Implement v2 API endpoints to restart and purge apps, and restart a service

This also changes the deviceState object to use promises instead of timeouts to schedule
applying the target state.

Signed-off-by: Pablo Carranza Velez <>
This commit is contained in:
Pablo Carranza Velez 2018-01-19 16:31:02 -03:00
parent f653fa4961
commit 5ec8e57aa0
2 changed files with 198 additions and 108 deletions

View File

@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ fetchAction = (service) ->
image: imageForService(service)
serviceId: service.serviceId
# TODO: implement v2 endpoints
# TODO: implement additional v2 endpoints
# v1 endpoins only work for single-container apps as they assume the app has a single service.
class ApplicationManagerRouter
constructor: (@applications) ->
{ @proxyvisor, @eventTracker } = @applications
{ @proxyvisor, @eventTracker, @deviceState, @_lockingIfNecessary } = @applications
@router = express.Router()
@router.use(bodyParser.urlencoded(extended: true))
@ -165,10 +165,71 @@ class ApplicationManagerRouter
res.status(200).json(Data: 'OK', Error: '')
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error') '/v2/applications/:appId/purge', (req, res) =>
{ force } = req.body
{ appId } = req.params
@_lockingIfNecessary appId, { force }, =>
.then (currentState) =>
app = currentState.local.apps[appId]
purgedApp = _.cloneDeep(app) = []
purgedApp.volumes = {}
currentState.local.apps[appId] = purgedApp
@deviceState.applyIntermediateTarget(currentState, { skipLock: true })
.then =>
currentState.local.apps[appId] = app
@deviceState.applyIntermediateTarget(currentState, { skipLock: true })
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error') '/v2/applications/:appId/restart-service', (req, res) =>
{ imageId, force } = req.body
{ appId } = req.params
@_lockingIfNecessary appId, { force }, =>
.then (app) =>
if !app?
errMsg = "App not found: an app needs to be installed for purge to work.
If you've recently moved this device from another app,
please push an app and wait for it to be installed first."
return res.status(404).send(errMsg)
service = _.find(, (s) -> s.imageId == imageId)
if !service?
errMsg = 'Service not found, a container must exist for service restart to work.'
return res.status(404).send(errMsg)
@applications.executeStepAction(serviceAction('restart', service.serviceId, service, service), { skipLock: true })
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error') '/v2/applications/:appId/restart', (req, res) =>
{ force } = req.body
{ appId } = req.params
@_lockingIfNecessary appId, { force }, =>
.then (currentState) =>
app = currentState.local.apps[appId]
stoppedApp = _.cloneDeep(app) = []
currentState.local.apps[appId] = stoppedApp
@deviceState.applyIntermediateTarget(currentState, { skipLock: true })
.then =>
currentState.local.apps[appId] = app
@deviceState.applyIntermediateTarget(currentState, { skipLock: true })
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
constructor: ({ @logger, @config, @db, @eventTracker }) ->
constructor: ({ @logger, @config, @db, @eventTracker, @deviceState }) ->
@docker = new Docker()
@images = new Images({ @docker, @logger, @db })
@services = new ServiceManager({ @docker, @logger, @images, @config })
@ -179,21 +240,21 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
@fetchesInProgress = 0
@_targetVolatilePerServiceId = {}
@actionExecutors = {
stop: (step, { force = false } = {}) =>
@_lockingIfNecessary step.current.appId, { force, skipLock: step.options?.skipLock }, =>
stop: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
@_lockingIfNecessary step.current.appId, { force, skipLock: skipLock or step.options?.skipLock }, =>
@services.kill(step.current, { removeContainer: false })
kill: (step, { force = false } = {}) =>
@_lockingIfNecessary step.current.appId, { force, skipLock: step.options?.skipLock }, =>
kill: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
@_lockingIfNecessary step.current.appId, { force, skipLock: skipLock or step.options?.skipLock }, =>
.then =>
if step.options?.removeImage
updateMetadata: (step) =>
purge: (step, { force = false } = {}) =>
purge: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
appId = step.appId
@logger.logSystemMessage("Purging data for app #{appId}", { appId }, 'Purge data')
@_lockingIfNecessary appId, { force, skipLock: step.options?.skipLock }, =>
@_lockingIfNecessary appId, { force, skipLock: skipLock or step.options?.skipLock }, =>
.then (app) =>
if !_.isEmpty(app?.services)
@ -210,18 +271,18 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
.catch (err) =>
@logger.logSystemMessage("Error purging data: #{err}", { appId, error: err }, 'Purge data error')
throw err
restart: (step, { force = false } = {}) =>
@_lockingIfNecessary step.current.appId, { force, skipLock: step.options?.skipLock }, =>
restart: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
@_lockingIfNecessary step.current.appId, { force, skipLock: skipLock or step.options?.skipLock }, =>
Promise.try =>
.then =>
stopAll: (step, { force = false } = {}) =>
@stopAll({ force })
stopAll: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
@stopAll({ force, skipLock })
start: (step) =>
handover: (step, { force = false } = {}) =>
@_lockingIfNecessary step.current.appId, { force, skipLock: step.options?.skipLock }, =>
handover: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
@_lockingIfNecessary step.current.appId, { force, skipLock: skipLock or step.options?.skipLock }, =>
fetch: (step) =>
startTime = process.hrtime()
@ -327,29 +388,26 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
_buildApps: (services, networks, volumes) ->
apps = _.keyBy(, 'appId')), (appId) -> { appId }), 'appId')
