import { ContainerInspectInfo } from 'dockerode'; declare module 'dockerode' { // Extend the HostConfig interface with the missing fields. // TODO: Add these upstream to DefinitelyTyped interface HostConfig { Sysctls: { [sysctlsOpt: string]: string }; GroupAdd: string[]; UsernsMode: string; } export interface DockerHealthcheck { Test: string[]; Interval?: number; Timeout?: number; Retries?: number; StartPeriod?: number; } interface ContainerCreateOptions { Healthcheck?: DockerHealthcheck; StopTimeout?: number; } // TODO: Once // is merged and released, remove this and VolumeInfoList export interface VolumeInspectInfo { Name: string; Driver: string; Mountpoint: string; Status?: { [key: string]: string }; Labels: { [key: string]: string }; Scope: 'local' | 'global'; // Field is always present, but sometimes is null Options: { [key: string]: string } | null; // Field is sometimes present, and sometimes null UsageData?: { Size: number; RefCount: number; } | null; } export interface VolumeInfoList { Volumes: Dockerode.VolumeInspectInfo[]; Warnings: string[]; } }