import * as dockerode from 'dockerode'; import * as sinon from 'sinon'; // Recursively convert properties of an object as optional type DeepPartial = { [P in keyof T]?: T[P] extends Array ? Array> : T[P] extends object ? DeepPartial : T[P]; }; // Partial container inspect info for receiving as testing data export type PartialContainerInspectInfo = DeepPartial & { Id: string; }; export type PartialNetworkInspectInfo = DeepPartial & { Id: string; }; export type PartialVolumeInspectInfo = DeepPartial & { Name: string; }; export type PartialImageInspectInfo = DeepPartial & { Id: string; }; type Methods = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends (...args: any) => any ? T[K] : never; }; function createFake(prototype: Prototype) { return (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(prototype) as Array) .filter((fn) => fn === 'constructor' || typeof prototype[fn] === 'function') .reduce( (res, fn) => ({ ...res, [fn]: () => { throw Error( `Fake method not implemented: ${ }.${fn.toString()}()`, ); }, }), {} as Methods, ); } export function createNetwork(network: PartialNetworkInspectInfo) { const { Id, ...networkInspect } = network; const inspectInfo = { Id, Name: 'default', Created: '2015-01-06T15:47:31.485331387Z', Scope: 'local', Driver: 'bridge', EnableIPv6: false, Internal: false, Attachable: true, Ingress: false, IPAM: { Driver: 'default', Options: {}, Config: [ { Subnet: '', Gateway: '', }, ], }, Containers: {}, Options: {}, Labels: {}, // Add defaults ...networkInspect, }; const fakeNetwork = createFake(dockerode.Network.prototype); return { ...fakeNetwork, // by default all methods fail unless overriden id: Id, inspectInfo, inspect: () => Promise.resolve(inspectInfo), remove: (): Promise => Promise.reject('Mock network not attached to an engine'), }; } export type MockNetwork = ReturnType; export function createContainer(container: PartialContainerInspectInfo) { const createContainerInspectInfo = ( partial: PartialContainerInspectInfo, ): dockerode.ContainerInspectInfo => { const { Id, State, Config, NetworkSettings, HostConfig, Mounts, ...ContainerInfo } = partial; return { Id, Created: '2015-01-06T15:47:31.485331387Z', Path: '/usr/bin/sleep', Args: ['infinity'], State: { Status: 'running', ExitCode: 0, Running: true, Paused: false, Restarting: false, OOMKilled: false, ...State, // User passed options }, Image: 'deadbeef', Name: 'main', HostConfig: { AutoRemove: false, Binds: [], LogConfig: { Type: 'journald', Config: {}, }, NetworkMode: 'bridge', PortBindings: {}, RestartPolicy: { Name: 'always', MaximumRetryCount: 0, }, VolumeDriver: '', CapAdd: [], CapDrop: [], Dns: [], DnsOptions: [], DnsSearch: [], ExtraHosts: [], GroupAdd: [], IpcMode: 'shareable', Privileged: false, SecurityOpt: [], ShmSize: 67108864, Memory: 0, MemoryReservation: 0, OomKillDisable: false, Devices: [], Ulimits: [], ...HostConfig, // User passed options }, Config: { Hostname: Id, Labels: {}, Cmd: ['/usr/bin/sleep', 'infinity'], Env: [] as string[], Volumes: {}, Image: 'alpine:latest', ...Config, // User passed options }, NetworkSettings: { Networks: { default: { Aliases: [], Gateway: '', IPAddress: '', IPPrefixLen: 16, MacAddress: '00:00:de:ad:be:ef', }, }, ...NetworkSettings, // User passed options }, Mounts: [ ...(Mounts || []).map(({ Name, ...opts }) => ({ Name, Type: 'volume', Source: `/var/lib/docker/volumes/${Name}/_data`, Destination: '/opt/${Name}/path', Driver: 'local', Mode: '', RW: true, Propagation: '', // Replace defaults ...opts, })), ], ...ContainerInfo, } as dockerode.ContainerInspectInfo; }; const createContainerInfo = ( containerInspectInfo: dockerode.ContainerInspectInfo, ): dockerode.ContainerInfo => { const { Id, Name, Created, Image, State, HostConfig, Config, Mounts, NetworkSettings, } = containerInspectInfo; const capitalizeFirst = (s: string) => s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1); // Calculate summary from existing inspectInfo object return { Id, Names: [Name], ImageID: Image, Image: Config.Image, Created: Date.parse(Created), Command: Config.Cmd.join(' '), State: capitalizeFirst(State.Status), Status: `Exit ${State.ExitCode}`, HostConfig: { NetworkMode: HostConfig.NetworkMode!, }, Ports: [], Labels: Config.Labels, NetworkSettings: { Networks: NetworkSettings.Networks, }, Mounts: Mounts as dockerode.ContainerInfo['Mounts'], }; }; const inspectInfo = createContainerInspectInfo(container); const info = createContainerInfo(inspectInfo); const { Id: id } = inspectInfo; const fakeContainer = createFake(dockerode.Container.prototype); return { ...fakeContainer, // by default all methods fail unless overriden id, inspectInfo, info, inspect: () => Promise.resolve(inspectInfo), remove: (): Promise => Promise.reject('Mock container not attached to an engine'), }; } export type MockContainer = ReturnType; interface Reference { repository: string; tag?: string; digest?: string; toString: () => string; } const parseReference = (uri: string): Reference => { // // const match = uri.match( /^(?:(localhost|.*?[.:].*?)\/)?(.+?)(?::(.*?))?(?:@(.*?))?$/, ); if (!match) { throw new Error(`Could not parse the image: ${uri}`); } const [, registry, imageName, tagName, digest] = match; let tag = tagName; if (!digest && !tag) { tag = 'latest'; } const digestMatch = digest?.match( /^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*(?:[-_+.][A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*)*:[0-9a-f-A-F]{32,}$/, ); if (!imageName || (digest && !digestMatch)) { throw new Error( 'Invalid image name, expected [domain.tld/]repo/image[:tag][@digest] format', ); } const repository = [registry, imageName].filter((s) => !!s).join('/'); return { repository, tag, digest, toString: () => repository + (tagName ? `:${tagName}` : '') + (digest ? `@${digest}` : ''), }; }; export function createImage( // Do not allow RepoTags or RepoDigests to be provided. // References must be used instead image: Omit, { References = [] as string[] } = {}, ) { const createImageInspectInfo = ( partialImage: PartialImageInspectInfo, ): dockerode.ImageInspectInfo => { const { Id, ContainerConfig, Config, GraphDriver, RootFS, ...Info } = partialImage; return { Id, RepoTags: [], RepoDigests: [ '', ], Parent: '', Comment: 'Not a real image', Created: '2018-08-15T12:43:06.43392045Z', Container: 'b6cc9227f272b905512a58926b6d515b38de34b604386031aa3c21e94d9dbb4a', ContainerConfig: { Hostname: 'f15babe8256c', Domainname: '', User: '', AttachStdin: false, AttachStdout: false, AttachStderr: false, Tty: false, OpenStdin: false, StdinOnce: false, Env: [ 'PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', ], Cmd: ['/usr/bin/sleep', 'infinity'], ArgsEscaped: true, Image: 'sha256:828d725f5e6d09ee9abc214f6c11fadf69192ba4871b050984cc9c4cec37b208', Volumes: {}, WorkingDir: '', Entrypoint: null, OnBuild: null, Labels: {}, ...ContainerConfig, } as dockerode.ImageInspectInfo['ContainerConfig'], DockerVersion: '17.05.0-ce', Author: '', Config: { Hostname: '', Domainname: '', User: '', AttachStdin: false, AttachStdout: false, AttachStderr: false, Tty: false, OpenStdin: false, StdinOnce: false, Env: [ 'PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', ], Cmd: ['/usr/bin/sleep', 'infinity'], ArgsEscaped: true, Image: 'sha256:828d725f5e6d09ee9abc214f6c11fadf69192ba4871b050984cc9c4cec37b208', Volumes: {}, WorkingDir: '/usr/src/app', Entrypoint: ['/usr/bin/'], OnBuild: [], Labels: { ...(Config?.Labels ?? {}), }, ...Config, } as dockerode.ImageInspectInfo['Config'], Architecture: 'arm64', Os: 'linux', Size: 38692178, VirtualSize: 38692178, GraphDriver: { Data: { DeviceId: 'deadbeef', DeviceName: 'dummy', DeviceSize: '10m', }, Name: 'aufs', ...GraphDriver, } as dockerode.ImageInspectInfo['GraphDriver'], RootFS: { Type: 'layers', Layers: [ 'sha256:7c30ac6ce381873d5388b7d23b346af7d1e5f6af000a84b97e6203ed9e6dcab2', 'sha256:450b73019ae79e6a99774fcd37c18769f95065c8b271be936dfb3f93afadc4a8', 'sha256:6ab67aaf666bfb7001ab93deffe785f24775f4e0da3d6d421ad6096ba869fd0d', ], ...RootFS, } as dockerode.ImageInspectInfo['RootFS'], ...Info, }; }; const createImageInfo = (imageInspectInfo: dockerode.ImageInspectInfo) => { const { Id, Parent: ParentId, RepoTags, RepoDigests, Config, } = imageInspectInfo; const { Labels } = Config; return { Id, ParentId, RepoTags, RepoDigests, Created: 1474925151, Size: 103579269, VirtualSize: 103579269, SharedSize: 0, Labels, Containers: 0, }; }; const references = => parseReference(uri)); // Generate image repo tags and digests for inspect const { tags, digests } = references.reduce( (pairs, ref) => { if (ref.tag) { pairs.tags.push([ref.repository, ref.tag].join(':')); } if (ref.digest) { pairs.digests.push([ref.repository, ref.digest].join('@')); } return pairs; }, { tags: [] as string[], digests: [] as string[] }, ); const inspectInfo = createImageInspectInfo({ ...image, // Use references to fill RepoTags and RepoDigests ignoring // those from the partial inspect info RepoTags: [ Set([...tags])], RepoDigests: [ Set([...digests])], }); const info = createImageInfo(inspectInfo); const { Id: id } = inspectInfo; const fakeImage = createFake(dockerode.Image.prototype); return { ...fakeImage, // by default all methods fail unless overriden id, info, inspectInfo, references, inspect: () => Promise.resolve(inspectInfo), remove: (_opts: any): Promise => Promise.reject('Mock image not attached to an engine'), }; } export type MockImage = ReturnType; export function createVolume(volume: PartialVolumeInspectInfo) { const { Name, Labels, ...partialVolumeInfo } = volume; const inspectInfo: dockerode.VolumeInspectInfo = { Name, Driver: 'local', Mountpoint: '/var/lib/docker/volumes/resin-data', Labels: { ...Labels, } as dockerode.VolumeInspectInfo['Labels'], Scope: 'local', Options: {}, ...partialVolumeInfo, }; const fakeVolume = createFake(dockerode.Volume.prototype); return { ...fakeVolume, // by default all methods fail unless overriden name: Name, inspectInfo, inspect: () => Promise.resolve(inspectInfo), remove: (): Promise => Promise.reject('Mock volume not attached to an engine'), }; } export type MockVolume = ReturnType; export type MockEngineState = { containers?: MockContainer[]; networks?: MockNetwork[]; volumes?: MockVolume[]; images?: MockImage[]; }; // Good enough function go generate ids for mock engine // source: function uuidv4() { return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) { // tslint:disable const r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8; return v.toString(16); }); } type Stubs = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends (...args: infer TArgs) => infer TReturnValue ? sinon.SinonStub : never; }; export class MockEngine { networks: Dictionary = {}; containers: Dictionary = {}; images: Dictionary = {}; volumes: Dictionary = {}; constructor({ networks = [], containers = [], images = [], volumes = [], }: MockEngineState) { // Key networks by id this.networks = networks.reduce((networkMap, network) => { const { id } = network; return { ...networkMap, [id]: {, remove: () => this.removeNetwork(id) }, }; }, {}); this.containers = containers.reduce((containerMap, container) => { const { id } = container; return { ...containerMap, [id]: { ...container, remove: () => this.removeContainer(id), }, }; }, {}); this.images = images.reduce((imageMap, image) => { const { id } = image; return { ...imageMap, [id]: { ...image, remove: (options: any) => this.removeImage(id, options), }, }; }, {}); this.volumes = volumes.reduce((volumeMap, volume) => { const { name } = volume; return { ...volumeMap, [name]: { ...volume, remove: () => this.removeVolume(name), }, }; }, {}); } getNetwork(id: string) { const network = Object.values(this.networks).find( (n) => n.inspectInfo.Id === id || n.inspectInfo.Name === id, ); if (!network) { return { id, inspect: () => Promise.reject({ statusCode: 404, message: `No such network ${id}` }), remove: () => Promise.reject({ statusCode: 404, message: `No such network ${id}` }), } as MockNetwork; } return network; } listNetworks() { return Promise.resolve( Object.values(this.networks).map((network) => network.inspectInfo), ); } removeNetwork(id: string) { const network = Object.values(this.networks).find( (n) => n.inspectInfo.Id === id || n.inspectInfo.Name === id, ); // Throw an error if the network does not exist // this should never happen if (!network) { return Promise.reject({ statusCode: 404, message: `No such