import { stripIndent } from 'common-tags'; import { promises as fs } from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import { SinonStub, stub, spy, SinonSpy } from 'sinon'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import * as deviceConfig from '../src/device-config'; import * as fsUtils from '../src/lib/fs-utils'; import * as logger from '../src/logger'; import { Extlinux } from '../src/config/backends/extlinux'; import { ConfigTxt } from '../src/config/backends/config-txt'; import { Odmdata } from '../src/config/backends/odmdata'; import { ConfigFs } from '../src/config/backends/config-fs'; import { SplashImage } from '../src/config/backends/splash-image'; import * as constants from '../src/lib/constants'; import * as config from '../src/config'; import prepare = require('./lib/prepare'); import mock = require('mock-fs'); const extlinuxBackend = new Extlinux(); const configTxtBackend = new ConfigTxt(); const odmdataBackend = new Odmdata(); const configFsBackend = new ConfigFs(); const splashImageBackend = new SplashImage(); // TODO: Since the getBootConfig method is simple enough // these tests could probably be removed if each backend has its own // test and the src/config/utils module is properly tested. describe('Device Backend Config', () => { let logSpy: SinonSpy; before(async () => { logSpy = spy(logger, 'logSystemMessage'); await prepare(); }); after(() => { logSpy.restore(); }); afterEach(() => { logSpy.resetHistory(); }); it('correctly parses a config.txt file', async () => { // Will try to parse /test/data/mnt/boot/config.txt await expect( // @ts-ignore accessing private value deviceConfig.getBootConfig(configTxtBackend), ).to.eventually.deep.equal({ HOST_CONFIG_dtparam: '"i2c_arm=on","spi=on","audio=on"', HOST_CONFIG_enable_uart: '1', HOST_CONFIG_disable_splash: '1', HOST_CONFIG_avoid_warnings: '1', HOST_CONFIG_gpu_mem: '16', }); // Stub readFile to return a config that has initramfs and array variables stub(fs, 'readFile').resolves(stripIndent` initramfs initramf.gz 0x00800000 dtparam=i2c=on dtparam=audio=on dtoverlay=ads7846 dtoverlay=lirc-rpi,gpio_out_pin=17,gpio_in_pin=13 foobar=baz `); await expect( // @ts-ignore accessing private value deviceConfig.getBootConfig(configTxtBackend), ).to.eventually.deep.equal({ HOST_CONFIG_initramfs: 'initramf.gz 0x00800000', HOST_CONFIG_dtparam: '"i2c=on","audio=on"', HOST_CONFIG_dtoverlay: '"ads7846","lirc-rpi,gpio_out_pin=17,gpio_in_pin=13"', HOST_CONFIG_foobar: 'baz', }); // Restore stub (fs.readFile as SinonStub).restore(); }); it('does not allow setting forbidden keys', async () => { const current = { HOST_CONFIG_initramfs: 'initramf.gz 0x00800000', HOST_CONFIG_dtparam: '"i2c=on","audio=on"', HOST_CONFIG_dtoverlay: '"ads7846","lirc-rpi,gpio_out_pin=17,gpio_in_pin=13"', HOST_CONFIG_foobar: 'baz', }; // Create another target with only change being initramfs which is blacklisted const target = { ...current, HOST_CONFIG_initramfs: 'initramf.gz 0x00810000', }; expect(() => // @ts-ignore accessing private value deviceConfig.bootConfigChangeRequired(configTxtBackend, current, target), ).to.throw('Attempt to change blacklisted config value initramfs'); // Check if logs were called expect(logSpy); expect(logSpy) 'Attempt to change blacklisted config value initramfs', { error: 'Attempt to change blacklisted config value initramfs', }, 'Apply boot config error', ); }); it('does not try to change config.txt if it should not