Merge pull request #300 from resin-io/proxyvisor-improvements

Improvements on config and dependent device handling
This commit is contained in:
Pablo Carranza Vélez 2016-10-06 08:54:17 -03:00 committed by GitHub
commit fbdf6f9139
4 changed files with 41 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
* Store config vars when there's nothing else to update [Pablo]
* Do not mark an update as failed if the hook failed [Pablo]
* When hitting the dependent devices hook, send appId as int [Pablo]
* Updated to lodash 4 [Page]
* Updated to coffeescript 1.11 [Page]
* In delete-then-download, only delete when a download is needed [Pablo]

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@ -91,6 +91,16 @@ logTypes =
eventName: 'Application restart'
humanName: 'Restarting application'
eventName: 'Application config update'
humanName: 'Updating config for application'
eventName: 'Application config updated'
humanName: 'Updated config for application'
eventName: 'Application config update error'
humanName: 'Failed to update config for application'
application = {}
application.logSystemMessage = logSystemMessage = (message, obj, eventName) ->
@ -554,18 +564,22 @@ compareForUpdate = (localApps, remoteApps) ->
toBeRemoved = _.difference(localAppIds, remoteAppIds)
toBeInstalled = _.difference(remoteAppIds, localAppIds)
toBeUpdated = _.intersection(remoteAppIds, localAppIds)
toBeUpdated = _.filter toBeUpdated, (appId) ->
matchedAppIds = _.intersection(remoteAppIds, localAppIds)
toBeUpdated = _.filter matchedAppIds, (appId) ->
localApp = _.omit(localApps[appId], 'config')
remoteApp = _.omit(remoteApps[appId], 'config')
return !_.isEqual(remoteApp, localApp) or
!_.isEqual(restartVars(JSON.parse(localApps[appId].config)), restartVars(JSON.parse(remoteApps[appId].config)))
appsWithUpdatedConfigs = _.filter matchedAppIds, (appId) ->
return !_.includes(toBeUpdated, appId) and
!_.isEqual(localApps[appId].config, remoteApps[appId].config)
toBeDownloaded = _.filter toBeUpdated, (appId) ->
return !_.isEqual(remoteApps[appId].imageId, localApps[appId].imageId)
toBeDownloaded = _.union(toBeDownloaded, toBeInstalled)
allAppIds = _.union(localAppIds, remoteAppIds)
return { toBeRemoved, toBeDownloaded, toBeInstalled, toBeUpdated, allAppIds }
return { toBeRemoved, toBeDownloaded, toBeInstalled, toBeUpdated, appsWithUpdatedConfigs, allAppIds }
application.update = update = (force) ->
if updateStatus.state isnt UPDATE_IDLE
@ -586,7 +600,7 @@ application.update = update = (force) ->
.then (remoteApps) ->
localApps = formatLocalApps(apps)
resourcesForUpdate = compareForUpdate(localApps, remoteApps)
{ toBeRemoved, toBeDownloaded, toBeInstalled, toBeUpdated, allAppIds } = resourcesForUpdate
{ toBeRemoved, toBeDownloaded, toBeInstalled, toBeUpdated, appsWithUpdatedConfigs, allAppIds } = resourcesForUpdate
if !_.isEmpty(toBeRemoved) or !_.isEmpty(toBeInstalled) or !_.isEmpty(toBeUpdated)
device.setUpdateState(update_pending: true)
@ -636,6 +650,19 @@ application.update = update = (force) ->
force: force || forceThisApp
else if _.includes(appsWithUpdatedConfigs, appId)
# These apps have no changes other than config variables.
# It can notoriously affect setting dep. devices hook address
# if nothing else changes in the app.
# So we just save them.
app = remoteApps[appId]
logSystemEvent(logTypes.updateAppConfig, app)
knex('app').update(app).where({ appId })
.then ->
logSystemEvent(logTypes.updateAppConfigSuccess, app)
.catch (err) ->
logSystemEvent(logTypes.updateAppConfigError, app, err)
throw err
.then (failures) ->

View File

@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ do ->
.map ({ imageId }) ->
.map ({ imageId }) ->

View File

@ -278,20 +278,22 @@ sendUpdate = (device, endpoint) ->
request.putAsync "#{endpoint}#{device.uuid}", {
json: true
appId: device.appId
appId: parseInt(device.appId)
commit: device.targetCommit
environment: JSON.parse(device.targetEnvironment)
config: JSON.parse(device.targetConfig)
.spread (response, body) ->
if response.statusCode != 200
return console.error("Error updating device #{device.uuid}: #{response.statusCode} #{body}")
throw new Error("Hook returned #{response.statusCode}: #{body}")
.catch (err) ->
return console.error("Error updating device #{device.uuid}", err, err.stack)
getHookEndpoint = (appId) ->
knex('dependentApp').select('parentAppId').where({ appId })
.then ([ { parentAppId } ]) ->
knex('app').select().where({ appId: parentAppId })
.then ([ parentApp ]) ->
.then (parentApp) ->
conf = JSON.parse(parentApp.config)
.then (imageEnv) ->