mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 11:35:18 +00:00
Implement and use golang endpoint for getting ipaddress' of the device
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
* Implement and use golang endpoint for getting IPs of the device, also fixes duplicate IP reporting in the JS implementation [Praneeth]
* Refactor bootstrapping to run in background [Pablo]
* Run preloaded app images [Pablo]
* Add API endpoints for device reboot and shutdown [Pablo]
@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ import (
@ -112,3 +114,56 @@ func ShutdownHandler(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
sendResponse("OK", "", http.StatusAccepted)
go inASecond(func() { systemd.Logind.PowerOff(false) })
// This function returns all active IPs of the interfaces that arent docker/rce and loopback
func ipAddress() ([]string, error) {
ipAddr := []string{}
ifaces, err := net.Interfaces()
if err != nil {
return ipAddr, err
for _, iface := range ifaces {
if (iface.Flags&net.FlagUp == 0) || (iface.Flags&net.FlagLoopback != 0) || strings.Contains(iface.Name, "docker") || strings.Contains(iface.Name, "rce") {
continue // Interface down or Interface is loopback or Interface is a docker IP
addrs, err := iface.Addrs()
if err != nil {
return ipAddr, err
for _, addr := range addrs {
var ip net.IP
switch v := addr.(type) {
case *net.IPNet:
ip = v.IP
case *net.IPAddr:
ip = v.IP
if ip == nil {
} else {
ip = ip.To4()
if ip == nil {
continue // This isnt an IPv4 Addresss
} else {
ipAddr = append(ipAddr, ip.String())
return ipAddr, nil
//IPAddressHandler is used to reply back with an array of the IPaddress used by the system.
func IPAddressHandler(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
// log.Println("Fetching IP Address'") - Not logging this as this is called every 30 seconds.
sendResponse := responseSender(writer)
sendError := func(err string) {
sendResponse("Error", err, http.StatusInternalServerError)
if ipAddr, err := ipAddress(); err != nil {
sendError("Invalid request")
} else {
sendResponse(strings.Join(ipAddr, " "), "", http.StatusOK)
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ func setupApi(router *mux.Router) {
apiv1 := router.PathPrefix("/v1").Subrouter()
apiv1.HandleFunc("/ipaddr", IPAddressHandler).Methods("GET")
apiv1.HandleFunc("/purge", PurgeHandler).Methods("POST")
apiv1.HandleFunc("/reboot", RebootHandler).Methods("POST")
apiv1.HandleFunc("/shutdown", ShutdownHandler).Methods("POST")
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ knex = require './db'
utils = require './utils'
bootstrap = require './bootstrap'
config = require './config'
request = require 'request'
knex.init.then ->
utils.mixpanelTrack('Supervisor start')
@ -54,10 +55,14 @@ knex.init.then ->
updateIpAddr = ->
utils.findIpAddrs().then (ipAddrs) ->
ip_address: ipAddrs.join(' ')
callback = (error, response, body ) ->
if !error && response.statusCode == 200
api_response = JSON.parse(body)
ip_address: api_response.Status
request.get(config.gosuperAddress + '/v1/ipaddr', callback )
console.log('Starting periodic check for IP addresses..')
setInterval(updateIpAddr, 30 * 1000) # Every 30s
@ -35,31 +35,6 @@ exports.mixpanelTrack = (event, properties = {}) ->
mixpanelClient.track(event, properties)
# Returns an array of the host's ip address(es) by parsing the host /proc/net/fib_trie
exports.findIpAddrs = ->
fs.readFileAsync('/mnt/fib_trie', 'utf8')
.then (fibtrie) ->
prevLine = ''
.map (line) ->
line = line.trim()
# We only care about LOCAL routes (not UNICAST or BROADCAST)
if line.match(/LOCAL$/)
# Then we make sure the previous line was an ending branch (and hence contains an IP - has
# BROADCAST and LOCAL entries)
if prevLine.match(/^\|--/)
# Then we remove the ending branch bit
maybeAddr = prevLine.replace(/^\|--/, '').trim()
# And ignore loopback/docker interfaces.
# TODO: Docker interface can technically be on another address range if 172.17
if !maybeAddr.match(/^(|172.17.)/)
ipAddr = maybeAddr
prevLine = line
return ipAddr
networkPattern =
blinks: 4
pause: 1000
Reference in New Issue
Block a user