import * as _ from 'lodash'; import ChaiConfig = require('./lib/chai-config'); const { assert, expect } = ChaiConfig; import Service from '../src/compose/service'; import { ServiceComposeConfig, ServiceConfig, } from '../src/compose/types/service'; import * as constants from '../src/lib/constants'; const configs = { simple: { compose: require('./data/docker-states/simple/compose.json'), imageInfo: require('./data/docker-states/simple/imageInfo.json'), inspect: require('./data/docker-states/simple/inspect.json'), }, entrypoint: { compose: require('./data/docker-states/entrypoint/compose.json'), imageInfo: require('./data/docker-states/entrypoint/imageInfo.json'), inspect: require('./data/docker-states/entrypoint/inspect.json'), }, networkModeService: { compose: require('./data/docker-states/network-mode-service/compose.json'), imageInfo: require('./data/docker-states/network-mode-service/imageInfo.json'), inspect: require('./data/docker-states/network-mode-service/inspect.json'), }, }; describe('compose/service', () => { it('extends environment variables properly', async () => { const extendEnvVarsOpts = { uuid: '1234', appName: 'awesomeApp', commit: 'abcdef', name: 'awesomeDevice', version: 'v1.0.0', deviceArch: 'amd64', deviceType: 'raspberry-pi', osVersion: 'Resin OS 2.0.2', }; const service = { appId: '23', releaseId: 2, serviceId: 3, imageId: 4, serviceName: 'serviceName', environment: { FOO: 'bar', A_VARIABLE: 'ITS_VALUE', }, }; const s = await Service.fromComposeObject( service, extendEnvVarsOpts as any, ); expect(s.config.environment).to.deep.equal({ FOO: 'bar', A_VARIABLE: 'ITS_VALUE', RESIN_APP_ID: '23', RESIN_APP_NAME: 'awesomeApp', RESIN_DEVICE_UUID: '1234', RESIN_DEVICE_ARCH: 'amd64', RESIN_DEVICE_TYPE: 'raspberry-pi', RESIN_HOST_OS_VERSION: 'Resin OS 2.0.2', RESIN_SERVICE_NAME: 'serviceName', RESIN_APP_LOCK_PATH: '/tmp/balena/updates.lock', RESIN_SERVICE_KILL_ME_PATH: '/tmp/balena/handover-complete', RESIN: '1', BALENA_APP_ID: '23', BALENA_APP_NAME: 'awesomeApp', BALENA_DEVICE_UUID: '1234', BALENA_DEVICE_ARCH: 'amd64', BALENA_DEVICE_TYPE: 'raspberry-pi', BALENA_HOST_OS_VERSION: 'Resin OS 2.0.2', BALENA_SERVICE_NAME: 'serviceName', BALENA_APP_LOCK_PATH: '/tmp/balena/updates.lock', BALENA_SERVICE_HANDOVER_COMPLETE_PATH: '/tmp/balena/handover-complete', BALENA: '1', USER: 'root', }); }); it('returns the correct default bind mounts', async () => { const s = await Service.fromComposeObject( { appId: '1234', serviceName: 'foo', releaseId: 2, serviceId: 3, imageId: 4, }, { appName: 'foo' } as any, ); const binds = (Service as any).defaultBinds(s.appId, s.serviceName); expect(binds).to.deep.equal([ '/tmp/balena-supervisor/services/1234/foo:/tmp/resin', '/tmp/balena-supervisor/services/1234/foo:/tmp/balena', ]); }); it('produces the correct port bindings and exposed ports', async () => { const s = await Service.fromComposeObject( { appId: '1234', serviceName: 'foo', releaseId: 2, serviceId: 3, imageId: 4, expose: [1000, '243/udp'], ports: ['2344', '2345:2354', '2346:2367/udp'], }, { imageInfo: { Config: { ExposedPorts: { '53/tcp': {}, '53/udp': {}, '2354/tcp': {}, }, }, }, } as any, ); const ports = (s as any).generateExposeAndPorts(); expect(ports.portBindings).to.deep.equal({ '2344/tcp': [ { HostIp: '', HostPort: '2344', }, ], '2354/tcp': [ { HostIp: '', HostPort: '2345', }, ], '2367/udp': [ { HostIp: '', HostPort: '2346', }, ], }); expect(ports.exposedPorts).to.deep.equal({ '1000/tcp': {}, '243/udp': {}, '2344/tcp': {}, '2354/tcp': {}, '2367/udp': {}, '53/tcp': {}, '53/udp': {}, }); }); it('correctly handles port ranges', async () => { const s = await Service.fromComposeObject( { appId: '1234', serviceName: 'foo', releaseId: 2, serviceId: 3, imageId: 4, expose: [1000, '243/udp'], ports: ['1000-1003:2000-2003'], }, { appName: 'test' } as any, ); const ports = (s as any).generateExposeAndPorts(); expect(ports.portBindings).to.deep.equal({ '2000/tcp': [ { HostIp: '', HostPort: '1000', }, ], '2001/tcp': [ { HostIp: '', HostPort: '1001', }, ], '2002/tcp': [ { HostIp: '', HostPort: '1002', }, ], '2003/tcp': [ { HostIp: '', HostPort: '1003', }, ], }); expect(ports.exposedPorts).to.deep.equal({ '1000/tcp': {}, '2000/tcp': {}, '2001/tcp': {}, '2002/tcp': {}, '2003/tcp': {}, '243/udp': {}, }); }); it('should correctly handle large port ranges', async function () { this.timeout(60000); const s = await Service.fromComposeObject( { appId: '1234', serviceName: 'foo', releaseId: 2, serviceId: 3, imageId: 4, ports: ['5-65536:5-65536/tcp', '5-65536:5-65536/udp'], }, { appName: 'test' } as any, ); expect((s as any).generateExposeAndPorts()).to.not.throw; }); it('should correctly report implied exposed ports from portMappings', async () => { const service = await Service.fromComposeObject( { appId: 123456, serviceId: 123456, serviceName: 'test', ports: ['80:80', '100:100'], }, { appName: 'test' } as any, ); expect(service.config)'expose') .that.deep.equals(['80/tcp', '100/tcp']); }); it('should correctly handle spaces in volume definitions', async () => { const service = await Service.fromComposeObject( { appId: 123, serviceId: 123, serviceName: 'test', volumes: [ 'vol1:vol2', 'vol3 :/usr/src/app', 'vol4: /usr/src/app', 'vol5 : vol6', ], }, { appName: 'test' } as any, ); expect(service.config)'volumes') .that.deep.equals([ '123_vol1:vol2', '123_vol3:/usr/src/app', '123_vol4:/usr/src/app', '123_vol5:vol6', '/tmp/balena-supervisor/services/123/test:/tmp/resin', '/tmp/balena-supervisor/services/123/test:/tmp/balena', ]); }); it('should correctly handle io.balena.features.balena-socket label', async () => { const service = await Service.fromComposeObject( { appId: 123456, serviceId: 123456, serviceName: 'foobar', labels: { 'io.balena.features.balena-socket': '1', }, }, { appName: 'test' } as any, ); expect(service.config.volumes).to.include.members([ `${constants.dockerSocket}:${constants.dockerSocket}`, `${constants.dockerSocket}:/host/run/balena-engine.sock`, `${constants.dockerSocket}:/var/run/balena.sock`, ]); expect(service.config.environment['DOCKER_HOST']).to.equal( 'unix:///host/run/balena-engine.sock', ); }); describe('Ordered array parameters', () => { it('Should correctly compare ordered array parameters', async () => { const svc1 = await Service.fromComposeObject( { appId: 1, serviceId: 1, serviceName: 'test', dns: ['', ''], }, { appName: 'test' } as any, ); let svc2 = await Service.fromComposeObject( { appId: 1, serviceId: 1, serviceName: 'test', dns: ['', ''], }, { appName: 'test' } as any, ); assert(svc1.isEqualConfig(svc2, {})); svc2 = await Service.fromComposeObject( { appId: 1, serviceId: 1, serviceName: 'test', dns: ['', ''], }, { appName: 'test' } as any, ); assert(!svc1.isEqualConfig(svc2, {})); }); it('should correctly compare non-ordered