#!/usr/bin/env node const helpText = `Sync changes in the javascript code to a running local mode supervisor on a device on the local network Usage: ./sync-debug.js <device IP> Note that the device should be running a debug image.`; const argv = require('yargs') .command( '$0 <device IP>', 'Sync changes in code to a running debug mode supervisor on a local device', yargs => yargs.positional('device IP', { type: 'string', describe: 'The address of a local device', }), ) .usage(helpText) .version(false) .option('noinit', { boolean: true, describe: "Don't do an initial sync of files", default: false, }) .alias('h', 'help').argv; const ip = argv.deviceIP; const { Livepush } = require('livepush'); const { fs } = require('mz'); const dockerode = require('dockerode'); const chokidar = require('chokidar'); const _ = require('lodash'); let lastReadTimestamp = null; const setupLogs = async (containerId, docker) => { const container = docker.getContainer(containerId); const stream = await container.logs({ stdout: true, stderr: true, follow: true, timestamps: true, // We start from 0, as we risk not getting any logs to // properly seed the value if the host and remote times differ since: lastReadTimestamp != null ? lastReadTimestamp : 0, }); stream.on('data', chunk => { const { message, timestamp } = extractMessage(chunk); lastReadTimestamp = Math.floor(timestamp.getTime() / 1000); process.stdout.write(message); }); stream.on('end', () => { setupLogs(containerId, docker); }); }; function extractMessage(msgBuf) { // Non-tty message format from: // https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.30/#operation/ContainerAttach if (_.includes([0, 1, 2], msgBuf[0])) { // Take the header from this message, and parse it as normal msgBuf = msgBuf.slice(8); } const str = msgBuf.toString(); const space = str.indexOf(' '); return { timestamp: new Date(str.slice(0, space)), message: str.slice(space + 1), }; } const docker = new dockerode({ host: ip, port: 2375, }); let changedFiles = []; let deletedFiles = []; const performLivepush = _.debounce(async livepush => { await livepush.performLivepush(changedFiles, deletedFiles); changedFiles = []; deletedFiles = []; }, 1000); (async () => { console.log('Starting up...'); // Get the supervisor container id const container = await docker.getContainer('resin_supervisor').inspect(); console.log('Supervisor container id: ', container.Id); const containerId = container.Id; const image = container.Image; setupLogs(containerId, docker); const livepush = await Livepush.init( await fs.readFile('Dockerfile.debug'), '.', containerId, // a bit of a hack, as the multistage images aren't // present, but it shouldn't make a difference as these // will never change _.times(6, () => image), docker, ); chokidar .watch('.', { ignored: /((^|[\/\\])\..|node_modules.*)/, ignoreInitial: argv.noinit, }) .on('add', path => { changedFiles.push(path); performLivepush(livepush, containerId, docker); }) .on('change', path => { changedFiles.push(path); performLivepush(livepush, containerId, docker); }) .on('unlink', path => { deletedFiles.push(path); performLivepush(livepush, containerId, docker); }); livepush.on('commandExecute', ({ command }) => { console.log('SYNC: executing:', command); }); livepush.on('commandOutput', ({ output }) => { const message = output.data.toString(); if (message.trim().length !== 0) { process.stdout.write(`\t${message}`); } }); livepush.on('commandReturn', ({ returnCode }) => { if (returnCode !== 0) { console.log(`\tSYNC: Command return non zero exit status: ${returnCode}`); } }); livepush.on('containerRestart', () => { console.log('SYNC: Restarting container...'); }); })();