import { expect } from 'chai'; import * as sinon from 'sinon'; import { Network } from '~/src/compose/network'; import { NetworkInspectInfo } from 'dockerode'; import { log } from '~/lib/supervisor-console'; describe('compose/network: unit tests', () => { describe('creating a network from a compose object', () => { it('creates a default network configuration if no config is given', () => { const network = Network.fromComposeObject( 'default', 12345, 'deadbeef', {}, ); expect('default'); expect(network.appId).to.equal(12345); expect(network.appUuid).to.equal('deadbeef'); // Default configuration options expect(network.config.driver).to.equal('bridge'); expect(network.config.ipam).to.deep.equal({ driver: 'default', config: [], options: {}, }); expect(network.config.enableIPv6).to.equal(false); expect(network.config.labels).to.deep.equal({ '': '12345', }); expect(network.config.options).to.deep.equal({}); }); it('normalizes legacy labels', () => { const network = Network.fromComposeObject('default', 12345, 'deadbeef', { labels: { 'io.resin.features.something': '1234', }, }); expect(network.config.labels).to.deep.equal({ 'io.balena.features.something': '1234', '': '12345', }); }); it('accepts valid IPAM configurations', () => { const network0 = Network.fromComposeObject('default', 12345, 'deadbeef', { ipam: { driver: 'dummy', config: [], options: {} }, }); // Default configuration options expect(network0.config.ipam).to.deep.equal({ driver: 'dummy', config: [], options: {}, }); const network1 = Network.fromComposeObject('default', 12345, 'deadbeef', { ipam: { driver: 'default', config: [ { subnet: '', ip_range: '', aux_addresses: { host0: '', host1: '' }, gateway: '', }, ], options: {}, }, }); // Default configuration options expect(network1.config.ipam).to.deep.equal({ driver: 'default', config: [ { subnet: '', ipRange: '', gateway: '', auxAddress: { host0: '', host1: '' }, }, ], options: {}, }); }); it('warns about IPAM configuration without both gateway and subnet', () => { const logStub = log.warn as sinon.SinonStub; Network.fromComposeObject('default', 12345, 'deadbeef', { ipam: { driver: 'default', config: [ { subnet: '', }, ], options: {}, }, }); expect(logStub).to.have.been.calledOnce; expect(logStub).to.have.been.calledWithMatch( 'Network IPAM config entries must have both a subnet and gateway', ); logStub.resetHistory(); Network.fromComposeObject('default', 12345, 'deadbeef', { ipam: { driver: 'default', config: [ { gateway: '', }, ], options: {}, }, }); expect(logStub).to.have.been.calledOnce; expect(logStub).to.have.been.calledWithMatch( 'Network IPAM config entries must have both a subnet and gateway', ); }); it('parses values from a compose object', () => { const network1 = Network.fromComposeObject('default', 12345, 'deadbeef', { driver: 'bridge', enable_ipv6: true, internal: false, ipam: { driver: 'default', options: { 'com.docker.ipam-option': 'abcd', }, config: [ { subnet: '', gateway: '', }, ], }, driver_opts: { '': 'abcd', }, labels: { 'com.docker.some-label': 'yes', }, }); const dockerConfig = network1.toDockerConfig(); expect(dockerConfig.Driver).to.equal('bridge'); // Check duplicate forced to be true expect(dockerConfig.CheckDuplicate).to.equal(true); expect(dockerConfig.Internal).to.equal(false); expect(dockerConfig.EnableIPv6).to.equal(true); expect(dockerConfig.IPAM).to.deep.equal({ Driver: 'default', Options: { 'com.docker.ipam-option': 'abcd', }, Config: [ { Subnet: '', Gateway: '', }, ], }); expect(dockerConfig.Labels).to.deep.equal({ 'io.balena.supervised': 'true', '': '12345', 