_ = require 'lodash' Promise = require 'bluebird' knex = require './db' utils = require './utils' { resinApi } = require './request' device = exports config = require './config' configPath = '/boot/config.json' request = require 'request' exports.getID = do -> deviceIdPromise = null return -> # We initialise the rejected promise just before we catch in order to avoid a useless first unhandled error warning. deviceIdPromise ?= Promise.rejected() # Only fetch the device id once (when successful, otherwise retry for each request) deviceIdPromise = deviceIdPromise.catch -> Promise.all([ knex('config').select('value').where(key: 'apiKey') knex('config').select('value').where(key: 'uuid') ]) .spread ([{value: apiKey}], [{value: uuid}]) -> resinApi.get( resource: 'device' options: select: 'id' filter: uuid: uuid customOptions: apikey: apiKey ) .then (devices) -> if devices.length is 0 throw new Error('Could not find this device?!') return devices[0].id rebootDevice = -> request.post(config.gosuperAddress + '/v1/reboot', -> console.log('Rebooting.')) exports.bootConfigEnvVarPrefix = 'RESIN_HOST_CONFIG_' bootConfigPath = '/mnt/root/boot/config.txt' exports.setBootConfig = (env) -> configChanged = false # TODO: # Translate env to config.txt-compatible statements # Read and parse config.txt # Detect if variables are present # If not there or different: # mark configChanged as true # Replace those and create new ones as necessary # Create config.txt.new # Move config.txt.new to config.txt # rebootDevice() exports.getDeviceType = do -> deviceTypePromise = null return -> deviceTypePromise ?= Promise.rejected() deviceTypePromise = deviceTypePromise.catch -> fs.readFileAsync(configPath, 'utf8') .then(JSON.parse) .then (configFromFile) -> if !configFromFile.deviceType? throw new Error('Device type not specified in config file') return configFromFile.deviceType # Calling this function updates the local device state, which is then used to synchronise # the remote device state, repeating any failed updates until successfully synchronised. # This function will also optimise updates by merging multiple updates and only sending the latest state. exports.updateState = do -> applyPromise = Promise.resolve() targetState = {} actualState = {} getStateDiff = -> _.omit targetState, (value, key) -> actualState[key] is value applyState = -> stateDiff = getStateDiff() if _.size(stateDiff) is 0 return applyPromise = Promise.join( knex('config').select('value').where(key: 'apiKey') device.getID() ([{value: apiKey}], deviceID) -> stateDiff = getStateDiff() if _.size(stateDiff) is 0 || !apiKey? return resinApi.patch resource: 'device' id: deviceID body: stateDiff customOptions: apikey: apiKey .then -> # Update the actual state. _.merge(actualState, stateDiff) ) .catch (error) -> utils.mixpanelTrack('Device info update failure', {error, stateDiff}) # Delay 5s before retrying a failed update Promise.delay(5000) .finally -> # Check if any more state diffs have appeared whilst we've been processing this update. applyState() return (updatedState = {}, retry = false) -> # Remove any updates that match the last we successfully sent. _.merge(targetState, updatedState) # Only trigger applying state if an apply isn't already in progress. if !applyPromise.isPending() applyState() return