Updates by appId and use Promise.using for lock

Change the update cycle to go by appId instead of imageId.
Use Promise.using for lockFile locks and unlocks.
Now updates shouldn't stop if one of the apps fails to update
(it's a step towards better supporting multiple apps).

Forcing the lock now works.

Remove unnecessary require fs

Nicer assignment for s in joinErrorMessages
This commit is contained in:
Pablo Carranza Vélez 2015-08-17 22:08:52 +00:00
parent 1eb31ce5f6
commit d1b317399e
3 changed files with 75 additions and 69 deletions

View File

@ -71,16 +71,16 @@ module.exports = (secret) ->
.then ([ app ]) ->
if !app?
throw new Error('App not found')
Promise.using application.lockUpdates(), ->
Promise.using application.lockUpdates(app), ->
.then ->
new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
request.post(config.gosuperAddress + '/v1/purge', { json: true, body: applicationId: appId })
request.post(config.gosuperAddress + '/v1/purge', { json: true, body: applicationId: appId.toString() })
.on 'error', reject
.on 'response', -> resolve()
.finally ->
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ knex.init.then ->
console.log('Starting Apps..')
.then (apps) ->
.catch (error) ->
console.error('Error starting apps:', error)
.then ->

View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ logger = require './lib/logger'
{ cachedResinApi } = require './request'
device = require './device'
lockFile = Promise.promisifyAll(require('lockfile'))
fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs'))
{ docker } = dockerUtils
@ -110,9 +109,6 @@ exports.kill = kill = (app) ->
throw err
.tap ->
logSystemEvent(logTypes.stopAppSuccess, app)
knex('app').where('id', app.id).delete()
.tap ->
app.id = null
.catch (err) ->
logSystemEvent(logTypes.stopAppError, app, err)
throw err
@ -192,10 +188,9 @@ exports.start = start = (app) ->
# Update the app info the moment we create the container, even if then starting the container fails. This
# stops issues with constantly creating new containers for an image that fails to start.
app.containerId = container.id
if app.id?
knex('app').update(app).where(id: app.id)
knex('app').update(app).where(appId: app.appId)
.then (affectedRows) ->
knex('app').insert(app) if affectedRows == 0
.tap (container) ->
logSystemEvent(logTypes.startApp, app)
device.updateState(status: 'Starting')
@ -246,52 +241,47 @@ getEnvironment = do ->
console.error("Failed to get environment for device #{deviceId}, app #{appId}. #{err}")
throw err
lockPath = (app) -> "/mnt/root/resin-data/#{app.appId}/resin_updates.lock"
locked = {}
exports.lockAndKill = lockAndKill = (app, force) ->
Promise.try ->
fs.unlinkAsync(lockPath(app)) if force == true
.then ->
locked[app.appId] = true
.catch (err) ->
if err.code != 'ENOENT'
locked[app.appId] = false
err = new Error('Updates are locked by application')
logSystemEvent(logTypes.stopAppError, app, err)
throw err
.then ->
lockPath = (app) ->
appId = app.appId or app
return "/mnt/root/resin-data/#{appId}/resin_updates.lock"
exports.startAndUnlock = startAndUnlock = (app) ->
Promise.try ->
throw new Error("Cannot start app because we couldn't acquire lock") if locked[app.appId] == false
# At boot, all apps should be unlocked *before* start to prevent a deadlock
exports.unlockAndStart = unlockAndStart = (app) ->
.then ->
locked[app.appId] = null
exports.lockUpdates = lockUpdates = (app, force) ->
Promise.try ->
lockFile.unlockAsync(lockPath(app)) if force == true
.then ->
.disposer ->
exports.lockUpdates = lockUpdates = do ->
_lock = new Lock()
_lockUpdates = Promise.promisify(_lock.async.writeLock)
return -> _lockUpdates().disposer (release) -> release()
joinErrorMessages = (failures) ->
s = if failures.length > 1 then 's' else ''
messages = _.map failures, (err) ->
err.message or err
