Promise = require 'bluebird' _ = require 'lodash' { stub } = require 'sinon' chai = require './lib/chai-config' chai.use(require('chai-events')) { expect } = chai prepare = require './lib/prepare' DeviceState = require '../src/device-state' { DB } = require('../src/db') { Config } = require('../src/config') { Service } = require '../src/compose/service' { Network } = require '../src/compose/network' { Volume } = require '../src/compose/volume' appDBFormatNormalised = { appId: 1234 commit: 'bar' releaseId: 2 name: 'app' source: '' services: JSON.stringify([ { appId: 1234 serviceName: 'serv' imageId: 12345 environment: { FOO: 'var2' } labels: {} image: 'foo/bar:latest' releaseId: 2 serviceId: 4 commit: 'bar' } ]) networks: '{}' volumes: '{}' } appStateFormat = { appId: 1234 commit: 'bar' releaseId: 2 name: 'app' # This technically is not part of the appStateFormat, but in general # usage is added before calling normaliseAppForDB source: '' services: { '4': { appId: 1234 serviceName: 'serv' imageId: 12345 environment: { FOO: 'var2' } labels: {} image: 'foo/bar:latest' } } } appStateFormatNeedsServiceCreate = { appId: 1234 commit: 'bar' releaseId: 2 name: 'app' services: [ { appId: 1234 environment: { FOO: 'var2' } imageId: 12345 serviceId: 4 releaseId: 2 serviceName: 'serv' image: 'foo/bar:latest' } ] networks: {} volumes: {} } dependentStateFormat = { appId: 1234 image: 'foo/bar' commit: 'bar' releaseId: 3 name: 'app' config: { RESIN_FOO: 'var' } environment: { FOO: 'var2' } parentApp: 256 imageId: 45 } dependentStateFormatNormalised = { appId: 1234 image: 'foo/bar:latest' commit: 'bar' releaseId: 3 name: 'app' config: { RESIN_FOO: 'var' } environment: { FOO: 'var2' } parentApp: 256 imageId: 45 } currentState = targetState = availableImages = null dependentDBFormat = { appId: 1234 image: 'foo/bar:latest' commit: 'bar' releaseId: 3 name: 'app' config: JSON.stringify({ RESIN_FOO: 'var' }) environment: JSON.stringify({ FOO: 'var2' }) parentApp: 256 imageId: 45 } describe 'ApplicationManager', -> before -> prepare() @db = new DB() @config = new Config({ @db }) eventTracker = { track: console.log } @logger = { clearOutOfDateDBLogs: -> } @deviceState = new DeviceState({ @db, @config, eventTracker, @logger }) @applications = @deviceState.applications stub(@applications.images, 'inspectByName').callsFake (imageName) -> Promise.resolve({ Config: { Cmd: [ 'someCommand' ] Entrypoint: [ 'theEntrypoint' ] Env: [] Labels: {} Volumes: [] } }) stub(@applications.docker, 'getNetworkGateway').returns(Promise.resolve('')) stub(@applications.docker, 'listContainers').returns(Promise.resolve([])) stub(@applications.docker, 'listImages').returns(Promise.resolve([])) stub(Service, 'extendEnvVars').callsFake (env) -> env['ADDITIONAL_ENV_VAR'] = 'foo' return env @normaliseCurrent = (current) -> current.local.apps, (app) =>, (service) -> Service.fromComposeObject(service, { appName: 'test' }) .then (normalisedServices) => appCloned = _.cloneDeep(app) = normalisedServices appCloned.networks = _.mapValues appCloned.networks, (config, name) => Network.fromComposeObject( name, app.appId, config { docker: @applications.docker, @logger } ) return appCloned .then (normalisedApps) -> currentCloned = _.cloneDeep(current) currentCloned.local.apps = _.keyBy(normalisedApps, 'appId') return currentCloned @normaliseTarget = (target, available) => target.local.apps, (app) => @applications.normaliseAppForDB(app) .then (normalisedApp) => @applications.normaliseAndExtendAppFromDB(normalisedApp) .then (apps) -> targetCloned = _.cloneDeep(target) # We mock what createTargetService does when an image is available targetCloned.local.apps = apps, (app) -> =, (service) -> img = _.find(available, (i) -> == service.config.image) if img? service.config.image = img.dockerImageId return service return app targetCloned.local.apps = _.keyBy(targetCloned.local.apps, 'appId') return targetCloned @db.init() .then => @config.init() beforeEach -> { currentState, targetState, availableImages } = require './lib/application-manager-test-states' after -> @applications.images.inspectByName.restore() @applications.docker.getNetworkGateway.restore() @applications.docker.listContainers.restore() Service.extendEnvVars.restore() it 'should init', -> @applications.init() it 'infers a start step when all that changes is a running state', -> Promise.join( @normaliseCurrent(currentState[0]) @normaliseTarget(targetState[0], availableImages[0]) (current, target) => steps = @applications._inferNextSteps(false, availableImages[0], [], true, current, target, false, {}, {}) expect(steps).to.eventually.deep.equal([{ action: 'start' current: current.local.apps['1234'].services[1] target: target.local.apps['1234'].services[1] serviceId: 24 appId: 1234 options: {} }]) ) it 'infers a kill step when a service has to be removed', -> Promise.join( @normaliseCurrent(currentState[0]) @normaliseTarget(targetState[1], availableImages[0]) (current, target) => steps = @applications._inferNextSteps(false, availableImages[0], [], true, current, target, false, {}, {}) expect(steps).to.eventually.deep.equal([{ action: 'kill' current: current.local.apps['1234'].services[1] target: null serviceId: 24 appId: 1234 options: {} }]) ) it 'infers a fetch step when a service has to be updated', -> Promise.join( @normaliseCurrent(currentState[0]) @normaliseTarget(targetState[2], availableImages[0]) (current, target) => steps = @applications._inferNextSteps(false, availableImages[0], [], true, current, target, false, {}, {}) expect(steps).to.eventually.deep.equal([{ action: 'fetch' image: @applications.imageForService(target.local.apps['1234'].services[1]) serviceId: 24 appId: 1234 serviceName: 'anotherService' }]) ) it 'does not infer a fetch step when the download is already in progress', -> Promise.join( @normaliseCurrent(currentState[0]) @normaliseTarget(targetState[2], availableImages[0]) (current, target) => steps = @applications._inferNextSteps(false, availableImages[0], [ target.local.apps['1234'].services[1].imageId ], true, current, target, false, {}, {}) expect(steps).to.eventually.deep.equal([{ action: 'noop', appId: 1234 }]) ) it 'infers a kill step when a service has to be updated but the strategy is kill-then-download', -> Promise.join( @normaliseCurrent(currentState[0]) @normaliseTarget(targetState[3], availableImages[0]) (current, target) => steps = @applications._inferNextSteps(false, availableImages[0], [], true, current, target, false, {}, {}) expect(steps).to.eventually.deep.equal([{ action: 'kill' current: current.local.apps['1234'].services[1] target: target.local.apps['1234'].services[1] serviceId: 24 appId: 1234 options: {} }]) ) it 'does not infer to kill a service with default strategy if a dependency is not downloaded', -> Promise.join( @normaliseCurrent(currentState[4]) @normaliseTarget(targetState[4], availableImages[2]) (current, target) => steps = @applications._inferNextSteps(false, availableImages[2], [], true, current, target, false, {}, {}) expect(steps).to.eventually.have.deep.members([{ action: 'fetch' image: @applications.imageForService(target.local.apps['1234'].services[0]) serviceId: 23 appId: 1234, serviceName: 'aservice' }, { action: 'noop', appId: 1234 }]) ) it 'infers to kill several services as long as there is no unmet dependency', -> Promise.join( @normaliseCurrent(currentState[0]) @normaliseTarget(targetState[5], availableImages[1]) (current, target) => steps = @applications._inferNextSteps(false, availableImages[1], [], true, current, target, false, {}, {}) expect(steps).to.eventually.have.deep.members([ { action: 'kill' current: current.local.apps['1234'].services[0] target: target.local.apps['1234'].services[0] serviceId: 23 appId: 1234 options: {} }, { action: 'kill' current: current.local.apps['1234'].services[1] target: target.local.apps['1234'].services[1] serviceId: 