import { expect } from 'chai'; import { stub, SinonStub, spy, SinonSpy } from 'sinon'; import * as supertest from 'supertest'; import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird'; import sampleResponses = require('~/test-data/device-api-responses.json'); import mockedAPI = require('~/test-lib/mocked-device-api'); import * as apiBinder from '~/src/api-binder'; import * as deviceState from '~/src/device-state'; import SupervisorAPI from '~/src/device-api'; import * as deviceApi from '~/src/device-api'; import * as serviceManager from '~/src/compose/service-manager'; import * as images from '~/src/compose/images'; import * as config from '~/src/config'; import * as updateLock from '~/lib/update-lock'; import * as targetStateCache from '~/src/device-state/target-state-cache'; import * as mockedDockerode from '~/test-lib/mocked-dockerode'; import * as applicationManager from '~/src/compose/application-manager'; import * as logger from '~/src/logger'; import { UpdatesLockedError } from '~/lib/errors'; describe('SupervisorAPI [V2 Endpoints]', () => { let serviceManagerMock: SinonStub; let imagesMock: SinonStub; let applicationManagerSpy: SinonSpy; let api: SupervisorAPI; const request = supertest( `${mockedAPI.mockedOptions.listenPort}`, ); let loggerStub: SinonStub; before(async () => { await apiBinder.initialized(); await deviceState.initialized(); // The mockedAPI contains stubs that might create unexpected results // See the module to know what has been stubbed api = await mockedAPI.create(); // Start test API await api.listen( mockedAPI.mockedOptions.listenPort, mockedAPI.mockedOptions.timeout, ); serviceManagerMock = stub(serviceManager, 'getAll').resolves([]); imagesMock = stub(images, 'getState').resolves([]); // We want to check the actual step that was triggered applicationManagerSpy = spy(applicationManager, 'executeStep'); // Stub logs for all API methods loggerStub = stub(logger, 'attach'); loggerStub.resolves(); }); after(async () => { try { await api.stop(); } catch (e: any) { if (e.message !== 'Server is not running.') { throw e; } } // Remove any test data generated await mockedAPI.cleanUp(); serviceManagerMock.restore(); imagesMock.restore(); applicationManagerSpy.restore(); loggerStub.restore(); }); afterEach(() => { mockedDockerode.resetHistory(); applicationManagerSpy.resetHistory(); }); describe('GET /v2/device/vpn', () => { it('returns information about VPN connection', async () => { await request .get('/v2/device/vpn') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${await deviceApi.getGlobalApiKey()}`) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(sampleResponses.V2.GET['/device/vpn'].statusCode) .then((response) => { expect(response.body).to.deep.equal( sampleResponses.V2.GET['/device/vpn'].body, ); }); }); }); describe('GET /v2/applications/:appId/state', () => { it('returns information about a SPECIFIC application', async () => { await request .get('/v2/applications/1/state') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${await deviceApi.getGlobalApiKey()}`) .expect(sampleResponses.V2.GET['/applications/1/state'].statusCode) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .then((response) => { expect(response.body).to.deep.equal( sampleResponses.V2.GET['/applications/1/state'].body, ); }); }); it('returns 400 for invalid appId', async () => { await request .get('/v2/applications/123invalid/state') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${await deviceApi.getGlobalApiKey()}`) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect( sampleResponses.V2.GET['/applications/123invalid/state'].statusCode, ) .then((response) => { expect(response.body).to.deep.equal( sampleResponses.V2.GET['/applications/123invalid/state'].body, ); }); }); it('returns 409 because app does not exist', async () => { await request .get('/v2/applications/9000/state') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${await deviceApi.getGlobalApiKey()}`) .expect(sampleResponses.V2.GET['/applications/9000/state'].statusCode) .then((response) => { expect(response.body).to.deep.equal( sampleResponses.V2.GET['/applications/9000/state'].body, ); }); }); describe('Scoped API Keys', () => { it('returns 409 because app is out of scope of the key', async () => { const apiKey = await deviceApi.generateScopedKey(3, 'main'); await request .get('/v2/applications/2/state') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiKey}`) .expect(409); }); }); }); describe('GET /v2/state/status', () => { before(() => { // Stub isApplyInProgress is no other tests can impact the response data stub(deviceState, 'isApplyInProgress').returns(false); }); after(() => { (deviceState.isApplyInProgress as SinonStub).restore(); }); it('should return scoped application', async () => { // Create scoped key for application const appScopedKey = await deviceApi.generateScopedKey(1658654, 