--- defaults: &defaults docker: - image: library/docker:18-git working_directory: /tmp/build steps: - setup_remote_docker: version: 18.09.3 docker_layer_caching: true - run: name: Check docker is running and install dependencies command: | docker info apk update && apk upgrade && apk add --no-cache \ make \ jq \ bash \ grep \ nodejs \ nodejs-npm \ openssh-client - run: name: Install balena CLI and test it command: | apk add --no-cache curl python3 g++ linux-headers && \ npm install balena-cli -g --production --unsafe-perm && \ balena version -v - checkout - run: name: Initialize the submodules command: | git submodule update --init --recursive git clean -fxd base-image git submodule foreach --recursive git clean -fxd - run: name: Build $ARCH-supervisor no_output_timeout: 10800 command: | VERSION_TAG_NO_DEBUG=v$(jq --raw-output .version package.json) GIT_TAG=$(git describe --tags | grep -E '^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$' || echo "") VERSION_TAG="${VERSION_TAG_NO_DEBUG}${DEBUG}" AUTHOR=$(curl -s -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ "https://api.github.com/repos/${CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME}/${CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME}/commits/${CIRCLE_SHA1}" \ | jq -r '.author.login') COMMITTER=$(curl -s -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ "https://api.github.com/repos/${CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME}/${CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME}/commits/${CIRCLE_SHA1}" \ | jq -r '.commit.committer.email') if [ "${VERSION_TAG_NO_DEBUG}" = "${GIT_TAG}" ]; then export EXTRA_TAG="${VERSION_TAG}" fi echo "Starting build.sh" if [ "$DOCKER_PASSWORD" != "" ]; then docker login --username $DOCKER_USERNAME --password $DOCKER_PASSWORD export PUSH_IMAGES=${PUSH_IMAGES} else export PUSH_IMAGES=false fi if [ "$PRODUCTION_API_TOKEN" != "" ]; then balena login --token $PRODUCTION_API_TOKEN export DEPLOY_TO_PRODUCTION=${DEPLOY_TO_PRODUCTION} else export DEPLOY_TO_PRODUCTION=false fi if [ "$STAGING_API_TOKEN" != "" ]; then export DEPLOY_TO_PRODUCTION=${DEPLOY_TO_STAGING} else export DEPLOY_TO_STAGING=false fi # Create required env vars export TAG=$(echo ${CIRCLE_BRANCH} | sed 's/[^a-z0-9A-Z_.-]/-/g') export ARCH=${ARCH} export PROJECT_NAME=${ARCH}-supervisor export SERVICE_NAME=balena-supervisor # start the build for this architecture bash automation/build.sh if [ "${CIRCLE_BRANCH}" = "master" ] && [ "${AUTHOR}" = "balena-ci" ] && [ "${COMMITTER}" = "versionbot@balena.io" ] && [ "${DEPLOY_TO_STAGING}" = "true" ]; then echo "Deploying to balena API (staging)" BALENARC_BALENA_URL=$STAGING_API_ENDPOINT balena login --token $STAGING_API_TOKEN # Create a draft release first in case the second step fails releaseId=$(BALENARC_BALENA_URL=$STAGING_API_ENDPOINT balena deploy ${BALENA_OS_ORG}/${PROJECT_NAME} \ --draft \ --projectName ${PROJECT_NAME} --tag ${TAG} \ --release-tag version ${VERSION_TAG} | sed -n 's/.*Release: //p') echo "Successfully deployed release ${releaseId}" # Set release_version as is still needed some places curl -X PATCH -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${STAGING_API_TOKEN}" \ "https://api.${STAGING_API_ENDPOINT}/v6/release?