change', async () => { const current = { HOST_CONFIG_initramfs: 'initramf.gz 0x00800000', HOST_CONFIG_dtparam: '"i2c=on","audio=on"', HOST_CONFIG_dtoverlay: '"ads7846","lirc-rpi,gpio_out_pin=17,gpio_in_pin=13"', HOST_CONFIG_foobar: 'baz', }; const target = { HOST_CONFIG_initramfs: 'initramf.gz 0x00800000', HOST_CONFIG_dtparam: '"i2c=on","audio=on"', HOST_CONFIG_dtoverlay: '"ads7846","lirc-rpi,gpio_out_pin=17,gpio_in_pin=13"', HOST_CONFIG_foobar: 'baz', }; expect( // @ts-ignore accessing private value deviceConfig.bootConfigChangeRequired(configTxtBackend, current, target), ).to.equal(false); expect(logSpy); }); it('writes the target config.txt', async () => { stub(fsUtils, 'writeFileAtomic').resolves(); stub(fsUtils, 'exec').resolves(); const current = { HOST_CONFIG_initramfs: 'initramf.gz 0x00800000', HOST_CONFIG_dtparam: '"i2c=on","audio=on"', HOST_CONFIG_dtoverlay: '"ads7846","lirc-rpi,gpio_out_pin=17,gpio_in_pin=13"', HOST_CONFIG_foobar: 'baz', }; const target = { HOST_CONFIG_initramfs: 'initramf.gz 0x00800000', HOST_CONFIG_dtparam: '"i2c=on","audio=off"', HOST_CONFIG_dtoverlay: '"lirc-rpi,gpio_out_pin=17,gpio_in_pin=13"', HOST_CONFIG_foobar: 'bat', HOST_CONFIG_foobaz: 'bar', }; expect( // @ts-ignore accessing private value deviceConfig.bootConfigChangeRequired(configTxtBackend, current, target), ).to.equal(true); // @ts-ignore accessing private value await deviceConfig.setBootConfig(configTxtBackend, target); expect(fsUtils.exec); expect(logSpy); expect(logSpy.getCall(1).args[2]).to.equal('Apply boot config success'); expect(fsUtils.writeFileAtomic) './test/data/mnt/boot/config.txt', stripIndent` initramfs initramf.gz 0x00800000 dtparam=i2c=on dtparam=audio=off dtoverlay=lirc-rpi,gpio_out_pin=17,gpio_in_pin=13 foobar=bat foobaz=bar ` + '\n', // add newline because stripIndent trims last newline ); // Restore stubs (fsUtils.writeFileAtomic as SinonStub).restore(); (fsUtils.exec as SinonStub).restore(); }); it('ensures required fields are written to config.txt', async () => { stub(fsUtils, 'writeFileAtomic').resolves(); stub(fsUtils, 'exec').resolves(); stub(config, 'get').withArgs('deviceType').resolves('fincm3'); const current = { HOST_CONFIG_initramfs: 'initramf.gz 0x00800000', HOST_CONFIG_dtparam: '"i2c=on","audio=on"', HOST_CONFIG_dtoverlay: '"ads7846","lirc-rpi,gpio_out_pin=17,gpio_in_pin=13"', HOST_CONFIG_foobar: 'baz', }; const target = { HOST_CONFIG_initramfs: 'initramf.gz 0x00800000', HOST_CONFIG_dtparam: '"i2c=on","audio=off"', HOST_CONFIG_dtoverlay: '"lirc-rpi,gpio_out_pin=17,gpio_in_pin=13"', HOST_CONFIG_foobar: 'bat', HOST_CONFIG_foobaz: 'bar', }; expect( // @ts-ignore accessing private value deviceConfig.bootConfigChangeRequired(configTxtBackend, current, target), ).to.equal(true); // @ts-ignore accessing private value await deviceConfig.setBootConfig(configTxtBackend, target); expect(fsUtils.exec); expect(logSpy); expect(logSpy.getCall(1).args[2]).to.equal('Apply boot config success'); expect(fsUtils.writeFileAtomic) './test/data/mnt/boot/config.txt', stripIndent` initramfs initramf.gz 0x00800000 dtparam=i2c=on dtparam=audio=off dtoverlay=lirc-rpi,gpio_out_pin=17,gpio_in_pin=13 dtoverlay=balena-fin foobar=bat foobaz=bar ` + '\n', // add newline because stripIndent trims last newline ); // Restore stubs (fsUtils.writeFileAtomic as SinonStub).restore(); (fsUtils.exec as SinonStub).restore(); (config.get as SinonStub).restore(); }); it('accepts RESIN_ and BALENA_ variables', async () => { return expect( deviceConfig.formatConfigKeys({ FOO: 'bar', // should be removed BAR: 'baz', // should be removed RESIN_SUPERVISOR_LOCAL_MODE: 'false', // any device BALENA_SUPERVISOR_OVERRIDE_LOCK: 'false', // any device BALENA_SUPERVISOR_POLL_INTERVAL: '100', // any device RESIN_HOST_CONFIG_dtparam: 'i2c_arm=on","spi=on","audio=on', // config.txt backend RESIN_HOST_CONFIGFS_ssdt: 'spidev1.0', // configfs backend BALENA_HOST_EXTLINUX_isolcpus: '1,2,3', // extlinux backend }), ).to.deep.equal({ SUPERVISOR_LOCAL_MODE: 'false', SUPERVISOR_OVERRIDE_LOCK: 'false', SUPERVISOR_POLL_INTERVAL: '100', HOST_CONFIG_dtparam: 'i2c_arm=on","spi=on","audio=on', HOST_CONFIGFS_ssdt: 'spidev1.0', HOST_EXTLINUX_isolcpus: '1,2,3', }); }); it('returns default configuration values', () => { const conf = deviceConfig.getDefaults(); return expect(conf).to.deep.equal({ HOST_FIREWALL_MODE: 'off', HOST_DISCOVERABILITY: 'true', SUPERVISOR_VPN_CONTROL: 'true', SUPERVISOR_POLL_INTERVAL: '900000', SUPERVISOR_LOCAL_MODE: 'false', SUPERVISOR_CONNECTIVITY_CHECK: 'true', SUPERVISOR_LOG_CONTROL: 'true', SUPERVISOR_DELTA: 'false', SUPERVISOR_DELTA_REQUEST_TIMEOUT: '59000', SUPERVISOR_DELTA_APPLY_TIMEOUT: '0', SUPERVISOR_DELTA_RETRY_COUNT: '30', SUPERVISOR_DELTA_RETRY_INTERVAL: '10000', SUPERVISOR_DELTA_VERSION: '2', SUPERVISOR_INSTANT_UPDATE_TRIGGER: 'true', SUPERVISOR_OVERRIDE_LOCK: 'false', SUPERVISOR_PERSISTENT_LOGGING: 'false', SUPERVISOR_HARDWARE_METRICS: 'true', }); }); describe('Extlinux files', () => { it('should correctly write to extlinux.conf files', async () => { stub(fsUtils, 'writeFileAtomic').resolves(); stub(fsUtils, 'exec').resolves(); const current = {}; const target = { HOST_EXTLINUX_isolcpus: '2', HOST_EXTLINUX_fdt: '/boot/mycustomdtb.dtb', }; expect( // @ts-ignore accessing private value deviceConfig.bootConfigChangeRequired(extlinuxBackend, current, target), ).to.equal(true); // @ts-ignore accessing private value await deviceConfig.setBootConfig(extlinuxBackend, target); expect(fsUtils.exec); expect(logSpy); expect(logSpy.getCall(1).args[2]).to.equal('Apply boot config success'); expect(fsUtils.writeFileAtomic) './test/data/mnt/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf', stripIndent` DEFAULT primary TIMEOUT 30 MENU TITLE Boot Options LABEL primary MENU LABEL primary Image LINUX /Image APPEND \${cbootargs} \${resin_kernel_root} ro rootwait isolcpus=2 FDT /boot/mycustomdtb.dtb ` + '\n', // add newline because stripIndent trims last newline ); // Restore stubs (fsUtils.writeFileAtomic as SinonStub).restore(); (fsUtils.exec as SinonStub).restore(); }); }); describe('Balena fin', () => { it('should always add the balena-fin dtoverlay', () => { expect(configTxtBackend.ensureRequiredConfig('fincm3', {})).to.deep.equal( { dtoverlay: ['balena-fin'], }, ); expect( configTxtBackend.ensureRequiredConfig('fincm3', { test: '123', test2: ['123'], test3: ['123', '234'], }), ).to.deep.equal({ test: '123', test2: ['123'], test3: ['123', '234'], dtoverlay: ['balena-fin'], }); expect( configTxtBackend.ensureRequiredConfig('fincm3', { dtoverlay: 'test', }), ).to.deep.equal({ dtoverlay: ['test', 'balena-fin'] }); expect( configTxtBackend.ensureRequiredConfig('fincm3', { dtoverlay: ['test'], }), ).to.deep.equal({ dtoverlay: ['test', 'balena-fin'] }); }); it('should not cause a config change when the cloud does not specify the balena-fin