Refactor api-binder healthchecks to log reason for failure

Signed-off-by: Miguel Casqueira <>
This commit is contained in:
Miguel Casqueira 2020-05-20 00:11:06 -04:00
parent f494178b2b
commit ef83acdaeb
2 changed files with 133 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird';
import * as bodyParser from 'body-parser';
import { stripIndent } from 'common-tags';
import * as express from 'express';
import { isLeft } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either';
import * as t from 'io-ts';
@ -113,24 +114,49 @@ export class APIBinder {
// Don't have to perform checks for unmanaged
if (unmanaged) {
return true;
if (appUpdatePollInterval == null) {
'Healthcheck failure - Config value `appUpdatePollInterval` cannot be null',
return false;
// Check last time target state has been polled
const timeSinceLastFetch = process.hrtime(this.lastTargetStateFetch);
const timeSinceLastFetchMs =
timeSinceLastFetch[0] * 1000 + timeSinceLastFetch[1] / 1e6;
const stateFetchHealthy = timeSinceLastFetchMs < 2 * appUpdatePollInterval;
if (!(timeSinceLastFetchMs < 2 * appUpdatePollInterval)) {
'Healthcheck failure - Device has not fetched target state within appUpdatePollInterval limit',
return false;
// Check if state report is healthy
const stateReportHealthy =
!connectivityCheckEnabled ||
!this.deviceState.connected ||
this.stateReportErrors < 3;
return stateFetchHealthy && stateReportHealthy;
if (!stateReportHealthy) {
Healthcheck failure - Atleast ONE of the following conditions must be true:
- No connectivityCheckEnabled ? ${!(connectivityCheckEnabled === true)}
- device state is disconnected ? ${!(this.deviceState.connected === true)}
- stateReportErrors less then 3 ? ${this.stateReportErrors < 3}`,
return false;
// All tests pass!
return true;
public async initClient() {

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import { stripIndent } from 'common-tags';
import { fs } from 'mz';
import { Server } from 'net';
import { SinonSpy, SinonStub, spy, stub } from 'sinon';
@ -279,4 +280,108 @@ describe('ApiBinder', () => {
describe('healthchecks', () => {
const components: Dictionary<any> = {};
let configStub: SinonStub;
let infoLobSpy: SinonSpy;
before(() => {
initModels(components, '/config-apibinder.json');
beforeEach(() => {
// This configStub will be modified in each test case so we can
// create the exact conditions we want to for testing healthchecks
configStub = stub(Config.prototype, 'getMany');
infoLobSpy = spy(Log, 'info');
afterEach(() => {
it('passes with correct conditions', async () => {
// Set unmanaged to false so we check all values
// The other values are stubbed to make it pass
unmanaged: false,
appUpdatePollInterval: 1000,
connectivityCheckEnabled: false,
expect(await components.apiBinder.healthcheck()).to.equal(true);
it('passes if unmanaged is true and exit early', async () => {
// Setup failing conditions
unmanaged: false,
appUpdatePollInterval: null,
connectivityCheckEnabled: false,
// Verify this causes healthcheck to fail
expect(await components.apiBinder.healthcheck()).to.equal(false);
// Do it again but set unmanaged to true
unmanaged: true,
appUpdatePollInterval: null,
connectivityCheckEnabled: false,
expect(await components.apiBinder.healthcheck()).to.equal(true);
it('fails if appUpdatePollInterval not set in config and exit early', async () => {
unmanaged: false,
appUpdatePollInterval: null,
connectivityCheckEnabled: false,
expect(await components.apiBinder.healthcheck()).to.equal(false);
expect(( as SinonSpy).lastCall?.lastArg).to.equal(
'Healthcheck failure - Config value `appUpdatePollInterval` cannot be null',
it("fails when hasn't checked target state within poll interval", async () => {
unmanaged: false,
appUpdatePollInterval: 1,
connectivityCheckEnabled: false,
expect(await components.apiBinder.healthcheck()).to.equal(false);
expect(( as SinonSpy).lastCall?.lastArg).to.equal(
'Healthcheck failure - Device has not fetched target state within appUpdatePollInterval limit',
it('fails when stateReportHealthy is false', async () => {
unmanaged: false,
appUpdatePollInterval: 1000,
connectivityCheckEnabled: true,
// Copy previous values to restore later
const previousStateReportErrors = components.apiBinder.stateReportErrors;
const previousDeviceStateConnected =
// Set additional conditions not in configStub to cause a fail
components.apiBinder.stateReportErrors = 4;
components.apiBinder.deviceState.connected = true;
expect(await components.apiBinder.healthcheck()).to.equal(false);
expect(( as SinonSpy).lastCall?.lastArg).to.equal(
Healthcheck failure - Atleast ONE of the following conditions must be true:
- No connectivityCheckEnabled ? false
- device state is disconnected ? false
- stateReportErrors less then 3 ? false`,
// Restore previous values
components.apiBinder.stateReportErrors = previousStateReportErrors;
components.apiBinder.deviceState.connected = previousDeviceStateConnected;