import { expect } from 'chai'; import * as path from 'path'; import { promises as fs } from 'fs'; import { setTimeout } from 'timers/promises'; import { testfs } from 'mocha-pod'; import * as updateLock from '~/lib/update-lock'; import { Lockable } from '~/lib/update-lock'; import { isENOENT, UpdatesLockedError } from '~/lib/errors'; import { pathOnRoot, pathOnState } from '~/lib/host-utils'; describe('lib/update-lock', () => { describe('abortIfHUPInProgress', () => { const breadcrumbFiles = [ 'rollback-health-breadcrumb', 'rollback-altboot-breadcrumb', ]; const breadcrumbsDir = pathOnState(); const createBreadcrumb = (breadcrumb: string) => testfs({ [path.join(breadcrumbsDir, breadcrumb)]: '', }).enable(); before(async () => { // Ensure the directory exists for all tests await fs.mkdir(breadcrumbsDir, { recursive: true }); }); it('should throw if any breadcrumbs exist on host', async () => { for (const bc of breadcrumbFiles) { const testFs = await createBreadcrumb(bc); await expect(updateLock.abortIfHUPInProgress({ force: false }))'Waiting for Host OS update to finish'); await testFs.restore(); } }); it('should resolve to false if no breadcrumbs on host', async () => { // check that there are no breadcrumbs already on the directory expect(await fs.readdir(breadcrumbsDir)).to.have.lengthOf(0); await expect( updateLock.abortIfHUPInProgress({ force: false }), ).to.eventually.equal(false); }); it('should resolve to true if breadcrumbs are on host but force is passed', async () => { for (const bc of breadcrumbFiles) { const testFs = await createBreadcrumb(bc); await expect( updateLock.abortIfHUPInProgress({ force: true }), ).to.eventually.equal(true); await testFs.restore(); } }); }); const lockdir = (appId: number | string, serviceName: string): string => pathOnRoot(updateLock.lockPath(appId, serviceName)); async function expectLocks( appId: string | number, services: string[], exists = true, msg = `expect lock to ${exists ? 'exist' : 'not exist'}`, ) { for (const svcName of services) { const svcMsg = `${svcName}: ${msg}`; try { const contents = await fs.readdir(lockdir(appId, svcName)); if (exists) { expect(contents, svcMsg).to.have.members([ 'resin-updates.lock', 'updates.lock', ]); } else { expect(contents, svcMsg).to.deep.equal([]); } } catch (e) { if (!isENOENT(e)) { throw e; } if (exists) {; } } } } describe('Lockable', () => { afterEach(async () => { await fs.rm(pathOnRoot('/tmp/balena-supervisor/services/123'), { recursive: true, force: true, }); }); it('allows to lock a specific app by id and the given services', async () => { // No locks before locking takes place await expectLocks(123, ['one', 'two'], false); const lockable = Lockable.from(123, ['one', 'two']); const lock = await lockable.lock(); // Locks should exist now await expectLocks(123, ['one', 'two']); await lock.unlock(); // Locks should have been removed await expectLocks(123, ['one', 'two'], false); }); it('allows only one app lock to be taken at a time', async () => { // No locks before locking takes place await expectLocks(123, ['one', 'two'], false); const lockable = Lockable.from(123, ['one', 'two']); const lock = await lockable.lock(); // Locks should exist now await expectLocks(123, ['one', 'two']); // Try to take the lock again. Set a timeout of 10ms await expect(lockable.lock({ maxWaitMs: 10 })) 'Locks for app 123 are being held by another supervisor operation', ); await lock.unlock(); // Locks should have been removed await expectLocks(123, ['one', 'two'], false); }); it('creates only missing locks', async () => { const serviceLock = path.join(lockdir(123, 'two'), 'resin-updates.lock'); const tmp = await testfs({ [serviceLock]: testfs.file({ uid: updateLock.LOCKFILE_UID }), }).enable(); const lockable = Lockable.from(123, ['one', 'two']); // Locking should succeed const lock = await lockable.lock(); // Locks should exist now await expectLocks(123, ['one', 'two']); await lock.unlock(); // Locks should have been removed await expectLocks(123, ['one', 'two'], false); await tmp.restore(); }); it('throws UpdatesLockedError if user held lockfiles exist', async () => { const serviceLock = path.join(lockdir(123, 'two'), 'resin-updates.lock'); const tmp = await testfs({ [serviceLock]: testfs.file({ uid: 0 }), }).enable(); const lockable = Lockable.from(123, ['one', 'two']); // Locking should fail await expect(lockable.lock()) 'Lockfile exists for { appId: 123, service: two }', ); // Supervisor locks should not exist await expect(fs.readdir(lockdir(123, 'one'))).to.eventually.deep.equal( [], ); await expect(fs.readdir(lockdir(123, 'two'))).to.eventually.deep.equal([ 'resin-updates.lock', ]); await