLock }, => @services.kill(step.current, { wait: true }) .then => delete @_containerStarted[step.current.containerId] .then => @services.start( .then (container) => @_containerStarted[] = true stopAll: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) => @stopAll({ force, skipLock }) start: (step) => @services.start( .then (container) => @_containerStarted[] = true handover: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) => @_lockingIfNecessary step.current.appId, { force, skipLock: skipLock or step.options?.skipLock }, => @services.handover(step.current, fetch: (step) => startTime = process.hrtime() @fetchesInProgress += 1 Promise.join( @config.get('fetchOptions') @images.getAvailable() (opts, availableImages) => opts.deltaSource = @bestDeltaSource(step.image, availableImages) @images.triggerFetch step.image, opts, (success) => @fetchesInProgress -= 1 elapsed = process.hrtime(startTime) elapsedMs = elapsed[0] * 1000 + elapsed[1] / 1e6 @timeSpentFetching += elapsedMs if success # update_downloaded is true if *any* image has been downloaded, # and it's relevant mostly for the legacy GET /v1/device endpoint # that assumes a single-container app @reportCurrentState(update_downloaded: true) ) removeImage: (step) => @images.remove(step.image) saveImage: (step) => cleanup: (step) => @images.cleanup() createNetworkOrVolume: (step) => model = if step.model is 'volume' then @volumes else @networks model.create( removeNetworkOrVolume: (step) => model = if step.model is 'volume' then @volumes else @networks model.remove(step.current) ensureSupervisorNetwork: => @networks.ensureSupervisorNetwork() } @validActions = _.keys(@actionExecutors).concat(@proxyvisor.validActions) @router = createApplicationManagerRouter(this) @images.on('change', @reportCurrentState) @services.on('change', @reportCurrentState) serviceAction: serviceAction imageForService: imageForService fetchAction: fetchAction reportCurrentState: (data) => @emit('change', data) init: => @images.cleanupDatabase() .then => @services.attachToRunning() .then => @services.listenToEvents() # Returns the status of applications and their services getStatus: => Promise.join( @services.getStatus() @images.getStatus() @db.models('app').select([ 'appId', 'releaseId', 'commit' ]) (services, images, targetApps) -> apps = {} dependent = {} releaseId = null creationTimesAndReleases = {} # We iterate over the current running services and add them to the current state # of the app they belong to. for service in services appId = service.appId apps[appId] ?= {} creationTimesAndReleases[appId] = {} apps[appId].services ?= {} # We only send commit if all services have the same release, and it matches the target release if !releaseId? releaseId = service.releaseId else if releaseId != service.releaseId releaseId = false if !apps[appId].services[service.imageId]? apps[appId].services[service.imageId] = _.pick(service, [ 'status', 'releaseId' ]) creationTimesAndReleases[appId][service.imageId] = _.pick(service, [ 'createdAt', 'releaseId' ]) apps[appId].services[service.imageId].download_progress = null else # There's two containers with the same imageId, so this has to be a handover apps[appId].services[service.imageId].releaseId = _.minBy([ creationTimesAndReleases[appId][service.imageId], service ], 'createdAt').releaseId apps[appId].services[service.imageId].status = 'Handing over' for image in images appId = image.appId if !image.dependent apps[appId] ?= {} apps[appId].services ?= {} if !apps[appId].services[image.imageId]? apps[appId].services[image.imageId] = _.pick(image, [ 'status', 'releaseId' ]) apps[appId].services[image.imageId].download_progress = image.downloadProgress else if image.imageId? dependent[appId] ?= {} dependent[appId].images ?= {} dependent[appId].images[image.imageId] = _.pick(image, [ 'status' ]) dependent[appId].images[image.imageId].download_progress = image.downloadProgress else console.log('Ignoring legacy dependent image', image) obj = { local: apps, dependent } if releaseId and targetApps[0]?.releaseId == releaseId obj.commit = targetApps[0].commit return obj ) getDependentState: => @proxyvisor.getCurrentStates() _buildApps: (services, networks, volumes) -> apps = {} # We iterate over the current running services and add them to the current state # of the app they belong to. for service in services appId = service.appId apps[appId] ?= { appId, services: [], volumes: {}, networks: {} } apps[appId].services.push(service) for network in networks appId = network.appId apps[appId] ?