import { expect } from 'chai'; import { isRight } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either'; import * as sinon from 'sinon'; import App from '~/src/compose/app'; import Network from '~/src/compose/network'; import * as config from '~/src/config'; import * as dbFormat from '~/src/device-state/db-format'; import log from '~/lib/supervisor-console'; import { TargetApps } from '~/src/types/state'; import * as dbHelper from '~/test-lib/db-helper'; function getDefaultNetwork(appId: number) { return { default: Network.fromComposeObject('default', appId, 'deadbeef', {}), }; } describe('db-format', () => { let testDb: dbHelper.TestDatabase; let apiEndpoint: string; before(async () => { testDb = await dbHelper.createDB(); await config.initialized(); // Prevent side effects from changes in config sinon.stub(config, 'on'); // TargetStateCache checks the API endpoint to // store and invalidate the cache // TODO: this is an implementation detail that // should not be part of the test suite. We need to change // the target state architecture for this apiEndpoint = await config.get('apiEndpoint'); // disable log output during testing sinon.stub(log, 'debug'); sinon.stub(log, 'warn'); sinon.stub(log, 'info'); sinon.stub(log, 'event'); sinon.stub(log, 'success'); }); after(async () => { try { await testDb.destroy(); } catch (e) { /* noop */ } sinon.restore(); }); afterEach(async () => { await testDb.reset(); }); it('converts target apps into the database format', async () => { await dbFormat.setApps( { deadbeef: { id: 1, name: 'test-app', class: 'fleet', releases: { one: { id: 1, services: { ubuntu: { id: 1, image_id: 1, image: 'ubuntu:latest', environment: {}, labels: { 'my-label': 'true' }, composition: { command: ['sleep', 'infinity'], }, }, }, volumes: {}, networks: {}, }, }, }, }, 'local', ); const [app] = await testDb.models('app').where({ uuid: 'deadbeef' }); expect(app); expect('test-app'); expect(app.releaseId).to.equal(1); expect(app.commit).to.equal('one'); expect(app.appId).to.equal(1); expect(app.source).to.equal('local'); expect(app.uuid).to.equal('deadbeef'); expect(app.isHost).to.equal(0); expect( '[{"image":"ubuntu:latest","environment":{},"labels":{"my-label":"true"},"composition":{"command":["sleep","infinity"]},"appId":1,"appUuid":"deadbeef","releaseId":1,"commit":"one","imageId":1,"serviceId":1,"serviceName":"ubuntu"}]', ); expect(app.volumes).to.equal('{}'); expect(app.networks).to.equal('{}'); }); it('should retrieve a single app from the database', async () => { await dbFormat.setApps( { deadbeef: { id: 1, name: 'test-app', class: 'fleet', releases: { one: { id: 1, services: { ubuntu: { id: 1, image_id: 1, image: 'ubuntu:latest', environment: {}, labels: { 'my-label': 'true' }, composition: { command: ['sleep', 'infinity'], }, }, }, volumes: {}, networks: {}, }, }, }, }, apiEndpoint, ); const app = await dbFormat.getApp(1); expect(app); expect(app)'appId').that.equals(1); expect(app)'commit').that.equals('one'); expect(app)'appName').that.equals('test-app'); expect(app)'source').that.equals(apiEndpoint); expect(app)'services').that.has.lengthOf(1); expect(app)'volumes').that.deep.equals({}); expect(app)'networks') .that.deep.equals(getDefaultNetwork(1)); const [service] =; expect(service)'appId').that.equals(1); expect(service)'serviceId').that.equals(1); expect(service)'imageId').that.equals(1); expect(service)'releaseId').that.equals(1); expect(service.config)'image') .that.equals('ubuntu:latest'); expect(service.config)'labels') .that.deep.includes({ 'my-label': 'true' }); expect(service.config)'command') .that.deep.equals(['sleep', 'infinity']); }); it('should retrieve multiple apps from the database', async () => { await