'main'); // Setup device conditions serviceManagerMock.resolves([mockedAPI.mockService({ appId: 1658654 })]); imagesMock.resolves([mockedAPI.mockImage({ appId: 1658654 })]); // Make request and evaluate response await request .get('/v2/state/status') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${appScopedKey}`) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect( sampleResponses.V2.GET['/state/status?desc=single_application'] .statusCode, ) .then((response) => { expect(response.body).to.deep.equal( sampleResponses.V2.GET['/state/status?desc=single_application'] .body, ); }); }); it('should return no application info due to lack of scope', async () => { // Create scoped key for wrong application const appScopedKey = await deviceApi.generateScopedKey(1, 'main'); // Setup device conditions serviceManagerMock.resolves([mockedAPI.mockService({ appId: 1658654 })]); imagesMock.resolves([mockedAPI.mockImage({ appId: 1658654 })]); // Make request and evaluate response await request .get('/v2/state/status') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${appScopedKey}`) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect( sampleResponses.V2.GET['/state/status?desc=no_applications'] .statusCode, ) .then((response) => { expect(response.body).to.deep.equal( sampleResponses.V2.GET['/state/status?desc=no_applications'].body, ); }); }); it('should return success when device has no applications', async () => { // Create scoped key for any application const appScopedKey = await deviceApi.generateScopedKey(1658654, 'main'); // Setup device conditions serviceManagerMock.resolves([]); imagesMock.resolves([]); // Make request and evaluate response await request .get('/v2/state/status') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${appScopedKey}`) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect( sampleResponses.V2.GET['/state/status?desc=no_applications'] .statusCode, ) .then((response) => { expect(response.body).to.deep.equal( sampleResponses.V2.GET['/state/status?desc=no_applications'].body, ); }); }); it('should only return 1 application when N > 1 applications on device', async () => { // Create scoped key for application const appScopedKey = await deviceApi.generateScopedKey(1658654, 'main'); // Setup device conditions serviceManagerMock.resolves([ mockedAPI.mockService({ appId: 1658654 }), mockedAPI.mockService({ appId: 222222 }), ]); imagesMock.resolves([ mockedAPI.mockImage({ appId: 1658654 }), mockedAPI.mockImage({ appId: 222222 }), ]); // Make request and evaluate response await request .get('/v2/state/status') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${appScopedKey}`) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect( sampleResponses.V2.GET['/state/status?desc=single_application'] .statusCode, ) .then((response) => { expect(response.body).to.deep.equal( sampleResponses.V2.GET['/state/status?desc=single_application'] .body, ); }); }); it('should only return 1 application when in LOCAL MODE (no auth)', async () => { // Activate localmode await config.set({ localMode: true }); // Setup device conditions serviceManagerMock.resolves([ mockedAPI.mockService({ appId: 1658654 }), mockedAPI.mockService({ appId: 222222 }), ]); imagesMock.resolves([ mockedAPI.mockImage({ appId: 1658654 }), mockedAPI.mockImage({ appId: 222222 }), ]); // Make request and evaluate response await request .get('/v2/state/status') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect( sampleResponses.V2.GET['/state/status?desc=single_application'] .statusCode, ) .then((response) => { expect(response.body).to.deep.equal( sampleResponses.V2.GET['/state/status?desc=single_application'] .body, ); }); }); }); // TODO: setup for this test is wrong, which leads to inconsistent data being passed to // manager methods. A refactor is needed describe.skip('POST /v2/applications/:appId/start-service', function () { let appScopedKey: string; let targetStateCacheMock: SinonStub; let lockMock: SinonStub; const service = { serviceName: 'main', containerId: 'abc123', appId: 1658654, serviceId: 640681, }; const mockContainers = [mockedAPI.mockService(service)]; const mockImages = [mockedAPI.mockImage(service)]; beforeEach(() => { // Setup device conditions serviceManagerMock.resolves(mockContainers); imagesMock.resolves(mockImages); targetStateCacheMock.resolves({ appId: 2, commit: 'abcdef2', name: 'test-app2', source: '', releaseId: 1232, services: JSON.stringify([service]), networks: '[]', volumes: '[]', }); lockMock.reset(); }); before(async () => { // Create scoped key for application appScopedKey = await deviceApi.generateScopedKey(1658654, 'main'); // Mock target state cache targetStateCacheMock = stub(targetStateCache, 'getTargetApp'); lockMock = stub(updateLock, 'lock'); }); after(async () => { targetStateCacheMock.restore(); lockMock.restore(); }); it('should return 200 for an existing