import * as chai from 'chai'; import * as chaiAsPromised from 'chai-as-promised'; import * as sinonChai from 'sinon-chai'; import * as chaiThings from 'chai-things'; import * as chaiLike from 'chai-like'; /** * Mocha runs this EXACTLY ONCE before all tests to set up globals that * are used among all test files, such as chai assertion plugins. See * * * IMPORTANT: The functionality in this global fixture hook should not break any * suite run in isolation, and it should be required by ALL test suites. * If unsure whether to add to global fixtures, refer to the chart above. * Also, avoid setting global mutable variables here. */ export const mochaGlobalSetup = function () { console.log('Setting up global fixtures for tests...'); /* Setup chai assertion plugins */ chai.use(chaiAsPromised); chai.use(sinonChai); chai.use(chaiLike); chai.use(chaiThings); }; process.env.ROOT_MOUNTPOINT = './test/data'; process.env.BOOT_MOUNTPOINT = '/mnt/boot'; process.env.CONFIG_JSON_PATH = '/config.json'; process.env.CONFIG_MOUNT_POINT = './test/data/config.json'; process.env.DATABASE_PATH = './test/data/database.sqlite'; process.env.DATABASE_PATH_2 = './test/data/database2.sqlite'; process.env.DATABASE_PATH_3 = './test/data/database3.sqlite'; process.env.LED_FILE = './test/data/led_file'; import * as fs from 'fs'; // Make sure they are no database files left over from // previous runs try { fs.unlinkSync(process.env.DATABASE_PATH); } catch { /* noop */ } try { fs.unlinkSync(process.env.DATABASE_PATH_2); } catch { /* noop */ } try { fs.unlinkSync(process.env.DATABASE_PATH_3); } catch { /* noop */ } fs.writeFileSync( './test/data/config.json', fs.readFileSync('./test/data/testconfig.json'), ); import '../lib/mocked-dbus'; import '../lib/mocked-dockerode'; import '../lib/mocked-iptables';