network ${id}`, }); } return Promise.resolve(delete this.networks[]); } createNetwork(options: dockerode.NetworkCreateOptions) { const Id = uuidv4(); const network = createNetwork({ Id, ...options }); // Add to the list this.networks[Id] = network; } listContainers() { return Promise.resolve( // List containers returns ContainerInfo objects so we return summaries Object.values(this.containers).map((container) =>, ); } createContainer(options: dockerode.ContainerCreateOptions) { const Id = uuidv4(); const { name: Name, HostConfig, NetworkingConfig, ...Config } = options; const container = createContainer({ Id, Name, HostConfig, Config, NetworkSettings: { Networks: NetworkingConfig?.EndpointsConfig ?? {} }, State: { Status: 'created' }, }); // Add to the list this.containers[Id] = { ...container, remove: () => this.removeContainer(Id), }; } getContainer(id: string) { const container = Object.values(this.containers).find( (c) => c.inspectInfo.Id === id || c.inspectInfo.Name === id, ); if (!container) { return { id, inspect: () => Promise.reject({ statusCode: 404, message: `No such container ${id}`, }), } as MockContainer; } return { ...container, remove: () => this.removeContainer(id) }; } removeContainer(id: string) { const container = Object.values(this.containers).find( (c) => c.inspectInfo.Id === id || c.inspectInfo.Name === id, ); // Throw an error if the container does not exist // this should never happen if (!container) { return Promise.reject({ statusCode: 404, message: `No such container ${id}`, }); } return Promise.resolve(delete this.containers[]); } listImages({ filters = { reference: [] as string[] } } = {}) { const filterList = [] as ((img: MockImage) => boolean)[]; const transformers = [] as ((img: MockImage) => MockImage)[]; // Add reference filters if (filters.reference?.length > 0) { const isMatchingReference = ({ repository, tag }: Reference) => filters.reference.includes(repository) || filters.reference.includes( [repository, tag].filter((s) => !!s).join(':'), ); // Create a filter for images matching the reference filterList.push((img) => img.references.some(isMatchingReference)); // Create a transformer removing unused references from the image transformers.push((img) => createImage(img.inspectInfo, { References: img.references .filter(isMatchingReference) .map((ref) => ref.toString()), }), ); } return Promise.resolve( Object.values(this.images) // Remove images that do not match the filter .filter((img) => filterList.every((fn) => fn(img))) // Transform the image if needed .map((image) => transformers.reduce((img, next) => next(img), image)) .map((image) =>, ); } getVolume(name: string) { const volume = Object.values(this.volumes).find((v) => === name); if (!volume) { return { name, inspect: () => Promise.reject({ statusCode: 404, message: `No such volume ${name}`, }), remove: () => Promise.reject({ statusCode: 404, message: `No such volume ${name}`, }), }; } return volume; } listVolumes() { return Promise.resolve({ Volumes: Object.values(this.volumes).map((volume) => volume.inspectInfo), Warnings: [] as string[], }); } removeVolume(name: string) { return Promise.resolve(delete this.volumes[name]); } createVolume(options: PartialVolumeInspectInfo) { const { Name } = options; const volume = createVolume(options); // Add to the list this.volumes[Name] = volume; } // NOT a dockerode method // Implements this // Removes (and un-tags) one or more images from the host node. // If an image has multiple tags, using this command with the tag as // a parameter only removes the tag. If the tag is the only one for the image, // both the image and the tag are removed. // Does not remove images from a registry. // You cannot remove an image of a running container unless you use the // -f option. To see all images on a host use the docker image ls command. // // You can remove an image using its short or long ID, its tag, or its digest. // If an image has one or more tags referencing it, you must remove all of them // before the image is removed. Digest references are removed automatically when // an image is removed by tag. removeImage(name: string, { force } = { force: false }) { const image = this.findImage(name); // Throw an error if the image does not exist if (!image) { return Promise.reject({ statusCode: 404, message: `No such image ${name}`, }); } // Get the id of the iamge const { Id: id } = image.inspectInfo; // If the given identifier is an id if (id === name) { if (!force && image.references.length > 1) { // If the name is an id and there are multiple tags // or digests referencing the image, don't delete unless the force option return Promise.reject({ statusCode: 409, message: `Unable to delete image ${name} with multiple references`, }); } return Promise.resolve(delete this.images[id]); } // If the name is not an id, then it must be a reference const ref = parseReference(name); const References = image.references .filter( (r) => r.repository !== ref.repository || (r.digest !== ref.digest && r.tag !== ref.tag), ) .map((r) => r.toString()); if (References.length > 0) { // If there are still digests or tags, just update the stored image this.images[id] = { ...createImage(image.inspectInfo, { References }), remove: (options: any) => this.removeImage(id, options), }; return Promise.resolve(true); } // Remove the original image return Promise.resolve(delete this.images[id]); } private findImage(name: string) { if (this.images[name]) { return this.images[name]; } // If the identifier is not an id it must be a reference const ref = parseReference(name); return Object.values(this.images).find((img) => img.references.some( (r) => // Find an image that has a reference with matching digest or tag r.repository === ref.repository && (r.digest === ref.digest || r.tag === ref.tag), ), ); } getImage(name: string) { const image = this.findImage(name); // If the image doesn't exist return an empty object if (!image) { return { id: name, inspect: () => Promise.reject({ statusCode: 404, message: `No such image ${name}` }), remove: () => Promise.reject({ statusCode: 404, message: `No such image ${name}` }), }; } return { ...image, remove: (options: any) => this.removeImage(name, options), }; } getEvents() { console.log(`Calling mockerode.getEvents 🐳`); return Promise.resolve({ on: () => void 0, pipe: () => void 0 }); } } export function createMockerode(engine: MockEngine) { const dockerodeStubs: Stubs = ( Object.getOwnPropertyNames(dockerode.prototype) as (keyof dockerode)[] ) .filter((fn) => typeof dockerode.prototype[fn] === 'function') .reduce((stubMap, fn) => { const stub = sinon.stub(dockerode.prototype, fn); if (MockEngine.prototype.hasOwnProperty(fn)) { stub.callsFake((MockEngine.prototype as any)[fn].bind(engine)); } else { // By default all unimplemented methods will throw to avoid the tests // silently failing stub.throws(`Not implemented: Dockerode.${fn}`); } return { ...stubMap, [fn]: stub }; }, {} as Stubs); const { removeImage, removeNetwork, removeVolume, removeContainer } = engine; // Add stubs to additional engine methods we want to // be able to check const mockEngineStubs = { removeImage: sinon .stub(engine, 'removeImage') .callsFake(removeImage.bind(engine)), removeNetwork: sinon .stub(engine, 'removeNetwork') .callsFake(removeNetwork.bind(engine)), removeVolume: sinon .stub(engine, 'removeVolume') .callsFake(removeVolume.bind(engine)), removeContainer: sinon .stub(engine, 'removeContainer') .callsFake(removeContainer.bind(engine)), }; return { ...dockerodeStubs, ...mockEngineStubs, restore: () => { Object.values(dockerodeStubs).forEach((stub) => stub.restore()); Object.values(mockEngineStubs).forEach((spy) => spy.restore()); }, resetHistory: () => { Object.values(dockerodeStubs).forEach((stub) => stub.resetHistory()); Object.values(mockEngineStubs).forEach((spy) => spy.resetHistory()); }, }; } export type Mockerode = ReturnType; export async function withMockerode( test: (dockerode: Mockerode) => Promise, initialState: MockEngineState = { containers: [], networks: [], volumes: [], images: [], }, ) { const mockEngine = new MockEngine(initialState); const mockerode = createMockerode(mockEngine); try { // run the tests await test(mockerode); } finally { // restore stubs always mockerode.restore(); } }