= { appId, services: [], volumes: {}, networks: {} } apps[appId].networks[] = network.config for volume in volumes appId = volume.appId apps[appId] ?= { appId, services: [], volumes: {}, networks: {} } apps[appId].volumes[] = volume.config return apps getCurrentForComparison: => Promise.join( @services.getAll() @networks.getAll() @volumes.getAll() @_buildApps ) getCurrentApp: (appId) => Promise.join( @services.getAllByAppId(appId) @networks.getAllByAppId(appId) @volumes.getAllByAppId(appId) @_buildApps ).get(appId) getTargetApp: (appId) => @db.models('app').where({ appId }).select() .then ([ app ]) => if !app? return @normaliseAndExtendAppFromDB(app) # Compares current and target services and returns a list of service pairs to be updated/removed/installed. # The returned list is an array of objects where the "current" and "target" properties define the update pair, and either can be null # (in the case of an install or removal). compareServicesForUpdate: (currentServices, targetServices) => removePairs = [] installPairs = [] updatePairs = [] targetServiceIds =, 'serviceId') currentServiceIds = _.uniq(, 'serviceId')) toBeRemoved = _.difference(currentServiceIds, targetServiceIds) for serviceId in toBeRemoved servicesToRemove = _.filter(currentServices, { serviceId }) for service in servicesToRemove removePairs.push({ current: service target: null serviceId }) toBeInstalled = _.difference(targetServiceIds, currentServiceIds) for serviceId in toBeInstalled serviceToInstall = _.find(targetServices, { serviceId }) if serviceToInstall? installPairs.push({ current: null target: serviceToInstall serviceId }) toBeMaybeUpdated = _.intersection(targetServiceIds, currentServiceIds) currentServicesPerId = {} targetServicesPerId = _.keyBy(targetServices, 'serviceId') for serviceId in toBeMaybeUpdated currentServiceContainers = _.filter(currentServices, { serviceId }) if currentServiceContainers.length > 1 currentServicesPerId[serviceId] = _.maxBy(currentServiceContainers, 'createdAt') # All but the latest container for this service are spurious and should be removed for service in _.without(currentServiceContainers, currentServicesPerId[serviceId]) removePairs.push({ current: service target: null serviceId }) else currentServicesPerId[serviceId] = currentServiceContainers[0] # Returns true if a service matches its target except it should be running and it is not, but we've # already started it before. In this case it means it just exited so we don't want to start it again. alreadyStarted = (serviceId) => return ( currentServicesPerId[serviceId].isEqualExceptForRunningState(targetServicesPerId[serviceId]) and targetServicesPerId[serviceId].running and @_containerStarted[currentServicesPerId[serviceId].containerId] ) needUpdate = _.filter toBeMaybeUpdated, (serviceId) -> !currentServicesPerId[serviceId].isEqual(targetServicesPerId[serviceId]) and !alreadyStarted(serviceId) for serviceId in needUpdate updatePairs.push({ current: currentServicesPerId[serviceId] target: targetServicesPerId[serviceId] serviceId }) return { removePairs, installPairs, updatePairs } _compareNetworksOrVolumesForUpdate: (model, { current, target }, appId) -> outputPairs = [] currentNames = _.keys(current) targetNames = _.keys(target) toBeRemoved = _.difference(currentNames, targetNames) for name in toBeRemoved outputPairs.push({ current: { name appId config: current[name] } target: null }) toBeInstalled = _.difference(targetNames, currentNames) for name in toBeInstalled outputPairs.push({ current: null target: { name appId config: target[name] } }) toBeUpdated = _.filter _.intersection(targetNames, currentNames), (name) -> !model.isEqualConfig(current[name], target[name]) for name in toBeUpdated outputPairs.push({ current: { name appId config: current[name] } target: { name appId config: target[name] } }) return outputPairs compareNetworksForUpdate: ({ current, target }, appId) => @_compareNetworksOrVolumesForUpdate(@networks, { current, target }, appId) compareVolumesForUpdate: ({ current, target }, appId) => @_compareNetworksOrVolumesForUpdate(@volumes, { current, target }, appId) # Checks if a service is using a network or volume that is about to be updated _hasCurrentNetworksOrVolumes: (service, networkPairs, volumePairs) -> if !service? return false hasNetwork = _.some networkPairs, (pair) -> "#{service.appId}_#{pair.current?.name}" == service.networkMode