import { expect } from 'chai'; import type { SinonStub } from 'sinon'; import { stub } from 'sinon'; import { Volume } from '~/src/compose/volume'; import * as logTypes from '~/lib/log-types'; import * as logger from '~/src/logging'; import Docker from 'dockerode'; import { createVolume, withMockerode } from '~/test-lib/mockerode'; describe('compose/volume: integration tests', () => { const docker = new Docker(); describe('creating and removing docker volumes', () => { before(() => { // TODO: can we spy the actual log stream instead of stubbing and using // implementation details? stub(logger, 'logSystemEvent'); }); afterEach(() => { (logger.logSystemEvent as SinonStub).reset(); }); after(async () => { const { Volumes: allVolumes } = await docker.listVolumes(); await Promise.all({ Name }) => docker.getVolume(Name).remove()), ); (logger.logSystemEvent as SinonStub).restore(); }); it('should use defaults to create the volume when no options are given', async () => { const volume = Volume.fromComposeObject( 'one_volume', 1032480, 'deadbeef', ); // Create the volume await volume.create(); const dockerVolumeName = Volume.generateDockerName( volume.appId,, ); // This should not throw const dockerVolume = await docker.getVolume(dockerVolumeName).inspect(); expect(dockerVolume).to.deep.include({ Name: dockerVolumeName, Driver: 'local', Labels: { 'io.balena.supervised': 'true', '': 'deadbeef', }, }); expect(logger.logSystemEvent).to.have.been.calledOnceWith( logTypes.createVolume, ); // Test volume removal await volume.remove(); // The volume should no longer exist await expect(docker.getVolume(dockerVolumeName).inspect()); // Check that log entry was generated expect(logger.logSystemEvent).to.have.been.calledWith( logTypes.removeVolume, ); }); it('should pass configuration options to the engine', async () => { const volume = Volume.fromComposeObject( 'one_volume', 1032480, 'deadbeef', { driver: 'local', driver_opts: { type: 'tmpfs', device: 'tmpfs', }, labels: { 'my-label': 'test-label', }, }, ); await volume.create(); const dockerVolumeName = Volume.generateDockerName( volume.appId,, ); // This should not throw const dockerVolume = await docker.getVolume(dockerVolumeName).inspect(); expect(dockerVolume).to.deep.include({ Name: dockerVolumeName, Driver: 'local', Labels: { 'my-label': 'test-label', 'io.balena.supervised': 'true', '': 'deadbeef', }, Options: { device: 'tmpfs', type: 'tmpfs', }, }); expect(logger.logSystemEvent).to.have.been.calledOnceWith( logTypes.createVolume, ); // Test volume removal await volume.remove(); // The volume should no longer exist await expect(docker.getVolume(dockerVolumeName).inspect()); // Check that log entry was generated expect(logger.logSystemEvent).to.have.been.calledWith( logTypes.removeVolume, ); }); it('should report an error if the volume does not exist', async () => { const volume = Volume.fromComposeObject('aaa', 1234, 'deadbeef'); const dockerVolumeName = Volume.generateDockerName( volume.appId,, ); // The volume should not exist before await expect(docker.getVolume(dockerVolumeName).inspect()); // Remove the volume, this should not throw await expect(volume.remove()); // Check that log entry was generated expect(logger.logSystemEvent).to.have.been.calledWith( logTypes.removeVolumeError, ); }); it('should report an error if a problem happens while removing the volume', async () => { const dockerVolume = createVolume({ Name: '1234_aaa', }); // We only use mockerode to simulate errors await withMockerode( async (mockerode) => { const volume = Volume.fromComposeObject('aaa', 1234, 'deadbeef'); // Stub the mockerode method to fail mockerode.removeVolume.rejects('Something bad happened'); // Check engine state before expect((await mockerode.listVolumes()).Volumes).to.have.lengthOf(1); // Remove the volume, this should not throw await expect(volume.remove()); // Check that log entry was generated expect(logger.logSystemEvent).to.have.been.calledWith( logTypes.removeVolumeError, ); }, { volumes: [dockerVolume] }, ); }); }); });