OS := $(shell uname) ifdef http_proxy DOCKER_HTTP_PROXY=--build-arg http_proxy=$(http_proxy) endif ifdef https_proxy DOCKER_HTTPS_PROXY=--build-arg https_proxy=$(https_proxy) endif ifdef no_proxy DOCKER_HTTPS_PROXY=--build-arg no_proxy=$(no_proxy) endif ifdef use_proxy_at_runtime rt_http_proxy=$(http_proxy) rt_https_proxy=$(https_proxy) rt_no_proxy=$(no_proxy) endif DISABLE_CACHE = 'false' ARCH = rpi# rpi/amd64/i386/armv7hf/armel BASE_DISTRO = DEPLOY_REGISTRY = SUPERVISOR_VERSION = master JOB_NAME = 1 all: supervisor PUBNUB_SUBSCRIBE_KEY = sub-c-bananas PUBNUB_PUBLISH_KEY = pub-c-bananas MIXPANEL_TOKEN = bananasbananas PASSWORDLESS_DROPBEAR = false ifdef BASE_DISTRO $(info BASE_DISTRO SPECIFIED. START BUILDING ALPINE SUPERVISOR) IMAGE = "resin/$(ARCH)-supervisor:$(SUPERVISOR_VERSION)-alpine" DOCKERFILE = alpine.$(ARCH) else $(info BASE_DISTRO NOT SPECIFIED. START BUILDING DEBIAN SUPERVISOR) IMAGE = "resin/$(ARCH)-supervisor:$(SUPERVISOR_VERSION)" DOCKERFILE = $(ARCH) endif SUPERVISOR_IMAGE=$(DEPLOY_REGISTRY)$(IMAGE) ifeq ($(ARCH),rpi) GOARCH = arm GOARM = 6 endif ifeq ($(ARCH),armv7hf) GOARCH = arm GOARM = 7 endif ifeq ($(ARCH),armel) GOARCH = arm GOARM = 5 endif ifeq ($(ARCH),i386) GOARCH = 386 endif ifeq ($(ARCH),amd64) GOARCH = amd64 endif SUPERVISOR_DIND_MOUNTS := -v $$(pwd)/../../:/resin-supervisor -v $$(pwd)/config.json:/mnt/conf/config.json -v $$(pwd)/config/env:/usr/src/app/config/env -v $$(pwd)/config/localenv:/usr/src/app/config/localenv ifeq ($(OS), Linux) SUPERVISOR_DIND_MOUNTS := ${SUPERVISOR_DIND_MOUNTS} -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro endif ifdef PRELOADED_IMAGE SUPERVISOR_DIND_MOUNTS := ${SUPERVISOR_DIND_MOUNTS} -v $$(pwd)/apps.json:/usr/src/app/config/apps.json else PRELOADED_IMAGE= endif SUPERVISOR_EXTRA_MOUNTS = clean: -rm Dockerfile supervisor-dind: cd tools/dind && docker build $(DOCKER_HTTP_PROXY) $(DOCKER_HTTPS_PROXY) --no-cache=$(DISABLE_CACHE) --build-arg PASSWORDLESS_DROPBEAR=$(PASSWORDLESS_DROPBEAR) -t resin/resin-supervisor-dind:$(SUPERVISOR_VERSION) . run-supervisor: supervisor-dind stop-supervisor cd tools/dind \ && echo "SUPERVISOR_IMAGE=$(SUPERVISOR_IMAGE)" > config/localenv \ && echo "PRELOADED_IMAGE=$(PRELOADED_IMAGE)" >> config/localenv \ && echo "SUPERVISOR_EXTRA_MOUNTS=$(SUPERVISOR_EXTRA_MOUNTS)" >> config/localenv \ && docker run -d --name resin_supervisor_1 --privileged ${SUPERVISOR_DIND_MOUNTS} resin/resin-supervisor-dind:$(SUPERVISOR_VERSION) stop-supervisor: # Stop docker and remove volumes to prevent us from running out of loopback devices, # as per https://github.com/jpetazzo/dind/issues/19 -docker exec resin_supervisor_1 bash -c "systemctl stop docker" || true -docker stop resin_supervisor_1 > /dev/null || true -docker rm -f --volumes resin_supervisor_1 > /dev/null || true refresh-supervisor-src: echo " * Compiling CoffeeScript.." \ && coffee -c ./src \ && echo " * Restarting supervisor container.." \ && docker exec -ti resin_supervisor_1 docker restart resin_supervisor supervisor: gosuper cp Dockerfile.