overlay', () => { expect( deviceConfig.bootConfigChangeRequired( configTxtBackend, { HOST_CONFIG_dtoverlay: '"test","balena-fin"' }, { HOST_CONFIG_dtoverlay: '"test"' }, 'fincm3', ), ).to.equal(false); expect( deviceConfig.bootConfigChangeRequired( configTxtBackend, { HOST_CONFIG_dtoverlay: '"test","balena-fin"' }, { HOST_CONFIG_dtoverlay: 'test' }, 'fincm3', ), ).to.equal(false); expect( deviceConfig.bootConfigChangeRequired( configTxtBackend, { HOST_CONFIG_dtoverlay: '"test","test2","balena-fin"' }, { HOST_CONFIG_dtoverlay: '"test","test2"' }, 'fincm3', ), ).to.equal(false); }); }); describe('ODMDATA', () => { it('requires change when target is different', () => { expect( deviceConfig.bootConfigChangeRequired( odmdataBackend, { HOST_ODMDATA_configuration: '2' }, { HOST_ODMDATA_configuration: '5' }, 'jetson-tx2', ), ).to.equal(true); }); it('requires change when no target is set', () => { expect( deviceConfig.bootConfigChangeRequired( odmdataBackend, { HOST_ODMDATA_configuration: '2' }, {}, 'jetson-tx2', ), ).to.equal(false); }); }); describe('ConfigFS files', () => { it('should correctly write to configfs.json files', async () => { stub(fsUtils, 'writeFileAtomic').resolves(); stub(fsUtils, 'exec').resolves(); const current = {}; const target = { HOST_CONFIGFS_ssdt: 'spidev1.0', }; expect( // @ts-ignore accessing private value deviceConfig.bootConfigChangeRequired( configFsBackend, current, target, 'up-board', ), ).to.equal(true); // @ts-ignore accessing private value await deviceConfig.setBootConfig(configFsBackend, target); expect(fsUtils.exec); expect(logSpy); expect(logSpy.getCall(1).args[2]).to.equal('Apply boot config success'); expect(fsUtils.writeFileAtomic) 'test/data/mnt/boot/configfs.json', '{"ssdt":["spidev1.0"]}', ); // Restore stubs (fsUtils.writeFileAtomic as SinonStub).restore(); (fsUtils.exec as SinonStub).restore(); }); it('should correctly load the configfs.json file', async () => { stub(fsUtils, 'exec').resolves(); stub(fsUtils, 'writeFileAtomic').resolves(); stub(fsUtils, 'exists').resolves(true); stub(fs, 'mkdir').resolves(); stub(fs, 'readdir').resolves([]); stub(fs, 'readFile').callsFake((file) => { if (file === 'test/data/mnt/boot/configfs.json') { return Promise.resolve( JSON.stringify({ ssdt: ['spidev1.1'], }), ); } return Promise.resolve(''); }); await configFsBackend.initialise(); expect(fsUtils.exec)'modprobe acpi_configfs'); expect(fsUtils.exec) `mount -t vfat -o remount,rw ${constants.bootBlockDevice} ./test/data/mnt/boot`, ); expect(fsUtils.exec) 'cat test/data/boot/acpi-tables/spidev1.1.aml > test/data/sys/kernel/config/acpi/table/spidev1.1/aml', ); expect((fsUtils.exists as SinonSpy).callCount).to.equal(2); expect((fs.readFile as SinonSpy).callCount).to.equal(4); // Restore stubs (fsUtils.writeFileAtomic as SinonStub).restore(); (fsUtils.exec as SinonStub).restore(); (fsUtils.exists as SinonStub).restore(); (fs.mkdir as SinonStub).restore(); (fs.readdir as SinonStub).restore(); (fs.readFile as SinonStub).restore(); }); it('requires change when target is different', () => { expect( deviceConfig.bootConfigChangeRequired( configFsBackend, { HOST_CONFIGFS_ssdt: '' }, { HOST_CONFIGFS_ssdt: 'spidev1.0' }, 'up-board', ), ).to.equal(true); expect( deviceConfig.bootConfigChangeRequired( configFsBackend, { HOST_CONFIGFS_ssdt: '' }, { HOST_CONFIGFS_ssdt: '"spidev1.0"' }, 'up-board', ), ).to.equal(true); expect( deviceConfig.bootConfigChangeRequired( configFsBackend, { HOST_CONFIGFS_ssdt: '"spidev1.0"' }, { HOST_CONFIGFS_ssdt: '"spidev1.0","spidev1.1"' }, 'up-board', ), ).to.equal(true); }); it('should not report change when target is equal to current', () => { expect( deviceConfig.bootConfigChangeRequired( configFsBackend, { HOST_CONFIGFS_ssdt: '' }, { HOST_CONFIGFS_ssdt: '' }, 'up-board', ), ).to.equal(false); expect( deviceConfig.bootConfigChangeRequired( configFsBackend, { HOST_CONFIGFS_ssdt: 'spidev1.0' }, { HOST_CONFIGFS_ssdt: 'spidev1.0' }, 'up-board', ), ).to.equal(false); expect( deviceConfig.bootConfigChangeRequired( configFsBackend, { HOST_CONFIGFS_ssdt: 'spidev1.0' }, { HOST_CONFIGFS_ssdt: '"spidev1.0"' }, 'up-board', ), ).to.equal(false); expect( deviceConfig.bootConfigChangeRequired( configFsBackend, { HOST_CONFIGFS_ssdt: '"spidev1.0"' }, { HOST_CONFIGFS_ssdt: 'spidev1.0' }, 'up-board', ), ).to.equal(false); }); }); describe('Boot splash image', () => { const defaultLogo = 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABAQMAAAAl21bKAAAAA1BMVEX/wQDLA+84AAAACklEQVR4nGNiAAAABgADNjd8qAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=='; const png = 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABAQMAAAAl21bKAAAAA1BMVEX/TQBcNTh/AAAAAXRSTlPM0jRW/QAAAApJREFUeJxjYgAAAAYAAzY3fKgAAAAASUVORK5CYII='; const uri = `data:image/png;base64,${png}`; beforeEach(() => { // Setup stubs stub(fsUtils, 'writeFileAtomic').resolves(); stub(fsUtils, 'exec').resolves(); }); afterEach(() => { // Restore stubs (fsUtils.writeFileAtomic as SinonStub).restore(); (fsUtils.exec as SinonStub).restore(); }); it('should correctly write to resin-logo.png', async () => { // Devices with balenaOS < 2.51 use resin-logo.png stub(fs, 'readdir').resolves(['resin-logo.png'] as any); const current = {}; const target = { HOST_SPLASH_image: png, }; // This should work with every device type, but testing on a couple // of options expect( deviceConfig.bootConfigChangeRequired( splashImageBackend, current, target, 'fincm3', ), ).to.equal(true); await deviceConfig.setBootConfig(splashImageBackend, target); expect(fsUtils.exec); expect(logSpy); expect(logSpy.getCall(1).args[2]).to.equal('Apply boot config success'); expect(fsUtils.writeFileAtomic) 'test/data/mnt/boot/splash/resin-logo.png', ); // restore the stub (fs.readdir as SinonStub).restore(); }); it('should correctly write to balena-logo.png', async () => { // Devices with balenaOS >= 2.51 use balena-logo.png stub(fs, 'readdir').resolves(['balena-logo.png'] as any); const current = {}; const target = { HOST_SPLASH_image: png, }; // This should work with every device type, but testing on a couple // of options expect( deviceConfig.bootConfigChangeRequired( splashImageBackend, current, target, 'raspberrypi4-64', ), ).to.equal(true); await deviceConfig.setBootConfig(splashImageBackend, target); expect(fsUtils.exec); expect(logSpy); expect(logSpy.getCall(1).args[2]).to.equal('Apply boot config success'); expect(fsUtils.writeFileAtomic) 'test/data/mnt/boot/splash/balena-logo.png', ); // restore the stub (fs.readdir as SinonStub).restore(); }); it('should correctly write to balena-logo.png if no default logo is found', async () => { // Devices with balenaOS >= 2.51 use balena-logo.png stub(fs, 'readdir').resolves([]); const current = {}; const target = { HOST_SPLASH_image: png, }; // This should work with every device type, but testing on a couple // of options expect( deviceConfig.bootConfigChangeRequired( splashImageBackend, current, target, 