array parameters', async () => { const svc1 = await Service.fromComposeObject( { appId: 1, serviceId: 1, serviceName: 'test', volumes: ['abcdef', 'ghijk'], }, { appName: 'test' } as any, ); let svc2 = await Service.fromComposeObject( { appId: 1, serviceId: 1, serviceName: 'test', volumes: ['abcdef', 'ghijk'], }, { appName: 'test' } as any, ); assert(svc1.isEqualConfig(svc2, {})); svc2 = await Service.fromComposeObject( { appId: 1, serviceId: 1, serviceName: 'test', volumes: ['ghijk', 'abcdef'], }, { appName: 'test' } as any, ); assert(svc1.isEqualConfig(svc2, {})); }); it('should correctly compare both ordered and non-ordered array parameters', async () => { const svc1 = await Service.fromComposeObject( { appId: 1, serviceId: 1, serviceName: 'test', volumes: ['abcdef', 'ghijk'], dns: ['', ''], }, { appName: 'test' } as any, ); const svc2 = await Service.fromComposeObject( { appId: 1, serviceId: 1, serviceName: 'test', volumes: ['ghijk', 'abcdef'], dns: ['', ''], }, { appName: 'test' } as any, ); assert(svc1.isEqualConfig(svc2, {})); }); }); describe('parseMemoryNumber()', () => { const makeComposeServiceWithLimit = async (memLimit?: string | number) => await Service.fromComposeObject( { appId: 123456, serviceId: 123456, serviceName: 'foobar', mem_limit: memLimit, }, { appName: 'test' } as any, ); it('should correctly parse memory number strings without a unit', async () => expect( (await makeComposeServiceWithLimit('64')).config.memLimit, ).to.equal(64)); it('should correctly apply the default value', async () => expect( (await makeComposeServiceWithLimit(undefined)).config.memLimit, ).to.equal(0)); it('should correctly support parsing numbers as memory limits', async () => expect((await makeComposeServiceWithLimit(64)).config.memLimit).to.equal( 64, )); it('should correctly parse memory number strings that use a byte unit', async () => { expect( (await makeComposeServiceWithLimit('64b')).config.memLimit, ).to.equal(64); expect( (await makeComposeServiceWithLimit('64B')).config.memLimit, ).to.equal(64); }); it('should correctly parse memory number strings that use a kilobyte unit', async () => { expect( (await makeComposeServiceWithLimit('64k')).config.memLimit, ).to.equal(65536); expect( (await makeComposeServiceWithLimit('64K')).config.memLimit, ).to.equal(65536); expect( (await makeComposeServiceWithLimit('64kb')).config.memLimit, ).to.equal(65536); expect( (await makeComposeServiceWithLimit('64Kb')).config.memLimit, ).to.equal(65536); }); it('should correctly parse memory number strings that use a megabyte unit', async () => { expect( (await makeComposeServiceWithLimit('64m')).config.memLimit, ).to.equal(67108864); expect( (await makeComposeServiceWithLimit('64M')).config.memLimit, ).to.equal(67108864); expect( (await makeComposeServiceWithLimit('64mb')).config.memLimit, ).to.equal(67108864); expect( (await makeComposeServiceWithLimit('64Mb')).config.memLimit, ).to.equal(67108864); }); it('should correctly parse memory number strings that use a gigabyte unit', async () => { expect( (await makeComposeServiceWithLimit('64g')).config.memLimit, ).to.equal(68719476736); expect( (await makeComposeServiceWithLimit('64G')).config.memLimit, ).to.equal(68719476736); expect( (await makeComposeServiceWithLimit('64gb')).config.memLimit, ).to.equal(68719476736); expect( (await