Promise = require 'bluebird' dockerUtils = require './docker-utils' { docker } = dockerUtils express = require 'express' fs = Promise.promisifyAll require 'fs' { resinApi } = require './request' knex = require './db' _ = require 'lodash' deviceRegister = require 'resin-register-device' randomHexString = require './lib/random-hex-string' utils = require './utils' device = require './device' bodyParser = require 'body-parser' request = Promise.promisifyAll require 'request' appConfig = require './config' PUBNUB = require 'pubnub' execAsync = Promise.promisify(require('child_process').exec) url = require 'url' pubnub = PUBNUB.init(appConfig.pubnub) getAssetsPath = (image) -> docker.imageRootDir(image) .then (rootDir) -> return rootDir + '/assets' isDefined = _.negate(_.isUndefined) exports.router = router = express.Router() router.use(bodyParser()) parseDeviceFields = (device) -> = parseInt(device.deviceId) device.appId = parseInt(device.appId) device.config = JSON.parse(device.config ? '{}') device.environment = JSON.parse(device.environment ? '{}') device.targetConfig = JSON.parse(device.targetConfig ? '{}') device.targetEnvironment = JSON.parse(device.targetEnvironment ? '{}') return _.omit(device, 'markedForDeletion', 'logs_channel') router.get '/v1/devices', (req, res) -> knex('dependentDevice').select() .map(parseDeviceFields) .then (devices) -> res.json(devices) .catch (err) -> res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error') '/v1/devices', (req, res) -> appId = req.body.appId if !appId? or _.isNaN(parseInt(appId)) or parseInt(appId) <= 0 res.status(400).send('appId must be a positive integer') return Promise.join( utils.getConfig('apiKey') utils.getConfig('userId') device.getID() deviceRegister.generateUUID() randomHexString.generate() (apiKey, userId, deviceId, uuid, logsChannel) -> d = user: userId application: req.body.appId uuid: uuid device_type: 'edge' device: deviceId registered_at: Math.floor( / 1000) logs_channel: logsChannel status: 'Provisioned' resource: 'device' body: d customOptions: apikey: apiKey .then (dev) -> # If the response has id: null then something was wrong in the request # but we don't know precisely what. if ! res.status(400).send('Provisioning failed, invalid appId or credentials') return deviceForDB = { uuid: uuid appId: appId device_type: d.device_type deviceId: name: status: d.status logs_channel: d.logs_channel } knex('dependentDevice').insert(deviceForDB) .then -> res.status(201).send(dev) ) .catch (err) -> console.error("Error on #{req.method} #{url.parse(req.url).pathname}", err, err.stack) res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error') router.get '/v1/devices/:uuid', (req, res) -> uuid = req.params.uuid knex('dependentDevice').select().where({ uuid }) .then ([ device ]) -> return res.status(404).send('Device not found') if !device? return res.status(410).send('Device deleted') if device.markedForDeletion res.json(parseDeviceFields(device)) .catch (err) -> console.error("Error on #{req.method} #{url.parse(req.url).pathname}", err, err.stack) res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error') '/v1/devices/:uuid/logs', (req, res) -> uuid = req.params.uuid m = { message: req.body.message timestamp: req.body.timestamp or } m.isSystem = req.body.isSystem if req.body.isSystem? knex('dependentDevice').select().where({ uuid }) .then ([ device ]) -> return res.status(404).send('Device not found') if !device? return res.status(410).send('Device deleted') if device.markedForDeletion pubnub.publish({ channel: "device-#{device.logs_channel}-logs", message: m }) res.status(202).send('OK') .catch (err) -> console.error("Error on #{req.method} #{url.parse(req.url).pathname}", err, err.stack) res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error') validStringOrUndefined = (s) -> _.isUndefined(s) or !