apps = {}
# We iterate over the current running services and add them to the current state
# of the app they belong to.
for service in services
appId = service.appId
apps[appId].services ?= []
apps[appId] ?= { appId, services: [], volumes: {}, networks: {} }
for network in networks
appId = network.appId
apps[appId] ?= { appId }
apps[appId].networks ?= {}
apps[appId] ?= { appId, services: [], volumes: {}, networks: {} }
apps[appId].networks[] = network.config
for volume in volumes
appId = volume.appId
apps[appId] ?= { appId }
apps[appId].volumes ?= {}
apps[appId] ?= { appId, services: [], volumes: {}, networks: {} }
apps[appId].volumes[] = volume.config
# We return the apps as an array
return _.values(apps)
return apps
getCurrentForComparison: =>
@ -366,7 +424,7 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
(services, networks, volumes) =>
return @_buildApps(services, networks, volumes)[0]
return @_buildApps(services, networks, volumes)[appId]
getTargetApp: (appId) =>
@ -621,7 +679,8 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
# There is already a step in progress for this service, so we wait
return null
needsDownload = !_.some(availableImages, (image) => @images.isSameImage(image, { name: target.imageName }))
needsDownload = !_.some availableImages, (image) =>
image.dockerImageId == target.image or @images.isSameImage(image, { name: target.imageName })
dependenciesMetForStart = =>
@_dependenciesMetForServiceStart(target, networkPairs, volumePairs, installPairs.concat(updatePairs), stepsInProgress)
dependenciesMetForKill = =>
@ -788,6 +847,8 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
_.merge(service, @_targetVolatilePerServiceId[service.serviceId])
return service
return app
.then (apps) ->
return _.keyBy(apps, 'appId')
getDependentTargets: =>
@ -840,15 +901,15 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
return notUsedForDelta and notUsedByProxyvisor
return { imagesToSave, imagesToRemove }
_inferNextSteps: (cleanupNeeded, availableImages, supervisorNetworkReady, current, target, stepsInProgress) =>
_inferNextSteps: (cleanupNeeded, availableImages, supervisorNetworkReady, current, target, stepsInProgress, ignoreImages) =>
Promise.try =>
currentByAppId = _.keyBy(current.local.apps ? [], 'appId')
targetByAppId = _.keyBy(target.local.apps ? [], 'appId')
currentByAppId = current.local.apps ? {}
targetByAppId = target.local.apps ? {}
nextSteps = []
if !supervisorNetworkReady
nextSteps.push({ action: 'ensureSupervisorNetwork' })
if !_.some(stepsInProgress, (step) -> step.action == 'fetch')
if !ignoreImages and !_.some(stepsInProgress, (step) -> step.action == 'fetch')
if cleanupNeeded
nextSteps.push({ action: 'cleanup' })
{ imagesToRemove, imagesToSave } = @_compareImages(current, target, availableImages)
@ -869,36 +930,38 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
!_.find(stepsInProgress, (s) -> _.isEqual(s, step))?
