import { stripIndent } from 'common-tags'; import { fs } from 'mz'; import { Server } from 'net'; import { SinonSpy, SinonStub, spy, stub } from 'sinon'; import ApiBinder from '../src/api-binder'; import prepare = require('./lib/prepare'); import * as config from '../src/config'; import DeviceState from '../src/device-state'; import * as eventTracker from '../src/event-tracker'; import Log from '../src/lib/supervisor-console'; import chai = require('./lib/chai-config'); import balenaAPI = require('./lib/mocked-balena-api'); import { schema } from '../src/config/schema'; import ConfigJsonConfigBackend from '../src/config/configJson'; import * as TargetState from '../src/device-state/target-state'; import { DeviceStatus } from '../src/types/state'; const { expect } = chai; const defaultConfigBackend = config.configJsonBackend; const initModels = async (obj: Dictionary, filename: string) => { await prepare(); config.removeAllListeners(); // @ts-ignore config.configJsonBackend = new ConfigJsonConfigBackend(schema, filename); config.generateRequiredFields(); (config.configJsonBackend as any).cache = await (config.configJsonBackend as any).read(); await config.generateRequiredFields(); obj.logger = { clearOutOfDateDBLogs: () => { /* noop */ }, } as any; obj.apiBinder = new ApiBinder(); obj.deviceState = new DeviceState({ apiBinder: obj.apiBinder, }); obj.apiBinder.setDeviceState(obj.deviceState); await obj.apiBinder.initClient(); // Initializes the clients but doesn't trigger provisioning }; const mockProvisioningOpts = { apiEndpoint: '', uuid: 'abcd', deviceApiKey: 'averyvalidkey', provisioningApiKey: 'anotherveryvalidkey', apiTimeout: 30000, }; describe('ApiBinder', () => { let server: Server; beforeEach(() => { stub(eventTracker, 'track'); }); afterEach(() => { // @ts-expect-error Restoring a non-stub type function eventTracker.track.restore(); }); before(() => { spy(balenaAPI.balenaBackend!, 'registerHandler'); server = balenaAPI.listen(3000); }); after(() => { // @ts-ignore balenaAPI.balenaBackend!.registerHandler.restore(); try { server.close(); } catch (error) { /* noop */ } }); // We do not support older OS versions anymore, so we only test this case describe('on an OS with deviceApiKey support', () => { const components: Dictionary = {}; before(() => { return initModels(components, '/config-apibinder.json'); }); after(async () => { // @ts-ignore config.configJsonBackend = defaultConfigBackend; await config.generateRequiredFields(); }); it('provisions a device', () => { // @ts-ignore const promise = components.apiBinder.provisionDevice(); return expect(promise) => { expect(balenaAPI.balenaBackend!.registerHandler); // @ts-ignore balenaAPI.balenaBackend!.registerHandler.resetHistory(); expect(eventTracker.track)'Device bootstrap success'); }); }); it('exchanges keys if resource conflict when provisioning', async () => { // Get current config to extend const currentConfig = await config.get('provisioningOptions'); // Stub config values so we have correct conditions const configStub = stub(config, 'get').resolves({ ...currentConfig, registered_at: null, provisioningApiKey: '123', // Previous test case deleted the provisioningApiKey so add one uuid: 'not-unique', // This UUID is used in mocked-balena-api as an existing registered UUID }); // If api-binder reaches this function then tests pass const functionToReach = stub( components.apiBinder, 'exchangeKeyAndGetDeviceOrRegenerate', ).rejects('expected-rejection'); // We throw an error so we don't have to keep stubbing spy(Log, 'debug'); try { await components.apiBinder.provision(); } catch (e) { // Check that the error thrown is from this test if ( !== 'expected-rejection') { throw e; } } expect(functionToReach); expect((Log.debug as SinonSpy).lastCall.lastArg).to.equal( 'UUID already registered, trying a key exchange', ); // Restore stubs functionToReach.restore(); configStub.restore(); (Log.debug as SinonStub).restore(); }); it('deletes the provisioning key', async () => { expect(await config.get('apiKey')); }); it('sends the correct parameters when provisioning', async () => { const conf = JSON.parse( await fs.readFile('./test/data/config-apibinder.json', 'utf8'), ); expect(balenaAPI.balenaBackend!.devices).to.deep.equal({ '1': { id: 1, application: conf.applicationId, uuid: conf.uuid, device_type: conf.deviceType, api_key: conf.deviceApiKey, }, }); }); }); describe('fetchDevice', () => { const components: Dictionary = {}; before(() => { return initModels(components, '/config-apibinder.json'); }); after(async () => { // @ts-ignore config.configJsonBackend = defaultConfigBackend; await config.generateRequiredFields(); }); it('gets a device by its uuid from the balena API', async () => { // Manually add a device to the mocked API balenaAPI.balenaBackend!.devices[3] = { id: 3, user: 'foo', application: 1337, uuid: 'abcd', device_type: 'intel-nuc', api_key: 'verysecure', }; const device = await components.apiBinder.fetchDevice( 'abcd', 'someApiKey', 30000, ); expect(device).to.deep.equal(balenaAPI.balenaBackend!.devices[3]); }); }); describe('exchangeKeyAndGetDevice', () => { const components: Dictionary = {}; before(() => { return initModels(components, '/config-apibinder.json'); }); after(async () => { // @ts-ignore config.configJsonBackend = defaultConfigBackend; await config.generateRequiredFields(); }); it('returns the device if it can fetch it with the deviceApiKey', async () => { spy(balenaAPI.balenaBackend!, 'deviceKeyHandler'); const fetchDeviceStub = stub(components.apiBinder, 'fetchDevice'); fetchDeviceStub.onCall(0).resolves({ id: 1 }); // @ts-ignore const device = await components.apiBinder.exchangeKeyAndGetDevice( mockProvisioningOpts, ); expect(balenaAPI.balenaBackend!.deviceKeyHandler); expect(device).to.deep.equal({ id: 1 }); expect(components.apiBinder.fetchDevice); // @ts-ignore components.apiBinder.fetchDevice.restore(); // @ts-ignore balenaAPI.balenaBackend.deviceKeyHandler.restore(); }); it('throws if it cannot get the device with any of the keys', () => { spy(balenaAPI.balenaBackend!, 'deviceKeyHandler'); stub(components.apiBinder, 'fetchDevice').returns(Promise.resolve(null)); // @ts-ignore const promise = components.apiBinder.exchangeKeyAndGetDevice( mockProvisioningOpts, ); promise.catch(() => { /* noop */ }); return expect(promise) => { expect(balenaAPI.balenaBackend!.deviceKeyHandler); expect(components.apiBinder.fetchDevice); // @ts-ignore components.apiBinder.fetchDevice.restore(); // @ts-ignore balenaAPI.balenaBackend.deviceKeyHandler.restore(); }); }); it('exchanges the key and returns the device if the provisioning key is valid', async () => { spy(balenaAPI.balenaBackend!, 'deviceKeyHandler'); const fetchDeviceStub = stub(components.apiBinder, 'fetchDevice'); fetchDeviceStub.onCall(0).returns(Promise.resolve(null)); fetchDeviceStub.onCall(1).returns(Promise.resolve({ id: 1 })); // @ts-ignore const device = await components.apiBinder.exchangeKeyAndGetDevice( mockProvisioningOpts as any, ); expect(balenaAPI.balenaBackend!.deviceKeyHandler); expect(device).to.deep.equal({ id: 1 }); expect(components.apiBinder.fetchDevice); // @ts-ignore components.apiBinder.fetchDevice.restore(); // @ts-ignore balenaAPI.balenaBackend.deviceKeyHandler.restore(); }); }); describe('unmanaged mode', () => { const components: Dictionary = {}; before(() => { return initModels(components, '/config-apibinder-offline.json'); }); after(async () => { // @ts-ignore config.configJsonBackend = defaultConfigBackend; await config.generateRequiredFields(); }); it('does not generate a key if the device is in unmanaged mode', async () => { const mode = await config.get('unmanaged'); // Ensure offline mode is set expect(mode).to.equal(true); // Check that there is no deviceApiKey const conf = await config.getMany(['deviceApiKey', 'uuid']); expect(conf['deviceApiKey']); expect(conf['uuid']); }); describe('Minimal config unmanaged mode', () => { const components2: Dictionary = {}; before(() => { return initModels(components2, '/config-apibinder-offline2.json'); }); it('does not generate a key with the minimal config', async () => { const mode = await config.get('unmanaged'); expect(mode).to.equal(true); const conf = await config.getMany(['deviceApiKey', 'uuid']); expect(conf['deviceApiKey']); return expect(conf['uuid']); }); }); }); describe('local mode', () => { const components: Dictionary = {}; before(() => { return initModels(components, '/config-apibinder.json'); }); after(async () => { // @ts-ignore config.configJsonBackend = defaultConfigBackend; await config.generateRequiredFields(); }); const sampleState = { local: { ip_address: '', api_port: 48484, api_secret: '20ffbd6e15aba827dca6381912d6aeb6c3a7a7c7206d4dfadf0d2f0a9e1136', os_version: 'balenaOS 2.32.0+rev4', os_variant: 'dev', supervisor_version: '9.16.3', provisioning_progress: null, provisioning_state: '', status: 'Idle', logs_channel: null, apps: {}, is_on__commit: 'whatever', }, dependent: { apps: {} }, } as DeviceStatus; it('should strip applications data', () => { const result = components.apiBinder.stripDeviceStateInLocalMode( sampleState, ) as Dictionary; expect(result)'dependent'); const local = result['local']; expect(local)'apps'); expect(local)'is_on__commit'); expect(local)'logs_channel'); }); }); describe('healthchecks', () => { const components: Dictionary = {}; let configStub: SinonStub; let infoLobSpy: SinonSpy; let previousLastFetch: ReturnType; before(async () => { await initModels(components, '/config-apibinder.json'); previousLastFetch = TargetState.lastFetch; }); after(async () => { // @ts-ignore config.configJsonBackend = defaultConfigBackend; await config.generateRequiredFields(); }); beforeEach(() => { // This configStub will be modified in each test case so we can // create the exact conditions we want to for testing healthchecks configStub = stub(config, 'getMany'); infoLobSpy = spy(Log, 'info'); }); afterEach(() => { configStub.restore(); infoLobSpy.restore(); (TargetState as any).lastFetch = previousLastFetch; }); it('passes with correct conditions', async () => { // Set unmanaged to false so we check all values // The other values are stubbed to make it pass configStub.resolves({ unmanaged: false, appUpdatePollInterval: 1000, connectivityCheckEnabled: false, }); // Set lastFetch to now so it is within appUpdatePollInterval (TargetState as any).lastFetch = process.hrtime(); expect(await components.apiBinder.healthcheck()).to.equal(true); }); it('passes if unmanaged is true and exit early', async () => { // Setup failing conditions configStub.resolves({ unmanaged: false, appUpdatePollInterval: null, connectivityCheckEnabled: false, }); // Verify this causes healthcheck to fail expect(await components.apiBinder.healthcheck()).to.equal(false); // Do it again but set unmanaged to true configStub.resolves({ unmanaged: true, appUpdatePollInterval: null, connectivityCheckEnabled: false, }); expect(await components.apiBinder.healthcheck()).to.equal(true); }); it('fails if appUpdatePollInterval not set in config and exit early', async () => { configStub.resolves({ unmanaged: false, appUpdatePollInterval: null, connectivityCheckEnabled: false, }); expect(await components.apiBinder.healthcheck()).to.equal(false); expect(; expect(( as SinonSpy).lastCall?.lastArg).to.equal( 'Healthcheck failure - Config value `appUpdatePollInterval` cannot be null', ); }); it("fails when hasn't checked target state within poll interval", async () => { configStub.resolves({ unmanaged: false, appUpdatePollInterval: 1, connectivityCheckEnabled: false, }); expect(await components.apiBinder.healthcheck()).to.equal(false); expect(; expect(( as SinonSpy).lastCall?.lastArg).to.equal( 'Healthcheck failure - Device has not fetched target state within appUpdatePollInterval limit', ); }); it('fails when stateReportHealthy is false', async () => { configStub.resolves({ unmanaged: false, appUpdatePollInterval: 1000, connectivityCheckEnabled: true, }); // Set lastFetch to now so it is within appUpdatePollInterval (TargetState as any).lastFetch = process.hrtime(); // Copy previous values to restore later const previousStateReportErrors = components.apiBinder.stateReportErrors; const previousDeviceStateConnected = components.apiBinder.deviceState.connected; // Set additional conditions not in configStub to cause a fail components.apiBinder.stateReportErrors = 4; components.apiBinder.deviceState.connected = true; expect(await components.apiBinder.healthcheck()).to.equal(false); expect(; expect(( as SinonSpy).lastCall?.lastArg).to.equal( stripIndent` Healthcheck failure - Atleast ONE of the following conditions must be true: - No connectivityCheckEnabled ? false - device state is disconnected ? false - stateReportErrors less then 3 ? false`, ); // Restore previous values components.apiBinder.stateReportErrors = previousStateReportErrors; components.apiBinder.deviceState.connected = previousDeviceStateConnected; }); }); });