\$filter=commit%20eq%20'${releaseId}'%20and%20belongs_to__application/any(bta:bta/slug%20eq%20'${BALENA_OS_ORG}%2F${PROJECT_NAME}')" \ -d "{\"release_version\": \"${VERSION_TAG}\", \"is_final\": true}" # Cleanup credentials just in case rm ~/.balena/token fi if [ "${CIRCLE_BRANCH}" = "master" ] && [ "${AUTHOR}" = "balena-ci" ] && [ "${COMMITTER}" = "versionbot@balena.io" ] && [ "${DEPLOY_TO_PRODUCTION}" = "true" ]; then echo "Deploying to balena API (production)" BALENARC_BALENA_URL=$PRODUCTION_API_ENDPOINT balena login --token $PRODUCTION_API_TOKEN # Create a draft release first in case the second step fails releaseId=$(BALENARC_BALENA_URL=$PRODUCTION_API_ENDPOINT balena deploy ${BALENA_OS_ORG}/${PROJECT_NAME} \ --draft \ --projectName ${PROJECT_NAME} --tag ${TAG} \ --release-tag version ${VERSION_TAG} | sed -n 's/.*Release: //p') # Set release_version as is still needed some places curl -X PATCH -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${PRODUCTION_API_TOKEN}" \ "https://api.${PRODUCTION_API_ENDPOINT}/v6/release?\$filter=commit%20eq%20'${releaseId}'%20and%20belongs_to__application/any(bta:bta/slug%20eq%20'${BALENA_OS_ORG}%2F${PROJECT_NAME}')" \ -d "{\"release_version\": \"${VERSION_TAG}\", \"is_final\": true}" # Cleanup credentials just in case rm ~/.balena/token fi version: 2 jobs: generic: docker: - image: balenalib/amd64-alpine-node:12 steps: - checkout - run: name: Install dependencies command: | apk add dbus-dev python3 make \ gcc libgcc libc-dev g++ - run: name: Run tests command: | JOBS=max npm ci && npm test environment: DOCKER_USERNAME: travisciresin ARCH: amd64 PUSH_IMAGES: 'true' STAGING_API_ENDPOINT: balena-staging.com PRODUCTION_API_ENDPOINT: balena-cloud.com DEBUG: '' amd64: <<: *defaults environment: DOCKER_USERNAME: travisciresin ARCH: amd64 PUSH_IMAGES: 'true' STAGING_API_ENDPOINT: balena-staging.com PRODUCTION_API_ENDPOINT: balena-cloud.com DEPLOY_TO_PRODUCTION: 'true' DEPLOY_TO_STAGING: 'true' BALENA_OS_ORG: 'balena_os' DEBUG: '' i386: <<: *defaults environment: DOCKER_USERNAME: travisciresin ARCH: i386 PUSH_IMAGES: 'true' STAGING_API_ENDPOINT: balena-staging.com PRODUCTION_API_ENDPOINT: balena-cloud.com DEPLOY_TO_PRODUCTION: 'true' DEPLOY_TO_STAGING: 'true' BALENA_OS_ORG: 'balena_os' DEBUG: '' armv7hf: <<: *defaults environment: DOCKER_USERNAME: travisciresin ARCH: armv7hf PUSH_IMAGES: 'true' STAGING_API_ENDPOINT: balena-staging.com PRODUCTION_API_ENDPOINT: balena-cloud.com DEPLOY_TO_PRODUCTION: 'true' DEPLOY_TO_STAGING: 'true' BALENA_OS_ORG: 'balena_os' DEBUG: '' aarch64: <<: *defaults environment: DOCKER_USERNAME: travisciresin ARCH: aarch64 PUSH_IMAGES: 'true' STAGING_API_ENDPOINT: balena-staging.com PRODUCTION_API_ENDPOINT: balena-cloud.com DEPLOY_TO_PRODUCTION: 'true' DEPLOY_TO_STAGING: 'true' BALENA_OS_ORG: 'balena_os' DEBUG: '' rpi: <<: *defaults environment: DOCKER_USERNAME: travisciresin ARCH: rpi PUSH_IMAGES: 'true' STAGING_API_ENDPOINT: balena-staging.com PRODUCTION_API_ENDPOINT: balena-cloud.com DEPLOY_TO_PRODUCTION: 'true' DEPLOY_TO_STAGING: 'true' BALENA_OS_ORG: 'balena_os' DEBUG: '' workflows: version: 2 build_and_maybe_deploy: jobs: - generic - amd64: requires: - generic - i386: requires: - generic - rpi: requires: - generic - armv7hf: requires: - generic - aarch64: requires: - generic