This change makes DeviceState to wait until local mode switch is definitely
completed before actually applying the state, which avoids races in state cleanup.
Change-type: patch
Signed-off-by: Roman Mazur <>
In local mode, we now update device status on the backend,
but omit applications info in our updates.
Closes: #959
Change-type: minor
Signed-off-by: Roman Mazur <>
Changes in the node engine related to streams would cause the gzip
streams flush function to be called at the wrong times. The sinon fake
timers were also interacting with this.
We use setImmediate to call the flush function, and remove sinon timers
for the logging tests.
Change-type: patch
Signed-off-by: Cameron Diver <>
When assigning multiple host ports to a single container port before
this change, the supervisor would incorrectly take only the first host
port into consideration. This change makes it so that every host port
per container port is considered.
Closes: #986
Change-type: patch
Signed-off-by: Cameron Diver <>
We add a database table, which holds information about the last
timestamp of a log successfully reported to a backend (local or remote).
We then use this value to calculate from which point in time to start
reporting logs from the container. If this is the first time we've seen
a container, we get all logs, and for every log reported we save the
timestamp. If it is not the first time we've seen a container, we
request all logs since the last reported time, ensuring no interruption
of service.
Change-type: minor
Closes: #937
Signed-off-by: Cameron Diver <>
This commit does two related things:
* We make the poll interval a random time between 0.5 and 1.5 times the configured interval.
* We introduce the BALENA_SUPERVISOR_INSTANT_UPDATE_TRIGGER configuration variable, that defaults to true. If this variable is set
to false, then calls to /v1/update are ignored, and on startup the supervisor waits for a poll interval before getting the target state.
This will help especially on cases where there's a large number of devices on a single network. By disabling instant updates and setting a large
poll interval, we can now achieve a sitation where not all devices apply an update at the same time, which can help avoid
overwhelming the network.
Change-type: minor
Signed-off-by: Pablo Carranza Velez <>
Before this change, service name resolution would only occur in the
default network. This was because we were not explicitly adding aliases
of the service names to the aliases fields.
We also fix the comparison, which would do funny things based on
container IDs, which was correct but unnecessary.
Change-type: patch
Signed-off-by: Cameron Diver <>
We run the risk of the state engine exiting early when a dependency is
not ready, especially in local mode. This changes forces a noop to be
returned when we are waiting on another service, which is the process
used elsewhere in the state engine.
Change-type: patch
Signed-off-by: Cameron Diver <>
We were not allowing newlines previously by virtue of the regex not
allowing them. The docker daemon and supervisor handling code both
support them, so we allow them in the parsing code too.
Change-type: patch
Signed-off-by: Cameron Diver <>
Adjacent ports are always grouped together by docker when reporting the
container state (from an inspect), so adjacent ports defined in the
compose file would not match as they would not have been normalized.
We make sure to always normalize the input port configuration, so that
it will match the docker output (if it should).
We also don't sort in the fromComposePorts function anymore as that is
handled by the normalize function.
Closes: #897
Change-type: patch
Signed-off-by: Cameron Diver <>
We define the type for each config value, and validate the data when
retrieving and setting it.
Change-type: minor
Signed-off-by: Cameron Diver <>
We've seen at least one case where the 10ms delay
wasn't enough, causing the tests to fail where they shouldn't.
(Ideally we should find a better way to detect when the streams
have finished propagating, but this will avoid failures in the meantime).
Change-type: patch
Signed-off-by: Pablo Carranza Velez <>