if hasNetwork return true hasVolume = _.some service.volumes, (volume) -> name = _.split(volume, ':')[0] _.some volumePairs, (pair) -> "#{service.appId}_#{pair.current?.name}" == name return hasVolume # TODO: account for volumes-from, networks-from, links, etc # TODO: support networks instead of only networkMode _dependenciesMetForServiceStart: (target, networkPairs, volumePairs, pendingPairs) -> # for dependsOn, check no install or update pairs have that service dependencyUnmet = _.some target.dependsOn, (dependency) -> _.some(pendingPairs, (pair) -> == dependency) if dependencyUnmet return false # for networks and volumes, check no network pairs have that volume name if _.some(networkPairs, (pair) -> "#{target.appId}_#{}" == target.networkMode) return false volumeUnmet = _.some target.volumes, (volumeDefinition) -> [ sourceName, destName ] = volumeDefinition.split(':') if !destName? # If this is not a named volume, ignore it return false return _.some(volumePairs, (pair) -> "#{target.appId}_#{}" == sourceName) return !volumeUnmet # Unless the update strategy requires an early kill (i.e. kill-then-download, delete-then-download), we only want # to kill a service once the images for the services it depends on have been downloaded, so as to minimize # downtime (but not block the killing too much, potentially causing a deadlock) _dependenciesMetForServiceKill: (target, targetApp, availableImages) => if target.dependsOn? for dependency in target.dependsOn dependencyService = _.find(, serviceName: dependency) if !_.some(availableImages, (image) => image.dockerImageId == dependencyService.image or @images.isSameImage(image, { name: dependencyService.imageName })) return false return true _nextStepsForNetworkOrVolume: ({ current, target }, currentApp, changingPairs, dependencyComparisonFn, model) -> # Check none of the use this network or volume if current? dependencies = _.filter, (service) -> dependencyComparisonFn(service, current) if _.isEmpty(dependencies) return [{ action: 'removeNetworkOrVolume', model, current }] else # If the current update doesn't require killing the services that use this network/volume, # we have to kill them before removing the network/volume (e.g. when we're only updating the network config) steps = [] for dependency in dependencies if dependency.status != 'Stopping' and !_.some(changingPairs, serviceId: dependency.serviceId) steps.push(serviceAction('kill', dependency.serviceId, dependency)) return steps else if target? return [{ action: 'createNetworkOrVolume', model, target }] _nextStepsForNetwork: ({ current, target }, currentApp, changingPairs) => dependencyComparisonFn = (service, current) -> service.networkMode == "#{service.appId}_#{current?.name}" @_nextStepsForNetworkOrVolume({ current, target }, currentApp, changingPairs, dependencyComparisonFn, 'network') _nextStepsForVolume: ({ current, target }, currentApp, changingPairs) -> # Check none of the use this network or volume dependencyComparisonFn = (service, current) -> _.some service.volumes, (volumeDefinition) -> [ sourceName, destName ] = volumeDefinition.split(':') destName? and sourceName == "#{service.appId}_#{current?.name}" @_nextStepsForNetworkOrVolume({ current, target }, currentApp, changingPairs, dependencyComparisonFn, 'volume') # Infers steps that do not require creating a new container _updateContainerStep: (current, target) -> if current.releaseId != target.releaseId or current.imageId != target.imageId return serviceAction('updateMetadata', target.serviceId, current, target) else if target.running return serviceAction('start', target.serviceId, current, target) else return serviceAction('stop', target.serviceId, current, target) _fetchOrStartStep: (current, target, needsDownload, dependenciesMetForStart) -> if needsDownload return fetchAction(target) else if dependenciesMetForStart() return serviceAction('start', target.serviceId, current, target) else return null _strategySteps: { 'download-then-kill': (current, target, needsDownload, dependenciesMetForStart, dependenciesMetForKill) -> if needsDownload return fetchAction(target) else if dependenciesMetForKill() # We only kill when dependencies are already met, so that we minimize downtime return serviceAction('kill', target.serviceId, current, target) else return null 'kill-then-download': (current, target) -> return serviceAction('kill', target.serviceId, current, target) 'delete-then-download': (current, target, needsDownload) -> return