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synced 2025-02-01 08:47:56 +00:00
DeviceConfig: implement a module to manage device configuration, including config.txt
This model allows modifying config.txt on raspberry pi devices, as well as logging to display, bandwidth control variables and other supervisor configuration settings. Configuration values are read from the underlying OS and the supervisor configuration where appropriate (i.e. the Config object), instead of storing the current state in the database. This means that the supervisor will always use the real values to determine if changes have to be made. This fixes several issues with config.txt, as the current values are now read from the file, and can be reported on the supervisor's first run (which will be implemented in APIBinder). It also now treats dtoverlay and dtparam values as a JSON array without the enclosing brackets, for instance: ``` RESIN_HOST_CONFIG_dtparam="audio=on","spi=on" ``` Will produce the following lines in config.txt: ``` dtparam=audio=on dtparam=spi=on ``` Changelog-Entry: Implement inference of device configuration. Allow array values for dtoverlay and dtparam. Change-Type: major Signed-off-by: Pablo Carranza Velez <pablo@resin.io>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,15 +1,288 @@
knex = require './db'
Promise = require 'bluebird'
_ = require 'lodash'
childProcess = Promise.promisifyAll(require('child_process'))
fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs'))
exports.set = (conf) ->
confToUpdate = {}
confToUpdate.values = JSON.stringify(conf.values) if conf.values?
confToUpdate.targetValues = JSON.stringify(conf.targetValues) if conf.targetValues?
constants = require './lib/constants'
gosuper = require './lib/gosuper'
fsUtils = require './lib/fs-utils'
{ checkTruthy, checkInt } = require './lib/validation'
exports.get = ->
.then ([ deviceConfig ]) ->
return {
values: JSON.parse(deviceConfig.values)
targetValues: JSON.parse(deviceConfig.targetValues)
hostConfigConfigVarPrefix = 'RESIN_HOST_'
bootConfigEnvVarPrefix = hostConfigConfigVarPrefix + 'CONFIG_'
bootBlockDevice = '/dev/mmcblk0p1'
bootMountPoint = constants.rootMountPoint + constants.bootMountPoint
bootConfigPath = bootMountPoint + '/config.txt'
configRegex = ->
new RegExp('(' + _.escapeRegExp(bootConfigEnvVarPrefix) + ')(.+)')
forbiddenConfigKeys = [
arrayConfigKeys = [ 'dtparam', 'dtoverlay', 'device_tree_param', 'device_tree_overlay' ]
module.exports = class DeviceConfig
constructor: ({ @db, @config, @logger }) ->
@rebootRequired = false
@validActions = [ 'changeConfig', 'setLogToDisplay', 'setBootConfig' ]
@configKeys = {
appUpdatePollInterval: { envVarName: 'RESIN_SUPERVISOR_POLL_INTERVAL', varType: 'int', defaultValue: '60000' }
localMode: { envVarName: 'RESIN_SUPERVISOR_LOCAL_MODE', varType: 'bool', defaultValue: 'false' }
connectivityCheckEnabled: { envVarName: 'RESIN_SUPERVISOR_CONNECTIVITY_CHECK', varType: 'bool', defaultValue: 'true' }
loggingEnabled: { envVarName: 'RESIN_SUPERVISOR_LOG_CONTROL', varType: 'bool', defaultValue: 'true' }
delta: { envVarName: 'RESIN_SUPERVISOR_DELTA', varType: 'bool', defaultValue: 'false' }
