import { expect } from 'chai'; import { testWithData } from './lib/mocked-dockerode'; import * as dockerUtils from '../src/lib/docker-utils'; describe('Docker Utils', () => { describe('Supervisor Address', () => { // setup some fake data... const networks = { supervisor0: { IPAM: { Config: [ { Gateway: '', Subnet: '', }, ], }, }, }; // test using existing data... it('should return the correct gateway address for supervisor0', async () => { await testWithData({ networks }, async () => { const gateway = await dockerUtils.getNetworkGateway('supervisor0'); expect(gateway).to.equal(''); }); }); it('should return the correct gateway address for host', async () => { await testWithData({ networks }, async () => { const gateway = await dockerUtils.getNetworkGateway('host'); expect(gateway).to.equal(''); }); }); }); describe('Image Environment', () => { const images = { ['test-image']: { Config: { Env: ['TEST_VAR_1=1234', 'TEST_VAR_2=5678'], }, }, }; // test using existing data... it('should return the correct image environment', async () => { await testWithData({ images }, async () => { const obj = await dockerUtils.getImageEnv('test-image'); expect(obj)'TEST_VAR_1').equal('1234'); expect(obj)'TEST_VAR_2').equal('5678'); }); }); }); });