serviceAction('kill', target.serviceId, current, target, removeImage: needsDownload) 'hand-over': (current, target, needsDownload, dependenciesMetForStart, dependenciesMetForKill, needsSpecialKill, timeout) -> if needsDownload return fetchAction(target) else if needsSpecialKill and dependenciesMetForKill() return serviceAction('kill', target.serviceId, current, target) else if dependenciesMetForStart() return serviceAction('handover', target.serviceId, current, target, timeout: timeout) else return null } _nextStepForService: ({ current, target }, updateContext) => { targetApp, networkPairs, volumePairs, installPairs, updatePairs, availableImages, downloading } = updateContext if current?.status == 'Stopping' # There is already a kill step in progress for this service, so we wait return { action: 'noop' } needsDownload = !_.some availableImages, (image) => image.dockerImageId == target?.image or @images.isSameImage(image, { name: target.imageName }) # This service needs an image download but it's currently downloading, so we wait if needsDownload and target?.imageId in downloading return { action: 'noop' } dependenciesMetForStart = => @_dependenciesMetForServiceStart(target, networkPairs, volumePairs, installPairs.concat(updatePairs)) dependenciesMetForKill = => !needsDownload and @_dependenciesMetForServiceKill(target, targetApp, availableImages) # If the service is using a network or volume that is being updated, we need to kill it # even if its strategy is handover needsSpecialKill = @_hasCurrentNetworksOrVolumes(current, networkPairs, volumePairs) if current?.isSameContainer(target) # We're only stopping/starting it return @_updateContainerStep(current, target) else if !current? # Either this is a new service, or the current one has already been killed return @_fetchOrStartStep(current, target, needsDownload, dependenciesMetForStart) else strategy = checkString(target.labels['io.resin.update.strategy']) validStrategies = [ 'download-then-kill', 'kill-then-download', 'delete-then-download', 'hand-over' ] if !_.includes(validStrategies, strategy) strategy = 'download-then-kill' timeout = checkInt(target.labels['io.resin.update.handover-timeout']) return @_strategySteps[strategy](current, target, needsDownload, dependenciesMetForStart, dependenciesMetForKill, needsSpecialKill, timeout) _nextStepsForAppUpdate: (currentApp, targetApp, availableImages = [], downloading = []) => emptyApp = { services: [], volumes: {}, networks: {} } if !targetApp? targetApp = emptyApp else # Create the default network for the target app targetApp.networks['default'] ?= {} currentApp ?= emptyApp if == 1 and == 1 and[0].serviceName ==[0].serviceName and checkTruthy([0].labels['io.resin.legacy-container']) # This is a legacy preloaded app or container, so we didn't have things like serviceId. # We hack a few things to avoid an unnecessary restart of the preloaded app # (but ensuring it gets updated if it actually changed)[0].labels['io.resin.legacy-container'] =[0].labels['io.resin.legacy-container'][0].labels['io.resin.service-id'] =[0].labels['io.resin.service-id'][0].serviceId =[0].serviceId appId = targetApp.appId ? currentApp.appId networkPairs = @compareNetworksForUpdate({ current: currentApp.networks, target: targetApp.networks }, appId) volumePairs = @compareVolumesForUpdate({ current: currentApp.volumes, target: targetApp.volumes }, appId) { removePairs, installPairs, updatePairs } = @compareServicesForUpdate(, steps = [] # All removePairs get a 'kill' action for pair in removePairs if pair.current.status != 'Stopping' steps.push(serviceAction('kill', pair.current.serviceId, pair.current, null)) else steps.push({ action: 'noop' }) # next step for install pairs in download - start order, but start requires dependencies, networks and volumes met # next step for update pairs in order by update strategy. start requires dependencies, networks and volumes met. for pair in installPairs.concat(updatePairs) step = @_nextStepForService(pair, { targetApp, networkPairs, volumePairs, installPairs, updatePairs, availableImages, downloading }) if step? steps.push(step) # next step for network pairs - remove requires services killed, create kill if no pairs or steps affect that service for pair in networkPairs pairSteps = @_nextStepsForNetwork(pair, currentApp, removePairs.concat(updatePairs)) steps = steps.concat(pairSteps) # next step for volume pairs - remove requires services killed, create kill