process.on 'uncaughtException', (e) -> console.error('Got unhandled exception', e, e?.stack) Promise = require 'bluebird' knex = require './db' utils = require './utils' bootstrap = require './bootstrap' config = require './config' knex.init.then -> utils.mixpanelTrack('Supervisor start') console.log('Starting connectivity check..') utils.connectivityCheck() knex('config').select('value').where(key: 'uuid').then ([ uuid ]) -> if not uuid?.value console.log('New device detected. Bootstrapping..') retryingBootstrap = -> utils.mixpanelTrack('Device bootstrap') bootstrap().catch (err) -> utils.mixpanelTrack('Device bootstrap failed, retrying', {error: err, delay: config.bootstrapRetryDelay}) Promise.delay(config.bootstrapRetryDelay) .then(retryingBootstrap) retryingBootstrap() else uuid.value .then (uuid) -> # Persist the uuid in subsequent metrics utils.mixpanelProperties.uuid = uuid api = require './api' application = require './application' device = require './device' randomstring = require 'randomstring' console.log('Starting API server..') secret = config.forceApiSecret ? randomstring.generate() api(secret, utils.disableCheck).listen(config.listenPort) # Let API know what version we are, and our api connection info. console.log('Updating supervisor version and api info') device.updateState( api_port: config.listenPort api_secret: secret supervisor_version: utils.supervisorVersion provisioning_progress: null provisioning_state: '' download_progress: null ) console.log('Starting Apps..') knex('app').select() .then (apps) -> Promise.all( .catch (error) -> console.error('Error starting apps:', error) .then -> utils.mixpanelTrack('Start application update poll', {interval: config.appUpdatePollInterval}) setInterval(-> application.update() , config.appUpdatePollInterval) application.update() updateIpAddr = -> utils.findIpAddrs().then (ipAddrs) -> device.updateState( ip_address: ipAddrs.join(' ') ) console.log('Starting periodic check for IP addresses..') setInterval(updateIpAddr, 30 * 1000) # Every 30s updateIpAddr()