tmp.restore(); }); it('takes locks if `force` is used', async () => { const serviceLock = path.join(lockdir(123, 'two'), 'resin-updates.lock'); const tmp = await testfs({ [serviceLock]: testfs.file({ uid: 0 }), }).enable(); const lockable = Lockable.from(123, ['one', 'two']); // Locking should succeed const lock = await lockable.lock({ force: true }); // Locks should exist now await expectLocks(123, ['one', 'two']); await lock.unlock(); // All should have been removed now await expectLocks(123, ['one', 'two'], false); await tmp.restore(); }); it('disposes supervisor locks if there are user held locks', async () => { const svLock = path.join(lockdir(123, 'two'), 'resin-updates.lock'); const userLock = path.join(lockdir(123, 'two'), 'updates.lock'); const tmp = await testfs({ [svLock]: testfs.file({ uid: updateLock.LOCKFILE_UID }), [userLock]: testfs.file({ uid: 0 }), }).enable(); const lockable = Lockable.from(123, ['one', 'two']); // Locking should fail await expect(lockable.lock()); // Supervisor locks should not exist await expect(fs.readdir(lockdir(123, 'one'))).to.eventually.deep.equal( [], ); // Only the user lock remains await expect(fs.readdir(lockdir(123, 'two'))).to.eventually.deep.equal([ 'updates.lock', ]); await tmp.restore(); }); }); describe('withLock', () => { afterEach(async () => { await fs.rm(pathOnRoot('/tmp/balena-supervisor/services/123'), { recursive: true, force: true, }); }); it('should take the lock, run the function, then dispose of locks', async () => { // Create some empty directories to simulate two services await fs.mkdir(lockdir(123, 'one'), { recursive: true }); await fs.mkdir(lockdir(123, 'two'), { recursive: true }); // No locks before locking takes place await expectLocks(123, ['one', 'two'], false); await expect( updateLock.withLock(123, () => // At this point the locks should be taken and not removed // until this function has been resolved expectLocks(123, ['one', 'two']), ), ); // Locks should be removed after await expectLocks(123, ['one', 'two'], false); }); it('should throw UpdatesLockedError if lockfiles exists', async () => { // Take the locks before testing // TODO: enable mocha-pod to work with empty directories await fs.mkdir(lockdir(123, 'one'), { recursive: true }); const serviceLock = path.join(lockdir(123, 'two'), 'resin-updates.lock'); const tmp = await testfs({ [serviceLock]: testfs.file({ uid: 0 }), }).enable(); await expect( updateLock.withLock(123, () =>'This is the wrong error')), )'Lockfile exists for { appId: 123, service: two }'); // Supervisor locks should not exist await expect(fs.readdir(lockdir(123, 'one'))).to.eventually.deep.equal( [], ); await expect(fs.readdir(lockdir(123, 'two'))).to.eventually.deep.equal([ 'resin-updates.lock', ]); // Restore the locks that were taken at the beginning of the test await tmp.restore(); }); it('should dispose of taken locks on any other errors', async () => { // Create some empty directories to simulate two services await fs.mkdir(lockdir(123, 'one'), { recursive: true }); await fs.mkdir(lockdir(123, 'two'), { recursive: true }); // No locks before locking takes place await expectLocks(123, ['one', 'two'], false); await expect( updateLock.withLock(123, async () => { await expectLocks(123, ['one', 'two']); throw new Error('This is an error'); }), )'This is an error'); // Locks should not exist await expectLocks(123, ['one', 'two'], false); }); it('locks all applications before resolving input function', async () => { const appIds = [111, 222, 333]; const testServiceName = 'main'; // Set up necessary lock directories await Promise.all( => fs.mkdir(lockdir(id, testServiceName), { recursive: true }), ), ); await expect( updateLock.withLock(appIds, async () => /// At this point the locks should be taken and not removed // until this function has been resolved // Both `updates.lock` and `resin-updates.lock` should have been taken Promise.all( => expectLocks(appId, [testServiceName])), ), ), ); // No locks should exist at this point await Promise.all( => expectLocks(appId, [testServiceName], false)), ); await Promise.all( => fs.rm(pathOnRoot(`/tmp/balena-supervisor/services/${appId}`), { recursive: true, force: true, }), ), ); }); it('throws UpdatesLockedError if a lock in any app exist', async () => { const appIds = [111, 222, 333]; const testServiceName = 'main'; // Set up necessary lock directories await Promise.all( => fs.mkdir(lockdir(id, testServiceName), { recursive: true }), ), ); const serviceLock = path.join(lockdir(222, 'main'), 'resin-updates.lock'); const tmp = await testfs({ [serviceLock]: testfs.file({ uid: 0 }), }).enable(); await expect( updateLock.withLock(appIds, async () => { throw new Error('This is the wrong error'); }), )'Lockfile exists for { appId: 222, service: main }'); // Only the original lock should exist at this point await Promise.all( [111, 333].map((appId) => expectLocks(appId, [testServiceName], false)), ); await expect(fs.readdir(lockdir(222, 'main'))).to.eventually.deep.equal([ 'resin-updates.lock', ]); // Cleanup await tmp.restore(); await Promise.all( => fs.rm(pathOnRoot(`/tmp/balena-supervisor/services/${appId}`), { recursive: true, force: true, }), ), ); }); it('allows only one app lock to be taken at a time', async () => { // No locks before locking takes place await expectLocks(123, ['one', 'two'], false); const lockable = Lockable.from(123, ['one', 'two']); const lock = await lockable.lock(); // Locks should exist now await expectLocks(123, ['one', 'two']); // Try to lock with the function await expect( updateLock.withLock(123, () =>'This is the wrong error'), { maxWaitMs: 10, }), ) 'Locks for app 123 are being held by another supervisor operation', ); await lock.unlock(); // Locks should have been removed await expectLocks(123, ['one', 'two'], false); }); it('it only allows one withLock call to run at the time', async () => { // Create some empty directories to simulate two services await fs.mkdir(lockdir(123, 'one'), { recursive: true }); await fs.mkdir(lockdir(123, 'two'), { recursive: true }); // No locks before locking takes place await expectLocks(123, ['one', 'two'], false); // Try to call withLock in parallel for the same app const res = await Promise.allSettled([ updateLock.withLock(123, () => setTimeout(10, 'one'), { maxWaitMs: 5, }), updateLock.withLock(123, () => setTimeout(10, 'two'), { maxWaitMs: 5, }), ]); expect(res.filter((r) => r.status === 'rejected')).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(res.filter((r) => r.status === 'fulfilled')).to.have.lengthOf(1); // Locks should have been removed await expectLocks(123, ['one', 'two'], false); }); }); describe('cleanLocksForApp', () => { afterEach(async () => { await fs.rm(pathOnRoot('/tmp/balena-supervisor/services/123'), { recursive: true, force: true, }); }); it('removes remaining supervisor locks and ignores user locks', async () => { const userLock = path.join(lockdir(123, 'one'), 'updates.lock'); const serviceLock = path.join(lockdir(123, 'two'), 'resin-updates.lock'); const tmp = await testfs({ [userLock]: testfs.file({ uid: 0 }), [serviceLock]: testfs.file({ uid: updateLock.LOCKFILE_UID }), }).enable(); await updateLock.cleanLocksForApp(123); // Supervisor locks should have been removed await expect(fs.readdir(lockdir(123, 'two'))).to.eventually.deep.equal( [], ); await expect(fs.readdir(lockdir(123, 'one'))).to.eventually.deep.equal([ 'updates.lock', ]); await tmp.restore(); }); it('removes remaining supervisor locks and ignores user legacy locks', async () => { const userLock = path.join(lockdir(123, 'one'), 'resin-updates.lock'); const serviceLock = path.join(lockdir(123, 'two'), 'updates.lock'); const tmp = await testfs({ [userLock]: testfs.file({ uid: 0 }), [serviceLock]: testfs.file({ uid: updateLock.LOCKFILE_UID }), }).enable(); await updateLock.cleanLocksForApp(123); // Supervisor locks should have been removed await expect(fs.readdir(lockdir(123, 'two'))).to.eventually.deep.equal( [], ); await expect(fs.readdir(lockdir(123, 'one'))).to.eventually.deep.equal([ 'resin-updates.lock', ]); await tmp.restore(); }); it('ignores locks if taken somewhere else in the supervisor', async () => { // No locks before locking takes place await expectLocks(123, ['one', 'two'], false); const lockable = Lockable.from(123, ['one', 'two']); const lock = await lockable.lock(); // Locks should exist now await expectLocks(123, ['one', 'two']); // Clean locks should not remove anything await expect(updateLock.cleanLocksForApp(123)).to.eventually.equal(false); // Locks should still exist await expectLocks(123, ['one', 'two']); await lock.unlock(); await expectLocks(123, ['one', 'two'], false); }); it('only removes locks for the given app', async () => { const otherLock = path.join(lockdir(456, 'main'), 'updates.lock'); const serviceLock = path.join(lockdir(123, 'main'), 'resin-updates.lock'); const tmp = await testfs({ [otherLock]: testfs.file({ uid: updateLock.LOCKFILE_UID }), [serviceLock]: testfs.file({ uid: updateLock.LOCKFILE_UID }), }).enable(); await updateLock.cleanLocksForApp(123); // Supervisor locks should have been removed await expect(fs.readdir(lockdir(123, 'main'))).to.eventually.deep.equal( [], ); await expect(fs.readdir(lockdir(456, 'main'))).to.eventually.deep.equal([ 'updates.lock', ]); await tmp.restore(); }); }); });