_.uniqWith(withoutProgressDups, _.isEqual)
stopAll: ({ force = false } = {}) =>
stopAll: ({ force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
.map (service) =>
@_lockingIfNecessary service.appId, { force }, =>
@_lockingIfNecessary service.appId, { force, skipLock }, =>
@services.kill(service, { removeContainer: false })
_lockingIfNecessary: (appId, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}, fn) =>
if skipLock
return Promise.resolve()
return Promise.try( -> fn())
.then (lockOverride) ->
return checkTruthy(lockOverride) or force
.then (force) ->
updateLock.lock(appId, { force }, fn)
executeStepAction: (step, { force = false } = {}) =>
executeStepAction: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
if _.includes(@proxyvisor.validActions, step.action)
return @proxyvisor.executeStepAction(step)
if !_.includes(@validActions, step.action)
return Promise.reject(new Error("Invalid action #{step.action}"))
@actionExecutors[step.action](step, { force })
@actionExecutors[step.action](step, { force, skipLock })
getRequiredSteps: (currentState, targetState, stepsInProgress) =>
getRequiredSteps: (currentState, targetState, stepsInProgress, ignoreImages = false) =>
(cleanupNeeded, availableImages, supervisorNetworkReady) =>
@_inferNextSteps(cleanupNeeded, availableImages, supervisorNetworkReady, currentState, targetState, stepsInProgress)
@_inferNextSteps(cleanupNeeded, availableImages, supervisorNetworkReady, currentState, targetState, stepsInProgress, ignoreImages)
.then (nextSteps) =>
if ignoreImages and _.some(nextSteps, (step) -> step.action == 'fetch')
throw new Error('Cannot fetch images while executing an API action')
@proxyvisor.getRequiredSteps(availableImages, currentState, targetState, nextSteps.concat(stepsInProgress))
.then (proxyvisorSteps) ->
return nextSteps.concat(proxyvisorSteps)

View File

@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ module.exports = class DeviceState extends EventEmitter
constructor: ({ @db, @config, @eventTracker }) ->
@logger = new Logger({ @eventTracker })
@deviceConfig = new DeviceConfig({ @db, @config, @logger })
@applications = new ApplicationManager({ @config, @logger, @db, @eventTracker })
@applications = new ApplicationManager({ @config, @logger, @db, @eventTracker, deviceState: this })
@on 'error', (err) ->
console.error('Error in deviceState: ', err, err.stack)
@_currentVolatile = {}
@ -164,11 +164,9 @@ module.exports = class DeviceState extends EventEmitter
@_readLock = Promise.promisify(_lock.async.readLock)
@lastSuccessfulUpdate = null
@failedUpdates = 0
@stepsInProgress = []
@applyInProgress = false
@lastApplyStart = process.hrtime()
@scheduledApply = null
@applyContinueScheduled = false
@shuttingDown = false
@_router = new DeviceStateRouter(this)
@router = @_router.router
@ -309,8 +307,10 @@ module.exports = class DeviceState extends EventEmitter
.then =>
@applications.setTarget(target.local.apps, target.dependent, trx)
getTarget: ({ initial = false } = {}) =>
getTarget: ({ initial = false, intermediate = false } = {}) =>
@usingReadLockTarget =>
if intermediate
return @intermediateTarget
local: Promise.props({
name: @config.get('name')
@ -394,16 +394,16 @@ module.exports = class DeviceState extends EventEmitter
.catch (err) =>
@eventTracker.track('Loading preloaded apps failed', { error: err })
reboot: (force) =>
@applications.stopAll({ force })
reboot: (force, skipLock) =>
@applications.stopAll({ force, skipLock })
.then =>
@logger.logSystemMessage('Rebooting', {}, 'Reboot')
.tap =>
shutdown: (force) =>
@applications.stopAll({ force })
shutdown: (force, skipLock) =>
@applications.stopAll({ force, skipLock })
.then =>
@logger.logSystemMessage('Shutting down', {}, 'Shutdown')
@ -411,70 +411,80 @@ module.exports = class DeviceState extends EventEmitter
@shuttingDown = true
executeStepAction: (step, { force, initial }) =>
executeStepAction: (step, { force, initial, skipLock }) =>
Promise.try =>
if _.includes(@deviceConfig.validActions, step.action)
@deviceConfig.executeStepAction(step, { initial })
else if _.includes(@applications.validActions, step.action)
@applications.executeStepAction(step, { force })
@applications.executeStepAction(step, { force, skipLock })
switch step.action
when 'reboot'
@reboot(force, skipLock)
when 'shutdown'
@shutdown(force, skipLock)
when 'noop'
throw new Error("Invalid action #{step.action}")
applyStepAsync: (step, { force, initial }) =>
applyStep: (step, { force, initial, intermediate, skipLock }, updateContext) =>
if @shuttingDown
setImmediate =>
@executeStepAction(step, { force, initial })
.finally =>
@usingInferStepsLock =>
_.pullAllWith(@stepsInProgress, [ step ], _.isEqual)
.then (stepResult) =>
@emitAsync('step-completed', null, step, stepResult)
@continueApplyTarget({ force, initial })
.catch (err) =>
@emitAsync('step-error', err, step)
@applyError(err, force, initial)
@executeStepAction(step, { force, initial, skipLock })
.finally =>
@usingInferStepsLock ->
_.pullAllWith(updateContext.stepsInProgress, [ step ], _.isEqual)
.catch (err) =>
@emitAsync('step-error', err, step)
throw err
.then (stepResult) =>
@emitAsync('step-completed', null, step, stepResult)
@continueApplyTarget({ force, initial, intermediate }, updateContext)
applyError: (err, force, initial) =>
@_applyingSteps = false
@applyInProgress = false
@failedUpdates += 1
@reportCurrentState(update_failed: true)
if @scheduledApply?