_.isEmpty(s) validObjectOrUndefined = (o) -> _.isUndefined(o) or _.isObject(o) router.put '/v1/devices/:uuid', (req, res) -> uuid = req.params.uuid { status, is_online, commit, environment, config } = req.body if isDefined(is_online) and !_.isBoolean(is_online) res.status(400).send('is_online must be a boolean') return if !validStringOrUndefined(status) res.status(400).send('status must be a non-empty string') return if !validStringOrUndefined(commit) res.status(400).send('commit must be a non-empty string') return if !validObjectOrUndefined(environment) res.status(400).send('environment must be an object') return if !validObjectOrUndefined(config) res.status(400).send('config must be an object') return environment = JSON.stringify(environment) if isDefined(environment) config = JSON.stringify(config) if isDefined(config) fieldsToUpdateOnDB = _.pickBy({ status, is_online, commit, config, environment }, isDefined) fieldsToUpdateOnAPI = _.pick(fieldsToUpdateOnDB, 'status', 'is_online', 'commit') if _.isEmpty(fieldsToUpdateOnDB) res.status(400).send('At least one device attribute must be updated') return Promise.join( utils.getConfig('apiKey') knex('dependentDevice').select().where({ uuid }) (apiKey, [ device ]) -> throw new Error('apikey not found') if !apiKey? return res.status(404).send('Device not found') if !device? return res.status(410).send('Device deleted') if device.markedForDeletion throw new Error('Device is invalid') if !device.deviceId? Promise.try -> if !_.isEmpty(fieldsToUpdateOnAPI) resinApi.patch resource: 'device' id: device.deviceId body: fieldsToUpdateOnAPI customOptions: apikey: apiKey .then -> knex('dependentDevice').update(fieldsToUpdateOnDB).where({ uuid }) .then -> res.json(parseDeviceFields(device)) ) .catch (err) -> console.error("Error on #{req.method} #{url.parse(req.url).pathname}", err, err.stack) res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error') tarPath = ({ commit }) -> return '/tmp/' + commit + '.tar' router.get '/v1/dependent-apps/:appId/assets/:commit', (req, res) -> knex('dependentApp').select().where(_.pick(req.params, 'appId', 'commit')) .then ([ app ]) -> return res.status(404).send('Not found') if !app dest = tarPath(app) getAssetsPath(app.imageId) .then (path) -> getTarArchive(path, dest) .then -> res.sendFile(dest) .catch (err) -> console.error("Error on #{req.method} #{url.parse(req.url).pathname}", err, err.stack) res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error') router.get '/v1/dependent-apps', (req, res) -> knex('dependentApp').select() .map (app) -> return { id: parseInt(app.appId) commit: app.commit device_type: 'edge' name: config: JSON.parse(app.config ? '{}') } .then (apps) -> res.json(apps) .catch (err) -> console.error("Error on #{req.method} #{url.parse(req.url).pathname}", err, err.stack) res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error') getTarArchive = (path, destination) -> fs.lstatAsync(path) .then -> execAsync("tar -cvf '#{destination}' *", cwd: path) # TODO: deduplicate code from compareForUpdate in exports.fetchAndSetTargetsForDependentApps = (state, fetchFn, apiKey) -> knex('dependentApp').select() .then (localDependentApps) -> # Compare to see which to fetch, and which to delete remoteApps = _.mapValues state.apps, (app, appId) -> conf = app.config ? {} return { appId: appId parentAppId: app.parentApp imageId: app.image commit: app.commit config: JSON.stringify(conf) name: } localApps = _.keyBy(localDependentApps, 'appId') toBeDownloaded = _.filter remoteApps, (app, appId) -> return app.commit? and app.imageId? and !_.some(localApps, imageId: app.imageId) toBeRemoved = _.filter localApps, (app, appId) -> return app.commit? and !