service', async () => { await mockedDockerode.testWithData( { containers: mockContainers, images: mockImages }, async () => { await request .post( `/v2/applications/1658654/start-service?apikey=${appScopedKey}`, ) .send({ serviceName: 'main' }) .set('Content-type', 'application/json') .expect(200); expect(applicationManagerSpy).to.have.been.calledOnce; }, ); }); it('should return 404 for an unknown service', async () => { await mockedDockerode.testWithData({}, async () => { await request .post(`/v2/applications/1658654/start-service?apikey=${appScopedKey}`) .send({ serviceName: 'unknown' }) .set('Content-type', 'application/json') .expect(404); expect(applicationManagerSpy).to.not.have.been.called; }); }); it('should ignore locks and return 200', async () => { // Turn lock on lockMock.throws(new UpdatesLockedError('Updates locked')); await mockedDockerode.testWithData( { containers: mockContainers, images: mockImages }, async () => { await request .post( `/v2/applications/1658654/start-service?apikey=${appScopedKey}`, ) .send({ serviceName: 'main' }) .set('Content-type', 'application/json') .expect(200); expect(lockMock).to.not.have.been.called; expect(applicationManagerSpy).to.have.been.calledOnce; }, ); }); }); // TODO: setup for this test is wrong, which leads to inconsistent data being passed to // manager methods. A refactor is needed describe.skip('POST /v2/applications/:appId/restart-service', () => { let appScopedKey: string; let targetStateCacheMock: SinonStub; let lockMock: SinonStub; const service = { serviceName: 'main', containerId: 'abc123', appId: 1658654, serviceId: 640681, }; const mockContainers = [mockedAPI.mockService(service)]; const mockImages = [mockedAPI.mockImage(service)]; const lockFake = (_: any, opts: { force: boolean }, fn: () => any) => { if (opts.force) { return Bluebird.resolve(fn()); } throw new UpdatesLockedError('Updates locked'); }; beforeEach(() => { // Setup device conditions serviceManagerMock.resolves(mockContainers); imagesMock.resolves(mockImages); targetStateCacheMock.resolves({ appId: 2, commit: 'abcdef2', name: 'test-app2', source: '', releaseId: 1232, services: JSON.stringify(mockContainers), networks: '[]', volumes: '[]', }); lockMock.reset(); }); before(async () => { // Create scoped key for application appScopedKey = await deviceApi.generateScopedKey(1658654, 'main'); // Mock target state cache targetStateCacheMock = stub(targetStateCache, 'getTargetApp'); lockMock = stub(updateLock, 'lock'); }); after(async () => { targetStateCacheMock.restore(); lockMock.restore(); }); it('should return 200 for an existing service', async () => { await mockedDockerode.testWithData( { containers: mockContainers, images: mockImages }, async () => { await request .post( `/v2/applications/1658654/restart-service?apikey=${appScopedKey}`, ) .send({ serviceName: 'main' }) .set('Content-type', 'application/json') .expect(200); expect(applicationManagerSpy).to.have.been.calledOnce; }, ); }); it('should return 404 for an unknown service', async () => { await mockedDockerode.testWithData({}, async () => { await request .post( `/v2/applications/1658654/restart-service?apikey=${appScopedKey}`, ) .send({ serviceName: 'unknown' }) .set('Content-type', 'application/json') .expect(404); expect(applicationManagerSpy).to.not.have.been.called; }); }); it('should return 423 for a service with update locks', async () => { // Turn lock on lockMock.throws(new UpdatesLockedError('Updates locked')); await mockedDockerode.testWithData( { containers: mockContainers, images: mockImages }, async () => { await request .post( `/v2/applications/1658654/restart-service?apikey=${appScopedKey}`, ) .send({ serviceName: 'main' }) .set('Content-type', 'application/json') .expect(423); expect(lockMock); expect(applicationManagerSpy).to.have.been.calledOnce; }, ); }); it('should return 200 for a service with update locks and force true', async () => { // Turn lock on lockMock.callsFake(lockFake); await mockedDockerode.testWithData( { containers: mockContainers, images: mockImages }, async () => { await request .post( `/v2/applications/1658654/restart-service?apikey=${appScopedKey}`, ) .send({ serviceName: 'main', force: true }) .set('Content-type', 'application/json') .expect(200); expect(lockMock); expect(applicationManagerSpy).to.have.been.calledOnce; }, ); }); it('should return 423 if force is explicitely set to false', async () => { // Turn lock on lockMock.callsFake(lockFake); await mockedDockerode.testWithData( { containers: mockContainers, images: mockImages }, async () => { await request .post( `/v2/applications/1658654/restart-service?apikey=${appScopedKey}`, ) .send({ serviceName: 'main', force: false }) .set('Content-type', 'application/json') .expect(423); expect(lockMock); expect(applicationManagerSpy).to.have.been.calledOnce; }, ); }); }); // TODO: add tests for rest of V2 endpoints });