"#{failures.length} error#{s}: #{messages.join(' - ')}"
# 0 - Idle
# 1 - Updating
# 2 - Update required
currentlyUpdating = 0
failedUpdates = 0
forceNextUpdate = false
exports.update = update = (force) ->
if currentlyUpdating isnt 0
# Mark an update required after the current.
forceNextUpdate = force
currentlyUpdating = 2
currentlyUpdating = 1
knex('config').select('value').where(key: 'apiKey')
knex('config').select('value').where(key: 'uuid')
Promise.using(lockUpdates(), -> knex('app').select())
.then ([ [ apiKey ], [ uuid ], apps ]) ->
apiKey = apiKey.value
@ -336,44 +326,60 @@ exports.update = update = (force) ->
env: JSON.stringify(env) # The env has to be stored as a JSON string for knex
remoteApps = _.indexBy(remoteApps, 'imageId')
remoteImages = _.keys(remoteApps)
remoteApps = _.indexBy(remoteApps, 'appId')
remoteAppIds = _.keys(remoteApps)
apps = _.indexBy(apps, 'imageId')
apps = _.indexBy(apps, 'appId')
localApps = _.mapValues apps, (app) ->
_.pick(app, [ 'appId', 'commit', 'imageId', 'env' ])
localImages = _.keys(localApps)
localAppIds = _.keys(localApps)
toBeRemoved = _.difference(localImages, remoteImages)
toBeInstalled = _.difference(remoteImages, localImages)
toBeRemoved = _.difference(localAppIds, remoteAppIds)
toBeInstalled = _.difference(remoteAppIds, localAppIds)
toBeUpdated = _.intersection(remoteImages, localImages)
toBeUpdated = _.filter toBeUpdated, (imageId) ->
return !_.isEqual(remoteApps[imageId], localApps[imageId])
toBeUpdated = _.intersection(remoteAppIds, localAppIds)
toBeUpdated = _.filter toBeUpdated, (appId) ->
return !_.isEqual(remoteApps[appId], localApps[appId])
toBeDownloaded = _.filter toBeUpdated, (appId) ->
return !_.isEqual(remoteApps[appId].imageId, localApps[appId].imageId)
toBeDownloaded = _.union(toBeDownloaded, toBeInstalled)
# Fetch any updated images first
Promise.map toBeInstalled, (imageId) ->
app = remoteApps[imageId]
Promise.map toBeDownloaded, (appId) ->
app = remoteApps[appId]
.then ->
Promise.using lockUpdates(), ->
failures = []
# Then delete all the ones to remove in one go
Promise.map toBeRemoved, (imageId) ->
lockAndKill(apps[imageId], force)
Promise.map toBeRemoved, (appId) ->
Promise.using lockUpdates(apps[appId], force), ->
.then ->
knex('app').where('appId', appId).delete()
.catch (err) ->
.then ->
# Then install the apps and add each to the db as they succeed
installingPromises = toBeInstalled.map (imageId) ->
app = remoteApps[imageId]
.catch (err) ->
# And remove/recreate updated apps and update db as they succeed
updatingPromises = toBeUpdated.map (imageId) ->
localApp = apps[imageId]
app = remoteApps[imageId]
logSystemEvent(logTypes.updateApp, app)
lockAndKill(localApp, force)
updatingPromises = toBeUpdated.map (appId) ->
localApp = apps[appId]
app = remoteApps[appId]
logSystemEvent(logTypes.updateApp, app) if localApp.imageId == app.imageId
Promise.using lockUpdates(localApp, force), ->
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
.then ->
throw new Error(joinErrorMessages(failures)) if failures.length > 0
.then ->
failedUpdates = 0
# We cleanup here as we want a point when we have a consistent apps/images state, rather than potentially at a
@ -387,12 +393,12 @@ exports.update = update = (force) ->
delayTime = Math.min(failedUpdates * 500, 30000)
# If there was an error then schedule another attempt briefly in the future.
console.log('Scheduling another update attempt due to failure: ', delayTime, err)
setTimeout(update, delayTime)
setTimeout(update, delayTime, force)
.finally ->
device.updateState(status: 'Idle')
if currentlyUpdating is 2
# If an update is required then schedule it
setTimeout(update, 1, forceNextUpdate)
.finally ->
# Set the updating as finished in its own block, so it never has to worry about other code stopping this.
currentlyUpdating = 0