_.some(remoteApps, imageId: app.imageId) toBeDeletedFromDB = _.filter localApps, (app, appId) -> return !remoteApps[appId]? toBeDownloaded, (app) -> fetchFn(app, false) .then -> toBeRemoved, (app) -> fs.unlinkAsync(tarPath(app)) .then -> docker.getImage(app.imageId).removeAsync() .catch (err) -> console.error('Could not remove image/artifacts for dependent app', err, err.stack) .then -> Promise.props( _.mapValues remoteApps, (app, appId) -> knex('dependentApp').update(app).where({ appId }) .then (n) -> knex('dependentApp').insert(app) if n == 0 ) .then -> knex('dependentApp').del().whereIn('appId', _.keys(toBeDeletedFromDB)) .then -> knex('dependentDevice').update({ markedForDeletion: true }).whereNotIn('uuid', _.keys(state.devices)) .then -> Promise.all state.devices, (device, uuid) -> # Only consider one app per dependent device for now appId = _(device.apps).keys().head() targetCommit = state.apps[appId].commit targetEnvironment = JSON.stringify(device.apps[appId].environment ? {}) targetConfig = JSON.stringify(device.apps[appId].config ? {}) knex('dependentDevice').update({ targetEnvironment, targetConfig, targetCommit, name: }).where({ uuid }) .then (n) -> return if n != 0 # If the device is not in the DB it means it was provisioned externally # so we need to fetch it. resinApi.get resource: 'device' options: filter: uuid: uuid customOptions: apikey: apiKey .then ([ dev ]) -> deviceForDB = { uuid: uuid appId: appId device_type: dev.device_type deviceId: is_online: dev.is_online name: status: dev.status logs_channel: dev.logs_channel targetCommit targetConfig targetEnvironment } knex('dependentDevice').insert(deviceForDB) .catch (err) -> console.error('Error fetching dependent apps', err, err.stack) getHookEndpoint = (appId) -> knex('dependentApp').select('parentAppId').where({ appId }) .then ([ { parentAppId } ]) -> utils.getKnexApp(parentAppId) .then (parentApp) -> conf = JSON.parse(parentApp.config) dockerUtils.getImageEnv(parentApp.imageId) .then (imageEnv) -> return imageEnv.RESIN_DEPENDENT_DEVICES_HOOK_ADDRESS ? conf.RESIN_DEPENDENT_DEVICES_HOOK_ADDRESS ? "#{appConfig.proxyvisorHookReceiver}/v1/devices/" do -> acknowledgedState = {} sendUpdate = (device, endpoint) -> stateToSend = { appId: parseInt(device.appId) commit: device.targetCommit environment: JSON.parse(device.targetEnvironment) config: JSON.parse(device.targetConfig) } request.putAsync "#{endpoint}#{device.uuid}", { json: true body: stateToSend } .spread (response, body) -> if response.statusCode == 200 acknowledgedState[device.uuid] = _.omit(stateToSend, 'appId') else acknowledgedState[device.uuid] = null throw new Error("Hook returned #{response.statusCode}: #{body}") if response.statusCode != 202 .catch (err) -> return console.error("Error updating device #{device.uuid}", err, err.stack) sendDeleteHook = (device, endpoint) -> uuid = device.uuid request.delAsync("#{endpoint}#{uuid}") .spread (response, body) -> if response.statusCode == 200 knex('dependentDevice').del().where({ uuid }) else throw new Error("Hook returned #{response.statusCode}: #{body}") .catch (err) -> return console.error("Error deleting device #{device.uuid}", err, err.stack) exports.sendUpdates = -> endpoints = {} knex('dependentDevice').select() .map (device) -> currentState = _.pick(device, 'commit', 'environment', 'config') targetState = { commit: device.targetCommit environment: device.targetEnvironment config: device.targetConfig } endpoints[device.appId] ?= getHookEndpoint(device.appId) endpoints[device.appId] .then (endpoint) -> if device.markedForDeletion sendDeleteHook(device, endpoint) else if device.targetCommit? and !_.isEqual(targetState, currentState) and !_.isEqual(targetState, acknowledgedState[device.uuid]) sendUpdate(device, endpoint)