24 appId: 1234 options: {} } ]) ) it 'infers to start the dependency first', -> Promise.join( @normaliseCurrent(currentState[1]) @normaliseTarget(targetState[4], availableImages[1]) (current, target) => steps = @applications._inferNextSteps(false, availableImages[1], [], true, current, target, false, {}, {}) expect(steps).to.eventually.have.deep.members([ { action: 'start' current: null target: target.local.apps['1234'].services[0] serviceId: 23 appId: 1234 options: {} } ]) ) it 'infers to start a service once its dependency has been met', -> Promise.join( @normaliseCurrent(currentState[2]) @normaliseTarget(targetState[4], availableImages[1]) (current, target) => steps = @applications._inferNextSteps(false, availableImages[1], [], true, current, target, false, {}, {}, {}) expect(steps).to.eventually.have.deep.members([ { action: 'start' current: null target: target.local.apps['1234'].services[1] serviceId: 24 appId: 1234 options: {} } ]) ) it 'infers to remove spurious containers', -> Promise.join( @normaliseCurrent(currentState[3]) @normaliseTarget(targetState[4], availableImages[1]) (current, target) => steps = @applications._inferNextSteps(false, availableImages[1], [], true, current, target, false, {}, {}) expect(steps).to.eventually.have.deep.members([ { action: 'kill' current: current.local.apps['1234'].services[0] target: null serviceId: 23 appId: 1234 options: {} }, { action: 'start' current: null target: target.local.apps['1234'].services[1] serviceId: 24 appId: 1234 options: {} } ]) ) it 'converts an app from a state format to a db format, adding missing networks and volumes and normalising the image name', -> app = @applications.normaliseAppForDB(appStateFormat) expect(app).to.eventually.deep.equal(appDBFormatNormalised) it 'converts a dependent app from a state format to a db format, normalising the image name', -> app = @applications.proxyvisor.normaliseDependentAppForDB(dependentStateFormat) expect(app).to.eventually.deep.equal(dependentDBFormat) it 'converts an app in DB format into state format, adding default and missing fields', -> @applications.normaliseAndExtendAppFromDB(appDBFormatNormalised) .then (app) -> appStateFormatWithDefaults = _.cloneDeep(appStateFormatNeedsServiceCreate) opts = { imageInfo: { Config: { Cmd: [ 'someCommand' ], Entrypoint: [ 'theEntrypoint' ] } } } =, (service) -> service.imageName = service.image return Service.fromComposeObject(service, opts) expect(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(app))).to.deep.equal(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(appStateFormatWithDefaults))) it 'converts a dependent app in DB format into state format', -> app = @applications.proxyvisor.normaliseDependentAppFromDB(dependentDBFormat) expect(app).to.eventually.deep.equal(dependentStateFormatNormalised) describe 'Volumes', -> before -> stub(@applications, 'removeAllVolumesForApp').returns(Promise.resolve([{ action: 'removeVolume', current: Volume.fromComposeObject('my_volume', 12, {}, { docker: null, logger: null }) }])) after -> @applications.removeAllVolumesForApp.restore() it 'should not remove volumes when they are no longer referenced', -> Promise.join( @normaliseCurrent(currentState[6]), @normaliseTarget(targetState[0], availableImages[0]) (current, target) => @applications._inferNextSteps(false, availableImages[0], [], true, current, target, false, {}, {}).then (steps) -> expect( _.every(steps, (s) -> s.action != 'removeVolume'), 'Volumes from current app should not be removed' ) ) it 'should remove volumes from previous applications', -> Promise.join( @normaliseCurrent(currentState[5]) @normaliseTarget(targetState[6], []) (current, target) => @applications._inferNextSteps(false, [], [], true, current, target, false, {}, {}).then (steps) -> expect(steps).to.have.length(1) expect(steps[0])'action').that.equals('removeVolume') expect(steps[0].current)'appId').that.equals(12) )