import { expect } from 'chai'; import * as Docker from 'dockerode'; import * as sinon from 'sinon'; import * as db from '~/src/db'; import { docker } from '~/lib/docker-utils'; import LocalModeManager, { EngineSnapshot, EngineSnapshotRecord, } from '~/src/local-mode'; import ShortStackError from '~/test-lib/errors'; describe('LocalModeManager', () => { let localMode: LocalModeManager; let dockerStub: sinon.SinonStubbedInstance; const supervisorContainerId = 'super-container-1'; const recordsCount = async () => await db .models('engineSnapshot') .count('* as cnt') .first() .then((r) => r.cnt); // Cleanup the database (to make sure nothing is left since last tests). beforeEach(async () => { await db.models('engineSnapshot').delete(); }); before(async () => { await db.initialized(); dockerStub = sinon.stub(docker); localMode = new LocalModeManager(supervisorContainerId); }); after(async () => { sinon.restore(); }); describe('EngineSnapshot', () => { it('can calculate a diff', () => { const original = new EngineSnapshot( ['c1', 'c2'], ['i1'], ['v1', 'v2'], ['nn'], ); const newOne = new EngineSnapshot( ['c2', 'c3'], ['i1', 'i2', 'i3'], ['v1'], [], ); const diff = newOne.diff(original); expect(diff.containers).to.deep.equal(['c3']); expect(diff.images).to.deep.equal(['i2', 'i3']); expect(diff.volumes).to.deep.equal([]); expect(diff.networks).to.deep.equal([]); }); }); describe('engine snapshots collection', () => { before(() => { // Stub the engine to return images, containers, volumes, and networks. dockerStub.listImages.returns( Promise.resolve([ { Id: 'image-1' } as Docker.ImageInfo, { Id: 'image-2' } as Docker.ImageInfo, ]), ); dockerStub.listContainers.returns( Promise.resolve([ { Id: 'container-1' } as Docker.ContainerInfo, { Id: 'container-2' } as Docker.ContainerInfo, ]), ); dockerStub.listVolumes.returns( Promise.resolve({ Volumes: [ { Name: 'volume-1' } as Docker.VolumeInspectInfo, { Name: 'volume-2' } as Docker.VolumeInspectInfo, ], Warnings: [], }), ); dockerStub.listNetworks.returns( Promise.resolve([ { Id: 'network-1' }, { Id: 'network-2' }, ] as Docker.NetworkInspectInfo[]), ); }); it('collects all necessary engine entities', async () => { const snapshotRecord = await localMode.collectEngineSnapshot(); expect(snapshotRecord.snapshot.containers).to.include( 'container-1', 'container-2', ); expect(snapshotRecord.snapshot.images).to.include('image-1', 'image-2'); expect(snapshotRecord.snapshot.volumes).to.include( 'volume-1', 'volume-2', ); expect(snapshotRecord.snapshot.networks).to.include( 'network-1', 'network-2', ); }); it('marks snapshot with a timestamp', async () => { const startTime = new Date(); const snapshotRecord = await localMode.collectEngineSnapshot(); expect(snapshotRecord.timestamp); }); describe('local mode switch', () => { // Info returned when we inspect our own container. const supervisorContainer = { Id: 'super-container-1', State: { Status: 'running', Running: true, }, Image: 'super-image-1', HostConfig: { ContainerIDFile: '/resin-data/balena-supervisor/container-id', }, Mounts: [ { Type: 'volume', Name: 'super-volume-1', }, ], NetworkSettings: { Networks: { 'some-name': { NetworkID: 'super-network-1', }, }, }, }; const storeCurrentSnapshot = async ( containers: string[], images: string[], volumes: string[], networks: string[], ) => { await localMode.storeEngineSnapshot( new EngineSnapshotRecord( new EngineSnapshot(containers, images, volumes, networks), new Date(), ), ); }; interface EngineStubbedObject { remove(): Promise; inspect(): Promise; } // Stub get methods on docker, so we can verify remove calls. const stubEngineObjectMethods = ( removeThrows: boolean, ): Array> => { const resArray: Array> = []; const stub = ( c: sinon.StubbableType, type: string, ) => { const res = sinon.createStubInstance(c); if (removeThrows) { res.remove.rejects(new ShortStackError(`error removing ${type}`)); } else { res.remove.resolves(); } if (c === Docker.Container) { res.inspect.resolves(supervisorContainer); } resArray.push(res); return res as unknown as T; }; dockerStub.getImage.returns(stub(Docker.Image, 'image')); dockerStub.getContainer.returns(stub(Docker.Container, 'container')); dockerStub.getVolume.returns(stub(Docker.Volume, 'volume')); dockerStub.getNetwork.returns(stub(Docker.Network, 'network')); return resArray; }; afterEach(() => { dockerStub.getImage.resetHistory(); dockerStub.getContainer.resetHistory(); dockerStub.getVolume.resetHistory(); dockerStub.getNetwork.resetHistory(); }); it('stores new snapshot on local mode enter', async () => { await localMode.handleLocalModeStateChange(true); const snapshot = await localMode.retrieveLatestSnapshot(); expect(snapshot); }); it('deletes newly created objects on local mode exit', async () => { const removeStubs = stubEngineObjectMethods(false); // All the objects returned by list are not included into this snapshot. // Hence, removal should be called twice (stubbed methods return 2 objects per type). await storeCurrentSnapshot( ['previous-container'], ['previous-image'], ['previous-volume'], ['previous-network'], ); await localMode.handleLocalModeStateChange(false); removeStubs.forEach((s) => expect(s.remove.calledTwice); }); it('keeps objects from the previous snapshot on local mode exit', async () => { const removeStubs = stubEngineObjectMethods(false); // With this snapshot, only -2 must be removed from the engine. await storeCurrentSnapshot( ['container-1'], ['image-1'], ['volume-1'], ['network-1'], ); await localMode.handleLocalModeStateChange(false); expect(dockerStub.getImage.calledWithExactly('image-2')); expect(dockerStub.getContainer.calledWithExactly('container-2')) .true; expect(dockerStub.getVolume.calledWithExactly('volume-2')); expect(dockerStub.getNetwork.calledWithExactly('network-2')); removeStubs.forEach((s) => expect(s.remove.calledOnce); }); it('logs but consumes cleanup errors on local mode exit', async () => { const removeStubs = stubEngineObjectMethods(true); // This snapshot will cause the logic to remove everything. await storeCurrentSnapshot([], [], [], []); // This should not throw. await localMode.handleLocalModeStateChange(false); // Even though remove method throws, we still attempt all removals. removeStubs.forEach((s) => expect(s.remove.calledTwice); }); it('skips cleanup without previous snapshot on local mode exit', async () => { const removeStubs = stubEngineObjectMethods(false); await localMode.handleLocalModeStateChange(false); expect(dockerStub.getImage.notCalled); expect(dockerStub.getContainer.notCalled); expect(dockerStub.getVolume.notCalled); expect(dockerStub.getNetwork.notCalled); removeStubs.forEach((s) => expect(s.remove.notCalled); }); it('can be awaited', async () => { const removeStubs = stubEngineObjectMethods(false); await storeCurrentSnapshot([], [], [], []); // Run asynchronously (like on config change). localMode.startLocalModeChangeHandling(false); // Await like it's done by DeviceState. await localMode.switchCompletion(); removeStubs.forEach((s) => expect(s.remove.calledTwice); }); it('cleans the last snapshot so that nothing is done on restart', async () => { const removeStubs = stubEngineObjectMethods(false); await storeCurrentSnapshot([], [], [], []); await localMode.handleLocalModeStateChange(false); // The database should be empty now. expect(await recordsCount()); // This has to be no ops. await localMode.handleLocalModeStateChange(false); // So our stubs must be called only once. // We delete 2 objects of each type during the first