'raspberrypi3', ), ).to.equal(true); await deviceConfig.setBootConfig(splashImageBackend, target); expect(fsUtils.exec); expect(logSpy); expect(logSpy.getCall(1).args[2]).to.equal('Apply boot config success'); expect(fsUtils.writeFileAtomic) 'test/data/mnt/boot/splash/balena-logo.png', ); // restore the stub (fs.readdir as SinonStub).restore(); }); it('should correctly read the splash logo if different from the default', async () => { stub(fs, 'readdir').resolves(['balena-logo.png'] as any); const readFileStub: SinonStub = stub(fs, 'readFile').resolves( Buffer.from(png, 'base64') as any, ); readFileStub .withArgs('test/data/mnt/boot/splash/balena-logo-default.png') .resolves(Buffer.from(defaultLogo, 'base64') as any); expect( await deviceConfig.getBootConfig(splashImageBackend), ).to.deep.equal({ HOST_SPLASH_image: uri, }); expect(readFileStub) 'test/data/mnt/boot/splash/balena-logo-default.png', ); expect(readFileStub) 'test/data/mnt/boot/splash/balena-logo.png', ); // Restore stubs (fs.readdir as SinonStub).restore(); (fs.readFile as SinonStub).restore(); readFileStub.restore(); }); }); }); describe('getRequiredSteps', () => { const bootMountPoint = path.join( constants.rootMountPoint, constants.bootMountPoint, ); const configJson = 'test/data/config.json'; const configTxt = path.join(bootMountPoint, 'config.txt'); const deviceTypeJson = path.join(bootMountPoint, 'device-type.json'); const osRelease = path.join(constants.rootMountPoint, '/etc/os-release'); const splash = path.join(bootMountPoint, 'splash/balena-logo.png'); // TODO: something like this could be done as a fixture instead of // doing the file initialisation on 00-init.ts const mockFs = () => { mock({ // This is only needed so config.get doesn't fail [configJson]: JSON.stringify({}), [configTxt]: stripIndent` enable_uart=true `, [osRelease]: stripIndent` PRETTY_NAME="balenaOS 2.88.5+rev1" META_BALENA_VERSION="2.88.5" VARIANT_ID="dev" `, [deviceTypeJson]: JSON.stringify({ slug: 'raspberrypi4-64', arch: 'aarch64', }), [splash]: Buffer.from( 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABCAQAAAC1HAwCAAAAC0lEQVR42mNk+A8AAQUBAScY42YAAAAASUVORK5CYII=', 'base64', ), }); }; const unmockFs = () => { mock.restore(); }; before(() => { mockFs(); // TODO: remove this once the remount on backend.ts is no longer // necessary stub(fsUtils, 'exec'); }); after(() => { unmockFs(); (fsUtils.exec as SinonStub).restore(); }); it('returns required steps to config.json first if any', async () => { const steps = await deviceConfig.getRequiredSteps( { local: { config: { SUPERVISOR_POLL_INTERVAL: 900000, SUPERVISOR_PERSISTENT_LOGGING: true, HOST_CONFIG_enable_uart: true, }, }, } as any, { local: { config: { SUPERVISOR_POLL_INTERVAL: 600000, SUPERVISOR_PERSISTENT_LOGGING: false, HOST_CONFIG_enable_uart: false, }, }, } as any, ); expect( => s.action)).to.have.members([ 'changeConfig', 'noop', // The noop has to be here since there are also changes from config backends ]); }); it('returns required steps for backends if no steps are required for config.json', async () => { const steps = await deviceConfig.getRequiredSteps( { local: { config: { SUPERVISOR_POLL_INTERVAL: 900000, SUPERVISOR_PERSISTENT_LOGGING: true, HOST_CONFIG_enable_uart: true, }, }, } as any, { local: { config: { SUPERVISOR_POLL_INTERVAL: 900000, SUPERVISOR_PERSISTENT_LOGGING: true, HOST_CONFIG_enable_uart: false, }, }, } as any, ); expect( => s.action)).to.have.members(['setBootConfig']); }); });