makeComposeServiceWithLimit('64Gb')).config.memLimit, ).to.equal(68719476736); }); }); describe('getWorkingDir', () => { const makeComposeServiceWithWorkdir = async (workdir?: string) => await Service.fromComposeObject( { appId: 123456, serviceId: 123456, serviceName: 'foobar', workingDir: workdir, }, { appName: 'test' } as any, ); it('should remove a trailing slash', async () => { expect( (await makeComposeServiceWithWorkdir('/usr/src/app/')).config .workingDir, ).to.equal('/usr/src/app'); expect( (await makeComposeServiceWithWorkdir('/')).config.workingDir, ).to.equal('/'); expect( (await makeComposeServiceWithWorkdir('/usr/src/app')).config.workingDir, ).to.equal('/usr/src/app'); expect( (await makeComposeServiceWithWorkdir('')).config.workingDir, ).to.equal(''); }); }); describe('io.balena.features.gpu: Docker <-> Compose config', () => { const gpuDeviceRequest = { Count: 1, Capabilities: [['gpu']], }; it('should succeed from compose object', async () => { const s = await Service.fromComposeObject( { appId: 123, serviceId: 123, serviceName: 'test', labels: { 'io.balena.features.gpu': '1', }, }, { appName: 'test' } as any, ); expect(s.config)'deviceRequests') .that.deep.equals([gpuDeviceRequest]); }); it('should succeed from docker container', () => { const dockerCfg = _.cloneDeep( require('./data/docker-states/simple/inspect.json'), ); dockerCfg.HostConfig.DeviceRequests = [gpuDeviceRequest]; const s = Service.fromDockerContainer(dockerCfg); expect(s.config)'deviceRequests') .that.deep.equals([gpuDeviceRequest]); }); }); describe('Docker <-> Compose config', () => { const omitConfigForComparison = (config: ServiceConfig) => _.omit(config, ['running', 'networks']); it('should be identical when converting a simple service', async () => { const composeSvc = await Service.fromComposeObject( configs.simple.compose, configs.simple.imageInfo, ); const dockerSvc = Service.fromDockerContainer(configs.simple.inspect); const composeConfig = omitConfigForComparison(composeSvc.config); const dockerConfig = omitConfigForComparison(dockerSvc.config); expect(composeConfig).to.deep.equal(dockerConfig); expect(dockerSvc.isEqualConfig(composeSvc, {})); }); it('should correctly convert formats with a null entrypoint', async () => { const composeSvc = await Service.fromComposeObject( configs.entrypoint.compose, configs.entrypoint.imageInfo, ); const dockerSvc = Service.fromDockerContainer(configs.entrypoint.inspect); const composeConfig = omitConfigForComparison(composeSvc.config); const dockerConfig = omitConfigForComparison(dockerSvc.config); expect(composeConfig).to.deep.equal(dockerConfig); expect(dockerSvc.isEqualConfig(composeSvc, {})).to.equals(true); }); describe('Networks', () => { it('should correctly convert networks from compose to docker format', async () => { const makeComposeServiceWithNetwork = async ( networks: ServiceComposeConfig['networks'], ) => await Service.fromComposeObject( { appId: 123456, serviceId: 123456, serviceName: 'test', networks, }, { appName: 'test' } as any, ); expect( ( await makeComposeServiceWithNetwork({ balena: { ipv4Address: '', }, }) ).toDockerContainer({ deviceName: 'foo' } as any).NetworkingConfig, ).to.deep.equal({ EndpointsConfig: { '123456_balena': { IPAMConfig: { IPv4Address: '', }, Aliases: ['test'], }, }, }); expect( ( await makeComposeServiceWithNetwork({ balena: { aliases: ['test', '1123'], ipv4Address: '', ipv6Address: '', linkLocalIps: ['123.123.123'], }, }) ).toDockerContainer({ deviceName: 'foo' } as any).NetworkingConfig, ).to.deep.equal({ EndpointsConfig: { '123456_balena': { IPAMConfig: { IPv4Address: '', IPv6Address: '', LinkLocalIPs: ['123.123.123'], }, Aliases: ['test', '1123'], }, }, }); }); it('should correctly convert Docker format to service format', () => { const dockerCfg = require('./data/docker-states/simple/inspect.json'); const makeServiceFromDockerWithNetwork = (networks: { [name: string]: any; }) => { const newConfig = _.cloneDeep(dockerCfg); newConfig.NetworkSettings = { Networks: networks, }; return Service.fromDockerContainer(newConfig); }; expect( makeServiceFromDockerWithNetwork({ '123456_balena': { IPAMConfig: { IPv4Address: '', }, Aliases: [], }, }).config.networks, ).to.deep.equal({ '123456_balena': { ipv4Address: '', }, }); expect( makeServiceFromDockerWithNetwork({ '123456_balena': { IPAMConfig: { IPv4Address: '', IPv6Address: '', LinkLocalIps: ['123.123.123'], }, Aliases: ['test', '1123'], }, }).config.networks, ).to.deep.equal({ '123456_balena': { ipv4Address: '', ipv6Address: '', linkLocalIps: ['123.123.123'], aliases: ['test', '1123'], }, }); }); }); return describe('Network mode=service:', () => { it('should correctly add a depends_on entry for the service', async () => { let s = await Service.fromComposeObject( { appId: '1234', serviceName: 'foo', releaseId: 2, serviceId: 3, imageId: 4, network_mode: 'service: test', }, { appName: 'test' } as any, ); expect(s.dependsOn).to.deep.equal(['test']); s = await Service.fromComposeObject( { appId: '1234', serviceName: 'foo', releaseId: 2, serviceId: 3, imageId: 4, depends_on: ['another_service'], network_mode: 'service: test', }, { appName: 'test' } as any, ); expect(s.dependsOn).to.deep.equal(['another_service', 'test']); }); it('should correctly convert a network_mode service: to a container:', async () => { const s = await Service.fromComposeObject( { appId: '1234', serviceName: 'foo', releaseId: 2, serviceId: 3, imageId: 4, network_mode: 'service: test', }, { appName: 'test' } as any, ); return expect( s.toDockerContainer({ deviceName: '', containerIds: { test: 'abcdef' }, }), )'HostConfig')'NetworkMode') .that.equals('container:abcdef'); }); it('should not cause a container restart if a service: container has not changed', async () => { const composeSvc = await Service.fromComposeObject( configs.networkModeService.compose, configs.networkModeService.imageInfo, ); const dockerSvc = Service.fromDockerContainer( configs.networkModeService.inspect, ); const composeConfig = omitConfigForComparison(composeSvc.config); const dockerConfig = omitConfigForComparison(dockerSvc.config); expect(composeConfig).to.not.deep.equal(dockerConfig); expect(dockerSvc.isEqualConfig(composeSvc, { test: 'abcdef' })) .true; }); it('should restart a container when its dependent network mode container changes', async () => { const composeSvc = await Service.fromComposeObject( configs.networkModeService.compose, configs.networkModeService.imageInfo, ); const dockerSvc = Service.fromDockerContainer( configs.networkModeService.inspect, ); const composeConfig = omitConfigForComparison(composeSvc.config); const dockerConfig = omitConfigForComparison(dockerSvc.config); expect(composeConfig).to.not.deep.equal(dockerConfig); return expect(dockerSvc.isEqualConfig(composeSvc, { test: 'qwerty' })); }); }); }); });