$(DOCKERFILE) Dockerfile echo "ENV VERSION "`jq -r .version package.json` >> Dockerfile echo "ENV DEFAULT_PUBNUB_PUBLISH_KEY $(PUBNUB_PUBLISH_KEY)" >> Dockerfile echo "ENV DEFAULT_PUBNUB_SUBSCRIBE_KEY $(PUBNUB_SUBSCRIBE_KEY)" >> Dockerfile echo "ENV DEFAULT_MIXPANEL_TOKEN $(MIXPANEL_TOKEN)" >> Dockerfile ifdef rt_https_proxy echo "ENV HTTPS_PROXY $(rt_https_proxy)" >> Dockerfile echo "ENV https_proxy $(rt_https_proxy)" >> Dockerfile endif ifdef rt_http_proxy echo "ENV HTTP_PROXY $(rt_http_proxy)" >> Dockerfile echo "ENV http_proxy $(rt_http_proxy)" >> Dockerfile endif ifdef rt_no_proxy echo "ENV no_proxy $(rt_no_proxy)" >> Dockerfile endif docker build $(DOCKER_HTTP_PROXY) $(DOCKER_HTTPS_PROXY) --no-cache=$(DISABLE_CACHE) -t $(IMAGE) . -rm Dockerfile deploy: supervisor docker tag -f $(IMAGE) $(SUPERVISOR_IMAGE) bash retry_docker_push.sh $(SUPERVISOR_IMAGE) go-builder: -cp tools/dind/config.json ./gosuper/ cd gosuper && docker build $(DOCKER_HTTP_PROXY) $(DOCKER_HTTPS_PROXY) -t resin/go-supervisor-builder:$(SUPERVISOR_VERSION) . -rm ./gosuper/config.json gosuper: go-builder -mkdir -p bin -docker rm --volumes -f resin_build_gosuper_$(JOB_NAME) || true docker run --rm --name resin_build_gosuper_$(JOB_NAME) -v $(shell pwd)/gosuper/bin:/usr/src/app/bin -e USER_ID=$(shell id -u) -e GROUP_ID=$(shell id -g) -e GOARCH=$(GOARCH) -e GOARM=$(GOARM) resin/go-supervisor-builder:$(SUPERVISOR_VERSION) mv gosuper/bin/linux_$(GOARCH)/gosuper bin/gosuper test-gosuper: go-builder -docker rm --volumes -f resin_test_gosuper_$(JOB_NAME) || true docker run --rm --name resin_test_gosuper_$(JOB_NAME) -v /var/run/dbus:/mnt/root/run/dbus -e DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS="unix:path=/mnt/root/run/dbus/system_bus_socket" resin/go-supervisor-builder:$(SUPERVISOR_VERSION) bash -c "cd src/resin-supervisor/gosuper && ./test_formatting.sh && go test -v ./gosuper" format-gosuper: go-builder -docker rm --volumes -f resin_test_gosuper_$(JOB_NAME) || true docker run --rm --name resin_test_gosuper_$(JOB_NAME) -v $(shell pwd)/gosuper:/usr/src/app/src/resin-supervisor/gosuper resin/go-supervisor-builder:$(SUPERVISOR_VERSION) bash -c "cd src/resin-supervisor/gosuper && go fmt ./..." test-integration: go-builder -docker rm --volumes -f resin_test_integration_$(JOB_NAME) || true docker run --rm --name resin_test_integration_$(JOB_NAME) --net=host -e SUPERVISOR_IP="$(shell docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' resin_supervisor_1)" --volumes-from resin_supervisor_1 -v /var/run/dbus:/mnt/root/run/dbus -e DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS="unix:path=/mnt/root/run/dbus/system_bus_socket" resin/go-supervisor-builder:$(SUPERVISOR_VERSION) bash -c "cd src/resin-supervisor/gosuper && go test -v ./supertest" .PHONY: supervisor deploy supervisor-dind run-supervisor