import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as mkdirp from 'mkdirp'; import { child_process, fs } from 'mz'; import * as path from 'path'; import { PinejsClientRequest } from 'pinejs-client-request'; import * as rimraf from 'rimraf'; const mkdirpAsync = Bluebird.promisify(mkdirp); const rimrafAsync = Bluebird.promisify(rimraf); import ApplicationManager from '../application-manager'; import Config from '../config'; import Database, { Transaction } from '../db'; import DeviceState = require('../device-state'); import * as constants from '../lib/constants'; import { BackupError, DatabaseParseError, NotFoundError } from '../lib/errors'; import { pathExistsOnHost } from '../lib/fs-utils'; import { log } from '../lib/supervisor-console'; import { ApplicationDatabaseFormat, AppsJsonFormat, TargetApplication, TargetState, } from '../types/state'; export const defaultLegacyVolume = () => 'resin-data'; export function singleToMulticontainerApp( app: Dictionary, ): TargetApplication & { appId: string } { const environment: Dictionary = {}; for (const key in app.env) { if (!/^RESIN_/.test(key)) { environment[key] = app.env[key]; } } const { appId } = app; const conf = app.config != null ? app.config : {}; const newApp: TargetApplication & { appId: string } = { appId: appId.toString(), commit: app.commit, name:, releaseId: 1, networks: {}, volumes: {}, services: {}, }; const defaultVolume = exports.defaultLegacyVolume(); newApp.volumes[defaultVolume] = {}; const updateStrategy = conf['RESIN_SUPERVISOR_UPDATE_STRATEGY'] != null ? conf['RESIN_SUPERVISOR_UPDATE_STRATEGY'] : 'download-then-kill'; const handoverTimeout = conf['RESIN_SUPERVISOR_HANDOVER_TIMEOUT'] != null ? conf['RESIN_SUPERVISOR_HANDOVER_TIMEOUT'] : ''; const restartPolicy = conf['RESIN_APP_RESTART_POLICY'] != null ? conf['RESIN_APP_RESTART_POLICY'] : 'always'; = { // Disable the next line, as this *has* to be a string // tslint:disable-next-line '1': { appId, serviceName: 'main', imageId: 1, commit: app.commit, releaseId: 1, image: app.imageId, privileged: true, networkMode: 'host', volumes: [`${defaultVolume}:/data`], labels: { 'io.resin.features.kernel-modules': '1', 'io.resin.features.firmware': '1', 'io.resin.features.dbus': '1', 'io.resin.features.supervisor-api': '1', 'io.resin.features.resin-api': '1', 'io.resin.update.strategy': updateStrategy, 'io.resin.update.handover-timeout': handoverTimeout, 'io.resin.legacy-container': '1', }, environment, restart: restartPolicy, running: true, }, }; return newApp; } export function convertLegacyAppsJson(appsArray: any[]): AppsJsonFormat { const deviceConfig = _.reduce( appsArray, (conf, app) => { return _.merge({}, conf, app.config); }, {}, ); const apps = _.keyBy(, singleToMulticontainerApp), 'appId'); return { apps, config: deviceConfig } as AppsJsonFormat; } export async function normaliseLegacyDatabase( config: Config, application: ApplicationManager, db: Database, balenaApi: PinejsClientRequest, ) { // When legacy apps are present, we kill their containers and migrate their /data to a named volume'Migrating ids for legacy app...'); const apps: ApplicationDatabaseFormat = await db.models('app').select(); if (apps.length === 0) { log.debug('No app to migrate'); return; } for (const app of apps) { let services: Array; try { services = JSON.parse(; } catch (e) { throw new DatabaseParseError(e); } // Check there's a main service, with legacy-container set if (services.length !== 1) { log.debug("App doesn't have a single service, ignoring"); return; } const service = services[0]; if ( !service.labels['io.resin.legacy-container'] && !service.labels['io.balena.legacy-container'] ) { log.debug('Service is not marked as legacy, ignoring'); return; } log.debug(`Getting release ${app.commit} for app ${app.appId} from API`); const releases = (await balenaApi.get({ resource: 'release', options: { $filter: { belongs_to__application: app.appId, commit: app.commit, status: 'success', }, $expand: { contains__image: { $expand: 'image', }, }, }, })) as Array>; if (releases.length === 0) { log.warn( `No compatible releases found in API, removing ${app.appId} from target state`, ); await db .models('app') .where({ appId: app.appId }) .del(); } // We need to get the, serviceId, and updated imageUrl const release = releases[0]; const image = release.contains__image[0].image[0]; const serviceId = image.is_a_build_of__service.