'com.docker.some-label': 'yes', }); expect(dockerConfig.Options).to.deep.equal({ '': 'abcd', }); }); }); describe('creating a network from docker engine state', () => { it('rejects networks without the proper name format', () => { expect(() => Network.fromDockerNetwork({ Id: 'deadbeef', Name: 'abcd', } as NetworkInspectInfo), ).to.throw(); expect(() => Network.fromDockerNetwork({ Id: 'deadbeef', Name: 'abcd_1234', } as NetworkInspectInfo), ).to.throw(); expect(() => Network.fromDockerNetwork({ Id: 'deadbeef', Name: 'abcd_abcd', } as NetworkInspectInfo), ).to.throw(); expect(() => Network.fromDockerNetwork({ Id: 'deadbeef', Name: '1234', } as NetworkInspectInfo), ).to.throw(); expect(() => Network.fromDockerNetwork({ Id: 'deadbeef', Name: 'a173bdb734884b778f5cc3dffd18733e_default', Labels: {}, // no app-id } as NetworkInspectInfo), ).to.throw(); }); it('creates a network object from a legacy docker network configuration', () => { const network = Network.fromDockerNetwork({ Id: 'deadbeef', Name: '1234_default', Driver: 'bridge', EnableIPv6: true, IPAM: { Driver: 'default', Options: {}, Config: [ { Subnet: '', Gateway: '', }, ], } as NetworkInspectInfo['IPAM'], Internal: true, Containers: {}, Options: { 'com.docker.some-option': 'abcd', } as NetworkInspectInfo['Options'], Labels: { 'io.balena.supervised': 'true', 'io.balena.features.something': '123', } as NetworkInspectInfo['Labels'], } as NetworkInspectInfo); expect(network.appId).to.equal(1234); expect('default'); expect(network.config.enableIPv6).to.equal(true); expect(network.config.ipam.driver).to.equal('default'); expect(network.config.ipam.options).to.deep.equal({}); expect(network.config.ipam.config).to.deep.equal([ { subnet: '', gateway: '', }, ]); expect(network.config.internal).to.equal(true); expect(network.config.options).to.deep.equal({ 'com.docker.some-option': 'abcd', }); expect(network.config.labels).to.deep.equal({ 'io.balena.features.something': '123', }); }); it('creates a network object from a docker network configuration', () => { const network = Network.fromDockerNetwork({ Id: 'deadbeef', Name: 'a173bdb734884b778f5cc3dffd18733e_default', Driver: 'bridge', EnableIPv6: true, IPAM: { Driver: 'default', Options: {}, Config: [ { Subnet: '', Gateway: '', }, ], } as NetworkInspectInfo['IPAM'], Internal: true, Containers: {}, Options: { 'com.docker.some-option': 'abcd', } as NetworkInspectInfo['Options'], Labels: { 'io.balena.supervised': 'true', 'io.balena.features.something': '123', '': '1234', } as NetworkInspectInfo['Labels'], } as NetworkInspectInfo); expect(network.appId).to.equal(1234); expect(network.appUuid).to.equal('a173bdb734884b778f5cc3dffd18733e'); expect('default'); expect(network.config.enableIPv6).to.equal(true); expect(network.config.ipam.driver).to.equal('default'); expect(network.config.ipam.options).to.deep.equal({}); expect(network.config.ipam.config).to.deep.equal([ { subnet: '', gateway: '', }, ]); expect(network.config.internal).to.equal(true); expect(network.config.options).to.deep.equal({ 'com.docker.some-option': 'abcd', }); expect(network.config.labels).to.deep.equal({ 'io.balena.features.something': '123', '': '1234', }); }); it('normalizes legacy label names and excludes supervised label', () => { const network = Network.fromDockerNetwork({ Id: 'deadbeef', Name: '1234_default', IPAM: { Driver: 'default', Options: {}, Config: [], } as NetworkInspectInfo['IPAM'], Labels: { 'io.resin.features.something': '123', 'io.balena.features.dummy': 'abc', 'io.balena.supervised': 'true', } as NetworkInspectInfo['Labels'], } as