call, so number of getXXX and remove calls is 2. expect(dockerStub.getImage.callCount); expect(dockerStub.getContainer.callCount); // +1 for supervisor inspect call. expect(dockerStub.getVolume.callCount); expect(dockerStub.getNetwork.callCount); removeStubs.forEach((s) => expect(s.remove.callCount); }); it('skips cleanup in case of data corruption', async () => { const removeStubs = stubEngineObjectMethods(false); await db.models('engineSnapshot').insert({ snapshot: 'bad json', timestamp: new Date().toISOString(), }); localMode.startLocalModeChangeHandling(false); await localMode.switchCompletion(); expect(dockerStub.getImage.notCalled); expect(dockerStub.getContainer.notCalled); expect(dockerStub.getVolume.notCalled); expect(dockerStub.getNetwork.notCalled); removeStubs.forEach((s) => expect(s.remove.notCalled); }); describe('with supervisor being updated', () => { beforeEach(() => { // We make supervisor own resources to match currently listed objects. supervisorContainer.Id = 'container-1'; supervisorContainer.Image = 'image-1'; supervisorContainer.NetworkSettings.Networks['some-name'].NetworkID = 'network-1'; supervisorContainer.Mounts[0].Name = 'volume-1'; }); it('does not delete its own object', async () => { const removeStubs = stubEngineObjectMethods(false); // All the current engine objects will be new, including container-1 which is the supervisor. await storeCurrentSnapshot( ['previous-container'], ['previous-image'], ['previous-volume'], ['previous-network'], ); await localMode.handleLocalModeStateChange(false); // Ensure we inspect our own container. const [, containerStub] = removeStubs; expect(containerStub.inspect.calledOnce); // Current engine objects include 2 entities of each type. // Container-1, network-1, image-1, and volume-1 are resources associated with currently running supervisor. // Only xxx-2 objects must be deleted. removeStubs.forEach((s) => expect(s.remove.calledOnce); }); }); }); }); describe('engine snapshot storage', () => { const recordSample = new EngineSnapshotRecord( new EngineSnapshot( ['c1', 'c2'], ['i1', 'i2'], ['v1', 'v2'], ['n1', 'n2'], ), new Date(), ); it('returns null when snapshot is not stored', async () => { expect(await recordsCount()).to.equal(0); const retrieved = await localMode.retrieveLatestSnapshot(); expect(retrieved); }); it('stores snapshot and retrieves from the db', async () => { await localMode.storeEngineSnapshot(recordSample); const retrieved = await localMode.retrieveLatestSnapshot(); expect(retrieved); }); it('rewrites previous snapshot', async () => { await localMode.storeEngineSnapshot(recordSample); await localMode.storeEngineSnapshot(recordSample); await localMode.storeEngineSnapshot(recordSample); expect(await recordsCount()).to.equal(1); }); describe('in case of data corruption', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await db.models('engineSnapshot').delete(); }); it('deals with snapshot data corruption', async () => { // Write bad data to simulate corruption. await db.models('engineSnapshot').insert({ snapshot: 'bad json', timestamp: new Date().toISOString(), }); try { const result = await localMode.retrieveLatestSnapshot(); expect(result).to.not.exist; } catch (e: any) { expect(e.message).to.match(/Cannot parse snapshot data.*"bad json"/); } }); it('deals with snapshot timestamp corruption', async () => { // Write bad data to simulate corruption. await db.models('engineSnapshot').insert({ snapshot: '{"containers": [], "images": [], "volumes": [], "networks": []}', timestamp: 'bad timestamp', }); try { const result = await localMode.retrieveLatestSnapshot(); expect(result).to.not.exist; } catch (e: any) { expect(e.message).to.match( /Cannot parse snapshot data.*"bad timestamp"/, ); } }); }); }); });