deltaRequestTimeout: { envVarName: 'RESIN_SUPERVISOR_DELTA_REQUEST_TIMEOUT', varType: 'int' }
deltaApplyTimeout: { envVarName: 'RESIN_SUPERVISOR_DELTA_APPLY_TIMEOUT', varType: 'int' }
deltaRetryCount: { envVarName: 'RESIN_SUPERVISOR_DELTA_RETRY_COUNT', varType: 'int' }
deltaRetryInterval: { envVarName: 'RESIN_SUPERVISOR_DELTA_RETRY_INTERVAL', varType: 'int' }
lockOverride: { envVarName: 'RESIN_SUPERVISOR_OVERRIDE_LOCK', varType: 'bool', defaultValue: 'false' }
@validKeys = [ 'RESIN_HOST_LOG_TO_DISPLAY', 'RESIN_SUPERVISOR_VPN_CONTROL' ].concat(_.map(@configKeys, 'envVarName'))
setTarget: (target, trx) =>
db = trx ? @db.models
confToUpdate = {
targetValues: JSON.stringify(target)
filterConfigKeys: (conf) =>
_.pickBy conf, (v, k) =>
_.includes(@validKeys, k) or _.startsWith(k, bootConfigEnvVarPrefix)
getTarget: =>
.then ([ devConfig ]) ->
return JSON.parse(devConfig.targetValues)
.then (conf) =>
conf = @filterConfigKeys(conf)
_.forEach @configKeys, ({ envVarName, defaultValue }) ->
conf[envVarName] ?= defaultValue ? ''
return conf
getCurrent: =>
@config.getMany([ 'deviceType' ].concat(_.keys(@configKeys)))
.then (conf) =>
(logToDisplayStatus, vpnStatus, bootConfig) =>
currentConf = {
RESIN_HOST_LOG_TO_DISPLAY: (logToDisplayStatus ? '').toString()
RESIN_SUPERVISOR_VPN_CONTROL: (vpnStatus ? 'true').toString()
_.forEach @configKeys, ({ envVarName }, key) ->
currentConf[envVarName] = (conf[key] ? '').toString()
return _.assign(currentConf, bootConfig)
bootConfigChangeRequired: (deviceType, current, target) =>
targetBootConfig = @envToBootConfig(target)
currentBootConfig = @envToBootConfig(current)
if !_.isEqual(currentBootConfig, targetBootConfig)
_.forEach forbiddenConfigKeys, (key) =>
if currentBootConfig[key] != targetBootConfig[key]
err = "Attempt to change blacklisted config value #{key}"
@logger.logSystemMessage(err, { error: err }, 'Apply boot config error')
throw new Error(err)
return true
else return false
getRequiredSteps: (currentState, targetState, stepsInProgress) =>
current = currentState.local?.config ? {}
target = targetState.local?.config ? {}
steps = []
.then (deviceType) =>
configChanges = {}
humanReadableConfigChanges = {}
match = {
'bool': (a, b) ->
checkTruthy(a) == checkTruthy(b)
'int': (a, b) ->
checkInt(a) == checkInt(b)
_.forEach @configKeys, ({ envVarName, varType }, key) ->
if !match[varType](current[envVarName], target[envVarName])
configChanges[key] = target[envVarName]
humanReadableConfigChanges[envVarName] = target[envVarName]
if !_.isEmpty(configChanges)
action: 'changeConfig'
target: configChanges
humanReadableTarget: humanReadableConfigChanges
if !_.isUndefined(current['RESIN_HOST_LOG_TO_DISPLAY'])
if !_.isEmpty(target['RESIN_HOST_LOG_TO_DISPLAY']) && checkTruthy(current['RESIN_HOST_LOG_TO_DISPLAY']) != checkTruthy(target['RESIN_HOST_LOG_TO_DISPLAY'])
action: 'setLogToDisplay'
target: target['RESIN_HOST_LOG_TO_DISPLAY']
if @bootConfigChangeRequired(deviceType, current, target)
action: 'setBootConfig'
return if !_.isEmpty(steps)
if @rebootRequired
action: 'reboot'
.then ->
needsWait = !_.isEmpty(steps)
filteredSteps = _.filter steps, (step) ->
!_.find(stepsInProgress, (stepInProgress) -> _.isEqual(stepInProgress, step))?