NetworkInspectInfo); expect(network.config.labels).to.deep.equal({ 'io.balena.features.something': '123', 'io.balena.features.dummy': 'abc', }); }); }); describe('creating a network compose configuration from a network instance', () => { it('creates a docker compose network object from the internal network config', () => { const network = Network.fromDockerNetwork({ Id: 'deadbeef', Name: 'a173bdb734884b778f5cc3dffd18733e_default', Driver: 'bridge', EnableIPv6: true, IPAM: { Driver: 'default', Options: {}, Config: [ { Subnet: '', Gateway: '', }, ], } as NetworkInspectInfo['IPAM'], Internal: true, Containers: {}, Options: { 'com.docker.some-option': 'abcd', } as NetworkInspectInfo['Options'], Labels: { 'io.balena.features.something': '123', '': '12345', } as NetworkInspectInfo['Labels'], } as NetworkInspectInfo); expect(network.appId).to.equal(12345); expect(network.appUuid).to.equal('a173bdb734884b778f5cc3dffd18733e'); // Convert to compose object const compose = network.toComposeObject(); expect(compose.driver).to.equal('bridge'); expect(compose.driver_opts).to.deep.equal({ 'com.docker.some-option': 'abcd', }); expect(compose.enable_ipv6).to.equal(true); expect(compose.internal).to.equal(true); expect(compose.ipam).to.deep.equal({ driver: 'default', options: {}, config: [ { subnet: '', gateway: '', }, ], }); expect(compose.labels).to.deep.equal({ 'io.balena.features.something': '123', '': '12345', }); }); }); describe('generateDockerName', () => { it('creates a proper network name from the user given name and the app uuid', () => { expect(Network.generateDockerName('deadbeef', 'default')).to.equal( 'deadbeef_default', ); expect(Network.generateDockerName('deadbeef', 'bleh')).to.equal( 'deadbeef_bleh', ); expect(Network.generateDockerName(1, 'default')).to.equal('1_default'); }); }); describe('comparing network configurations', () => { it('ignores IPAM configuration', () => { const network = Network.fromComposeObject('default', 12345, 'deadbeef', { ipam: { driver: 'default', config: [ { subnet: '', ip_range: '', gateway: '', }, ], options: {}, }, }); expect( network.isEqualConfig( Network.fromComposeObject('default', 12345, 'deadbeef', {}), ), ); // Only ignores ipam.config, not other ipam elements expect( network.isEqualConfig( Network.fromComposeObject('default', 12345, 'deadbeef', { ipam: { driver: 'aaa' }, }), ), ); }); it('compares configurations recursively', () => { expect( Network.fromComposeObject( 'default', 12345, 'deadbeef', {}, ).isEqualConfig( Network.fromComposeObject('default', 12345, 'deadbeef', {}), ), ); expect( Network.fromComposeObject('default', 12345, 'deadbeef', { driver: 'default', }).isEqualConfig( Network.fromComposeObject('default', 12345, 'deadbeef', {}), ), ); expect( Network.fromComposeObject('default', 12345, 'deadbeef', { enable_ipv6: true, }).isEqualConfig( Network.fromComposeObject('default', 12345, 'deadbeef', {}), ), ); expect( Network.fromComposeObject('default', 12345, 'deadbeef', { enable_ipv6: false, internal: false, }).isEqualConfig( Network.fromComposeObject('default', 12345, 'deadbeef', { internal: true, }), ), ); // Comparison of a network without the app-uuid and a network // with uuid has to return false expect( Network.fromComposeObject( 'default', 12345, 'deadbeef', {}, ).isEqualConfig( Network.fromDockerNetwork({ Id: 'deadbeef', Name: '12345_default', IPAM: { Driver: 'default', Options: {}, Config: [], } as NetworkInspectInfo['IPAM'], Labels: { 'io.balena.supervised': 'true', } as NetworkInspectInfo['Labels'], } as NetworkInspectInfo), ), ); }); }); });