import type { SinonStub } from 'sinon'; import { stub } from 'sinon'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import childProcess from 'child_process'; import { spawnJournalctl } from '~/lib/journald'; describe('lib/journald', () => { let spawn: SinonStub; beforeEach((done) => { spawn = stub(childProcess, 'spawn'); done(); }); afterEach((done) => { spawn.restore(); done(); }); // TODO: this test is not really that useful as it basically is just testing // the internal implementation of the method it('spawnJournalctl calls spawn child process with expected args', () => { spawnJournalctl({ all: true, follow: true, count: 10, unit: 'nginx.service', containerId: 'abc123', format: 'json-pretty', filter: ['_SYSTEMD_UNIT=test.service', '_SYSTEMD_UNIT=test2.service'], since: '2014-03-25 03:59:56.654563', until: '2014-03-25 03:59:59.654563', }); const expectedCommand = `journalctl`; const expectedOptionalArgs = [ '-a', '--follow', '-u', 'nginx.service', '-t', 'abc123', '-n', '10', '-o', 'json-pretty', '-S', '2014-03-25 03:59:56.654563', '-U', '2014-03-25 03:59:59.654563', '_SYSTEMD_UNIT=test.service', '_SYSTEMD_UNIT=test2.service', ]; const actualCommand = spawn.firstCall.args[0]; const actualOptionalArgs = spawn.firstCall.args[1]; expect(spawn.calledOnce); expect(actualCommand).deep.equal(expectedCommand); expectedOptionalArgs.forEach((arg) => { expect(actualOptionalArgs).to.include(arg); }); }); });