console.log('Updating failed, but there is already another update scheduled immediately: ', err)
delay = Math.min((2 ** @failedUpdates) * 500, 30000)
# If there was an error then schedule another attempt briefly in the future.
console.log('Scheduling another update attempt due to failure: ', delay, err)
@triggerApplyTarget({ force, delay, initial })
applyError: (err, force, { initial, intermediate }) =>
if !intermediate
@applyInProgress = false
@failedUpdates += 1
@reportCurrentState(update_failed: true)
if @scheduledApply?
console.log('Updating failed, but there is already another update scheduled immediately: ', err)
delay = Math.min((2 ** @failedUpdates) * 500, 30000)
# If there was an error then schedule another attempt briefly in the future.
console.log('Scheduling another update attempt due to failure: ', delay, err)
@triggerApplyTarget({ force, delay, initial })
@emitAsync('apply-target-state-error', err)
@emitAsync('apply-target-state-end', err)
throw err
applyTarget: ({ force = false, initial = false } = {}) =>
console.log('Applying target state')
@usingInferStepsLock =>
@getTarget({ initial })
(currentState, targetState) =>
@deviceConfig.getRequiredSteps(currentState, targetState, @stepsInProgress)
.then (deviceConfigSteps) =>
if !_.isEmpty(deviceConfigSteps)
return deviceConfigSteps
@applications.getRequiredSteps(currentState, targetState, @stepsInProgress)
.then (steps) =>
if _.isEmpty(steps) and _.isEmpty(@stepsInProgress)
applyTarget: ({ force = false, initial = false, intermediate = false, skipLock = false } = {}, updateContext) =>
if !updateContext?
updateContext = {
stepsInProgress: []
applyContinueScheduled: false
Promise.try =>
if !intermediate
.then =>
console.log('Applying target state')
@usingInferStepsLock =>
@getTarget({ initial, intermediate })
(currentState, targetState) =>
@deviceConfig.getRequiredSteps(currentState, targetState, updateContext.stepsInProgress)
.then (deviceConfigSteps) =>
if !_.isEmpty(deviceConfigSteps)
return deviceConfigSteps
@applications.getRequiredSteps(currentState, targetState, updateContext.stepsInProgress, intermediate)
.then (steps) =>
if _.isEmpty(steps) and _.isEmpty(updateContext.stepsInProgress)
if !intermediate
console.log('Finished applying target state')
@applyInProgress = false
@applications.timeSpentFetching = 0
@ -482,31 +492,38 @@ module.exports = class DeviceState extends EventEmitter
@lastSuccessfulUpdate =
@reportCurrentState(update_failed: false, update_pending: false, update_downloaded: false)
@emitAsync('apply-target-state-end', null)
if !intermediate
@reportCurrentState(update_pending: true) steps, (step) =>
@applyStepAsync(step, { force, initial }) steps, (step) =>
@applyStep(step, { force, initial, intermediate, skipLock }, updateContext)
.catch (err) =>
@applyError(err, force, initial)
@applyError(err, force, { initial, intermediate })
continueApplyTarget: ({ force = false, initial = false } = {}) =>
if @applyContinueScheduled
@applyContinueScheduled = true
setTimeout( =>
@applyContinueScheduled = false
@applyTarget({ force, initial })
, 1000)
continueApplyTarget: ({ force = false, initial = false, intermediate = false } = {}, updateContext) =>
Promise.try =>
if !intermediate
.then =>
if updateContext.applyContinueScheduled
updateContext.applyContinueScheduled = true
.then =>
updateContext.applyContinueScheduled = false
@applyTarget({ force, initial, intermediate }, updateContext)
pauseNextApply: =>
@applyBlocker = new Promise (resolve) =>
@applyUnblocker = resolve
resumeNextApply: =>
# TODO: Make this and applyTarget work purely with promises, no need to wait on events
triggerApplyTarget: ({ force = false, delay = 0, initial = false } = {}) =>
if @applyInProgress
if !@scheduledApply?
@scheduledApply = { force, delay }
@once 'apply-target-state-end', =>
@scheduledApply = null
# If a delay has been set it's because we need to hold off before applying again,
# so we need to respect the maximum delay that has been passed
@ -514,8 +531,18 @@ module.exports = class DeviceState extends EventEmitter
@scheduledApply.force or= force
@applyInProgress = true
setTimeout( =>
.then =>
@lastApplyStart = process.hrtime()
@applyTarget({ force, initial })
, delay)
.finally =>
if @scheduledApply?
@scheduledApply = null
applyIntermediateTarget: (intermediateTarget, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
@intermediateTarget = _.cloneDeep(intermediateTarget)
@applyTarget({ intermediate: true, force, skipLock })
.then =>
@intermediateTarget = null