import * as Promise from 'bluebird'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as express from 'express'; import { fs, child_process as childProcess } from 'mz'; import * as request from './lib/request'; import * as constants from './lib/constants'; import { checkInt, validStringOrUndefined, validObjectOrUndefined, } from './lib/validation'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as mkdirp from 'mkdirp'; import * as bodyParser from 'body-parser'; import * as url from 'url'; import { normalise } from './compose/images'; import { log } from './lib/supervisor-console'; import * as db from './db'; import * as config from './config'; import * as dockerUtils from './lib/docker-utils'; import * as logger from './logger'; import { InternalInconsistencyError } from './lib/errors'; import * as apiBinder from './api-binder'; import * as apiHelper from './lib/api-helper'; import * as dbFormat from './device-state/db-format'; import * as deviceConfig from './device-config'; const mkdirpAsync = Promise.promisify(mkdirp); const isDefined = _.negate(_.isUndefined); const parseDeviceFields = function (device) { = parseInt(device.deviceId, 10); device.appId = parseInt(device.appId, 10); device.config = JSON.parse(device.config ?? '{}'); device.environment = JSON.parse(device.environment ?? '{}'); device.targetConfig = JSON.parse(device.targetConfig ?? '{}'); device.targetEnvironment = JSON.parse(device.targetEnvironment ?? '{}'); return _.omit(device, 'markedForDeletion', 'logs_channel'); }; const tarDirectory = (appId) => `/data/dependent-assets/${appId}`; const tarFilename = (appId, commit) => `${appId}-${commit}.tar`; const tarPath = (appId, commit) => `${tarDirectory(appId)}/${tarFilename(appId, commit)}`; const getTarArchive = (source, destination) => fs .lstat(destination) .catch(() => mkdirpAsync(path.dirname(destination)).then(() => childProcess.exec(`tar -cvf '${destination}' *`, { cwd: source }), ), ); const cleanupTars = function (appId, commit) { let fileToKeep; if (commit != null) { fileToKeep = tarFilename(appId, commit); } else { fileToKeep = null; } const dir = tarDirectory(appId); return fs .readdir(dir) .catch(() => []) .then(function (files) { if (fileToKeep != null) { files = _.reject(files, fileToKeep); } return, (file) => fs.unlink(path.join(dir, file))); }); }; const formatTargetAsState = (device) => ({ appId: parseInt(device.appId, 10), commit: device.targetCommit, environment: device.targetEnvironment, config: device.targetConfig, }); const formatCurrentAsState = (device) => ({ appId: parseInt(device.appId, 10), commit: device.commit, environment: device.environment, config: device.config, }); const createProxyvisorRouter = function (proxyvisor) { const router = express.Router(); router.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ limit: '10mb', extended: true })); router.use(bodyParser.json({ limit: '10mb' })); router.get('/v1/devices', async (_req, res) => { try { const fields = await db.models('dependentDevice').select(); const devices =; res.json(devices); } catch (err) { res.status(503).send(err?.message || err || 'Unknown error'); } });'/v1/devices', function (req, res) { let { appId, device_type } = req.body; if ( appId == null || _.isNaN(parseInt(appId, 10)) || parseInt(appId, 10) <= 0 ) { res.status(400).send('appId must be a positive integer'); return; } if (device_type == null) { device_type = 'generic'; } const d = { belongs_to__application: req.body.appId, device_type, }; return apiBinder .provisionDependentDevice(d) .then(function (dev) { // If the response has id: null then something was wrong in the request // but we don't know precisely what. if ( == null) { res .status(400) .send('Provisioning failed, invalid appId or credentials'); return; } const deviceForDB = { uuid: dev.uuid, appId, device_type: dev.device_type, deviceId:, name:, status: dev.status, }; return db .models('dependentDevice') .insert(deviceForDB) .then(() => res.status(201).send(dev)); }) .catch(function (err) { log.error(`Error on ${req.method} ${url.parse(req.url).pathname}`, err); return res.status(503).send(err?.message || err || 'Unknown error'); }); }); router.get('/v1/devices/:uuid', function (req, res) { const { uuid } = req.params; return db .models('dependentDevice') .select() .where({ uuid }) .then(function ([device]) { if (device == null) { return res.status(404).send('Device not found'); } if (device.markedForDeletion) { return res.status(410).send('Device deleted'); } return res.json(parseDeviceFields(device)); }) .catch(function (err) { log.error(`Error on ${req.method} ${url.parse(req.url).pathname}`, err); return res.status(503).send(err?.message || err || 'Unknown error'); }); });'/v1/devices/:uuid/logs', function (req, res) { const { uuid } = req.params; const m = { message: req.body.message, timestamp: req.body.timestamp ||, }; if (req.body.isSystem != null) { m.isSystem = req.body.isSystem; } return db .models('dependentDevice') .select() .where({ uuid }) .then(function ([device]) { if (device == null) { return res.status(404).send('Device not found'); } if (device.markedForDeletion) { return res.status(410).send('Device deleted'); } logger.logDependent(m, { uuid }); return res.status(202).send('OK'); }) .catch(function (err) { log.error(`Error on ${req.method} ${url.parse(req.url).pathname}`, err); return res.status(503).send(err?.message || err || 'Unknown error'); }); }); router.put('/v1/devices/:uuid', function (req, res) { const { uuid } = req.params; let { status, is_online, commit, releaseId, environment, config: conf, } = req.body; const validateDeviceFields = function () { if (isDefined(is_online) && !_.isBoolean(is_online)) { return 'is_online must be a boolean'; } if (!validStringOrUndefined(status)) { return 'status must be a non-empty string'; } if (!validStringOrUndefined(commit)) { return 'commit must be a non-empty string'; } if (!validStringOrUndefined(releaseId)) { return 'commit must be a non-empty string'; } if (!validObjectOrUndefined(environment)) { return 'environment must be an object'; } if (!validObjectOrUndefined(conf)) { return 'config must be an object'; } return null; }; const requestError = validateDeviceFields(); if (requestError != null) { res.status(400).send(requestError); return; } if (isDefined(environment)) { environment = JSON.stringify(environment); } if (isDefined(conf)) { conf = JSON.stringify(conf); } const fieldsToUpdateOnDB = _.pickBy( { status, is_online, commit, releaseId, config: conf, environment }, isDefined, ); /** @type {Dictionary} */ const fieldsToUpdateOnAPI = _.pick( fieldsToUpdateOnDB, 'status', 'is_online', 'releaseId', ); if (fieldsToUpdateOnDB.commit != null) { fieldsToUpdateOnAPI.is_on__commit = fieldsToUpdateOnDB.commit; } if (_.isEmpty(fieldsToUpdateOnDB)) { res.status(400).send('At least one device attribute must be updated'); return; } return db .models('dependentDevice') .select() .where({ uuid }) .then(function ([device]) { if (device == null) { return res.status(404).send('Device not found'); } if (device.markedForDeletion) { return res.status(410).send('Device deleted'); } if (device.deviceId == null) { throw new Error('Device is invalid'); } return Promise.try(function () { if (!_.isEmpty(fieldsToUpdateOnAPI)) { return apiBinder.patchDevice(device.deviceId, fieldsToUpdateOnAPI); } }) .then(() => db .models('dependentDevice') .update(fieldsToUpdateOnDB) .where({ uuid }), ) .then(() => db.models('dependentDevice').select().where({ uuid })) .then(function ([dbDevice]) { return res.json(parseDeviceFields(dbDevice)); }); }) .catch(function (err) { log.error(`Error on ${req.method} ${url.parse(req.url).pathname}`, err); return res.status(503).send(err?.message || err || 'Unknown error'); }); }); router.get('/v1/dependent-apps/:appId/assets/:commit', async (req, res) => { try { const [app] = await db .models('dependentApp') .select() .where(_.pick(req.params, 'appId', 'commit')); if (!app) { return res.status(404).send('Not found'); } const dest = tarPath(app.appId, app.commit); try { await fs.lstat(dest); } catch { await Promise.using( proxyvisor.docker.imageRootDirMounted(app.image), (rootDir) => getTarArchive(rootDir + '/assets', dest), ); } res.sendFile(dest); } catch (err) { log.error(`Error on ${req.method} ${url.parse(req.url).pathname}`, err); return res.status(503).send(err?.message || err || 'Unknown error'); } }); router.get('/v1/dependent-apps', async (req, res) => { try { const apps = await db.models('dependentApp').select(); const $apps = => ({ id: parseInt(app.appId, 10), commit: app.commit, name:, config: JSON.parse(app.config ?? '{}'), })); res.json($apps); } catch (err) { log.error(`Error on ${req.method} ${url.parse(req.url).pathname}`, err); return res.status(503).send(err?.message || err || 'Unknown error'); } }); return router; }; export class Proxyvisor { constructor() { this.executeStepAction = this.executeStepAction.bind(this); this.getCurrentStates = this.getCurrentStates.bind(this); this.normaliseDependentAppForDB = this.normaliseDependentAppForDB.bind( this, ); this.setTargetInTransaction = this.setTargetInTransaction.bind(this); this.getTarget = this.getTarget.bind(this); this._getHookStep = this._getHookStep.bind(this); this.nextStepsForDependentApp = this.nextStepsForDependentApp.bind(this); this.getRequiredSteps = this.getRequiredSteps.bind(this); this.getHookEndpoint = this.getHookEndpoint.bind(this); this.sendUpdate = this.sendUpdate.bind(this); this.sendDeleteHook = this.sendDeleteHook.bind(this); this.sendUpdates = this.sendUpdates.bind(this); this.acknowledgedState = {}; this.lastRequestForDevice = {}; this.router = createProxyvisorRouter(this); this.actionExecutors = { updateDependentTargets: (step) => { return config.initialized .then(() => config.getMany(['currentApiKey', 'apiTimeout'])) .then(({ currentApiKey, apiTimeout }) => { // - take each of the step.devices and update dependentDevice with it (targetCommit, targetEnvironment, targetConfig) // - if update returns 0, then use APIBinder to fetch the device, then store it to the db // - set markedForDeletion: true for devices that are not in the step.devices list // - update dependentApp with return, (device) => { const { uuid } = device; // Only consider one app per dependent device for now const appId = _(device.apps).keys().head(); if (appId == null) { throw new Error( 'Could not find an app for the dependent device', ); } const targetCommit = device.apps[appId].commit; const targetEnvironment = JSON.stringify( device.apps[appId].environment, ); const targetConfig = JSON.stringify(device.apps[appId].config); return db .models('dependentDevice') .update({ appId, targetEnvironment, targetConfig, targetCommit, name:, }) .where({ uuid }) .then((n) => { if (n !== 0) { return; } // If the device is not in the DB it means it was provisioned externally // so we need to fetch it. if (apiBinder.balenaApi == null) { throw new InternalInconsistencyError( 'proxyvisor called fetchDevice without an initialized API client', ); } return apiHelper .fetchDevice( apiBinder.balenaApi, uuid, currentApiKey, apiTimeout, ) .then((dev) => { if (dev == null) { throw new InternalInconsistencyError( `Could not fetch a device with UUID: ${uuid}`, ); } const deviceForDB = { uuid, appId, device_type: dev.device_type, deviceId:, is_online: dev.is_online, name:, status: dev.status, targetCommit, targetConfig, targetEnvironment, }; return db.models('dependentDevice').insert(deviceForDB); }); }); }) .then(() => { return db .models('dependentDevice') .where({ appId: step.appId }) .whereNotIn('uuid',, 'uuid')) .update({ markedForDeletion: true }); }) .then(() => { return this.normaliseDependentAppForDB(; }) .then((appForDB) => { return db.upsertModel('dependentApp', appForDB, { appId: step.appId, }); }) .then(() => cleanupTars(step.appId,; }); }, sendDependentHooks: (step) => { return Promise.join( config.get('apiTimeout'), this.getHookEndpoint(step.appId), (apiTimeout, endpoint) => { return Promise.mapSeries(step.devices, (device) => { return Promise.try(() => { if (this.lastRequestForDevice[device.uuid] != null) { const diff = - this.lastRequestForDevice[device.uuid]; if (diff < 30000) { return Promise.delay(30001 - diff); } } }).then(() => { this.lastRequestForDevice[device.uuid] =; if (device.markedForDeletion) { return this.sendDeleteHook(device, apiTimeout, endpoint); } else { return this.sendUpdate(device, apiTimeout, endpoint); } }); }); }, ); }, removeDependentApp: (step) => { // find and delete it from the DB // find devices with step.appId and delete them from the DB return db.transaction((trx) => trx('dependentApp') .where({ appId: step.appId }) .del() .then(() => trx('dependentDevice').where({ appId: step.appId }).del(), ) .then(() => cleanupTars(step.appId)), ); }, }; this.validActions = _.keys(this.actionExecutors); } executeStepAction(step) { return Promise.try(() => { if (this.actionExecutors[step.action] == null) { throw new Error(`Invalid proxyvisor action ${step.action}`); } return this.actionExecutors[step.action](step); }); } getCurrentStates() { return Promise.join( db.models('dependentApp').select(), this.normaliseDependentAppFromDB, ), db.models('dependentDevice').select(), function (apps, devicesFromDB) { const devices =, function (device) { const dev = { uuid: device.uuid, name:, lock_expiry_date: device.lock_expiry_date, markedForDeletion: device.markedForDeletion, apps: {}, }; dev.apps[device.appId] = { commit: device.commit, config: JSON.parse(device.config), environment: JSON.parse(device.environment), targetCommit: device.targetCommit, targetEnvironment: JSON.parse(device.targetEnvironment), targetConfig: JSON.parse(device.targetConfig), }; return dev; }); return { apps, devices }; }, ); } normaliseDependentAppForDB(app) { let image; if (app.image != null) { image = normalise(app.image); } else { image = null; } const dbApp = { appId: app.appId, name:, commit: app.commit, releaseId: app.releaseId, imageId: app.imageId, parentApp: app.parentApp, image, config: JSON.stringify(app.config ?? {}), environment: JSON.stringify(app.environment ?? {}), }; return Promise.props(dbApp); } normaliseDependentDeviceTargetForDB(device, appCommit) { return Promise.try(function () { const apps = _.mapValues(_.clone(device.apps ?? {}), function (app) { app.commit = appCommit || null; if (app.config == null) { app.config = {}; } if (app.environment == null) { app.environment = {}; } return app; }); const outDevice = { uuid: device.uuid, name:, apps: JSON.stringify(apps), }; return outDevice; }); } setTargetInTransaction(dependent, trx) { return Promise.try(() => { if (dependent?.apps != null) { const appsArray =, function (app, appId) { const appClone = _.clone(app); appClone.appId = checkInt(appId); return appClone; }); return, this.normaliseDependentAppForDB) .tap((appsForDB) => { return, (app) => { return db.upsertModel( 'dependentAppTarget', app, { appId: app.appId }, trx, ); }); }) .then((appsForDB) => trx('dependentAppTarget') .whereNotIn('appId',, 'appId')) .del(), ); } }).then(() => { if (dependent?.devices != null) { const devicesArray =, function (dev, uuid) { const devClone = _.clone(dev); devClone.uuid = uuid; return devClone; }); return, (device) => { const appId = _.keys(device.apps)[0]; return this.normaliseDependentDeviceTargetForDB( device, dependent.apps[appId]?.commit, ); }).then((devicesForDB) => { return, (device) => { return db.upsertModel( 'dependentDeviceTarget', device, { uuid: device.uuid }, trx, ); }).then(() => trx('dependentDeviceTarget') .whereNotIn('uuid',, 'uuid')) .del(), ); }); } }); } normaliseDependentAppFromDB(app) { return Promise.try(function () { const outApp = { appId: app.appId, name:, commit: app.commit, releaseId: app.releaseId, image: app.image, imageId: app.imageId, config: JSON.parse(app.config), environment: JSON.parse(app.environment), parentApp: app.parentApp, }; return outApp; }); } normaliseDependentDeviceTargetFromDB(device) { return Promise.try(function () { const outDevice = { uuid: device.uuid, name:, apps: _.mapValues(JSON.parse(device.apps), function (a) { if (a.commit == null) { a.commit = null; } return a; }), }; return outDevice; }); } normaliseDependentDeviceFromDB(device) { return Promise.try(function () { const outDevice = _.clone(device); for (const prop of [ 'environment', 'config', 'targetEnvironment', 'targetConfig', ]) { outDevice[prop] = JSON.parse(device[prop]); } return outDevice; }); } getTarget() { return Promise.props({ apps: db.models('dependentAppTarget').select(), this.normaliseDependentAppFromDB, ), devices: db.models('dependentDeviceTarget').select(), this.normaliseDependentDeviceTargetFromDB, ), }); } imagesInUse(current, target) { const images = []; if (current?.dependent?.apps != null) { _.forEach(current.dependent.apps, (app) => { images.push(app.image); }); } if (target?.dependent?.apps != null) { _.forEach(target.dependent.apps, (app) => { images.push(app.image); }); } return images; } _imageAvailable(image, available) { return _.some(available, { name: image }); } _getHookStep(currentDevices, appId) { const hookStep = { action: 'sendDependentHooks', /** @type {Array<{uuid: string, target?: any, markedForDeletion?: true}>} */ devices: [], appId, }; for (const device of currentDevices) { if (device.markedForDeletion) { hookStep.devices.push({ uuid: device.uuid, markedForDeletion: true, }); } else { const targetState = { appId, commit: device.apps[appId].targetCommit, config: device.apps[appId].targetConfig, environment: device.apps[appId].targetEnvironment, }; const currentState = { appId, commit: device.apps[appId].commit, config: device.apps[appId].config, environment: device.apps[appId].environment, }; if ( device.apps[appId].targetCommit != null && !_.isEqual(targetState, currentState) && !_.isEqual(targetState, this.acknowledgedState[device.uuid]) ) { hookStep.devices.push({ uuid: device.uuid, target: targetState, }); } } } return hookStep; } _compareDevices(currentDevices, targetDevices, appId) { let currentDeviceTargets =, function (dev) { if (dev.markedForDeletion) { return null; } const devTarget = _.clone(dev); delete devTarget.markedForDeletion; delete devTarget.lock_expiry_date; devTarget.apps = {}; devTarget.apps[appId] = { commit: dev.apps[appId].targetCommit, environment: dev.apps[appId].targetEnvironment || {}, config: dev.apps[appId].targetConfig || {}, }; return devTarget; }); currentDeviceTargets = _.filter( currentDeviceTargets, (dev) => !_.isNull(dev), ); return !_.isEmpty( _.xorWith(currentDeviceTargets, targetDevices, _.isEqual), ); } imageForDependentApp(app) { return { name: app.image, imageId: app.imageId, appId: app.appId, dependent: true, }; } nextStepsForDependentApp( appId, availableImages, downloading, current, target, currentDevices, targetDevices, stepsInProgress, ) { // - if there's current but not target, push a removeDependentApp step if (target == null) { return [ { action: 'removeDependentApp', appId: current.appId, }, ]; } if (_.some(stepsInProgress, (step) => step.appId === target.parentApp)) { return [{ action: 'noop' }]; } const needsDownload = target.commit != null && target.image != null && !this._imageAvailable(target.image, availableImages); // - if toBeDownloaded includes this app, push a fetch step if (needsDownload) { if (_.includes(downloading, target.imageId)) { return [{ action: 'noop' }]; } else { return [ { action: 'fetch', appId, image: this.imageForDependentApp(target), }, ]; } } const devicesDiffer = this._compareDevices( currentDevices, targetDevices, appId, ); // - if current doesn't match target, or the devices differ, push an updateDependentTargets step if (!