if no pairs or steps affect that service for pair in volumePairs pairSteps = @_nextStepsForVolume(pair, currentApp, removePairs.concat(updatePairs)) steps = steps.concat(pairSteps) return, (step) -> _.assign({}, step, { appId })) normaliseAppForDB: (app) => services =, (s, serviceId) -> service = _.clone(s) service.appId = app.appId service.releaseId = app.releaseId service.serviceId = checkInt(serviceId) service.commit = app.commit return service services, (service) => service.image = @images.normalise(service.image) Promise.props(service) .then (services) -> dbApp = { appId: app.appId commit: app.commit name: releaseId: app.releaseId services: JSON.stringify(services) networks: JSON.stringify(app.networks ? {}) volumes: JSON.stringify(app.volumes ? {}) } return dbApp createTargetService: (service, opts) -> @images.inspectByName(service.image) .catchReturn(NotFoundError, undefined) .then (imageInfo) -> serviceOpts = { serviceName: service.serviceName imageInfo } _.assign(serviceOpts, opts) service.imageName = service.image if imageInfo?.Id? service.image = imageInfo.Id return new Service(service, serviceOpts) normaliseAndExtendAppFromDB: (app) => Promise.join( @config.get('extendedEnvOptions') @docker.getNetworkGateway(constants.supervisorNetworkInterface) .catchReturn('') Promise.props({ firmware: pathExistsOnHost('/lib/firmware') modules: pathExistsOnHost('/lib/modules') }) (opts, supervisorApiHost, hostPathExists) => configOpts = { appName: supervisorApiHost hostPathExists } _.assign(configOpts, opts) volumes = JSON.parse(app.volumes) volumes = _.mapValues volumes, (volumeConfig) -> volumeConfig ?= {} volumeConfig.labels ?= {} return volumeConfig, (service) => @createTargetService(service, configOpts)) .then (services) -> # If a named volume is defined in a service, we add it app-wide so that we can track it and purge it for s in services serviceNamedVolumes = s.getNamedVolumes() for name in serviceNamedVolumes volumes[name] ?= { labels: {} } outApp = { appId: app.appId name: commit: app.commit releaseId: app.releaseId services: services networks: JSON.parse(app.networks) volumes: volumes } return outApp ) setTarget: (apps, dependent , trx) => setInTransaction = (trx) => Promise.try => appsArray = apps, (app, appId) -> appClone = _.clone(app) appClone.appId = checkInt(appId) return appClone, @normaliseAppForDB) .tap (appsForDB) => appsForDB, (app) => @db.upsertModel('app', app, { appId: app.appId }, trx) .then (appsForDB) -> trx('app').whereNotIn('appId',, 'appId')).del() .then => @proxyvisor.setTargetInTransaction(dependent, trx) Promise.try => if trx? setInTransaction(trx) else @db.transaction(setInTransaction) .then => @_targetVolatilePerImageId = {} setTargetVolatileForService: (imageId, target) => @_targetVolatilePerImageId[imageId] ?= {} _.assign(@_targetVolatilePerImageId[imageId], target) clearTargetVolatileForServices: (imageIds) => for imageId in imageIds @_targetVolatilePerImageId[imageId] = {} getTargetApps: =>'app').select(), @normaliseAndExtendAppFromDB) .map (app) => if !_.isEmpty( =, (service) => if @_targetVolatilePerImageId[service.imageId]? _.merge(service, @_targetVolatilePerImageId[service.imageId]) return service return app .then (apps) -> return _.keyBy(apps, 'appId') getDependentTargets: => @proxyvisor.getTarget() bestDeltaSource: (image, available) -> if !image.dependent for availableImage in available if availableImage.serviceName == image.serviceName and availableImage.appId == image.appId return for availableImage in available if availableImage.serviceName == image.serviceName return for availableImage in available if availableImage.appId == image.appId return return 'resin/scratch' # returns: # imagesToRemove: images that # - are not used in the current state, and # - are not going to be used in the target state, and # - are not needed for delta source / pull caching or would be used for a service with delete-then-download as strategy # imagesToSave: images that # - are locally available (i.e. an image with the same digest exists) # - are not saved to the DB with all their metadata (serviceId, serviceName, etc) _compareImages: (current, target, available) => allImagesForTargetApp = (app) ->, imageForService) allImagesForCurrentApp = (app) ->, (service) -> _.omit(_.find(available, { dockerImageId: service.image }), [ 'dockerImageId', 'id' ]) availableWithoutIds =, (image) -> _.omit(image, [ 'dockerImageId', 'id' ])) currentImages = _.flatMap(current.local.apps, allImagesForCurrentApp) targetImages = _.flatMap(target.local.apps, allImagesForTargetApp) availableAndUnused = _.filter availableWithoutIds, (image) -> !