import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird'; import { knex, Knex } from 'knex'; import { promises as fs } from 'fs'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import * as constants from '~/lib/constants'; async function createOldDatabase(path: string) { const db = knex({ client: 'sqlite3', connection: { filename: path, }, useNullAsDefault: true, }); const createEmptyTable = ( name: string, fn: (trx: Knex.CreateTableBuilder) => void, ) => db.schema.createTable(name, (t) => { if (fn != null) { return fn(t); } }); await createEmptyTable('app', (t) => { t.increments('id').primary(); t.boolean('privileged'); return t.string('containerId'); }); await createEmptyTable('config', (t) => { t.string('key'); return t.string('value'); }); await createEmptyTable('dependentApp', (t) => t.increments('id').primary()); await createEmptyTable('dependentDevice', (t) => t.increments('id').primary(), ); return db; } async function restoreDb() { await fs.unlink(constants.databasePath).catch(() => { /* NOOP */ }); // Reset the module cache to allow the database to be initialized again delete require.cache[require.resolve('~/src/db')]; } // Utility method to use along with `require` type Db = typeof import('~/src/db'); describe('db', () => { afterEach(async () => { await restoreDb(); }); it('creates a database at the path passed on creation', async () => { const testDb = require('~/src/db') as Db; await testDb.initialized(); await expect(fs.access(constants.databasePath)); }); it('migrations add new fields and removes old ones in an old database', async () => { // Create a database with an older schema const knexForDB = await createOldDatabase(constants.databasePath); const testDb = require('~/src/db') as Db; await testDb.initialized(); await Bluebird.all([ expect(knexForDB.schema.hasColumn('app', 'appId')), expect(knexForDB.schema.hasColumn('app', 'releaseId')) .true, expect(knexForDB.schema.hasColumn('app', 'config')) .false, expect(knexForDB.schema.hasColumn('app', 'privileged')) .false, expect(knexForDB.schema.hasColumn('app', 'containerId')) .false, expect(knexForDB.schema.hasColumn('dependentApp', 'environment')).to, expect(knexForDB.schema.hasColumn('dependentDevice', 'markedForDeletion')), expect(knexForDB.schema.hasColumn('dependentDevice', 'localId')).to, expect(knexForDB.schema.hasColumn('dependentDevice', 'is_managed_by')).to, expect(knexForDB.schema.hasColumn('dependentDevice', 'lock_expiry_date')), ]); }); it('creates a deviceConfig table with a single default value', async () => { const testDb = require('~/src/db') as Db; await testDb.initialized(); const deviceConfig = await testDb.models('deviceConfig').select(); expect(deviceConfig).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(deviceConfig).to.deep.equal([{ targetValues: '{}' }]); }); it('allows performing transactions', async () => { const testDb = require('~/src/db') as Db; await testDb.initialized(); return testDb.transaction((trx) => expect(trx.commit()); }); });