_.isEqual(current, target) || devicesDiffer) { return [ { action: 'updateDependentTargets', devices: targetDevices, app: target, appId, }, ]; } // if we got to this point, the current app is up to date and devices have the // correct targetCommit, targetEnvironment and targetConfig. const hookStep = this._getHookStep(currentDevices, appId); if (!_.isEmpty(hookStep.devices)) { return [hookStep]; } return []; } getRequiredSteps( availableImages, downloading, current, target, stepsInProgress, ) { return Promise.try(() => { const targetApps = _.keyBy(target.dependent?.apps ?? [], 'appId'); const targetAppIds = _.keys(targetApps); const currentApps = _.keyBy(current.dependent?.apps ?? [], 'appId'); const currentAppIds = _.keys(currentApps); const allAppIds = _.union(targetAppIds, currentAppIds); let steps = []; for (const appId of allAppIds) { const devicesForApp = (devices) => _.filter(devices, (d) => _.has(d.apps, appId)); const currentDevices = devicesForApp(current.dependent.devices); const targetDevices = devicesForApp(target.dependent.devices); const stepsForApp = this.nextStepsForDependentApp( appId, availableImages, downloading, currentApps[appId], targetApps[appId], currentDevices, targetDevices, stepsInProgress, ); steps = steps.concat(stepsForApp); } return steps; }); } getHookEndpoint(appId) { return db .models('dependentApp') .select('parentApp') .where({ appId }) .then(([{ parentApp }]) => dbFormat.getApp(parseInt(parentApp, 10))) .then((parentApp) => { return ?? [], (service) => { return dockerUtils.getImageEnv(service.config.image); }).then(function (imageEnvs) { const imageHookAddresses = imageEnvs, (env) => env.BALENA_DEPENDENT_DEVICES_HOOK_ADDRESS ?? env.RESIN_DEPENDENT_DEVICES_HOOK_ADDRESS, ); for (const addr of imageHookAddresses) { if (addr != null) { return addr; } } // If we don't find the hook address in the images, we take it from // the global config return deviceConfig .getTarget() .then( (target) => target.BALENA_DEPENDENT_DEVICES_HOOK_ADDRESS ?? target.RESIN_DEPENDENT_DEVICES_HOOK_ADDRESS ?? `${constants.proxyvisorHookReceiver}/v1/devices/`, ); }); }); } sendUpdate(device, timeout, endpoint) { return Promise.resolve(request.getRequestInstance()) .then((instance) => instance.putAsync(`${endpoint}${device.uuid}`, { json: true, body:, }), ) .timeout(timeout) .spread((response, body) => { if (response.statusCode === 200) { return (this.acknowledgedState[device.uuid] =; } else { this.acknowledgedState[device.uuid] = null; if (response.statusCode !== 202) { throw new Error(`Hook returned ${response.statusCode}: ${body}`); } } }) .catch((err) => log.error(`Error updating device ${device.uuid}`, err)); } sendDeleteHook({ uuid }, timeout, endpoint) { return Promise.resolve(request.getRequestInstance()) .then((instance) => instance.delAsync(`${endpoint}${uuid}`)) .timeout(timeout) .spread((response, body) => { if (response.statusCode === 200) { return db.models('dependentDevice').del().where({ uuid }); } else { throw new Error(`Hook returned ${response.statusCode}: ${body}`); } }) .catch((err) => log.error(`Error deleting device ${uuid}`, err)); } sendUpdates({ uuid }) { return Promise.join( db.models('dependentDevice').where({ uuid }).select(), config.get('apiTimeout'), ([dev], apiTimeout) => { if (dev == null) { log.warn(`Trying to send update to non-existent device ${uuid}`); return; } return this.normaliseDependentDeviceFromDB(dev).then((device) => { const currentState = formatCurrentAsState(device); const targetState = formatTargetAsState(device); return this.getHookEndpoint(device.appId).then((endpoint) => { if (device.markedForDeletion) { return this.sendDeleteHook(device, apiTimeout, endpoint); } else if ( device.targetCommit != null && !_.isEqual(targetState, currentState) && !_.isEqual(targetState, this.acknowledgedState[device.uuid]) ) { return this.sendUpdate(device, apiTimeout, endpoint); } }); }); }, ); } }