dbFormat.setApps( { deadbeef: { id: 1, name: 'test-app', class: 'fleet', releases: { one: { id: 1, services: { ubuntu: { id: 1, image_id: 1, image: 'ubuntu:latest', environment: {}, labels: {}, composition: { command: ['sleep', 'infinity'], }, }, }, volumes: {}, networks: {}, }, }, }, deadc0de: { id: 2, name: 'other-app', class: 'app', releases: { two: { id: 2, services: {}, volumes: {}, networks: {}, }, }, }, }, apiEndpoint, ); const apps = Object.values(await dbFormat.getApps()); expect(apps).to.have.lengthOf(2); const [app, otherapp] = apps; expect(app); expect(app)'appId').that.equals(1); expect(app)'commit').that.equals('one'); expect(app)'appName').that.equals('test-app'); expect(app)'source').that.equals(apiEndpoint); expect(app)'services').that.has.lengthOf(1); expect(app)'volumes').that.deep.equals({}); expect(app)'networks') .that.deep.equals(getDefaultNetwork(1)); expect(otherapp)'appId').that.equals(2); expect(otherapp)'commit').that.equals('two'); expect(otherapp)'appName').that.equals('other-app'); }); it('should retrieve non-fleet apps from the database if local mode is set', async () => { await dbFormat.setApps( { deadbeef: { id: 1, name: 'test-app', class: 'fleet', releases: { one: { id: 1, services: { ubuntu: { id: 1, image_id: 1, image: 'ubuntu:latest', environment: {}, labels: {}, composition: { command: ['sleep', 'infinity'], }, }, }, volumes: {}, networks: {}, }, }, }, deadc0de: { id: 2, name: 'other-app', class: 'app', releases: { two: { id: 2, services: {}, volumes: {}, networks: {}, }, }, }, }, apiEndpoint, ); // Once local mode is set to true, only 'other-app' should be returned // as part of the target await config.set({ localMode: true }); const apps = Object.values(await dbFormat.getApps()); expect(apps).to.have.lengthOf(1); const [app] = apps; expect(app); expect(app)'appId').that.equals(2); expect(app)'commit').that.equals('two'); expect(app)'appName').that.equals('other-app'); // Set the app as local now await dbFormat.setApps( { deadbeef: { id: 1, name: 'test-app', class: 'fleet', releases: { one: { id: 1, services: { ubuntu: { id: 1, image_id: 1, image: 'ubuntu:latest', environment: {}, labels: {}, composition: { command: ['sleep', 'infinity'], }, }, }, volumes: {}, networks: {}, }, }, }, }, 'local', ); // Now both apps should be returned const newapps = Object.values(await dbFormat.getApps()); expect(newapps).to.have.lengthOf(2); const [newapp, otherapp] = newapps; expect(newapp); expect(newapp)'appId').that.equals(1); expect(newapp)'commit').that.equals('one'); expect(newapp)'appName').that.equals('test-app'); expect(newapp)'source').that.equals('local'); expect(newapp)'services').that.has.lengthOf(1); expect(newapp)'volumes').that.deep.equals({}); expect(newapp)'networks') .that.deep.equals(getDefaultNetwork(1)); expect(otherapp)'appId').that.equals(2); expect(otherapp)'commit').that.equals('two'); expect(otherapp)'appName').that.equals('other-app'); }); it('should retrieve app target state from database', async () => { const srcApps: TargetApps = { deadbeef: { id: 1, name: 'test-app', class: 'fleet', is_host: false, releases: { one: { id: 1, services: { ubuntu: { id: 1, image_id: 1, image: 'ubuntu:latest', environment: {}, labels: { 'my-label': 'true' }, composition: { command: ['sleep', 'infinity'], }, }, }, volumes: {}, networks: {}, }, }, }, deadc0de: { id: 2, name: 'other-app', class: 'app', is_host: false, releases: { two: { id: 2, services: {}, volumes: {}, networks: {}, }, }, }, }; await dbFormat.setApps(srcApps, apiEndpoint); const result = await dbFormat.getTargetJson(); expect( isRight(TargetApps.decode(result)), 'resulting target apps is a valid TargetApps object', ); expect(result).to.deep.equal(srcApps); }); });