import { expect } from 'chai'; import { SinonStub, stub } from 'sinon'; import Volume from '../../../src/compose/volume'; import * as logTypes from '../../../src/lib/log-types'; import * as logger from '../../../src/logger'; import { createVolume, withMockerode } from '../../lib/mockerode'; describe('compose/volume', () => { describe('creating a volume from a compose object', () => { it('should use proper defaults when no compose configuration is provided', () => { const volume = Volume.fromComposeObject( 'my_volume', 1234, 'deadbeef', {}, ); expect('my_volume'); expect(volume.appId).to.equal(1234); expect(volume.appUuid).to.equal('deadbeef'); expect(volume.config).to.deep.equal({ driver: 'local', driverOpts: {}, labels: { 'io.balena.supervised': 'true', '': 'deadbeef', }, }); }); it('should correctly parse compose volumes without an explicit driver', () => { const volume = Volume.fromComposeObject( 'one_volume', 1032480, 'deadbeef', { driver_opts: { opt1: 'test', }, labels: { 'my-label': 'test-label', }, }, ); expect(volume)'appId').that.equals(1032480); expect(volume)'name').that.equals('one_volume'); expect(volume)'config')'labels') .that.deep.equals({ 'io.balena.supervised': 'true', '': 'deadbeef', 'my-label': 'test-label', }); expect(volume)'config')'driverOpts') .that.deep.equals({ opt1: 'test', }); expect(volume)'config')'driver') .that.equals('local'); }); it('should correctly parse compose volumes with an explicit driver', () => { const volume = Volume.fromComposeObject( 'one_volume', 1032480, 'deadbeef', { driver: 'other', driver_opts: { opt1: 'test', }, labels: { 'my-label': 'test-label', }, }, ); expect(volume)'appId').that.equals(1032480); expect(volume)'name').that.equals('one_volume'); expect(volume)'config')'labels') .that.deep.equals({ 'io.balena.supervised': 'true', '': 'deadbeef', 'my-label': 'test-label', }); expect(volume)'config')'driverOpts') .that.deep.equals({ opt1: 'test', }); expect(volume)'config')'driver') .that.equals('other'); }); }); describe('creating a volume instance from a docker volume', () => { it('should correctly parse app id from volume name', () => { const volume = Volume.fromDockerVolume({ Driver: 'local', Name: '1234_my_volume', Mountpoint: '/var/lib/docker/volumes/1032480_one_volume/_data', Labels: {}, Options: {}, Scope: 'local', }); expect('my_volume'); expect(volume.appId).to.equal(1234); }); it('should fail if volume name is not properly formatted', () => { expect(() => Volume.fromDockerVolume({ Driver: 'local', Name: 'non_supervised_volume', Mountpoint: '/var/lib/docker/volumes/1032480_one_volume/_data', Labels: {}, Options: {}, Scope: 'local', }), ).to.throw; }); it('should correctly parse docker volumes', () => { const volume = Volume.fromDockerVolume({ Driver: 'local', Labels: { 'io.balena.supervised': 'true', '': 'deadbeef', }, Mountpoint: '/var/lib/docker/volumes/1032480_one_volume/_data', Name: '1032480_one_volume', Options: {}, Scope: 'local', }); expect(volume)'appId').that.equals(1032480); expect(volume)'name').that.equals('one_volume'); expect(volume)'appUuid').that.equals('deadbeef'); expect(volume)'config')'labels') .that.deep.equals({ 'io.balena.supervised': 'true', '': 'deadbeef', }); expect(volume)'config')'driverOpts') .that.deep.equals({}); expect(volume)'config')'driver') .that.equals('local'); }); }); describe('creating a docker volume from options', () => { before(() => { stub(logger, 'logSystemEvent'); }); afterEach(() => { (logger.logSystemEvent as SinonStub).reset(); }); after(() => { (logger.logSystemEvent as SinonStub).restore(); }); it('should use defaults to create the volume when no options are given', async () => { await withMockerode(async (mockerode) => { const volume = Volume.fromComposeObject( 'one_volume', 1032480, 'deadbeef', ); await volume.create(); expect(mockerode.createVolume).to.have.been.calledOnceWith({ Name: '1032480_one_volume', Driver: 'local', Labels: { 'io.balena.supervised': 'true', '': 'deadbeef', }, DriverOpts: {}, }); }); }); it('should pass configuration options to the engine', async () => { await withMockerode(async (mockerode) => { const volume = Volume.fromComposeObject( 'one_volume', 1032480, 'deadbeef', { driver_opts: { opt1: 'test', }, labels: { 'my-label': 'test-label', }, }, ); await volume.create(); expect(mockerode.createVolume).to.have.been.calledOnceWith({ Name: '1032480_one_volume', Driver: 'local', Labels: { 'my-label': 'test-label', 'io.balena.supervised': 'true', '': 'deadbeef', }, DriverOpts: { opt1: 'test', }, }); expect(logger.logSystemEvent).to.have.been.calledOnceWith( logTypes.createVolume, ); }); }); it('should log successful volume creation to the cloud', async () => { await withMockerode(async (mockerode) => { const volume = Volume.fromComposeObject( 'one_volume', 1032480, 'deadbeef', ); await volume.create(); expect(mockerode.createVolume).to.have.been.calledOnce; expect(logger.logSystemEvent).to.have.been.calledOnceWith( logTypes.createVolume, ); }); }); }); describe('comparing volume configuration', () => { it('should ignore name and supervisor labels in the comparison', () => { expect( Volume.fromComposeObject('aaa', 1234, 'deadbeef').isEqualConfig( Volume.fromComposeObject('bbb', 4567, 'deadbeef', { driver: 'local', driver_opts: {}, }), ), ); expect( Volume.fromComposeObject('aaa', 1234, 'deadbeef').isEqualConfig( Volume.fromComposeObject('bbb', 4567, 'deadc0de'), ), ); expect( Volume.fromComposeObject('aaa', 1234, 'deadbeef').isEqualConfig( Volume.fromDockerVolume({ Name: '1234_aaa', Driver: 'local', Labels: { 'io.balena.supervised': 'true', '': 'deadbeef', }, Options: {}, Mountpoint: '/var/lib/docker/volumes/1032480_one_volume/_data', Scope: 'local', }), ), ); // the app-uuid should be omitted from the comparison expect( Volume.fromComposeObject('aaa', 1234, 'deadbeef').isEqualConfig( Volume.fromDockerVolume({ Name: '1234_aaa', Driver: 'local', Labels: { 'io.balena.supervised': 'true', }, Options: {}, Mountpoint: '/var/lib/docker/volumes/1032480_one_volume/_data', Scope: 'local', }), ), ); expect( Volume.fromComposeObject('aaa', 1234, null as any).isEqualConfig( Volume.fromDockerVolume({ Name: '4567_bbb', Driver: 'local', Labels: { 'io.balena.supervised': 'true', }, Options: {}, Mountpoint: '/var/lib/docker/volumes/1032480_one_volume/_data', Scope: 'local', }), ), ); expect( Volume.fromComposeObject('aaa', 1234, 'deadbeef').isEqualConfig( Volume.fromDockerVolume({ Name: '1234_aaa', Driver: 'local', Labels: { 'some.other.label': '123', 'io.balena.supervised': 'true', '': 'deadbeef', }, Options: {}, Mountpoint: '/var/lib/docker/volumes/1032480_one_volume/_data', Scope: 'local', }), ), ); }); it('should compare based on driver configuration and options', () => { expect( Volume.fromComposeObject('aaa', 1234, 'deadbeef').isEqualConfig( Volume.fromComposeObject('aaa', 1234, 'deadbeef', { driver: 'other', driver_opts: {}, }), ), ); expect( Volume.fromComposeObject('aaa', 1234, 'deadbeef', { driver: 'other', }).isEqualConfig( Volume.fromComposeObject('aaa', 1234, 'deadbeef', { driver: 'other', driver_opts: {}, }), ), ); expect( Volume.fromComposeObject('aaa', 1234, 'deadbeef', {}).isEqualConfig( Volume.fromComposeObject('aaa', 1234, 'deadbeef', { driver_opts: { opt: '123' }, }), ), ); expect( Volume.fromComposeObject('aaa', 1234, 'deadbeef', { driver: 'other', labels: { 'some.other.label': '123' }, driver_opts: { 'some-opt': '123' }, }).isEqualConfig( Volume.fromDockerVolume({ Name: '1234_aaa', Driver: 'other', Labels: { 'some.other.label': '123', 'io.balena.supervised': 'true', }, Options: {}, Mountpoint: '/var/lib/docker/volumes/1032480_one_volume/_data', Scope: 'local', }), ), ); expect( Volume.fromComposeObject('aaa', 1234, 'deadbeef', { driver: 'other', labels: { 'some.other.label': '123' }, driver_opts: { 'some-opt': '123' }, }).isEqualConfig( Volume.fromDockerVolume({ Name: '1234_aaa', Driver: 'other', Labels: { 'some.other.label': '123', 'io.balena.supervised': 'true', }, Options: { 'some-opt': '123' }, Mountpoint: '/var/lib/docker/volumes/1032480_one_volume/_data', Scope: 'local', }), ), ); }); }); describe('removing volumes', () => { before(() => { stub(logger, 'logSystemEvent'); }); afterEach(() => { (logger.logSystemEvent as SinonStub).reset(); }); after(() => { (logger.logSystemEvent as SinonStub).restore(); }); it('should remove the volume from the engine if it exists', async () => { const dockerVolume = createVolume({ Name: '1234_aaa', }); await withMockerode( async (mockerode) => { const volume = Volume.fromComposeObject('aaa', 1234, 'deadbeef'); // Check engine state before (this is really to test that mockerode is doing its job) expect((await mockerode.listVolumes()).Volumes).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(await mockerode.getVolume('1234_aaa').inspect()).to.deep.equal( dockerVolume.inspectInfo, ); // Remove the volume await volume.remove(); // Check that the remove method was called expect(mockerode.removeVolume).to.have.been.calledOnceWith( '1234_aaa', ); }, { volumes: [dockerVolume] }, ); }); it('should report the volume removal as a system event', async () => { const dockerVolume = createVolume({ Name: '1234_aaa', }); await withMockerode( async (mockerode) => { const volume = Volume.fromComposeObject('aaa', 1234, 'deadbeef'); // Check engine state before expect((await mockerode.listVolumes()).Volumes).to.have.lengthOf(1); // Remove the volume await volume.remove(); // Check that the remove method was called expect(mockerode.removeVolume).to.have.been.calledOnceWith( '1234_aaa', ); // Check that log entry was generated expect(logger.logSystemEvent).to.have.been.calledOnceWith( logTypes.removeVolume, ); }, { volumes: [dockerVolume] }, ); }); it('should report an error if the volume does not exist', async () => { const dockerVolume = createVolume({ Name: '4567_bbb', }); await withMockerode( async (mockerode) => { const volume = Volume.fromComposeObject('aaa', 1234, 'deadbeef'); // Check engine state before expect((await mockerode.listVolumes()).Volumes).to.have.lengthOf(1); // Remove the volume, this should not throw await expect(volume.remove()); // Check that the remove method was called expect(mockerode.removeVolume).to.not.have.been.called; // Check that log entry was generated expect(logger.logSystemEvent).to.have.been.calledWith( logTypes.removeVolumeError, ); }, { volumes: [dockerVolume] }, ); }); it('should report an error if a problem happens while removing the volume', async () => { const dockerVolume = createVolume({ Name: '1234_aaa', }); await withMockerode( async (mockerode) => { const volume = Volume.fromComposeObject('aaa', 1234, 'deadbeef'); // Stub the mockerode method to fail mockerode.removeVolume.rejects('Something bad happened'); // Check engine state before expect((await mockerode.listVolumes()).Volumes).to.have.lengthOf(1); // Remove the volume, this should not throw await expect(volume.remove()); // Check that log entry was generated expect(logger.logSystemEvent).to.have.been.calledWith( logTypes.removeVolumeError, ); }, { volumes: [dockerVolume] }, ); }); }); });