_.some currentImages.concat(targetImages), (imageInUse) -> _.isEqual(image, imageInUse) imagesToDownload = _.filter targetImages, (targetImage) => !_.some available, (availableImage) => @images.isSameImage(availableImage, targetImage) # Images that are available but we don't have them in the DB with the exact metadata: imagesToSave = _.filter targetImages, (targetImage) => _.some(available, (availableImage) => @images.isSameImage(availableImage, targetImage)) and !_.some(availableWithoutIds, (img) -> _.isEqual(img, targetImage)) deltaSources = imagesToDownload, (image) => return @bestDeltaSource(image, available) proxyvisorImages = @proxyvisor.imagesInUse(current, target) imagesToRemove = _.filter availableAndUnused, (image) => notUsedForDelta = !_.includes(deltaSources, notUsedByProxyvisor = !_.some proxyvisorImages, (proxyvisorImage) => @images.isSameImage(image, { name: proxyvisorImage }) return notUsedForDelta and notUsedByProxyvisor return { imagesToSave, imagesToRemove } _inferNextSteps: (cleanupNeeded, availableImages, downloading, supervisorNetworkReady, current, target, ignoreImages, { localMode, delta }) => Promise.try => delta = checkTruthy(delta) if checkTruthy(localMode) target = _.cloneDeep(target) target.local.apps = _.mapValues target.local.apps, (app) -> = [] return app ignoreImages = true currentByAppId = current.local.apps ? {} targetByAppId = target.local.apps ? {} nextSteps = [] if !supervisorNetworkReady nextSteps.push({ action: 'ensureSupervisorNetwork' }) else if !ignoreImages and _.isEmpty(downloading) if cleanupNeeded nextSteps.push({ action: 'cleanup' }) { imagesToRemove, imagesToSave } = @_compareImages(current, target, availableImages) for image in imagesToSave nextSteps.push({ action: 'saveImage', image }) if _.isEmpty(imagesToSave) for image in imagesToRemove nextSteps.push({ action: 'removeImage', image }) # If we have to remove any images, we do that before anything else if _.isEmpty(nextSteps) allAppIds = _.union(_.keys(currentByAppId), _.keys(targetByAppId)) for appId in allAppIds nextSteps = nextSteps.concat(@_nextStepsForAppUpdate(currentByAppId[appId], targetByAppId[appId], availableImages, downloading)) newDownloads = _.filter(nextSteps, (s) -> s.action == 'fetch').length if !ignoreImages and delta and newDownloads > 0 downloadsToBlock = downloading.length + newDownloads - constants.maxDeltaDownloads while downloadsToBlock > 0 _.pull(nextSteps, _.find(nextSteps, action: 'fetch')) downloadsToBlock -= 1 if !ignoreImages and _.isEmpty(nextSteps) and !_.isEmpty(downloading) nextSteps.push({ action: 'noop' }) return _.uniqWith(nextSteps, _.isEqual) stopAll: ({ force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) => @services.getAll() .map (service) => @_lockingIfNecessary service.appId, { force, skipLock }, => @services.kill(service, { removeContainer: false, wait: true }) .then => delete @_containerStarted[service.containerId] _lockingIfNecessary: (appId, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}, fn) => if skipLock return Promise.try(fn) @config.get('lockOverride') .then (lockOverride) -> return checkTruthy(lockOverride) or force .then (force) -> updateLock.lock(appId, { force }, fn) executeStepAction: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) => if _.includes(@proxyvisor.validActions, step.action) return @proxyvisor.executeStepAction(step) if !_.includes(@validActions, step.action) return Promise.reject(new Error("Invalid action #{step.action}")) @actionExecutors[step.action](step, { force, skipLock }) getRequiredSteps: (currentState, targetState, ignoreImages = false) => Promise.join( @images.isCleanupNeeded() @images.getAvailable() @images.getDownloadingImageIds() @networks.supervisorNetworkReady() @config.getMany([ 'localMode', 'delta' ]) (cleanupNeeded, availableImages, downloading, supervisorNetworkReady, conf) => @_inferNextSteps(cleanupNeeded, availableImages, downloading, supervisorNetworkReady, currentState, targetState, ignoreImages, conf) .then (nextSteps) => if ignoreImages and _.some(nextSteps, action: 'fetch') throw new Error('Cannot fetch images while executing an API action') @proxyvisor.getRequiredSteps(availableImages, downloading, currentState, targetState, nextSteps) .then (proxyvisorSteps) -> return nextSteps.concat(proxyvisorSteps) )