import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird'; import { stripIndent } from 'common-tags'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as mkdirCb from 'mkdirp'; import { fs } from 'mz'; import * as path from 'path'; import Config from './config'; import * as constants from './lib/constants'; import { ENOENT } from './lib/errors'; import { writeFileAtomic } from './lib/fs-utils'; import * as systemd from './lib/systemd'; const mkdirp = Bluebird.promisify(mkdirCb) as ( path: string, opts?: any, ) => Bluebird; const redsocksHeader = stripIndent` base { log_debug = off; log_info = on; log = stderr; daemon = off; redirector = iptables; } redsocks { local_ip =; local_port = 12345; `; const redsocksFooter = '}\n'; const proxyFields = ['type', 'ip', 'port', 'login', 'password']; const proxyBasePath = path.join( constants.rootMountPoint, constants.bootMountPoint, 'system-proxy', ); const redsocksConfPath = path.join(proxyBasePath, 'redsocks.conf'); const noProxyPath = path.join(proxyBasePath, 'no_proxy'); interface ProxyConfig { [key: string]: string | string[]; } interface HostConfig { network: { proxy?: ProxyConfig; hostname?: string; }; } const isAuthField = (field: string): boolean => _.includes(['login', 'password'], field); const memoizedAuthRegex = _.memoize( (proxyField: string) => new RegExp(proxyField + '\\s*=\\s*"(.*)"\\s*;'), ); const memoizedRegex = _.memoize( proxyField => new RegExp(proxyField + '\\s*=\\s*([^;\\s]*)\\s*;'), ); async function readProxy(): Promise { const conf: ProxyConfig = {}; let redsocksConf: string; try { redsocksConf = await fs.readFile(redsocksConfPath, 'utf-8'); } catch (e) { if (!ENOENT(e)) { throw e; } return; } const lines = redsocksConf.split('\n'); for (const line of lines) { for (const proxyField of proxyFields) { let match: string[] | null = null; if (isAuthField(proxyField)) { match = line.match(memoizedAuthRegex(proxyField)); } else { match = line.match(memoizedRegex(proxyField)); } if (match != null) { conf[proxyField] = match[1]; } } } try { const noProxy = await fs.readFile(noProxyPath, 'utf-8'); conf.noProxy = noProxy.split('\n'); } catch (e) { if (!ENOENT(e)) { throw e; } } return conf; } function generateRedsocksConfEntries(conf: ProxyConfig): string { let val = ''; for (const field of proxyFields) { let v = conf[field]; if (v != null) { if (isAuthField(field)) { v = `"${v}"`; } val += `\t${field} = ${v};\n`; } } return val; } async function setProxy(maybeConf: ProxyConfig | null): Promise { if (_.isEmpty(maybeConf)) { try { await Promise.all([fs.unlink(redsocksConfPath), fs.unlink(noProxyPath)]); } catch (e) { if (!ENOENT(e)) { throw e; } } } else { // We know that maybeConf is not null due to the _.isEmpty check above, // but the compiler doesn't const conf = maybeConf as ProxyConfig; await mkdirp(proxyBasePath); if (_.isArray(conf.noProxy)) { await writeFileAtomic(noProxyPath, conf.noProxy.join('\n')); } const redsocksConf = `${redsocksHeader}${generateRedsocksConfEntries( conf, )}${redsocksFooter}`; await writeFileAtomic(redsocksConfPath, redsocksConf); } await systemd.restartService('resin-proxy-config'); await systemd.restartService('redsocks'); } const hostnamePath = path.join(constants.rootMountPoint, '/etc/hostname'); async function readHostname() { const hostnameData = await fs.readFile(hostnamePath, 'utf-8'); return _.trim(hostnameData); } async function setHostname(val: string, configModel: Config) { await configModel.set({ hostname: val }); await systemd.restartService('resin-hostname'); } // Don't use async/await here to maintain the bluebird // promises being returned export function get(): Bluebird { return Bluebird.join(readProxy(), readHostname(), (proxy, hostname) => { return { network: { proxy, hostname, }, }; }); } export function patch(conf: HostConfig, configModel: Config): Bluebird { const promises = []; if (conf != null && != null) { if ( != null) { promises.push(setProxy(; } if ( != null) { promises.push(setHostname(, configModel)); } } return Bluebird.all(promises).return(); }