The device request object was created with untouched fields left unset. When
comparing state to determine if a transition is required this would
result in a mismatch between:
Driver: '',
Count: 1,
DeviceIDs: null,
Capabilities: [Array],
Options: null
Count: 1,
Capabilities: [Array],
Which in turn resulted in the target service being continously restarted.
The fix is to instantiate the object in full.
Connects-to: ae646a07ec6a6c96f7cb91f1d37898a94dbab47a
Change-type: patch
Signed-off-by: Robert Günzler <>
Setting this this variable to a base64 encoded string will replace the splash
image on the device by rewriting `/mnt/boot/splash/balena-logo.png`.
This will also make a copy of the default balena logo so the splash can
be restored if the variable is removed.
Change-type: minor
Signed-off-by: Felipe Lalanne <>
The `ensureRequiredOverlay` function is currently ran for any backend,
at this moment this causes no issue, since most configuration backends
are defined per single device type. However, with the option to modify splash
images, which is available for all device types, the function would add
unwanted configuration vars to the splash image configuration. Moving it
to the config txt backend solves this issue.
This reverts commit 153655b523af94d8192f0e0eb5574c67fbf85008.
Dependabot does not allow to limit version updates to just patches or security
updates. Adding this configuration results in excess noise from
major and minor versions. We are reverting this change for the moment
and look for another version managment tool.
Change-type: patch
Signed-off-by: Felipe Lalanne <>
This PR adds the following
* Supervisor v1 API application actions now return HTTP status code 423 when locks
are preventing the action to be performed. Previously this resulted in a
503 error
* Supervisor API v2 service actions now returns HTTP status code 423 when locks are
preventing the action to be performed. Previously, this resulted in an
exception logged by the supervisor and the API query timing out
* Supervisor API `/v2/applications/:appId/start-service` now does not
check for a lock. Lock handling in v2 actions is now performed by each
step executor
* `/v1/apps/:appId/start` now queries the target state and uses that
information to execute the start step (as v2 does). Previously start
resulted in `cannot get appId from undefined`
* Extra tests for API methods
Change-type: patch
Connects-to: #1523
Signed-off-by: Felipe Lalanne <>