__id; const imageUrl = !image.content_hash ? image.is_stored_at__image_location : `${image.is_stored_at__image_location}@${image.content_hash}`; log.debug( `Found a release with releaseId ${}, imageId ${}, serviceId ${serviceId}\nImage location is ${imageUrl}`, ); const imageFromDocker = await application.docker .getImage(service.image) .inspect() .catch(error => { if (error instanceof NotFoundError) { return; } throw error; }); const imagesFromDatabase = await db .models('image') .where({ name: service.image }) .select(); await db.transaction(async (trx: Transaction) => { try { if (imagesFromDatabase.length > 0) { log.debug('Deleting existing image entry in db'); await trx('image') .where({ name: service.image }) .del(); } else { log.debug('No image in db to delete'); } } finally { if (imageFromDocker != null) { log.debug('Inserting fixed image entry in db'); await trx('image').insert({ name: imageUrl, appId: app.appId, serviceId, serviceName: service.serviceName, imageId:, releaseId:, dependent: 0, dockerImageId: imageFromDocker.Id, }); } else { log.debug('Image is not downloaded, so not saving it to db'); } delete service.labels['io.resin.legacy-container']; delete service.labels['io.balena.legacy-container']; Object.assign(app, { services: JSON.stringify([ Object.assign(service, { image: imageUrl, serviceID: serviceId, imageId:, releaseId:, }), ]), releaseId:, }); log.debug('Updating app entry in db'); log.success('Successfully migrated legacy application'); await trx('app') .update(app) .where({ appId: app.appId }); } }); } log.debug('Killing legacy containers'); await; log.debug('Migrating legacy app volumes'); const targetApps = await application.getTargetApps(); for (const appId of _.keys(targetApps)) { await application.volumes.createFromLegacy(parseInt(appId, 10)); } await config.set({ legacyAppsPresent: false, }); } export async function loadBackupFromMigration( deviceState: DeviceState, targetState: TargetState, retryDelay: number, ): Promise { try { const exists = await pathExistsOnHost( path.join('mnt/data', constants.migrationBackupFile), ); if (!exists) { return; }'Migration backup detected'); await deviceState.setTarget(targetState); // multi-app warning! const appId = parseInt(_.keys(targetState.local?.apps)[0], 10); if (isNaN(appId)) { throw new BackupError('No appId in target state'); } const volumes = targetState.local?.apps?.[appId].volumes; const backupPath = path.join(constants.rootMountPoint, 'mnt/data/backup'); // We clear this path in case it exists from an incomplete run of this function await rimrafAsync(backupPath); await mkdirpAsync(backupPath); await child_process.exec(`tar -xzf backup.tgz -C ${backupPath}`, { cwd: path.join(constants.rootMountPoint, 'mnt/data'), }); for (const volumeName of await fs.readdir(backupPath)) { const statInfo = await fs.stat(path.join(backupPath, volumeName)); if (!statInfo.isDirectory()) { throw new BackupError( `Invalid backup: ${volumeName} is not a directory`, ); } if (volumes[volumeName] != null) { log.debug(`Creating volume ${volumeName} from backup`); // If the volume exists (from a previous incomplete run of this restoreBackup), we delete it first await deviceState.applications.volumes .get({ appId, name: volumeName }) .then(volume => { return volume.remove(); }) .catch(error => { if (error instanceof NotFoundError) { return; } throw error; }); await deviceState.applications.volumes.createFromPath( { appId, name: volumeName }, volumes[volumeName], path.join(backupPath, volumeName), ); } else { throw new BackupError( `Invalid backup: ${volumeName} is present in backup but not in target state`, ); } } await rimrafAsync(backupPath); await rimrafAsync( path.join( constants.rootMountPoint, 'mnt/data', constants.migrationBackupFile, ), ); } catch (err) { log.error(`Error restoring migration backup, retrying: ${err}`); await Bluebird.delay(retryDelay); return loadBackupFromMigration(deviceState, targetState, retryDelay); } }