if _.isEmpty(filteredSteps) and needsWait
return [{ action: 'noop' }]
else return filteredSteps
executeStepAction: (step) =>
switch step.action
when 'changeConfig'
.then =>
@logger.logConfigChange(step.humanReadableTarget, { success: true })
.catch (err) =>
@logger.logConfigChange(step.humanReadableTarget, { err })
throw err
when 'setLogToDisplay'
when 'setBootConfig'
.then (deviceType) =>
@setBootConfig(deviceType, step.target)
envToBootConfig: (env) ->
# We ensure env doesn't have garbage
parsedEnv = _.pickBy env, (val, key) ->
return _.startsWith(key, bootConfigEnvVarPrefix)
parsedEnv = _.mapKeys parsedEnv, (val, key) ->
key.replace(configRegex(), '$2')
parsedEnv = _.mapValues parsedEnv, (val, key) ->
if _.includes(arrayConfigKeys, key)
return JSON.parse("[#{val}]")
return val
return parsedEnv
bootConfigToEnv: (config) ->
confWithEnvKeys = _.mapKeys config, (val, key) ->
return bootConfigEnvVarPrefix + key
return _.mapValues confWithEnvKeys, (val, key) ->
if _.isArray(val)
return JSON.stringify(val).replace(/^\[(.*)\]$/, '$1')
return val
readBootConfig: ->
fs.readFileAsync(bootConfigPath, 'utf8')
getBootConfig: (deviceType) =>
Promise.try =>
return {} if !_.startsWith(deviceType, 'raspberry')
.then (configTxt) =>
conf = {}
configStatements = configTxt.split(/\r?\n/)
_.forEach configStatements, (configStr) ->
keyValue = /^([^#=]+)=(.+)/.exec(configStr)
if keyValue?
if !_.includes(arrayConfigKeys, keyValue[1])
conf[keyValue[1]] = keyValue[2]
conf[keyValue[1]] ?= []
keyValue = /^(initramfs) (.+)/.exec(configStr)
if keyValue?
conf[keyValue[1]] = keyValue[2]
return @bootConfigToEnv(conf)
getLogToDisplay: ->
gosuper.get('/v1/log-to-display', { json: true })
.spread (res, body) ->
return undefined if res.statusCode == 404
throw new Error("Error getting log to display status: #{res.statusCode} #{body.Error}") if res.statusCode != 200
return Boolean(body.Data)
setLogToDisplay: (val) =>
Promise.try =>
enable = checkTruthy(val)
if !enable?
throw new Error("Invalid value in call to setLogToDisplay: #{val}")
gosuper.post('/v1/log-to-display', { json: true, body: Enable: enable })
.spread (response, body) =>
if response.statusCode != 200
throw new Error("#{response.statusCode} #{body.Error}")
if body.Data == true
@logger.logSystemMessage("#{if enable then 'Enabled' else 'Disabled'} logs to display")
@rebootRequired = true
return body.Data
.catch (err) =>
@logger.logSystemMessage("Error setting log to display: #{err}", { error: err }, 'Set log to display error')
throw err
setBootConfig: (deviceType, target) =>
Promise.try =>
conf = @envToBootConfig(target)
return false if !_.startsWith(deviceType, 'raspberry')
@logger.logSystemMessage("Applying boot config: #{JSON.stringify(conf)}", {}, 'Apply boot config in progress')
configStatements = []
_.forEach conf, (val, key) ->
if key is 'initramfs'
configStatements.push("#{key} #{val}")
else if _.isArray(val)
configStatements = configStatements.concat _.map val, (entry) ->
return "#{key}=#{entry}"
# Here's the dangerous part:
childProcess.execAsync("mount -t vfat -o remount,rw #{bootBlockDevice} #{bootMountPoint}")
.then ->
fsUtils.writeFileAtomic(bootConfigPath, configStatements.join('\n') + '\n')
.then =>
@logger.logSystemMessage("Applied boot config: #{JSON.stringify(conf)}", {}, 'Apply boot config success')
@rebootRequired = true
return true
.catch (err) =>
@logger.logSystemMessage("Error setting boot config: #{err}", { error: err }, 'Apply boot config error')
throw err
getVPNEnabled: ->
gosuper.get('/v1/vpncontrol', { json: true })
.spread (res, body) ->
throw new Error("Error getting vpn status: #{res.statusCode} #{body.Error}") if res.statusCode != 200
return Boolean(body.Data)
setVPNEnabled: (val) ->
enable = checkTruthy(val) ? true
gosuper.post('/v1/vpncontrol', { json: true, body: Enable: enable })
.spread (response, body) ->
if response.statusCode == 202
console.log('VPN enabled: ' + enable)
console.log('Error: ' + body + ' response:' + response.statusCode)
Reference in New Issue
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